生物多样性 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 41-47. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.07109
*E-mail: xinfw@scbg.ac.cn基金资助:
Yuehong Yan1, Zuxia He1, Hu Yuan3, Fuwu Xing2,*()
Fuwu Xing
为揭示坡向差异对蕨类植物多样性的生态影响, 作者在广东新会古兜山自然保护区海拔1,000 m以下的中低山植被东、南、西、北4个坡向, 分别选取10个5 m × 5 m的样方进行调查, 分析蕨类植物群落多样性和种类组成的差异。结果表明: (1)东坡(半阴坡)与北坡(阴坡)物种多样性最丰富, 而西坡(半阳坡)和南坡(阳坡)相对贫乏; (2)4个坡向的相似性系数均很低(不超过0.5), 其中南坡(阳坡)与北坡(阴坡)间种类组成差异最大; (3)反映热量差异的区系地理性质分析显示, 热带性质蕨类植物在阳坡占优势, 而非热带性蕨类在阴坡占优势, 南坡、西坡、东坡、北坡的热带成分比例依次下降; (4)反映光照条件的植物耐荫程度分析显示, 阴性种类占优势, 阳性和耐荫性种类较少, 其阴性蕨类植物的比例依南坡、西坡、东坡、北坡顺序增加; 阳性蕨类植物比例最高的坡面是西坡, 而最低的是东坡, 南坡的比例稍高于北坡。研究结果显示坡向差异对蕨类植物物种及其生态习性的多样性分布格局具有比较明显的影响, 蕨类植物多样性可以作为环境和气候变化的一个较好的指示物种。
严岳鸿, 何祖霞, 苑虎, 邢福武 (2011) 坡向差异对广东古兜山自然保护区蕨类植物多样性的生态影响. 生物多样性, 19, 41-47. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.07109.
Yuehong Yan, Zuxia He, Hu Yuan, Fuwu Xing (2011) The ecological response of fern diversity to different slopes in Gudoushan Nature Reserve, Guangdong. Biodiversity Science, 19, 41-47. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.07109.
坡向 Slope orientation | 丰富度 Richness | 多度 Abundance | 多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener index (H') | 优势度指数 Simpson index (D) | 均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index (Jsw) | 均匀度指数 Evenness index (Jgi) |
东坡 E-slope | 32 | 1,920 | 2.6776 | 0.9076 | 0.7726 | 0.9369 |
南坡 S-slope | 20 | 941 | 2.4155 | 0.8843 | 0.8063 | 0.9309 |
西坡 W-slope | 21 | 859 | 2.2818 | 0.8277 | 0.7495 | 0.8691 |
北坡 N-slope | 29 | 1,671 | 2.5459 | 0.8949 | 0.7414 | 0.9248 |
表1 不同坡向蕨类植物α-多样性指数
Table 1 α-diversity indices of ferns in different slopes
坡向 Slope orientation | 丰富度 Richness | 多度 Abundance | 多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener index (H') | 优势度指数 Simpson index (D) | 均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index (Jsw) | 均匀度指数 Evenness index (Jgi) |
东坡 E-slope | 32 | 1,920 | 2.6776 | 0.9076 | 0.7726 | 0.9369 |
南坡 S-slope | 20 | 941 | 2.4155 | 0.8843 | 0.8063 | 0.9309 |
西坡 W-slope | 21 | 859 | 2.2818 | 0.8277 | 0.7495 | 0.8691 |
北坡 N-slope | 29 | 1,671 | 2.5459 | 0.8949 | 0.7414 | 0.9248 |
东坡 E-slope | 南坡 S-slope | 西坡 W-slope | 北坡 N-slope | |
东坡 E-slope | 16 | 15 | 16 | |
南坡 S-slope | 0.4444 | 13 | 11 | |
西坡 W-slope | 0.3947 | 0.4643 | 14 | |
北坡 N-slope | 0.3556 | 0.2895 | 0.3889 |
表2 不同坡向蕨类植物的共有种数和Jaccard相似性
Table2 The share species and Jaccard similarity index of ferns in different slopes
东坡 E-slope | 南坡 S-slope | 西坡 W-slope | 北坡 N-slope | |
东坡 E-slope | 16 | 15 | 16 | |
南坡 S-slope | 0.4444 | 13 | 11 | |
西坡 W-slope | 0.3947 | 0.4643 | 14 | |
北坡 N-slope | 0.3556 | 0.2895 | 0.3889 |
种名 Species | 多度 Abundance | 区系成分 Floristical elements | 生境 Habitat | 耐荫性 Shade tolerance | |||
东坡 E-slope | 南坡 S-slope | 西坡 W-slope | 北坡 N-slope | ||||
扇叶铁线蕨 Adiantum flabellatum | 26 | 14 | 25 | 82 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
福建观音座莲 Angiopteris fokiensis | 1 | - | - | - | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
背囊复叶耳蕨 Arachniodes cavalerii | 15 | 3 | 10 | - | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
