生物多样性 ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2): 174-181. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2009.08317
所属专题: 传粉生物学
* E-mail: wyqx@163.net基金资助:
Guohui Lu, Wenhua Wu, Ruizhen Wang, Xinliang Li, Yingqiang Wang*()
Yingqiang Wang
野牡丹科植物具有形态、大小和颜色显著不同的两种异型雄蕊。关于其异型雄蕊是否具有功能分化还一直存在争论。本文以野牡丹科植物野牡丹(Melastoma malabathricum)为实验材料, 比较了两种异型雄蕊在传粉过程中的功能作用。结果表明, 两种异型雄蕊在形态、花粉量和人工控制实验条件下的结籽数, 以及主要传粉昆虫木蜂(Xylocopa sp.)访花时的行为等方面都有显著差异, 说明两种雄蕊在传粉过程中存在一定的功能分化: 外轮紫色雄蕊中的花粉为后代提供雄配子, 而内轮黄色雄蕊中的花粉则为传粉昆虫提供食物。但两种雄蕊在花粉活性、花粉组织化学成分和结实率方面差异均不显著, 表明两者在生理上并没有分化。实验结果还表明, 除花前套袋不结实外, 自交、异交和自然对照都具有较高的结实率, 说明野牡丹不存在无融合生殖和主动自交及自交不亲和现象, 为兼性异交。
路国辉, 武文华, 王瑞珍, 李新亮, 王英强 (2009) 野牡丹异型雄蕊的功能分化. 生物多样性, 17, 174-181. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2009.08317.
Guohui Lu, Wenhua Wu, Ruizhen Wang, Xinliang Li, Yingqiang Wang (2009) Division of labor of heteromorphic stamens in Melastoma malabathricum. Biodiversity Science, 17, 174-181. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2009.08317.
图1 野牡丹的花和访花昆虫。(A)野牡丹的花; (B)木蜂访花采食花粉; (C)食蚜蝇采食黄色花药的花粉; (D)食蚜蝇采食紫色花药的花粉; (E)青条花蜂采食紫色花药的花粉; (F)青条花蜂采食黄色花药的花粉; (G)甲虫访花; (H)蝇类访花; (I)草蜢访花。
Fig. 1 Flowers and the flower visitors in Melastoma malabathricum. (A) A flower of M. malabathricum; (B) A carpenter bee foraging on a flower; (C) A syrphus fly foraging on the yellow anther; (D) A syrphus fly foraging on the purple anther; (E) A blue-banded bee foraging on the purple anther; (F) A blue-banded bee foraging on the yellow anther; (G) A dung beetle and a long-horned beetle visiting a flower; (H) A fly visiting a flower; (I) A grasshopper visiting a flower.
雄蕊 Stamens | 花药颜色 Anther color | 药隔附属物 Elongated connective | 花丝长度 Filament length (cm) | 花粉囊长度 Anther length (cm) | 花粉组织化学 Pollen histochemistry | |
淀粉 Starch | 脂质 Lipid | |||||
外轮雄蕊 Outer stamens | 紫色 Purple | 紫色, 弓形弯曲 Purple, curved | 1.21 ± 0.08a | 0.90 ± 0.12a | + | + |
内轮雄蕊 Inner stamens | 黄色 Yellow | 无 Absent | 0.92 ± 0.09b | 0.82 ± 0.08b | + | + |
表1 野牡丹两种雄蕊的特征及花粉组织化学成分比较(平均值 ± 标准差)
Table 1 Stamen characters and pollen histochemistry of Melastoma malabathricum (mean ± SD)
雄蕊 Stamens | 花药颜色 Anther color | 药隔附属物 Elongated connective | 花丝长度 Filament length (cm) | 花粉囊长度 Anther length (cm) | 花粉组织化学 Pollen histochemistry | |
淀粉 Starch | 脂质 Lipid | |||||
外轮雄蕊 Outer stamens | 紫色 Purple | 紫色, 弓形弯曲 Purple, curved | 1.21 ± 0.08a | 0.90 ± 0.12a | + | + |
内轮雄蕊 Inner stamens | 黄色 Yellow | 无 Absent | 0.92 ± 0.09b | 0.82 ± 0.08b | + | + |
雄蕊 Stamens | 单个雄蕊的花粉数 Pollen grain number per stamen | 单花花粉数 Pollen grain number per flower | 胚珠数 Ovule number per flower | 花粉/胚珠比 P/O ratios per flower |
外轮紫色雄蕊 Outer purple stamens | 191,590 ± 43,371a | 1,619,300 ± 348,578 | 1,904 ± 239 | 863.40 ± 217.57 |
