生物多样性 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 21-31. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020192
董雷1(), 王静1,4, 刘永刚2, 赵志平3, 米湘成1, 郭柯1,4,*(
Lei Dong1(), Jing Wang1,4, Yonggang Liu2, Zhiping Zhao3, Xiangcheng Mi1, Ke Guo1,4,*(
Ke Guo
灌丛是太行山地区最重要的生态系统类型之一, 灌丛群落生物多样性的维持及其生态系统服务功能对京津冀地区的生态安全具有重要作用。本研究选择太行山最具代表性的两种灌木群落——荆条(Vitex negundo var. heterophylla)灌丛和三裂绣线菊(Spiraea trilobata)灌丛为研究对象, 利用净亲缘关系指数(net relatedness index, NRI)和多元回归等方法探究了两种灌丛群落构建机制的异同及主要的环境影响因子, 同时还利用谱系结构主坐标分析(principal coordinates of phylogenetic structure, PCPS)对决定群落谱系结构的关键系统发育节点进行了探究。结果表明: 两种灌丛群落内灌木植物的物种多样性没有显著差异, 但谱系结构差异显著。三裂绣线菊群落表现出显著的谱系发散趋势, 而荆条群落谱系聚集程度高于三裂绣线菊群落, 但未表现出显著的谱系结构。三裂绣线菊灌丛群落构建的驱动机制是生态位分化, 荆条灌丛中生境过滤作用有所增加, 与生态位分化共同驱动其群落构建过程。与干旱胁迫相关的生境过滤因素增加是荆条灌丛群落谱系聚集程度增加的重要原因。PCPS二维排序结果表明: 荆条灌丛群落谱系趋向聚集与其群落内缺乏蔷薇目、壳斗目等亲缘关系较远的类群有关, 而三裂绣线菊灌丛群落内物种则包含较多的演化分支。总体而言, 环境过滤不是决定太行山地区灌丛群落构建的主要驱动因素, 但水分条件仍然是影响区域群落谱系结构的重要因素。
董雷, 王静, 刘永刚, 赵志平, 米湘成, 郭柯 (2021) 太行山北段地区荆条灌丛和三裂绣线菊灌丛群落谱系结构. 生物多样性, 29, 21-31. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020192.
Lei Dong, Jing Wang, Yonggang Liu, Zhiping Zhao, Xiangcheng Mi, Ke Guo (2021) Phylogenetic structure of Vitex negundo var. heterophylla shrub communities and Spiraea trilobata shrub communities in the North Taihang Mountains. Biodiversity Science, 29, 21-31. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020192.
图1 太行山北段地区荆条灌丛(圆圈)和三裂绣线菊灌丛(三角)样地分布示意图
Fig. 1 Location of Vitex negundo var. heterophylla shrub (circle) and Spiraea trilobata shrub (triangle) sample sites in the North Taihang Mountains
图2 11项环境因子在主成分分析(PCA)前两轴上的分布
Fig. 2 Distribution of 11 environmental factors on the first two axes of the principal components analysis (PCA). AI, Aridity index; Pmax, Precipitation of wettest month; AP, Annual precipitation; Pmin, Precipitation of driest month; Tmax, Max. temperature of warmest month; Tmin, Min. temperature of coldest month; MAT, Mean annual temperature; PET, Potential evapotranspiration.
图3 本研究涉及的所有物种谱系树。Vitex和Spiraea分别表示一个典型的荆条灌丛(NRI = 0.05)和三裂绣线菊灌丛(NRI = -0.87)的群落组成。IV: 群落中对应物种的重要值(%)。节点A: 桔梗分支; 节点B: 唇形分支; 节点C: 超菊类分支下的其他分支; 节点D: 豆科; 节点E: 超蔷薇分支下的其他分支。
Fig. 3 Phylogenetic tree of all species involved in this study. Vitex and Spiraea represent the communities’ composition of a typical Vitex negundo var. heterophylla shrub (NRI = 0.05) and Spiraea trilobata shrub (NRI = -0.87), respectively. IV, Importance value (%) of the corresponding species in the communities. Clade-A, Campanulids; Clade-B, Lamiids; Clade-C, Other clades in Superasterids; Clade-D, Fabaceae; Clade-E, Other clades in Superrosids.
图4 荆条灌丛和三裂绣线菊灌丛群落内物种丰富度(A)、Shannon-Wiener指数(B)、Pielou均匀度指数(C)、净亲缘关系指数(D)以及谱系结构主坐标分析(PCPS)第一轴(E)和第二轴(F)分布。不同字母表示群落间差异显著(P < 0.05)。* 均值小于0 (P < 0.05)。
Fig. 4 Species richness (SR) (A), Shannon-Wiener index (H') (B), Pielou’s evenness index (E) (C), net relatedness index (NRI) (D), and first (E) and second (F) principal coordinates of phylogenetic structure (PCPS) axis of Vitex negundo var. heterophylla and Spiraea trilobata shrub communities. Different letters indicate significant difference between communities. * indicates mean is significantly less than 0.
