生物多样性 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (8): 1011-1020. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021122
杜诚1,*(), 刘军2, 叶文3, 廖帅4, 葛斌杰1, 刘冰5, 马金双6
* E-mail: caragana_tu@hotmail.com基金资助:
Cheng Du1,*(), Jun Liu2, Wen Ye3, Shuai Liao4, Binjie Ge1, Bing Liu5, Jinshuang Ma6
Cheng Du
2020年中国共发表高等植物新分类群359个, 其中新属21个、新种312个、新亚种6个、新变种14个、新变型6个; 发表新组合(等级) 217个, 新名称11个; 发表国家级新记录48个; 将85个名称处理为65个名称的异名; 对14个名称进行了应用订正; 新指定后选(新)模式物种147个; 还新发现多年未曾发现的物种2个, 排除物种分布3个。新发表的物种中, 苔类植物门有3个、藓类植物门3个、蕨类植物门6个、裸子植物门1个新杂交种、被子植物门299个。这些新物种中, 有86个发表的同时提供了详细的分子证据, 78个在发表时就依据IUCN标准被评估处于受威胁的状态。云南、西藏、广西和四川等西南4省区发表新物种最多, 占全国新物种发表总数的2/3; 新物种发现密度最高的省级行政单位是云南、海南、台湾、广西和浙江等省区; 墨脱县是新物种发现数量最多的县级行政单位。2020年中国高等植物净新增294个分类群, 占全国总数的0.79%, 313个高等植物名称发生变动, 占全国总数的0.84%。
杜诚, 刘军, 叶文, 廖帅, 葛斌杰, 刘冰, 马金双 (2021) 中国植物新分类群、新名称2020年度报告. 生物多样性, 29, 1011-1020. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021122.
Cheng Du, Jun Liu, Wen Ye, Shuai Liao, Binjie Ge, Bing Liu, Jinshuang Ma (2021) Annual report of new taxa and new names for Chinese plants in 2020. Biodiversity Science, 29, 1011-1020. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021122.
中文属名 Chinese name of the genus | 属学名 Scientific name of the genus | 模式种基名 Basionym of type species | 包含物种数量 Number of species |
东风菜属 | Cardiagyris G. L. Nesom | Aster scaber Thunb. | 4 |
镰叶紫菀属 | Chaochienchangia G. L. Nesom | Aster falcifolius Hand.-Mazz. | 1 |
长柄马兰属 | Cordiofontis G. L. Nesom | Aster peduncularis Wall. ex Nees | 1 |
巴塘紫菀属 | Geothamnus G. L. Nesom | Aster batangensis Bureau & Franch. | 1 |
褐毛紫菀属 | Griersonia G. L. Nesom | Aster fuscescens Bureau & Franch. | 3 |
重羽紫菀属 | Iteroloba G. L. Nesom | Aster bipinnatisectus Ludlow ex Grierson | 1 |
灰枝紫菀属 | Sinobouffordia G. L. Nesom | Aster poliothamnus Diels | 2 |
小舌紫菀属 | Sinosidus G. L. Nesom | Amphirhapis albescens DC. | 8 (9变种 9 varieties) |
重冠紫菀属 | Tibetiodes G. L. Nesom | Heterochaeta diplostephioides DC. | 25 |
横斜紫菀属 | Yonglingia G. L. Nesom | Aster hersileoides C. K. Schneid. | 2 |
表1 G. L. Nesom 2020年发表的新属中涉及中国类群的统计
Table 1 New genus based on Chinese taxa published by G. L. Nesom in 2020
中文属名 Chinese name of the genus | 属学名 Scientific name of the genus | 模式种基名 Basionym of type species | 包含物种数量 Number of species |
东风菜属 | Cardiagyris G. L. Nesom | Aster scaber Thunb. | 4 |
镰叶紫菀属 | Chaochienchangia G. L. Nesom | Aster falcifolius Hand.-Mazz. | 1 |
长柄马兰属 | Cordiofontis G. L. Nesom | Aster peduncularis Wall. ex Nees | 1 |
巴塘紫菀属 | Geothamnus G. L. Nesom | Aster batangensis Bureau & Franch. | 1 |
褐毛紫菀属 | Griersonia G. L. Nesom | Aster fuscescens Bureau & Franch. | 3 |
重羽紫菀属 | Iteroloba G. L. Nesom | Aster bipinnatisectus Ludlow ex Grierson | 1 |
