生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 22427.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022427

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江艺欣1, 时莹莹1, 高朔2, 王苏盆1,*()   

  1. 1.安徽师范大学生命科学学院, 安徽芜湖 241000
    2.生态环境部南京环境科学研究所, 南京 210042
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-26 接受日期:2022-11-07 出版日期:2023-03-20 发布日期:2023-01-01
  • 通讯作者: 王苏盆
  • 作者简介:* E-mail: bullfrog2008@126.com
  • 基金资助:

The impact of anthropogenic noise, artificial light at night and road kills on amphibians

Yixin Jiang1, Yingying Shi1, Shuo Gao2, Supen Wang1,*()   

  1. 1 College of Life Sciences, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241000
    2 Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing 210042
  • Received:2022-07-26 Accepted:2022-11-07 Online:2023-03-20 Published:2023-01-01
  • Contact: Supen Wang


全球生物多样性减少是当今世界面临的重大生态问题, 两栖动物作为衡量环境的重要指示物种, 近些年受到越来越多研究者的关注。本文以脊椎动物中生物多样性受威胁最严重的两栖动物为研究对象, 通过检索2003-2021年文献, 提取并整合关键词。首先分析了当代人类活动中的人为噪音、夜间人造光、路杀等3个因子对两栖动物的影响, 发现人为噪音导致两栖动物的鸣叫行为发生改变, 并且干扰两栖动物的繁殖行为, 夜间人造光降低了两栖动物的生长速度, 减少了行为活动时间, 路杀直接影响了两栖动物的种群数量。其次归纳相应的缓解措施, 提出改进意见, 如加强道路基础设施建设, 安装隔音屏障以缓冲噪音; 控制两栖动物密集区的光照强度; 建造两栖动物通道等。最后对今后人类活动对两栖动物影响研究中亟需解决的问题进行了展望, 应加强人类活动对两栖动物影响的研究, 努力减小人类活动对两栖动物的负面影响。

关键词: 两栖动物, 人类活动, 人为噪音, 夜间人造光, 路杀


Background & Aim: Global biodiversity decline is a major ecological problem around the world today. As an important indicator for measuring the environment, amphibians have received more and more attention from researchers in recent years. In this paper, we focus on amphibians which are the most threatened species of vertebrate to analyze the existing problems and suggest the corresponding solutions.

Method: Firstly, we analyze the effects of three most prominent factors in human activities, i.e., anthropogenic noise, artificial light at night and road kills on amphibians reproduction, population growth rate, physiology, and behavior by retrieving existing literature from 2003 to 2021, and extracting and integrating key words. Secondly, the mitigation measures regarding anthropogenic noise, artificial light at night and road kills are summarized and suggestions for improvement are made.

Review Results: Amphibian calling behavior was altered by anthropogenic noise, showing variations in call rate, dominant frequency, and call duration. It is yet unclear how different amphibians calling respond to anthropogenic noise differently and whether call variations are advantageous to the amphibians’ long-term growth. By obscuring the perception of male acoustic signals by females and impacting sperm count and sperm viability in males, anthropogenic noise can also affect the reproductive behavior of amphibians. Amphibian growth rates and behavioral activity time were slowed down by artificial light at night. In addition, artificial light at night can change corticosterone levels in amphibians and hence have an impact on their physiology. Amphibian population size was directly impacted by road kills. This study makes recommendations for improvement in light of the aforementioned detrimental effects, including bolstering the road infrastructure, constructing noise barriers to muffle noise, reducing light intensity in dense amphibian areas, building amphibian corridors, etc.

Perspective: Specific conservation strategies that seek to improve protection measures, planning management and monitoring of amphibian population dynamics should be implemented in order to reduce the impact of human activities on this group of vertebrates.

Key words: amphibians, human activities, anthropogenic noise, artificial light at night, road kills