中华复叶耳蕨 A. chinensis | - | - | - | 6 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
长叶铁角蕨 Asplenium prolongatum | - | - | - | 20 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
乌毛蕨 Blechnum orientale | 15 | 9 | 28 | 7 | T | 灌草丛中 In shrubs | + |
华南实蕨 Bolbitis subcordata | 47 | - | - | 20 | N | 溪谷林下 Near stream under forest | - |
燕尾蕨 Cheiropleuria bicuspis | 8 | - | - | - | T | 林下石缝中 In rocks under forest | - |
崇澍蕨 Cheniopteris harlandii | 230 | 115 | 312 | 290 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
金毛狗 Cibotium barometz | 11 | - | 10 | 15 | T | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
华南毛蕨 Cyclosorus parasiticus | - | 6 | - | - | T | 林下或路边荒地 Under forest or by the roadside | 0 |
镰羽贯众 Cytomium balansae | - | - | - | 2 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
大芒萁 Dicranopteris ampla | 21 | - | 30 | 191 | T | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
铁芒萁 D. linearis | 10 | - | 8 | 105 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
芒萁 D. pedata | 61 | 112 | 38 | 10 | N | 路边灌草丛中 In shrubs by the roadside | + |
厚叶双盖蕨 Diplazium crassiusculum | - | - | - | 10 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
双盖蕨 D. donianum | 80 | - | - | - | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
粤里白 Diplopterygium cantonense | 2 | 90 | 4 | - | T | 灌草丛中 In shrubs | + |
里白 D. glaucum | 5 | - | - | - | N | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
柄叶鳞毛蕨 Dryopteris podophylla | 123 | 6 | 13 | 16 | T | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
黑桫椤 Alsophila podophylla | 43 | 19 | 13 | - | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
华南膜蕨Hymenophyllum austrosinicum | - | - | 80 | - | T | 溪谷林下 Near stream Under forest | - |
骨牌蕨 Lepidogrammitis rostrata | - | - | - | 20 | N | 林中石上或树上 On rocks or trunks in forest | - |
双唇蕨 Lindsaea ensifolia | 30 | 20 | - | 6 | T | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
异叶双唇蕨 L. heterophylla | 10 | - | - | 12 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
爪哇鳞始蕨 L. javanensis | - | 20 | 40 | - | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
团叶鳞始蕨 L. orbiculata | 61 | 15 | - | 10 | T | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
藤石松 Lycopodiastrum casuarinoides | - | 10 | - | - | T | 灌草丛中 In shrubs | + |
小石松 Lycopodiella caroliniana | - | - | - | 200 | T | 路边灌草丛湿地 In wetland by the roadside | + |
小叶海金沙 Lygodium microphyllum | - | - | - | 3 | T | 林中攀缘或灌草丛中 Climb in forest or shrubs | + |
蕗蕨 Mecodium badium | - | - | - | 100 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
表面星蕨Microsorum superficiale | - | - | - | 20 | N | 林中树干或石上攀缘 Climb on trunks or rocks in forest | - |
毛轴线盖蕨 Monomelangium pulligeri | 3 | - | - | - | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
狭叶紫萁 Osmunda angustifolia | 12 | - | - | 15 | T | 开阔溪谷石缝中 In rocks in open stream | + |
华南紫萁 O. vachellii | 8 | - | 2 | 4 | T | 林下或溪谷石缝 Under forest or in rocks near stream | 0 |
