生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 22580. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022580
邓昶1,2, 郝杰威1, 高德3, 任明迅1,2, 张莉娜1,2,*()
*E-mail: 基金资助:
Chang Deng1,2, Jiewei Hao1, De Gao3, Mingxun Ren1,2, Lina Zhang1,2,*()
*E-mail: 摘要:
海南拥有丰富的热带苔藓植物, 已知受威胁苔藓植物多达29种, 但长期以来这些苔藓植物没有得到足够的关注和重视, 保护工作尚待推进。本研究利用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型模拟了其中27种海南受威胁苔藓植物的适生区, 并识别和划分了适生热点区域, 旨在提出海南受威胁苔藓植物保护优先区域和筛选重要区域, 为开展苔藓植物保护提供科学依据。结果表明: 不同苔藓植物的适生区面积和分布格局差异较大; 根据适生受威胁苔藓植物物种丰富度(species richness, SR)占丰富度峰值的比例区间(40% < SR ≤ 60%、60% < SR ≤ 80%及SR > 80%), 将适生热点区域划分为相对应的3级: (1)一般热点区域, 受威胁苔藓植物物种丰富度为11-15, 面积最大, 约2,527.2 km2; (2)显著热点区域, 丰富度为16-20, 面积约2,503.2 km2; (3)极热点区域, 丰富度为21-25, 面积最小, 约259.8 km2。各级热点区域主要分布在海南热带雨林国家公园范围内, 其中极热点区域集中在海拔约1,100 m (-1,300 m)以上的热带云雾林, 均属于该国家公园的核心区。各环境变量中, 昼夜温差月均值对11种苔藓植物的贡献率最大(46.2%-91.3%), 年温度变化范围对8种苔藓植物的贡献率最大(31.9%-82.2%), 二者对海南受威胁苔藓植物的分布影响较大。针对海南受威胁苔藓植物的保护提出相关建议: (1)通过本底调查掌握受威胁苔藓植物的分布信息和动态变化; (2)对部分物种的受威胁等级进行调整, 将受威胁苔藓植物列入海南野生植物保护名录; (3)将云雾林区域划为海南热带雨林国家公园的重要区域加以重点保护; (4)加强对适生热点区域森林维管植物的监护; (5)将国家公园范围外的热点区域设为生态恢复区, 加强对各热点区域次生林、人工林生态及苔藓植物群落恢复的科学研究。
邓昶, 郝杰威, 高德, 任明迅, 张莉娜 (2023) 海南受威胁苔藓植物适生热点区域识别与保护. 生物多样性, 31, 22580. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022580.
Chang Deng, Jiewei Hao, De Gao, Mingxun Ren, Lina Zhang (2023) Identification and protection of suitable habitat hotspots for threatened bryophytes in Hainan. Biodiversity Science, 31, 22580. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022580.