灰枝紫菀属 | Sinobouffordia G. L. Nesom | Aster poliothamnus Diels | 2 |
小舌紫菀属 | Sinosidus G. L. Nesom | Amphirhapis albescens DC. | 8 (9变种 9 varieties) |
重冠紫菀属 | Tibetiodes G. L. Nesom | Heterochaeta diplostephioides DC. | 25 |
横斜紫菀属 | Yonglingia G. L. Nesom | Aster hersileoides C. K. Schneid. | 2 |
标准拼写 Stand name | 姓名 Name | 西文拼写 Roma name | 研究领域 Research area | 研究地区 Research region | 新分类群数 No. of new taxa |
Z. H. Chen | 陈征海 | Chen, Zheng Hai | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 19 |
Yan Liu | 刘演 | Liu, Yan | 广西植物 Plants of Guangxi | 广西 Guangxi | 16 |
F. Wen | 温放 | Wen, Fang | 苦苣苔科和荨麻科 Gesneriaceae and Urticaceae | 中国 China | 13 |
Lei Cai | 蔡磊 | Cai, Lei | 天门冬科和苦苣苔科 Asparagaceae and Gesneriaceae | 中国 China | 10 |
W. H. Chen | 陈文红 | Chen, Wen Hong | 云南植物 Plants of Yunnan | 云南 Yunnan | 10 |
Y. M. Shui | 税玉民 | Shui, Yu Min | 云南植物 Plants of Yunnan | 云南 Yunnan | 10 |
X. F. Jin | 金孝锋 | Jin, Xiao Feng | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 8 |
G. Y. Li | 李根有 | Li, Gen You | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 7 |
W. T. Wang | 王文采 | Wang, Wen Tsai | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 中国 China | 7 |
C. I Peng | 彭镜毅† | Peng, Ching I | 台湾植物 Plants of Taiwan | 台湾 Taiwan | 6 |
W. Y. Xie | 谢文远 | Xie, Wen Yuan | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 6 |
Z. B. Xin | 辛子兵 | Xin, Zi Bing | 苦苣苔科 Gesneriaceae | 广西 Guangxi | 6 |
B. Pan | 盘波 | Pan, Bo | 天门冬科和苦苣苔科 Asparagaceae and Gesneriaceae | 广西 Guangxi | 5 |
D. G. Zhang | 张代贵 | Zhang, Dai Gui | 湖南植物 Plants of Hunan | 中国 China | 5 |
P. L. Chiu | 裘宝林 | Chiu, Pao Ling | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 5 |
Y. F. Lu | 鲁益飞 | Lu, Yi Fei | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 5 |
Z. L. Dao | 刀志灵 | Dao, Zhi Ling | 天门冬科和苦苣苔科 Asparagaceae and Gesneriaceae | 四川和云南 Sichuan and Yunnan | 5 |
N. H. Xia | 夏念和 | Xia, Nian He | 杜鹃花科和禾本科 Ericaceae and Poaceae | 中国 China | 5 |
Harber | Harber, Julian F. | 小檗科 Berberidaceae | 中国和越南 China and Vietnam | 63 | |
D. Borah | Borah, Dipankar | 中国和印度植物 Plants of India and China | 中国和印度 China and India | 6 | |
Taram | Taram, Momang | 中国和印度植物 Plants of India and China | 中国和印度 China and India | 5 |
表2 2020年发表5个及以上新分类群的中外学者统计
Table 2 Statistics of Chinese and foreign authors who published five new taxa or more in 2020
标准拼写 Stand name | 姓名 Name | 西文拼写 Roma name | 研究领域 Research area | 研究地区 Research region | 新分类群数 No. of new taxa |
Z. H. Chen | 陈征海 | Chen, Zheng Hai | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 19 |
Yan Liu | 刘演 | Liu, Yan | 广西植物 Plants of Guangxi | 广西 Guangxi | 16 |
F. Wen | 温放 | Wen, Fang | 苦苣苔科和荨麻科 Gesneriaceae and Urticaceae | 中国 China | 13 |