垂穗石松 Palhinhaea cernua | - | 5 | 9 | 3 | T | 路边或灌草丛中 By the roadside or in shrubs | + |
钝角金星蕨 Parathelypteris anguriloba | 55 | 61 | 11 | 68 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
瘤足蕨 Plagiogyria adnata | - | - | 4 | 1 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
灰绿耳蕨 Polystichum anomalum | 1 | - | - | - | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
单叶新月蕨 Pronephrium simplex | 260 | - | - | - | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
全缘凤尾蕨 Pteris insignis | - | - | - | 5 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
半边旗 P. semipinnata | - | 2 | - | - | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
石韦 Pyrrosia lingua | - | - | 50 | - | N | 裸露石壁上 On open rocks | + |
深绿卷柏 Selaginella doederleinii | 356 | 34 | 99 | 165 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
耳基卷柏 S. limbata | 200 | 200 | - | - | N | 林窗或灌草丛中 In forest gap or shrubs | 0 |
粗叶卷柏 S. doederleinii subsp. trachyphylla | 160 | 70 | 70 | 265 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
广西长筒蕨 Selenodesmium siamense | 172 | 130 | - | - | T | 溪边阴湿土壁 On shady stream bank | - |
乌蕨 Sphenomeris chinensis | 2 | - | 3 | - | N | 灌草丛中 In shrubs | + |
假芒萁 Sticherus laevigatus | 2 | - | - | - | T | 灌草丛中 In shrubs | + |
合计 Total | 2,032 | 941 | 859 | 1,671 | - | - | - |
附录I 不同坡向蕨类植物物种多样性组成和数量特征
Appendix I Fern composition and quantitive characteristic on different slopes
种名 Species | 多度 Abundance | 区系成分 Floristical elements | 生境 Habitat | 耐荫性 Shade tolerance | |||
东坡 E-slope | 南坡 S-slope | 西坡 W-slope | 北坡 N-slope | ||||
扇叶铁线蕨 Adiantum flabellatum | 26 | 14 | 25 | 82 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
福建观音座莲 Angiopteris fokiensis | 1 | - | - | - | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
背囊复叶耳蕨 Arachniodes cavalerii | 15 | 3 | 10 | - | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
中华复叶耳蕨 A. chinensis | - | - | - | 6 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
长叶铁角蕨 Asplenium prolongatum | - | - | - | 20 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
乌毛蕨 Blechnum orientale | 15 | 9 | 28 | 7 | T | 灌草丛中 In shrubs | + |
华南实蕨 Bolbitis subcordata | 47 | - | - | 20 | N | 溪谷林下 Near stream under forest | - |
燕尾蕨 Cheiropleuria bicuspis | 8 | - | - | - | T | 林下石缝中 In rocks under forest | - |
崇澍蕨 Cheniopteris harlandii | 230 | 115 | 312 | 290 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
金毛狗 Cibotium barometz | 11 | - | 10 | 15 | T | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
华南毛蕨 Cyclosorus parasiticus | - | 6 | - | - | T | 林下或路边荒地 Under forest or by the roadside | 0 |
镰羽贯众 Cytomium balansae | - | - | - | 2 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
大芒萁 Dicranopteris ampla | 21 | - | 30 | 191 | T | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
铁芒萁 D. linearis | 10 | - | 8 | 105 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
芒萁 D. pedata | 61 | 112 | 38 | 10 | N | 路边灌草丛中 In shrubs by the roadside | + |
厚叶双盖蕨 Diplazium crassiusculum | - | - | - | 10 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