内轮黄色雄蕊 Inner yellow stamens | 132,270 ± 29,864b |
表2 野牡丹两种雄蕊的单花花粉量、胚珠数量及花粉/胚珠比率(平均值 ± 标准差)
Table 2 Pollen grain numbers, ovule numbers and P/ O ratios of Melastoma malabathricum (mean ± SD)
雄蕊 Stamens | 单个雄蕊的花粉数 Pollen grain number per stamen | 单花花粉数 Pollen grain number per flower | 胚珠数 Ovule number per flower | 花粉/胚珠比 P/O ratios per flower |
外轮紫色雄蕊 Outer purple stamens | 191,590 ± 43,371a | 1,619,300 ± 348,578 | 1,904 ± 239 | 863.40 ± 217.57 |
内轮黄色雄蕊 Inner yellow stamens | 132,270 ± 29,864b |
处理 Treatments | 处理花数(株数) No. of flowers (No. of stems) | 结实率 Fruit sets (%) |
自然对照 Open pollination | 93 (8) | 64.02 ± 23.96a |
黄色花药花粉自交 Experimentally selfed by pollen of yellow anthers | 16 (9) | 66.67 ± 43.30a |
黄色花药花粉异交 Experimentally out-crossed by pollen of yellow anthers | 30 (15) | 75.56 ± 33.25a |
紫色花药花粉自交 Experimentally selfed by pollen of purple anthers | 46 (15) | 78.23 ± 29.83a |
紫色花药花粉异交 Experimentally out-crossed by pollen of purple anthers | 49(19) | 73.68 ± 38.11a |
花前套袋 Bagged flowers | 52 (4) | 0b |
表3 不同授粉处理的结实率比较(平均值 ± 标准差)
Table 3 Fruit sets following different experimental pollination treatments in Melastoma malabathricum (mean ± SD)
处理 Treatments | 处理花数(株数) No. of flowers (No. of stems) | 结实率 Fruit sets (%) |
自然对照 Open pollination | 93 (8) | 64.02 ± 23.96a |
黄色花药花粉自交 Experimentally selfed by pollen of yellow anthers | 16 (9) | 66.67 ± 43.30a |
黄色花药花粉异交 Experimentally out-crossed by pollen of yellow anthers | 30 (15) | 75.56 ± 33.25a |
紫色花药花粉自交 Experimentally selfed by pollen of purple anthers | 46 (15) | 78.23 ± 29.83a |
紫色花药花粉异交 Experimentally out-crossed by pollen of purple anthers | 49(19) | 73.68 ± 38.11a |
花前套袋 Bagged flowers | 52 (4) | 0b |
处理 Treatments | 结实率 Fruit sets (N) | 结籽数 No. of seeds per fruit (n) |
自然对照 Open pollination | 64.02 ± 23.96 a (93) | 548.11 ± 174.90a (27) |
去黄色雄蕊 Yellow stamens removed | 78.57 ± 36.60 a (19) | 336.92 ± 234.42c (13) |
去紫色雄蕊 Purple stamens removed | 86.11 ± 33.21a (23) | 660.64 ± 247.21a (14) |
去全部雄蕊 All stamens removed | 60.61 ± 41.68a (29) | 384.76 ± 305.63bc (17) |
去花瓣 Petals removed | 78.89 ± 34.34a (37) | 512.89 ± 258.06ab (28) |
表4 野牡丹不同处理的结实率和结籽率比较(平均值 ± 标准差)
Table 4 Fruit sets and seed sets following different experimental treatments in Melastoma malabathricum (mean ± SD)
处理 Treatments | 结实率 Fruit sets (N) | 结籽数 No. of seeds per fruit (n) |
自然对照 Open pollination | 64.02 ± 23.96 a (93) | 548.11 ± 174.90a (27) |
去黄色雄蕊 Yellow stamens removed | 78.57 ± 36.60 a (19) | 336.92 ± 234.42c (13) |
去紫色雄蕊 Purple stamens removed | 86.11 ± 33.21a (23) | 660.64 ± 247.21a (14) |
去全部雄蕊 All stamens removed | 60.61 ± 41.68a (29) | 384.76 ± 305.63bc (17) |
去花瓣 Petals removed | 78.89 ± 34.34a (37) | 512.89 ± 258.06ab (28) |
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