Lei Cai | 蔡磊 | Cai, Lei | 天门冬科和苦苣苔科 Asparagaceae and Gesneriaceae | 中国 China | 10 |
W. H. Chen | 陈文红 | Chen, Wen Hong | 云南植物 Plants of Yunnan | 云南 Yunnan | 10 |
Y. M. Shui | 税玉民 | Shui, Yu Min | 云南植物 Plants of Yunnan | 云南 Yunnan | 10 |
X. F. Jin | 金孝锋 | Jin, Xiao Feng | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 8 |
G. Y. Li | 李根有 | Li, Gen You | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 7 |
W. T. Wang | 王文采 | Wang, Wen Tsai | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 中国 China | 7 |
C. I Peng | 彭镜毅† | Peng, Ching I | 台湾植物 Plants of Taiwan | 台湾 Taiwan | 6 |
W. Y. Xie | 谢文远 | Xie, Wen Yuan | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 6 |
Z. B. Xin | 辛子兵 | Xin, Zi Bing | 苦苣苔科 Gesneriaceae | 广西 Guangxi | 6 |
B. Pan | 盘波 | Pan, Bo | 天门冬科和苦苣苔科 Asparagaceae and Gesneriaceae | 广西 Guangxi | 5 |
D. G. Zhang | 张代贵 | Zhang, Dai Gui | 湖南植物 Plants of Hunan | 中国 China | 5 |
P. L. Chiu | 裘宝林 | Chiu, Pao Ling | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 5 |
Y. F. Lu | 鲁益飞 | Lu, Yi Fei | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 5 |
Z. L. Dao | 刀志灵 | Dao, Zhi Ling | 天门冬科和苦苣苔科 Asparagaceae and Gesneriaceae | 四川和云南 Sichuan and Yunnan | 5 |
N. H. Xia | 夏念和 | Xia, Nian He | 杜鹃花科和禾本科 Ericaceae and Poaceae | 中国 China | 5 |
Harber | Harber, Julian F. | 小檗科 Berberidaceae | 中国和越南 China and Vietnam | 63 | |
D. Borah | Borah, Dipankar | 中国和印度植物 Plants of India and China | 中国和印度 China and India | 6 | |
Taram | Taram, Momang | 中国和印度植物 Plants of India and China | 中国和印度 China and India | 5 |
标准拼写 Stand name | 姓名 Name | 西文拼写 Roma name | 研究领域 Research area | 研究地区 Research region | 发表新组合数量 New combinations |
B. B. Liu | 刘彬彬 | Liu, Bin Bin | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 全球 Global | 16 |
Z. H. Chen | 陈征海 | Chen, Zheng Hai | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 8 |
H. Yu | 余鸿 | Yu, Hong | 木兰科和兰科 Magnoliaceae and Orchidaceae | 云南 Yunnan | 6 |
K. W. Jiang | 蒋凯文 | Jiang, Kai Wen | 豆科 Fabaceae | 中国 China | 6 |
Sima | 司马永康 | Sima, Yong Kang | 木兰科 Magnoliaceae | 云南 Yunnan | 6 |
B. Y. Ding | 丁炳扬 | Ding, Bing Yang | 天南星科和千屈菜科 Araceae and Lythraceae | 浙江 Zhejiang | 5 |
C. Ren | 任琛 | Ren, Chen | 菊科 Asteraceae | 亚洲 Asia | 5 |
Long Wang | 王龙 | Wang, Long | 菊科 Asteraceae | 亚洲 Asia | 5 |
Q. E. Yang | 杨亲二 | Yang, Qin Er | 菊科和毛茛科 Asteraceae and Ranunculaceae | 中国 China | 5 |
C. B. Callaghan | Callaghan, Chris B. | 木兰科 Magnoliaceae | 亚洲 Asia | 25 | |
Png | Png, Siak Khoon | 木兰科 Magnoliaceae | 亚洲 Asia | 25 | |
G. M. Plunkett | Plunkett, Gregory M. | 伞形科和五加科 Apiaceae and Araliaceae | 全球 Global | 17 | |
Lowry | Lowry, Porter Prescott | 五加科 Araliaceae | 全球 Global | 17 | |
