生物多样性 ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (7): 757-766.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015285

所属专题: 全球气候变化下的海洋生物多样性专辑

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


罗文增*(), 劳柏瑄   

  1. “中山大学”海洋生物科技暨资源学系, 台湾高雄 80424
  • 收稿日期:2015-10-21 接受日期:2016-07-14 出版日期:2016-07-20 发布日期:2016-08-04
  • 通讯作者: 罗文增
  • 基金资助:
    台湾“科技部”(NSC 102-2611-M-110-005)

Seasonal dynamics of planktonic pteropods in the Taiwan Strait, western North Pacific Ocean

Wen-Tseng Lo*(), Bor-Shiuan Lau   

  1. Institute of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, “Sun Yat-sen University”, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 80424,
  • Received:2015-10-21 Accepted:2016-07-14 Online:2016-07-20 Published:2016-08-04
  • Contact: Lo Wen-Tseng


本研究利用水产试验所研究船“水试一号”于2006年冬(1月)夏(7月)两季在台湾海峡海域进行水文探测及浮游动物采样, 以探讨浮游翼足类群聚组成与丰度之时空分布及其与水文环境的相关性。结果发现浮游翼足类夏季的丰度及多样性指数明显较冬季高, 而种类数则差异不大; 两季间优势种类组成相似但优势排名略有不同, 夏季主要优势种为棒笔帽螺(Creseis clava)、尖笔帽螺(C. acicula)和马蹄螔螺(Limacina trochiformis), 合占所有翼足类丰度的97%, 其中仅棒笔帽螺就占了总丰度的62%; 冬季主要优势种为胖螔螺(Limacina inflata), 占翼足类丰度的72%。翼足类丰度在空间上的分布亦有明显的季节差异, 夏季时以台湾海峡北部较高, 冬季则以南部较高。种类数与物种多样性指数则均以海峡南部较高。由水文站群分析及各站群生物及水文特征结果显示, 台湾海峡季节性水团的消长与翼足类群聚分布有十分密切的关联。

关键词: 台湾海峡, 翼足类, 分布, 季风, 水文环境


Zooplankton samples and hydrographic data were collected in the Taiwan Strait (TS) on Fishery Research I cruises during the winter (January) and summer (July) of 2006, to investigate the seasonal and spatial distribution of planktonic pteropods associated with hydrographic conditions. Pteropod abundance and species diversity were higher in summer than in winter, while species richness showed no difference between seasons. The pteropod community structure was similar between seasons, but the abundance ranked differently. Creseis clava, C. acicula, and Limacina trochiformis predominated in summer. Together they accounted for 97% of the total pteropod catches, and, C. clava accounted for 62% of the total catch. Limacina inflata was the most common species in winter, and accounted for 72% of the total catch. The spatial distribution of the abundance of pteropods showed seasonal differences. Higher abundance in the southern TS occurred in winter but in the northern TS occurred in summer. Greater species richness and diversity of pteropods was usually observed in the southern TS during both seasons. Based on our results of hydrographical station groups and their biotic and environmental characteristics, we propose that in the study area the distribution pattern of the pteropod assemblage was closely correlated with the seasonal succession of water masses driven by monsoons.

Key words: Taiwan Strait, pteropods, distribution, monsoon, hydrography