双盖蕨 D. donianum | 80 | - | - | - | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
粤里白 Diplopterygium cantonense | 2 | 90 | 4 | - | T | 灌草丛中 In shrubs | + |
里白 D. glaucum | 5 | - | - | - | N | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
柄叶鳞毛蕨 Dryopteris podophylla | 123 | 6 | 13 | 16 | T | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
黑桫椤 Alsophila podophylla | 43 | 19 | 13 | - | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
华南膜蕨Hymenophyllum austrosinicum | - | - | 80 | - | T | 溪谷林下 Near stream Under forest | - |
骨牌蕨 Lepidogrammitis rostrata | - | - | - | 20 | N | 林中石上或树上 On rocks or trunks in forest | - |
双唇蕨 Lindsaea ensifolia | 30 | 20 | - | 6 | T | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
异叶双唇蕨 L. heterophylla | 10 | - | - | 12 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
爪哇鳞始蕨 L. javanensis | - | 20 | 40 | - | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
团叶鳞始蕨 L. orbiculata | 61 | 15 | - | 10 | T | 林下或灌草丛中 Under forest or in shrubs | 0 |
藤石松 Lycopodiastrum casuarinoides | - | 10 | - | - | T | 灌草丛中 In shrubs | + |
小石松 Lycopodiella caroliniana | - | - | - | 200 | T | 路边灌草丛湿地 In wetland by the roadside | + |
小叶海金沙 Lygodium microphyllum | - | - | - | 3 | T | 林中攀缘或灌草丛中 Climb in forest or shrubs | + |
蕗蕨 Mecodium badium | - | - | - | 100 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
表面星蕨Microsorum superficiale | - | - | - | 20 | N | 林中树干或石上攀缘 Climb on trunks or rocks in forest | - |
毛轴线盖蕨 Monomelangium pulligeri | 3 | - | - | - | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
狭叶紫萁 Osmunda angustifolia | 12 | - | - | 15 | T | 开阔溪谷石缝中 In rocks in open stream | + |
华南紫萁 O. vachellii | 8 | - | 2 | 4 | T | 林下或溪谷石缝 Under forest or in rocks near stream | 0 |
垂穗石松 Palhinhaea cernua | - | 5 | 9 | 3 | T | 路边或灌草丛中 By the roadside or in shrubs | + |
钝角金星蕨 Parathelypteris anguriloba | 55 | 61 | 11 | 68 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
瘤足蕨 Plagiogyria adnata | - | - | 4 | 1 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
灰绿耳蕨 Polystichum anomalum | 1 | - | - | - | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
单叶新月蕨 Pronephrium simplex | 260 | - | - | - | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
全缘凤尾蕨 Pteris insignis | - | - | - | 5 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
半边旗 P. semipinnata | - | 2 | - | - | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
石韦 Pyrrosia lingua | - | - | 50 | - | N | 裸露石壁上 On open rocks | + |
深绿卷柏 Selaginella doederleinii | 356 | 34 | 99 | 165 | N | 林下 Under forest | - |
耳基卷柏 S. limbata | 200 | 200 | - | - | N | 林窗或灌草丛中 In forest gap or shrubs | 0 |
粗叶卷柏 S. doederleinii subsp. trachyphylla | 160 | 70 | 70 | 265 | T | 林下 Under forest | - |
广西长筒蕨 Selenodesmium siamense | 172 | 130 | - | - | T | 溪边阴湿土壁 On shady stream bank | - |
乌蕨 Sphenomeris chinensis | 2 | - | 3 | - | N | 灌草丛中 In shrubs | + |
假芒萁 Sticherus laevigatus | 2 | - | - | - | T | 灌草丛中 In shrubs | + |
合计 Total | 2,032 | 941 | 859 | 1,671 | - | - | - |
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