J. Wen | 文军 | Wen, Jun | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 全球 Global | 16 |
Li Bing Zhang | 张丽兵 | Zhang, Li Bing | 蕨类植物 Pteridophytes | 全球 Global | 6 |
I. D. Illar. | Illarionova, Irina D. | 菊科 Asteraceae | 全球 Global | 5 | |
M. C. Pace | Pace, Matthew C. | 兰科 Orchidaceae | 全球 Global | 5 | |
N. Kilian | Kilian, Norbert | 菊科 Asteraceae | 全球 Global | 5 |
表3 2020年发表5个及以上新组合的中外学者统计
Table 3 Statistics of Chinese and foreign authors who published five new combinations or more in 2020
标准拼写 Stand name | 姓名 Name | 西文拼写 Roma name | 研究领域 Research area | 研究地区 Research region | 发表新组合数量 New combinations |
B. B. Liu | 刘彬彬 | Liu, Bin Bin | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 全球 Global | 16 |
Z. H. Chen | 陈征海 | Chen, Zheng Hai | 浙江植物 Plants of Zhejiang | 浙江 Zhejiang | 8 |
H. Yu | 余鸿 | Yu, Hong | 木兰科和兰科 Magnoliaceae and Orchidaceae | 云南 Yunnan | 6 |
K. W. Jiang | 蒋凯文 | Jiang, Kai Wen | 豆科 Fabaceae | 中国 China | 6 |
Sima | 司马永康 | Sima, Yong Kang | 木兰科 Magnoliaceae | 云南 Yunnan | 6 |
B. Y. Ding | 丁炳扬 | Ding, Bing Yang | 天南星科和千屈菜科 Araceae and Lythraceae | 浙江 Zhejiang | 5 |
C. Ren | 任琛 | Ren, Chen | 菊科 Asteraceae | 亚洲 Asia | 5 |
Long Wang | 王龙 | Wang, Long | 菊科 Asteraceae | 亚洲 Asia | 5 |
Q. E. Yang | 杨亲二 | Yang, Qin Er | 菊科和毛茛科 Asteraceae and Ranunculaceae | 中国 China | 5 |
C. B. Callaghan | Callaghan, Chris B. | 木兰科 Magnoliaceae | 亚洲 Asia | 25 | |
Png | Png, Siak Khoon | 木兰科 Magnoliaceae | 亚洲 Asia | 25 | |
G. M. Plunkett | Plunkett, Gregory M. | 伞形科和五加科 Apiaceae and Araliaceae | 全球 Global | 17 | |
Lowry | Lowry, Porter Prescott | 五加科 Araliaceae | 全球 Global | 17 | |
J. Wen | 文军 | Wen, Jun | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 全球 Global | 16 |
Li Bing Zhang | 张丽兵 | Zhang, Li Bing | 蕨类植物 Pteridophytes | 全球 Global | 6 |
I. D. Illar. | Illarionova, Irina D. | 菊科 Asteraceae | 全球 Global | 5 | |
M. C. Pace | Pace, Matthew C. | 兰科 Orchidaceae | 全球 Global | 5 | |
N. Kilian | Kilian, Norbert | 菊科 Asteraceae | 全球 Global | 5 |
图3 2020年发表的涉及中国植物名称相关论文最多的16个期刊(a)及所有分类学论文发表刊物分类情况(b)
Fig. 3 Top 16 journals in which new names and name changes of Chinese vascular plants were published (a), and journals classification of all Chinese taxonomic articles (b) in 2020
[1] | Antonelli A, Fry C, Smith RJ, Simmonds MSJ, Kersey PJ, Pritchard HW, Abbo MS, Acedo C, Adams J, Ainsworth AM and other 201 authors (2020) State of the World's Plants and Fungi 2020. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London. |
[2] |
Bai Y, Qian K, Xiang YL, Yang ZW, Sulayman M, Li W, Shu L, Zhu RL (2020) Porella pinnata (Porellaceae) excluded from the liverwort flora of Asia. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 150, 193-200.
