Biodiv Sci ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 11-17. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2014165
• Original Papers: Plant Diversity • Previous Articles Next Articles
Rongjing Zhang1, Zhe Zhao1, Wenba Su2, Fuwu Xing3,*()
Fuwu Xing
Rongjing Zhang, Zhe Zhao, Wenba Su, Fuwu Xing. Distribution and assessment of rare and endangered plants in Ganshiling Nature Reserve, Hainan[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2015, 23(1): 11-17.
维管植物 Vascular plants | 科数 No. of families | 属数 No. of genera | 种数 No. of species |
蕨类植物 Ferns | 6 | 6 | 7 |
裸子植物 Gymnosperms | 3 | 4 | 5 |
被子植物 Angiosperms | 40 | 82 | 94 |
合计 Total | 49 | 92 | 106 |
Table 1 Statistics of rare and endangered plants in Ganshiling Nature Reserve
维管植物 Vascular plants | 科数 No. of families | 属数 No. of genera | 种数 No. of species |
蕨类植物 Ferns | 6 | 6 | 7 |
裸子植物 Gymnosperms | 3 | 4 | 5 |
被子植物 Angiosperms | 40 | 82 | 94 |
合计 Total | 49 | 92 | 106 |
维管植物 Tracheophyte | No. in LIST/% | No. in RB/% | No. in IUCN/% | No. in RL/% | No. in CITES/% | |
甘什岭 Ganshiling | 1,334 | 13/0.97 | 19/1.42 | 13/0.97 | 48/3.6 | 34/2.55 |
五指山 Wuzhishan | 1,882 | 29/1.54 | 39/2.07 | - | - | 119/6.32 |
鹦哥岭 Yinggeling | 1,558 | 18/1.16 | - | 22/1.41 | 65/4.17 | - |
尖峰岭 Jianfengling | 2,087 | 35/1.68 | 42/2.01 | - | - | - |
Table 2 Statistics of rare and endangered plants in Ganshiling Nature Reserve compared with the other three national nature reserves
维管植物 Tracheophyte | No. in LIST/% | No. in RB/% | No. in IUCN/% | No. in RL/% | No. in CITES/% | |
甘什岭 Ganshiling | 1,334 | 13/0.97 | 19/1.42 | 13/0.97 | 48/3.6 | 34/2.55 |
五指山 Wuzhishan | 1,882 | 29/1.54 | 39/2.07 | - | - | 119/6.32 |
鹦哥岭 Yinggeling | 1,558 | 18/1.16 | - | 22/1.41 | 65/4.17 | - |
尖峰岭 Jianfengling | 2,087 | 35/1.68 | 42/2.01 | - | - | - |
分布地区 Distribution area | 种数 No. of species | 比例 % |
1 中国特有 Endemic to China | 13 | 12.26 |
1-1 海南、广东特有 Endemic to Hainan and Guangdong | 2 | 1.89 |
1-2 海南、广西特有 Endemic to Hainan and Guangxi | 4 | 3.77 |
1-3 海南、云南特有 Endemic to Hainan and Yunnan | 1 | 0.94 |
1-4 海南与中国其他地方共有 Common to Hainan and other regions of China | 6 | 5.66 |
2 海南特有 Endemic to Hainan | 22 | 20.76 |
2-1 甘什岭与海南其他地方共有 Common to Ganshiling Mountain and other regions of Hainan | 20 | 18.87 |
2-2 甘什岭特有 Endemic to Ganshiling Mountain | 2 | 1.89 |
合计 Total | 35 | 33.02 |
Table 3 Chinese endemic species of the rare and endangered plants of Ganshiling Nature Reserve
分布地区 Distribution area | 种数 No. of species | 比例 % |
1 中国特有 Endemic to China | 13 | 12.26 |
1-1 海南、广东特有 Endemic to Hainan and Guangdong | 2 | 1.89 |
1-2 海南、广西特有 Endemic to Hainan and Guangxi | 4 | 3.77 |
1-3 海南、云南特有 Endemic to Hainan and Yunnan | 1 | 0.94 |
1-4 海南与中国其他地方共有 Common to Hainan and other regions of China | 6 | 5.66 |
2 海南特有 Endemic to Hainan | 22 | 20.76 |
2-1 甘什岭与海南其他地方共有 Common to Ganshiling Mountain and other regions of Hainan | 20 | 18.87 |
2-2 甘什岭特有 Endemic to Ganshiling Mountain | 2 | 1.89 |
合计 Total | 35 | 33.02 |
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