Biodiv Sci ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 23293. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023293
• Special Feature: Biodiversity Conservation Regulations and Policies • Next Articles
E-mail: Dekui Yan. Common elements, deficiencies, and optimization suggestions of biodiversity conservation policies in China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(5): 23293.
工作事项 Work list | 发文数量 No. of documents |
完善调查监测技术标准体系 Improvement of the technical standard system for investigation and monitoring | 5/1 |
深化本底调查 Deepening background survey | 8/4 |
开展专项调查 Conducting specialized surveys | 14/5 |
推进生物遗传资源和种质资源调查、编目及数据库建设 Surveys, cataloguing and database construction of biological genetic resources and germplasm resources | 14/5 |
构建生物多样性监测网络 Construction of biodiversity monitoring network | 16/5 |
开展以重大病虫、外来有害生物为重点的常态化监测 Regular monitoring focusing on major pests and diseases and exotic pests | 1/0 |
推进生物多样性保护信息化建设 Informatization of biodiversity conservation | 16/5 |
建立生物多样性预警技术体系和应急响应机制 Establishment of biodiversity early warning technology system and emergency response mechanism | 7/3 |
推进野生动物疫源疫病监测预警体系建设 Construction of monitoring and early-warning system for wildlife epidemic-stricken and diseases | 1/0 |
健全生物多样性评估标准体系 Biodiversity assessment standard system | 11/3 |
开展林草生态综合监测评价及森林生态价值评估 Comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of forest and grassland ecology and assessment of forest ecological value | 5/0 |
定期开展水生生物多样性保护效果评估 Periodic assessment of the conservation effects of aquatic biodiversity | 2/0 |
建立指示性物种清单 Establishment of indicator species lists | 12/3 |
编制或更新生物多样性相关名录 Formation and updating of biodiversity-related lists | 8/4 |
公布更新生物多样性资源状况 Publication and updating of biodiversity resource status | 6/2 |
Table 1 Work list of biodiversity investigation, monitoring and assessment and number of provincial (above the slash) and municipal (below the slash) documents in China
工作事项 Work list | 发文数量 No. of documents |
完善调查监测技术标准体系 Improvement of the technical standard system for investigation and monitoring | 5/1 |
深化本底调查 Deepening background survey | 8/4 |
开展专项调查 Conducting specialized surveys | 14/5 |
推进生物遗传资源和种质资源调查、编目及数据库建设 Surveys, cataloguing and database construction of biological genetic resources and germplasm resources | 14/5 |
构建生物多样性监测网络 Construction of biodiversity monitoring network | 16/5 |
开展以重大病虫、外来有害生物为重点的常态化监测 Regular monitoring focusing on major pests and diseases and exotic pests | 1/0 |
推进生物多样性保护信息化建设 Informatization of biodiversity conservation | 16/5 |
建立生物多样性预警技术体系和应急响应机制 Establishment of biodiversity early warning technology system and emergency response mechanism | 7/3 |
推进野生动物疫源疫病监测预警体系建设 Construction of monitoring and early-warning system for wildlife epidemic-stricken and diseases | 1/0 |
健全生物多样性评估标准体系 Biodiversity assessment standard system | 11/3 |
开展林草生态综合监测评价及森林生态价值评估 Comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of forest and grassland ecology and assessment of forest ecological value | 5/0 |
定期开展水生生物多样性保护效果评估 Periodic assessment of the conservation effects of aquatic biodiversity | 2/0 |
建立指示性物种清单 Establishment of indicator species lists | 12/3 |
编制或更新生物多样性相关名录 Formation and updating of biodiversity-related lists | 8/4 |
公布更新生物多样性资源状况 Publication and updating of biodiversity resource status | 6/2 |
生物安全管理措施 Biosafety govermance measures | 发文数量 No. of documents | |
生物技术风险防范Biotechnology risk prevention | 建立健全生物安全工作协调机制 Coordination mechanism for biosafety work | 3/3 |
建立生物安全专家库 Biosafety expert pool | 1/0 | |
建立生物安全培训、跟踪检查、定期报告等工作制度 Biosafety training, tracking and checking, periodical report and other working system | 14/3 | |
健全实验室生物安全管理体系 Laboratory biosafety management system | 7/1 | |
制定风险防控计划和生物安全事件应急预案 Risk prevention and control plan and emergency plan for biosafety incidents | 11/4 | |
遗传资源及其相关传统知识获取和惠益分享监管 Regulation of access to and benefit-sharing of genetic resources and related traditional knowledge | 制定遗传资源目录 Genetic resources catalog | 4/1 |
健全遗传资源及相关传统知识获取与惠益分享制度 Access and benefit-sharing system for genetic resources and related traditional knowledge | 15/6 | |
