生物多样性 ›› 1999, Vol. 07 ›› Issue (4): 320-326.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.1999050

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  1. (北京大学生态学中心,北京 100871)
  • 出版日期:1999-11-20 发布日期:1999-11-20

Biodiversity in the Wuyi Mountains and its importance in China

CHEN Chang-Du   

  1. Center for Ecology,Peking University,Beijing 100871
  • Online:1999-11-20 Published:1999-11-20

摘要: 武夷山位于福建省西北部。其主峰黄岗山海拔2158 m,是中国大陆东南部最高峰。山岭纵横,气候温润,生物种类繁多。已知有高等植物2615种,动物5249种,而且有不少特有和古老、孑遗、珍稀种类。分布到这里的种类有些还出现变异,是国内外闻名的动物新种模式标本产地。是中国东南部重要的物种形成和分化中心,生物的“避难所”。生态系统也很多样。存在不少树龄在200年以上,甚至上千年的古树名木,因而在《中国生物多样性国情研究报告》中被列为中国陆地11个生物多样性保护的“关键区”之一。此外,该地现尚存清康熙和乾隆年间的禁止捕鱼和砍伐林木的刻碑,说明它是中国境内有保护生物多样性优良传统的地区之一。

关键词: AM真菌, 资源, 植被类型, 绿洲农田, 荒漠

AbstractThe Wuyi Mountains are located in northwestern Fujian Province,and contain the Huanggangshan,the highest peak in southeastern China,at an elevation of 2158m.In this mountainous district,with warm and moist climate,the species diversity is high.The known species of higher plants reaches 2615,and animals 5249.The endemic,ancient,relic,and rare species are plentiful.Some of them distributed here emerge variations.It is famous for large number of animal type specimens.So it is an important center for speciation,as well as "refuge" in southeastern part of China.Ecosystems are also diverse.Some old and famous trees,aged more than 200,even 1000 years can be found.Therefore in China's Biodiversity:A Country study,the Wuyi Mountains are listed as one of the eleven terrestrial critical regions for biodiversity conservation in China.Besides,on the bank of Giuqu Stream,there exists two steles recording the proclamations of Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong,which laid prohibitions againsting felling trees and fishing in the stream.It indicates that this is one of the regions with old tradition to protect biodiversity.

Key words: AM fungus, resource, vegetation type, oasis, desert