Biodiv Sci ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 23242.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023242  cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023242

• Original Papers: Microbial Diversity • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Investigation of species diversity of myxomycetes in Dabie Mountains

Di Lin(), Shuanglin Chen, Que Du, Wenlong Song, Gu Rao, Shuzhen Yan*()   

  1. College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023
  • Received:2023-07-04 Accepted:2023-11-29 Online:2024-02-20 Published:2023-11-29
  • Contact: E-mail:


Aims Myxomycetes (or Myxogastrea) are one of the elementary taxa of the biodiversity components in terrestrial ecosystems. Myxomycetes play important ecological roles in forests. Dabie Mountains are one of the most important mountains with biodiversity significance in Central China and even in China. However, the previous survey of the species diversity of myxomycetes is limited to the site of Tiantangzhai National Forest Park. Myxomycetes in other areas of the Dabie Mountains are unknown. In this study, we are striving to fully obtain and understand the basic information of myxomycete species diversity to reveal species compositions and distribution characteristics of myxomycetes in the Dabie Mountains.

Method An investigation into myxomycete species was conducted in 21 nature reserves or national forest parks in the Dabie Mountains during August 2020 and September 2022. The habitats of species were surveyed and recorded. Specimens were collected directly in the field and harvested in moist chamber culture. Species were identified based on morphological taxonomy.

Results A total of 984 specimens were obtained by field collection and substrate wet chamber culture and all myxomycete specimens were identified as 93 species belonging to 32 genera, 13 families, and 6 orders. Presently in China, Craterium muscorum and Diderma fragile were only recorded in the Dabie Mountains. Totally, 48 species including Ophiotheca pedata, Stemonitis herbatica and Trichia varia for the Dabie Mountains were firstly recorded. Based on the principle dividing relative abundance (RA) of myxomycete species, 11 species were abundant (RA > 3%), 8 species were common (RA = 1.5%-3.0%), 30 species were occasional (RA = 0.5%-1.5%) and 44 species were rare (RA < 0.5%). Species richness of myxomycetes varied among different habitats, types of substrates and forest types in the Dabie Mountains. The species richness at Dongzhai Nature Reserve, Henan Province was higher than those at other 20 protective areas, in which 41 species were found, the species/genus ratio was 1.95, and 3 species were specific. The richness of myxomycete species on rotten wood was higher than those on living bark, living grass and litters, on which 77 species were found, the species/genus ratio was 2.75, and 42 species were specific. The richness of myxomycete species in conifer-broadleaf mixed forest was higher than those in the coniferous forest and broad-leaved forest, in which 81 species were found, the species/genus ratio was 2.89, and 28 species were specific.

Conclusion The species composition and richness of myxomycetes are different among 21 protective areas of the Dabie Mountains, thus forming different species distribution patterns. The species diversity of myxomycetes in rotten wood and conifer-broadleaf mixed forests is higher than those on other growth substrate and single forest type. It provides important information on myxomycete diversity for a comprehensive understanding of the biodiversity in the Dabie Mountains.

Key words: central China, myxomycetes, species composition, relative abundance, distribution pattern