变量 Variable | 自由度 df | 标准化回归系数 Standardized regression coefficient | 均方差 Mean Sq | 方差贡献率 Contribution rate of variance (%) |
最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month (Pmax) | 1 | -0.68 | 11.02 | 29.01** |
坡向 Aspect | 1 | -0.50 | 7.62 | 20.05** |
海拔 Altitude | 1 | -0.13 | 2.25 | 5.93* |
残差 Residuals | 32 | - | 0.47 | 39.89 |
表1 太行山北段地区荆条灌丛和三裂绣线菊灌丛净亲缘关系指数(NRI)与环境因子的多元回归(仅展示影响显著的因子)
Table 1 Multiple regression between Vitex negundo var. heterophylla shrubs’ and Spiraea trilobata shrubs’ net relatedness index (NRI) and environmental factors in the North Taihang Mountains (Only significant factors were listed)
变量 Variable | 自由度 df | 标准化回归系数 Standardized regression coefficient | 均方差 Mean Sq | 方差贡献率 Contribution rate of variance (%) |
最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month (Pmax) | 1 | -0.68 | 11.02 | 29.01** |
坡向 Aspect | 1 | -0.50 | 7.62 | 20.05** |
海拔 Altitude | 1 | -0.13 | 2.25 | 5.93* |
残差 Residuals | 32 | - | 0.47 | 39.89 |
变量 Variable | 自由度 df | 标准化回归系数 Standardized regression coefficient | 均方差 Mean Sq | 方差贡献率 Contribution rate of variance (%) |
最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month (Pmax) | 1 | -1.35 | 4.69 | 31.25* |
最干月降水量 Precipitation of driest month (Pmin) | 1 | 0.20 | 0.19 | 1.25 |
坡向 Aspect | 1 | -0.46 | 2.77 | 18.45 |
海拔 Altitude | 1 | 0.39 | 1.12 | 7.47 |
坡度 Slope | 1 | -0.61 | 0.61 | 4.04 |
最冷月最低温 Min. temperature of coldest month | 1 | 0.11 | 0.01 | 0.04 |
残差 Residuals | 9 | - | 0.63 | 37.50 |
表2 太行山北段地区荆条灌丛净亲缘关系指数(NRI)与环境因子的多元回归
Table 2 Multiple regression between Vitex negundo var. heterophylla shrubs’ net relatedness index (NRI) and environmental factors in the North Taihang Mountains
变量 Variable | 自由度 df | 标准化回归系数 Standardized regression coefficient | 均方差 Mean Sq | 方差贡献率 Contribution rate of variance (%) |
最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month (Pmax) | 1 | -1.35 | 4.69 | 31.25* |
最干月降水量 Precipitation of driest month (Pmin) | 1 | 0.20 | 0.19 | 1.25 |
坡向 Aspect | 1 | -0.46 | 2.77 | 18.45 |
海拔 Altitude | 1 | 0.39 | 1.12 | 7.47 |
坡度 Slope | 1 | -0.61 | 0.61 | 4.04 |
最冷月最低温 Min. temperature of coldest month | 1 | 0.11 | 0.01 | 0.04 |
残差 Residuals | 9 | - | 0.63 | 37.50 |
变量 Variable | 自由度 df | 标准化回归系数 Standardized regression coefficient | 均方差 Mean Sq | 方差贡献率 Contribution rate of variance (%) |
最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month (Pmax) | 1 | -0.73 | 2.09 | 9.50 |
最干月降水量 Precipitation of driest month (Pmin) | 1 | 0.45 | 0.27 | 1.24 |
坡向 Aspect | 1 | -0.52 | 3.36 | 15.28 |
海拔 Altitude | 1 | -0.78 | 0.76 | 3.43 |
坡度 Slope | 1 | -0.41 | 1.59 | 7.20 |
最冷月最低温 Min. temperature of coldest month | 1 | -0.69 | 0.93 | 4.25 |
残差 Residuals | 16 | - | 0.81 | 59.10 |
表3 太行山北段地区三裂绣线菊灌丛净亲缘关系指数(NRI)与环境因子的多元回归
Table 3 Multiple regression between Spiraea trilobata shrubs’ net relatedness index (NRI) and environmental factors in the North Taihang Mountains
变量 Variable | 自由度 df | 标准化回归系数 Standardized regression coefficient | 均方差 Mean Sq | 方差贡献率 Contribution rate of variance (%) |
最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month (Pmax) | 1 | -0.73 | 2.09 | 9.50 |
最干月降水量 Precipitation of driest month (Pmin) | 1 | 0.45 | 0.27 | 1.24 |
坡向 Aspect | 1 | -0.52 | 3.36 | 15.28 |
海拔 Altitude | 1 | -0.78 | 0.76 | 3.43 |
坡度 Slope | 1 | -0.41 | 1.59 | 7.20 |
最冷月最低温 Min. temperature of coldest month | 1 | -0.69 | 0.93 | 4.25 |
残差 Residuals | 16 | - | 0.81 | 59.10 |
图5 荆条灌丛(圆圈)和三裂绣线菊灌丛(三角)在PCPS前两个主坐标轴上的分布。分支A-E包含物种见图3。
Fig. 5 Scatter diagram between the first two axes of the principal coordinates of phylogenetic structure (PCPS) for Vitex negundo var. heterophylla (circle) and Spiraea trilobata (triangle) shrub communities. Species included in Clade A-E were shown in Fig. 3.
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