[3] | Bebber DP, Carine MA, Wood JRI, Wortley AH, Harris DJ, Prance GT, Davidse G, Paige J, Pennington TD, Robson NKB, Scotland RW (2010) Herbaria are a major frontier for species discovery. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 107, 22169-22171. |
[4] | Chen F, Xie WY, Zhang SL, Zhang FY, Chen ZH (2020) Additional notes on the seed plants in Zhejiang (II). Journal of Hangzhou Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 19, 96-102. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[ 陈锋, 谢文远, 张水利, 张芬耀, 陈征海 (2020) 浙江种子植物资料订补(II). 杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版), 19, 96-102.] | |
[5] | Ding BY (2020) Flora of Zhejiang (new edition), Vol. 7. Zhejiang Science and Technology Press, Hangzhou. (in Chinese) |
[ 丁炳扬 (2020) 浙江植物志 (新编) 第七卷. 浙江科学技术出版社, 杭州.] | |
[6] |
Du C, Liao S, Boufford DE, Ma JS (2020) Twenty years of Chinese vascular plant novelties, 2000 through 2019. Plant Diversity, 42, 393-398.
[7] |
Fontaine B, Perrard A, Bouchet P (2012) 21 years of shelf life between discovery and description of new species. Current Biology, 22, R943-R944.
[8] | Harber JF (2020) The Berberis of China and Vietnam, A revision. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden, Vol. 136. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. |
[9] | Hong DY, Blackmore S (2015) Plants of China:A Companion to theFlora of China. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & New York. |
[10] |
Hu J, Xiong YN, Li L, Liu Q, Wen F (2020) Rediscovery ofAeschynanthus monetaria (Gesneriaceae) in Southeast Tibet, China after more than 100 years. Phytotaxa, 450, 109-114.
[11] |
Li L, Chung SW, Li B, Zeng SJ, Yan HF, Li SJ (2020) New insight into the molecular phylogeny of the genusLiparis s. l. (Orchidaceae: Malaxideae) with a new generic segregate:Blepharoglossum. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 306, 54.
[12] |
Li YF, Zhang M, Wang XR, Sylvester SP, Xiang QB, Li X, Li M, Zhu H, Zhang C, Chen L, Yi XG, Mao LF, Duan YF (2020) Revisiting the phylogeny and taxonomy ofOsmanthus (Oleaceae) including description of the new genusChengiodendron. Phytotaxa, 436, 283-292.
[13] |
Liu DK, Tu XD, Zhao Z, Zeng MY, Zhang S, Ma L, Zhang GQ, Wang MM, Liu ZJ, Lan SR, Li MH, Chen SP (2020) Plastid phylogenomic data yield new and robust insights into the phylogeny ofCleisostoma-Gastrochilus clades (Orchidaceae, Aeridinae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 145, 106729.
