生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 24044.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024044  cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024044

• 研究报告: 生态系统多样性 • 上一篇    下一篇


连佳丽, 陈婧, 杨雪琴, 赵莹, 罗叙, 韩翠, 赵雅欣, 李建平*()   

  1. 宁夏大学林业与草业学院, 银川 750021
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-31 接受日期:2024-05-15 出版日期:2024-06-20 发布日期:2024-05-30
  • 通讯作者: * E-mail: lijianpingsas@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Responses of desert steppe plant diversity and microbial diversity to precipitation change

Jiali Lian, Jing Chen, Xueqin Yang, Ying Zhao, Xu Luo, Cui Han, Yaxin Zhao, Jianping Li*()   

  1. College of Forestry and Prataculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021
  • Received:2024-01-31 Accepted:2024-05-15 Online:2024-06-20 Published:2024-05-30
  • Contact: * E-mail: lijianpingsas@163.com


降水和生物多样性是维持干旱区荒漠草原生态系统平衡和稳定的关键因素, 研究降水变化背景下荒漠草原植物多样性、微生物多样性以及二者相互关系具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文以宁夏盐池荒漠草原为研究对象, 采用遮雨棚和滴灌技术模拟了5个降水梯度, 分别为正常降雨量的33%、66%、100% (CK)、133%和166% (记为R33, R66, RCK, R133, R166), 全面分析了降水变化对荒漠草原植物多样性和微生物多样性的影响。结果表明: (1)降水减少(R66)会显著降低植物群落的多样性和均匀度, 降水增加(R133)会使植物群落丰富度显著增加(P < 0.05); (2)细菌群落的Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数、Ace指数以及真菌群落的Ace指数随降雨量的增加显著增加, 降水变化对真菌群落的Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数影响显著(P < 0.05); (3)增水处理对土壤微生物群落β多样性有显著影响; (4)细菌与土壤碳氮比、碳磷比之间存在显著正相关关系(P < 0.05), 真菌与土壤碳氮比、碳磷比及氮磷比之间均存在极显著正相关关系(P < 0.01); (5)植物群落多样性与细菌Shannon-Wiener指数显著正相关, 与细菌Simpson指数、Ace指数及真菌Ace指数显著负相关(P < 0.05)。因此, 降水变化对荒漠草原植物多样性和微生物多样性产生了显著影响, 且二者之间存在紧密关联, 这不仅为模拟和预测荒漠草原生态系统对气候变化的响应和反馈提供借鉴, 也为该地区的生态保护和恢复提供了科学依据。

关键词: 荒漠草原, 降水变化, 植物多样性, 微生物多样性


Aim: Precipitation and biodiversity are the key factors to maintain the balance and stability of desert steppe ecosystem in arid areas. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the plant diversity, microbial diversity and their relationship in desert steppe under the background of precipitation change.
Methods: In this paper, the desert steppe in Yanchi, Ningxia was taken as the research object. Five precipitation gradients were simulated by canopy and drip irrigation techniques, which were 33%, 66%, 100% (CK), 133% and 166% of normal rainfall (recorded as R33, R66, RCK, R133, R166). The effects of precipitation changes on plant diversity and microbial diversity in desert steppe were comprehensively analyzed.
Results: The results showed that: (1) Reduced precipitation (R66) significantly reduced the diversity and evenness of plant communities, and increased precipitation (R133) significantly increased the richness of plant communities (P < 0.05). (2) The Shannon-Wiener index, Simpson index, Ace index of bacterial community and Ace index of fungal community increased significantly with the increase of precipitation, and the change of precipitation had a significant effect on the Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson index of fungal community (P < 0.05). (3) The water addition treatment had a significant effect on the beta diversity of soil microbial community. (4) There was a significant positive correlation between bacteria and soil carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and carbon-to-phosphorus ratio (P < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between fungi and soil carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, carbon-to-phosphorus ratio and nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio (P < 0.01). (5) Plant community diversity was significantly positively correlated with bacterial Shannon-Wiener index and significantly negatively correlated with bacterial Simpson index, Ace index and fungal Ace indexs (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: Precipitation changes significantly affect plant diversity and microbial diversity in desert steppe, and there is a close relationship between plant and microbial diversity, which not only provides a reference for simulating and predicting the response and feedback of desert steppe ecosystem to climate change, but also provides a scientific basis for ecological protection and restoration in the region.

Key words: desert grasslands, precipitation change, plant diversity, microbial diversity
