Biodiv Sci ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (12): 1496-1510. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020191
Special Issue: 生物入侵
• Special Feature: Biodiversity Conservation along the Yellow River • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yahui Zhao1,*(), Yingchun Xing2, Binbin Lü3, Chuanjiang Zhou4, Wenbo Yang2, Kai Zhao5,*(
Yahui Zhao,Kai Zhao
Yahui Zhao, Yingchun Xing, Binbin Lü, Chuanjiang Zhou, Wenbo Yang, Kai Zhao. Species diversity and conservation of freshwater fishes in the Yellow River basin[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2020, 28(12): 1496-1510.
Fig. 1 Freshwater-fish composition of the Yellow River in order level. Other orders include Acipenseriformes, Salmoniformes, Anguilliformes, Clupeiformes, Beloniformes, Gasterosteiformes, and Scorpaeniformes.
水系 River basins | 种数 Species no. | 干流长度 River length (km) | 流域面积 Basin area (×104 km2) | 单位流域面积物种数 Species no. /10,000 km2 |
黑龙江 Heilongjiang River | 132 | 1,899 | 90.24 | 1.46 |
辽河 Liaohe River | 82 | 1,345 | 22.11 | 3.71 |
海河 Haihe River | 83 | 1,090 | 26.55 | 3.13 |
黄河 Yellow River | 147 | 5,463.6 | 75.24 | 1.95 |
淮河 Huaihe River | 113 | 1,000 | 19.12 | 5.91 |
长江 Yangtze River | 405 | 6,300 | 180 | 2.25 |
珠江 Pearl River | 489 | 2,214 | 44.2 | 11.06 |
Table 1 Comparison of species richness among seven major river basins in China
水系 River basins | 种数 Species no. | 干流长度 River length (km) | 流域面积 Basin area (×104 km2) | 单位流域面积物种数 Species no. /10,000 km2 |
黑龙江 Heilongjiang River | 132 | 1,899 | 90.24 | 1.46 |
辽河 Liaohe River | 82 | 1,345 | 22.11 | 3.71 |
海河 Haihe River | 83 | 1,090 | 26.55 | 3.13 |
黄河 Yellow River | 147 | 5,463.6 | 75.24 | 1.95 |
淮河 Huaihe River | 113 | 1,000 | 19.12 | 5.91 |
长江 Yangtze River | 405 | 6,300 | 180 | 2.25 |
珠江 Pearl River | 489 | 2,214 | 44.2 | 11.06 |
极危 CR | 濒危 EN | 易危 VU | 近危 NT | 无危 LC | 数据缺乏 DD | 未评估 Unevaluated | |
上游 Upper reach | 2 | 6 | 8 | 2 | 19 | 5 | 0 |
中游 Middle reach | 1 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 72 | 11 | 3 |
下游 Lower reach | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 78 | 13 | 2 |
全流域 River basin | 4 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 94 | 20 | 4 |
Table 2 Composition of threatened fishes in the Yellow River basin
极危 CR | 濒危 EN | 易危 VU | 近危 NT | 无危 LC | 数据缺乏 DD | 未评估 Unevaluated | |
上游 Upper reach | 2 | 6 | 8 | 2 | 19 | 5 | 0 |
中游 Middle reach | 1 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 72 | 11 | 3 |
下游 Lower reach | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 78 | 13 | 2 |
全流域 River basin | 4 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 94 | 20 | 4 |
目 Order | 科 Family | 鲤科中的亚科数量 Subfamily in Cyprinidae | 物种 Species | 干流河道长度 River length (km) | 流域面积 River basin (10,000 km2) | 物种数量/1,000 km 河长 No. of species/per 1,000 km river length | 物种数量/10,000 km2流域面积 No. of species/10,000 km2 river basin | |
上游 Upper reach | 3 | 4 | 5 | 44 | 3,471.6 | 42.82 | 12.67 | 1.03 |
中游 Middle reach | 8 | 14 | 11 | 100 | 1,206 | 34.38 | 82.92 | 2.91 |
下游 Lower reach | 11 | 20 | 10 | 101 | 786.6 | 2.27 | 128.40 | 44.49 |
全流域 River basin | 12 | 21 | 11 | 147 | 5,464 | 79.47 | 26.90 | 1.85 |
Table 3 Comparison of species richness among the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River
目 Order | 科 Family | 鲤科中的亚科数量 Subfamily in Cyprinidae | 物种 Species | 干流河道长度 River length (km) | 流域面积 River basin (10,000 km2) | 物种数量/1,000 km 河长 No. of species/per 1,000 km river length | 物种数量/10,000 km2流域面积 No. of species/10,000 km2 river basin | |
上游 Upper reach | 3 | 4 | 5 | 44 | 3,471.6 | 42.82 | 12.67 | 1.03 |
中游 Middle reach | 8 | 14 | 11 | 100 | 1,206 | 34.38 | 82.92 | 2.91 |
下游 Lower reach | 11 | 20 | 10 | 101 | 786.6 | 2.27 | 128.40 | 44.49 |
全流域 River basin | 12 | 21 | 11 | 147 | 5,464 | 79.47 | 26.90 | 1.85 |
黄河特有鱼类 Endemic species | 黄河特有鱼类百分比 Percentage of endemic species (%) | 受威胁物种 Threatened species | 受威胁物种百分比 % of threatened species | |
上游 Upper reach | 17 | 38.6 | 16 | 36.4 |
中游 Middle reach | 16 | 16.0 | 10 | 10.0 |
下游 Lower reach | 5 | 5.0 | 6 | 5.9 |
全流域 River basin | 27 | 18.4 | 24 | 16.3 |
Table 4 Comparison of endemic and threatened fish species among the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River
黄河特有鱼类 Endemic species | 黄河特有鱼类百分比 Percentage of endemic species (%) | 受威胁物种 Threatened species | 受威胁物种百分比 % of threatened species | |
上游 Upper reach | 17 | 38.6 | 16 | 36.4 |
中游 Middle reach | 16 | 16.0 | 10 | 10.0 |
下游 Lower reach | 5 | 5.0 | 6 | 5.9 |
全流域 River basin | 27 | 18.4 | 24 | 16.3 |
鱼类物种组成 Species composition | 黄河特有鱼类占比 Proportion of endemic species to the Yellow River | 受威胁物种占比 Proportion of threatened species | 鱼类多样性现状 Current status of fish diversity | |
上游 Upper reach | 单调 Simple | 高 High | 高 High | 一般 Average |
中游 Middle reach | 丰富 Rich | 较低 Relatively low | 较低 Relatively low | 较差 Relatively poor |
下游 Lower reach | 丰富 Rich | 低 Low | 低 Low | 差 Poor |
Table 5 Characters of fish diversity among the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River
鱼类物种组成 Species composition | 黄河特有鱼类占比 Proportion of endemic species to the Yellow River | 受威胁物种占比 Proportion of threatened species | 鱼类多样性现状 Current status of fish diversity | |
上游 Upper reach | 单调 Simple | 高 High | 高 High | 一般 Average |
中游 Middle reach | 丰富 Rich | 较低 Relatively low | 较低 Relatively low | 较差 Relatively poor |
下游 Lower reach | 丰富 Rich | 低 Low | 低 Low | 差 Poor |
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