强化遗传资源对外提供和合作研究利用的监督管理 Supervision and management of external provision and cooperative research and utilization of genetic resources | 11/5 | |
完善获取、利用、进出境审批责任制和责任追究制 Responsibility investigation system for access, utilization and exit/entry approval accountability system | 10/3 | |
迁地保护 Ex-situ conservation | 规范野生动植物繁育和利用行为 Standardization of the breeding and utilization of wild animals and plants | 6/1 |
迁地保护制度 Relocation protection system | 18/9 | |
对各级自然保护区进行强制保护 Mandatory protection of nature reserves at all levels | 2/1 | |
制定生物多样性保护负面清单 Negative list for biodiversity conservation | 0/1 | |
外来入侵物种防控 Invasive species management | 完善外来入侵物种防控部际协调机制 Inter-ministerial coordination mechanism for prevention and control of invasive alien species | 7/3 |
规范物种引进传播 Normalization of species introduction and spread | 16/7 | |
开展外来入侵物种普查 Census of invasive alien species | 12/6 | |
完善外来物种入侵防范体系 Prevention system for invasive alien species | 14/5 | |
构建外来物种风险评价和监管技术支撑体系 Technical support system for risk evaluation and supervision of alien species | 7/2 | |
执法措施 Enforcement measures | 建立健全管理机构/联合执法机制 Establishment and improvement of governance institutions/joint enforcement mechanisms | 14/6 |
建立健全案件分级管理、应急处置机制 Case hierarchy management and emergency response mechanism | 3/3 | |
建立健全案件挂牌督办机制 Supervise the handling of cases system | 5/3 | |
严厉打击破坏野生动植物资源的违法行为 Combating illegal behaviors of destroying wild animal and plant resources severely | 7/4 | |
全面开展执法监督检查 Law enforcement supervision and inspection | 5/2 | |
定期组织开展专项执法行动 Periodicity of specialized law enforcement actions | 7/3 | |
健全行政执法与刑事司法联动机制 Administrative enforcement of law and criminal judicial joint mechanism | 8/4 | |
行政监督 Administrative supervision | 建立健全案件通报约谈机制 Cases notification and regulatory talks mechanism | 1/2 |
将生物多样性保护成效作为省级生态环境保护督察考核内容 Taking biodiversity conservation effectiveness as provincial ecological environmental protection supervision and appraise contents | 4/0 | |
人大协同监督机制 Coordinated supervision mechanism of the National People’s Congress | 0/3 | |
行政考核 Administrative assessment | 开展生态质量评估 Ecological quality assessment | 1/1 |
将生物多样性保护成效作为政府目标管理绩效考核内容 Taking biodiversity conservation effectiveness as the government’s target management and performance appraisal content | 3/0 | |
将生物多样性保护成效作为领导干部综合考核评价及责任追究、离任审计的重要参考 Taking biodiversity conservation effectiveness as an essential reference for the comprehensive appraisal and evaluation of leading cadres, as well as for accountability and exit audits | 12/3 |
Table 2 No. of provincial (above the slash) and municipal (below the slash) documents on biosafety governance and law enforcement supervision and inspection measures
生物安全管理措施 Biosafety govermance measures | 发文数量 No. of documents | |
生物技术风险防范Biotechnology risk prevention | 建立健全生物安全工作协调机制 Coordination mechanism for biosafety work | 3/3 |
建立生物安全专家库 Biosafety expert pool | 1/0 | |
建立生物安全培训、跟踪检查、定期报告等工作制度 Biosafety training, tracking and checking, periodical report and other working system | 14/3 | |
健全实验室生物安全管理体系 Laboratory biosafety management system | 7/1 | |
制定风险防控计划和生物安全事件应急预案 Risk prevention and control plan and emergency plan for biosafety incidents | 11/4 | |
遗传资源及其相关传统知识获取和惠益分享监管 Regulation of access to and benefit-sharing of genetic resources and related traditional knowledge | 制定遗传资源目录 Genetic resources catalog | 4/1 |
健全遗传资源及相关传统知识获取与惠益分享制度 Access and benefit-sharing system for genetic resources and related traditional knowledge | 15/6 | |
强化遗传资源对外提供和合作研究利用的监督管理 Supervision and management of external provision and cooperative research and utilization of genetic resources | 11/5 | |
完善获取、利用、进出境审批责任制和责任追究制 Responsibility investigation system for access, utilization and exit/entry approval accountability system | 10/3 | |
迁地保护 Ex-situ conservation | 规范野生动植物繁育和利用行为 Standardization of the breeding and utilization of wild animals and plants | 6/1 |
迁地保护制度 Relocation protection system | 18/9 | |
对各级自然保护区进行强制保护 Mandatory protection of nature reserves at all levels | 2/1 | |
制定生物多样性保护负面清单 Negative list for biodiversity conservation | 0/1 | |