[14] | Nesom GL (2020a) Yonglingia, Chaochienchangia, and Sinobouffordia (Asteraceae: Astereae), new genera segregated from Aster in China. Phytoneuron, 57, 1-25. |
[15] | Nesom GL (2020b) Metamyriactis (Asteraceae, Astereae), a new genus of Southeast AsianAsters. Phytoneuron, 58, 1-36. |
[16] | Nesom GL (2020c) Chlamydites (Asteraceae: Astereae) revived. Phytoneuron, 59, 1-14. |
[17] | Nesom GL (2020d) Cordiofontis (Asteraceae: Astereae), a new genus of Himalayan species segregated fromAster. Phytoneuron, 60, 1-20. |
[18] | Nesom GL (2020e) Cardiagyris (Asteraceae: Astereae), a new genus for theDoelllingeria-like species of Asia. Phytoneuron, 61, 1-26. |
[19] | Nesom GL (2020f) Tibetiodes Nesom, gen. nov. (Asteraceae: Astereae), including 27 species of HimalayanAster. Phytoneuron, 63, 1-30. |
[20] | Nesom GL (2020g) New genera from AsianAster (Asteraceae: Astereae). Phytoneuron, 64, 1-44. |
[21] |
Pedersen HÆ (2010) Species delimitation and recognition in theBrachycorythis helferi complex (Orchidaceae) resolved by multivariate morphometric analysis. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 162, 64-76.
[22] |
Qin QM, Tong YH, Zheng XR, Ni JB, Xia NH (2020) Sinosasa (Poaceae: Bambusoideae), a new genus from China. Taxon, 70, 27-47.
[23] |
Ren C, Wang L, Illarionova ID, Yang QE (2020) Circumscription and phylogenetic position ofLigularia sect.Stenostegia (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) based on morphological, cytological, and molecular phylogenetic evidence. Taxon, 69, 739-755.
[24] | The Biodiversity Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2020) Catalogue of Life China: 2020 Annual Checklist. Beijing. http://www.sp2000.org.cn/CoLChina/. (accessed on 2021-04-01) |
[25] | Wang QH, Jia Y (2020) A taxonomic study of the genusOrthotrichum (Orthotrichaceae, Moss) in China. Acta Bryolichenologica Asiatica, 9, 19-166. |
[26] | Wang YQ, Liu Q, Wu XF, Li JL, Wang BY, Pan B (2020) Rediscovery ofBrachycorythis menglianensis (Orchidaceae) with additional descriptive notes. Guihaia, 40, 1623-1627. |
[27] |
Wang ZH, Kilian N, Chen YP, Peng H (2020) Sinoseris (Crepidinae, Cichorieae, Asteraceae), a new genus of three species endemic to China, one of them new to science. Willdenowia, 50, 91-110.
[28] | Willis KJ, Bachman S (2016) The State of the World's Plants Report- 2016. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London. |
[29] | Willis KJ (2017) The State of the World's Plants Report- 2017. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London. |
[30] |
Zaika MA, Kilian N, Jones K, Krinitsina AA, Nilova MV, Speranskaya AS, Sukhorukov AP (2020) Scorzonera sensu lato (Asteraceae, Cichorieae)—Taxonomic reassessment in the light of new molecular phylogenetic and carpological analyses. PhytoKeys, 137, 1-85.
[31] |
Zhang L, Zhou XM, Liang ZL, Fan XP, Lu NT, Song MS, Knapp R, Gao XF, Sun H, Zhang LB (2020a) Phylogeny and classification of the tribe Lepisoreae (Polypodiaceae; Pteridophyta) with the description of a new genus,Ellipinema gen. nov., segregated fromLepisorus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 148, 106803.
[32] |
Zhang L, Fan XP, Petchsri S, Zhou L, Pollawatn R, Zhang X, Zhou XM, Lu NT, Knapp R, Chantanaorrapint S, Limpanasittichai P, Sun H, Gao XF, Zhang LB (2020b) Evolutionary relationships of the ancient fern lineage the adder's tongues (Ophioglossaceae) with description of Sahashia gen. nov. Cladistics, 36, 380-393.
[33] |
Zhang YX, Guo C, Li DZ (2020) A new subtribal classification of Arundinarieae (Poaceae, Bambusoideae) with the description of a new genus. Plant Diversity, 42, 127-134.
[34] | Zhang L, Zhang LB (2020a) ×Ellipisorus nom. nov. for ×Lepinema (Polypodiaceae) and ×Ellipisorus inaequibasis com. nov. from China. Phytotaxa, 464, 299-300. |
[35] |
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