受威胁等级 Threat level | 数量 Number | 物种 Species | 生境 Habitat | 海南省内适生指数范围 Suitability index range in Hainan Province | 最小存在临界值 Lowest presence threshold | 适生区指数范围 Suitable area index range | AUC值 AUC value |
极危 Critically Endangered | 3 | 斜角角鳞苔 Drepanolejeunea obliqua | 树干、腐木 Trunk, rotten wood | 0.1026-0.9565 | 0.4524 | 0.4524-0.9565 | 0.9780 |
海南蓑藓 Macromitrium hainanense | 倒木 Fallen log | - | - | - | - | ||
齿边扁萼苔 Radula anceps | 树干、腐木、岩石 Trunk, rotten wood, rock | 0.1652-0.6665 | 0.4717 | 0.4717-0.6665 | 0.9140 | ||
濒危 Endangered | 9 | 南亚圆网藓 Cyclodictyon blumeanum | 腐木、湿石 Rotten wood, wet stone | 0.0003-0.7988 | 0.1641 | 0.1641-0.7988 | 0.9430 |
大角鳞苔 Drepanolejeunea grandis | 树干、倒木 Trunk, fallen log | 0.3659-0.9164 | 0.7709 | 0.7709-0.9164 | 0.9380 | ||
莫氏偏蒴藓 Ectropothecium moritzii | 腐木 Rotten wood | 0.0072-0.3969 | 0.1096 | 0.1096-0.3969 | 0.9130 | ||
爪哇扁锦藓 Glossadelphus similans | 树干、树枝、岩石 Trunk, branch, rock | 0.2851-0.9885 | 0.8539 | 0.8539-0.9885 | 0.9430 | ||
大胞密鳞苔 Pycnolejeunea grandiocellata | 树干 Trunk | 0.0013-0.9926 | 0.3570 | 0.3570-0.9926 | 0.9550 | ||
大扁萼苔 Radula sumatrana | 树干、岩石 Trunk, rock | 0.3742-0.9188 | 0.6959 | 0.6959-0.9188 | 0.9320 | ||
刺网藓 Syrrhopodon armatispinosus | 树干、腐木、土壤 Trunk, rotten wood, soil | 0.3782-1.0000 | 0.6886 | 0.6886-1.0000 | 0.9870 | ||
巴西网藓 Syrrhopodon prolifer | 树干、树基、腐木 Trunk, tree base, rotten wood | 0.5412-0.9990 | 0.7479 | 0.7479-0.9990 | 0.8990 | ||
东亚毛鳞苔 Thysananthus aculeatus | 树皮、树枝、湿石 Bark, branch, wet stone | 0.0232-0.9748 | 0.2159 | 0.2159-0.9748 | 0.9920 | ||
易危 Vulnerable | 17 | 顶胞藓粗枝变种 Acroporium stramineum var. turgidum | 树皮 Bark | 0.4362-0.8578 | 0.6608 | 0.6608-0.8578 | 0.8470 |
吊罗鞭苔 Bazzania tiaoloensis | 树干、腐木、岩石 Trunk, rotten wood, rock | - | - | - | - | ||
越南鞭苔 Bazzania vietnamica | 树基 Tree base | 0.3419-1.0000 | 0.5946 | 0.5946-1.0000 | 0.9530 | ||
带叶耳平藓 Calyptothecium phyllogonioides | 树干 Trunk | 0.1472-0.5241 | 0.4868 | 0.4868-0.5241 | 0.9220 | ||
尾枝耳平藓 Calyptothecium ramosii | 树干 Trunk | 0.5498-0.8135 | 0.7221 | 0.7221-0.8135 | 0.9380 | ||
假肋唇鳞苔 Cheilolejeunea falsinervis | 树干、树基 Trunk, tree base | 0.3472-0.9612 | 0.7415 | 0.7415-0.9612 | 0.9100 | ||
海南花锦藓 Chionostomum hainanense | 竹子 Bamboo | 0.6046-0.9956 | 0.9791 | 0.9791-0.9956 | 0.8540 | ||
海南疣鳞苔 Cololejeunea hainanensis | 叶片、树干 Leaf, trunk | 0.2855-0.9993 | 0.6199 | 0.6199-0.9993 | 0.8580 | ||
白绿细鳞苔 Lejeunea pallidevirens | 叶片、树干、石头、土壤、腐木 Leaf, trunk, stone, soil, rotten wood | 0.1007-1.0000 | 0.7678 | 0.7678-1.0000 | 0.9490 | ||