外来入侵物种防控 Invasive species management | 完善外来入侵物种防控部际协调机制 Inter-ministerial coordination mechanism for prevention and control of invasive alien species | 7/3 |
规范物种引进传播 Normalization of species introduction and spread | 16/7 | |
开展外来入侵物种普查 Census of invasive alien species | 12/6 | |
完善外来物种入侵防范体系 Prevention system for invasive alien species | 14/5 | |
构建外来物种风险评价和监管技术支撑体系 Technical support system for risk evaluation and supervision of alien species | 7/2 | |
执法措施 Enforcement measures | 建立健全管理机构/联合执法机制 Establishment and improvement of governance institutions/joint enforcement mechanisms | 14/6 |
建立健全案件分级管理、应急处置机制 Case hierarchy management and emergency response mechanism | 3/3 | |
建立健全案件挂牌督办机制 Supervise the handling of cases system | 5/3 | |
严厉打击破坏野生动植物资源的违法行为 Combating illegal behaviors of destroying wild animal and plant resources severely | 7/4 | |
全面开展执法监督检查 Law enforcement supervision and inspection | 5/2 | |
定期组织开展专项执法行动 Periodicity of specialized law enforcement actions | 7/3 | |
健全行政执法与刑事司法联动机制 Administrative enforcement of law and criminal judicial joint mechanism | 8/4 | |
行政监督 Administrative supervision | 建立健全案件通报约谈机制 Cases notification and regulatory talks mechanism | 1/2 |
将生物多样性保护成效作为省级生态环境保护督察考核内容 Taking biodiversity conservation effectiveness as provincial ecological environmental protection supervision and appraise contents | 4/0 | |
人大协同监督机制 Coordinated supervision mechanism of the National People’s Congress | 0/3 | |
行政考核 Administrative assessment | 开展生态质量评估 Ecological quality assessment | 1/1 |
将生物多样性保护成效作为政府目标管理绩效考核内容 Taking biodiversity conservation effectiveness as the government’s target management and performance appraisal content | 3/0 | |
将生物多样性保护成效作为领导干部综合考核评价及责任追究、离任审计的重要参考 Taking biodiversity conservation effectiveness as an essential reference for the comprehensive appraisal and evaluation of leading cadres, as well as for accountability and exit audits | 12/3 |
保障措施 Safeguard measures | 发文数量 No. of documents | 合计 Total | ||
法治建设 Rule of law | 制定规划 Planning formulation | 17/3 | 20 | |
完善立法 Legislation consummation | 15/4 | 19 | ||
制定配套政策 Supporting policies | 16/7 | 23 | ||
科技与人才支撑 Science, technology and talent support | 培育人才队伍 Cultivation of talents | 17/6 | 23 | |
大力建设科研中心 Scientific research center | 5/1 | 6 | ||
加强科学技术研究 Science and technology research | 16/6 | 22 | ||
资金投入 Financial inputs | 加大政府经费投入 Government funding | 17/11 | 28 | |
引导社会资本参与 Social capital participation | 16/7 | 23 | ||
探索投融资机制 Investment and financing mechanism | 13/4 | 17 | ||
国际合作与交流 International cooperation and communication | 完善合作机制 Cooperation mechanisms | 7/5 | 12 | |
切实履行国际条约 Fulfillment of international treaties | 5/1 | 6 | ||
参与跨境执法 Participation in cross-border law enforcement | 2/2 | 4 | ||
公众参与 Public engagement | 宣传教育 Propaganda and education | 17/9 | 26 | |
公益诉讼机制 Public interest litigation mechanism | 11/4 | 15 | ||
信息公开 Disclosure of information | 9/5 | 14 | ||
媒体监督 Media supervision | 8/6 | 14 |
Table 3 Safeguard measures for biodiversity conservation policies at the province level and at the city level
保障措施 Safeguard measures | 发文数量 No. of documents | 合计 Total | ||
法治建设 Rule of law | 制定规划 Planning formulation | 17/3 | 20 | |
完善立法 Legislation consummation | 15/4 | 19 | ||
制定配套政策 Supporting policies | 16/7 | 23 | ||
科技与人才支撑 Science, technology and talent support | 培育人才队伍 Cultivation of talents | 17/6 | 23 | |
大力建设科研中心 Scientific research center | 5/1 | 6 | ||
加强科学技术研究 Science and technology research | 16/6 | 22 | ||
资金投入 Financial inputs | 加大政府经费投入 Government funding | 17/11 | 28 | |
引导社会资本参与 Social capital participation | 16/7 | 23 | ||
探索投融资机制 Investment and financing mechanism | 13/4 | 17 | ||
国际合作与交流 International cooperation and communication | 完善合作机制 Cooperation mechanisms | 7/5 | 12 | |
切实履行国际条约 Fulfillment of international treaties | 5/1 | 6 | ||
参与跨境执法 Participation in cross-border law enforcement | 2/2 | 4 | ||
公众参与 Public engagement | 宣传教育 Propaganda and education | 17/9 | 26 | |
公益诉讼机制 Public interest litigation mechanism | 11/4 | 15 | ||
信息公开 Disclosure of information | 9/5 | 14 | ||
媒体监督 Media supervision | 8/6 | 14 |
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