婆罗洲扁萼苔 Radula borneensis | 树干、树枝 Trunk, branch | 0.4270-0.9384 | 0.6275 | 0.6275-0.9384 | 0.8890 | ||
曲瓣扁萼苔 Radula kurzii | 树干、树枝、湿石 Trunk, branch, wet stone | 0.1590-0.9751 | 0.5964 | 0.5964-0.9751 | 0.9940 | ||
卷叶网藓 Syrrhopodon involutus | 树干 Trunk | 0.0128-0.8764 | 0.4580 | 0.4580-0.8764 | 0.8960 | ||
舌叶网藓 Syrrhopodon loreus | 树干 Trunk | 0.0453-0.5046 | 0.1213 | 0.1213-0.5046 | 0.9330 | ||
直叶网藓 Syrrhopodon muelleri | 树干、树基、树根 Trunk, tree base, root | 0.0017-0.4039 | 0.3037 | 0.3037-0.4039 | 0.9400 | ||
阔叶网藓 Syrrhopodon semiliber | 树干、树枝、石头、腐木 Trunk, branch, stone, rotten wood | 0.4755-0.8286 | 0.6888 | 0.6888-0.8286 | 0.9160 | ||
海南明叶藓 Vesicularia hainanensis | 土壤、岩面薄土 Soil, thin soil on rock | 0.4839-0.9814 | 0.8820 | 0.8820-0.9814 | 0.9170 | ||
东亚虫叶苔 Zoopsis liukiuensis | 腐木、树基 Rotten wood, tree base | 0.0033-0.9979 | 0.5574 | 0.5574-0.9979 | 0.9850 |
表1 海南29种受威胁苔藓植物模型模拟相关信息
Table 1 Information on the model stimulation of 29 threatened bryophyte species in Hainan
受威胁等级 Threat level | 数量 Number | 物种 Species | 生境 Habitat | 海南省内适生指数范围 Suitability index range in Hainan Province | 最小存在临界值 Lowest presence threshold | 适生区指数范围 Suitable area index range | AUC值 AUC value |
极危 Critically Endangered | 3 | 斜角角鳞苔 Drepanolejeunea obliqua | 树干、腐木 Trunk, rotten wood | 0.1026-0.9565 | 0.4524 | 0.4524-0.9565 | 0.9780 |
海南蓑藓 Macromitrium hainanense | 倒木 Fallen log | - | - | - | - | ||
齿边扁萼苔 Radula anceps | 树干、腐木、岩石 Trunk, rotten wood, rock | 0.1652-0.6665 | 0.4717 | 0.4717-0.6665 | 0.9140 | ||
濒危 Endangered | 9 | 南亚圆网藓 Cyclodictyon blumeanum | 腐木、湿石 Rotten wood, wet stone | 0.0003-0.7988 | 0.1641 | 0.1641-0.7988 | 0.9430 |
大角鳞苔 Drepanolejeunea grandis | 树干、倒木 Trunk, fallen log | 0.3659-0.9164 | 0.7709 | 0.7709-0.9164 | 0.9380 | ||
莫氏偏蒴藓 Ectropothecium moritzii | 腐木 Rotten wood | 0.0072-0.3969 | 0.1096 | 0.1096-0.3969 | 0.9130 | ||
爪哇扁锦藓 Glossadelphus similans | 树干、树枝、岩石 Trunk, branch, rock | 0.2851-0.9885 | 0.8539 | 0.8539-0.9885 | 0.9430 | ||
大胞密鳞苔 Pycnolejeunea grandiocellata | 树干 Trunk | 0.0013-0.9926 | 0.3570 | 0.3570-0.9926 | 0.9550 | ||
大扁萼苔 Radula sumatrana | 树干、岩石 Trunk, rock | 0.3742-0.9188 | 0.6959 | 0.6959-0.9188 | 0.9320 | ||
刺网藓 Syrrhopodon armatispinosus | 树干、腐木、土壤 Trunk, rotten wood, soil | 0.3782-1.0000 | 0.6886 | 0.6886-1.0000 | 0.9870 | ||
巴西网藓 Syrrhopodon prolifer | 树干、树基、腐木 Trunk, tree base, rotten wood | 0.5412-0.9990 | 0.7479 | 0.7479-0.9990 | 0.8990 | ||
东亚毛鳞苔 Thysananthus aculeatus | 树皮、树枝、湿石 Bark, branch, wet stone | 0.0232-0.9748 | 0.2159 | 0.2159-0.9748 | 0.9920 | ||
易危 Vulnerable | 17 | 顶胞藓粗枝变种 Acroporium stramineum var. turgidum | 树皮 Bark | 0.4362-0.8578 | 0.6608 | 0.6608-0.8578 | 0.8470 |
吊罗鞭苔 Bazzania tiaoloensis | 树干、腐木、岩石 Trunk, rotten wood, rock | - | - | - | - | ||
越南鞭苔 Bazzania vietnamica | 树基 Tree base | 0.3419-1.0000 | 0.5946 | 0.5946-1.0000 | 0.9530 | ||
带叶耳平藓 Calyptothecium phyllogonioides | 树干 Trunk | 0.1472-0.5241 | 0.4868 | 0.4868-0.5241 | 0.9220 | ||
尾枝耳平藓 Calyptothecium ramosii | 树干 Trunk | 0.5498-0.8135 | 0.7221 | 0.7221-0.8135 | 0.9380 | ||
假肋唇鳞苔 Cheilolejeunea falsinervis | 树干、树基 Trunk, tree base | 0.3472-0.9612 | 0.7415 | 0.7415-0.9612 | 0.9100 | ||
海南花锦藓 Chionostomum hainanense | 竹子 Bamboo | 0.6046-0.9956 | 0.9791 | 0.9791-0.9956 | 0.8540 | ||
海南疣鳞苔 Cololejeunea hainanensis | 叶片、树干 Leaf, trunk | 0.2855-0.9993 | 0.6199 | 0.6199-0.9993 | 0.8580 | ||
白绿细鳞苔 Lejeunea pallidevirens | 叶片、树干、石头、土壤、腐木 Leaf, trunk, stone, soil, rotten wood | 0.1007-1.0000 | 0.7678 | 0.7678-1.0000 | 0.9490 | ||
婆罗洲扁萼苔 Radula borneensis | 树干、树枝 Trunk, branch | 0.4270-0.9384 | 0.6275 | 0.6275-0.9384 | 0.8890 | ||
曲瓣扁萼苔 Radula kurzii | 树干、树枝、湿石 Trunk, branch, wet stone | 0.1590-0.9751 | 0.5964 | 0.5964-0.9751 | 0.9940 | ||
卷叶网藓 Syrrhopodon involutus | 树干 Trunk | 0.0128-0.8764 | 0.4580 | 0.4580-0.8764 | 0.8960 | ||
舌叶网藓 Syrrhopodon loreus | 树干 Trunk | 0.0453-0.5046 | 0.1213 | 0.1213-0.5046 | 0.9330 | ||
直叶网藓 Syrrhopodon muelleri | 树干、树基、树根 Trunk, tree base, root | 0.0017-0.4039 | 0.3037 | 0.3037-0.4039 | 0.9400 | ||
阔叶网藓 Syrrhopodon semiliber | 树干、树枝、石头、腐木 Trunk, branch, stone, rotten wood | 0.4755-0.8286 | 0.6888 | 0.6888-0.8286 | 0.9160 | ||
海南明叶藓 Vesicularia hainanensis | 土壤、岩面薄土 Soil, thin soil on rock | 0.4839-0.9814 | 0.8820 | 0.8820-0.9814 | 0.9170 | ||
东亚虫叶苔 Zoopsis liukiuensis | 腐木、树基 Rotten wood, tree base | 0.0033-0.9979 | 0.5574 | 0.5574-0.9979 | 0.9850 |
图1 海南27种受威胁苔藓植物适生区(仅截取有适生区分布的海南岛)
Fig. 1 The suitable habitats of 27 threatened bryophyte species in Hainan (Only Hainan Island with distribution of suitable habitats was intercepted)
图2 海南27种受威胁苔藓植物适生热点图(仅截取有热点分布的海南岛)。灰色线为海南热带雨林国家公园边界。
Fig. 2 The map of suitable habitat hotspots of 27 threatened bryophyte species in Hainan (Only Hainan Island with distribution of hotspots was intercepted). The gray line depicting the boundary of National Park of Hainan Tropical Rainforest.
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