Biodiv Sci ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 120-123. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.04238
• Special Issue • Previous Articles
Xiaohua Jin(), Xiaoguo Xiang, Bin Chen
Xiaohua Jin
Xiaohua Jin, Xiaoguo Xiang, Bin Chen. Biodiversity of orchids in remnant native forests in Nujiang Valley, Yunnan Province, China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2011, 19(1): 120-123.
调查地点 Sites | 位置 Location | 海拔 Elevation (m) | 面积 Area | 调查时间 Fieldwork time | ||||||||
毕毕里 Bibili | 贡山县捧当 Pengdang, Gongshan County | 1,550 | ~5 ha | May, 2008 July, 2008 May, 2010 | ||||||||
禾波 Hebo | 贡山县普拉底禾波 Puladi, Gongshan County | 1,450 | ~20 ha | May, 2010 | ||||||||
木加里 Mujiali | 福贡县马吉 Maji, Fugong County | 1,400 | ~3 ha | Dec., 2007 Nov., 2008 May, 2010 | ||||||||
石门关 Stone Gate | 贡山县丙中洛四季通 Sijitong, Bingzhongluo, Gongshan County | 1,600 | ~5 ha | Dec., 2007 |
Table 1 Surveying sites and fieldwork time for biodiversity of orchids in remnant native forests in Nujiang Valley
调查地点 Sites | 位置 Location | 海拔 Elevation (m) | 面积 Area | 调查时间 Fieldwork time | ||||||||
毕毕里 Bibili | 贡山县捧当 Pengdang, Gongshan County | 1,550 | ~5 ha | May, 2008 July, 2008 May, 2010 | ||||||||
禾波 Hebo | 贡山县普拉底禾波 Puladi, Gongshan County | 1,450 | ~20 ha | May, 2010 | ||||||||
木加里 Mujiali | 福贡县马吉 Maji, Fugong County | 1,400 | ~3 ha | Dec., 2007 Nov., 2008 May, 2010 | ||||||||
石门关 Stone Gate | 贡山县丙中洛四季通 Sijitong, Bingzhongluo, Gongshan County | 1,600 | ~5 ha | Dec., 2007 |
调查地点 Sites | 主要威胁 Major threats | 影响程度 Impact degree |
毕毕里 Bibili | 放牧(主要是羊)、薪材砍伐 Grazing (mainly by goats) and firewood | 非常严重 Severe |
禾 波 Hebo | 薪材砍伐、草果种植、开荒 Firewood, cultivation of crop | 非常严重 Severe |
木加里 Mujiali | 薪材砍伐 Firewood | 一般 Common |
石门关 Stone Gate | 无 None | 无 None |
Table 2 Major threats to orchids in investigation sites
调查地点 Sites | 主要威胁 Major threats | 影响程度 Impact degree |
毕毕里 Bibili | 放牧(主要是羊)、薪材砍伐 Grazing (mainly by goats) and firewood | 非常严重 Severe |
禾 波 Hebo | 薪材砍伐、草果种植、开荒 Firewood, cultivation of crop | 非常严重 Severe |
木加里 Mujiali | 薪材砍伐 Firewood | 一般 Common |
石门关 Stone Gate | 无 None | 无 None |
物种 Species | 分布 Distribution | 数量 (丛或株) Number of clusters or individuals | 习性 Habit | |
大苞石豆兰 | Bulbophyllum cylindraceum | 西南广布 Widespread in SW China | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
圆叶石豆兰 | B. drymoglossum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
葡茎石豆兰 | B. emarginatum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
长足石豆兰 | B. pectinatum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
伏生石豆兰 | B. reptans | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
石豆兰一种 | Bulbophyllum sp. | 未知 Unknown | 2丛 2 clusters | E |
匙萼卷瓣兰 | B. spathulatum | 热带地区 Tropics | 1丛 1 cluster | E |
伞花卷瓣兰 | B. umbellatum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
蜂腰兰 | Bulleyia yunnanensis | 广布 Widespread | 大于30丛 More than 30 clusters | E |
剑叶虾脊兰 | Calanthe alismatifolia | 广布 Widespread | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | T |
虾脊兰一种 | Calanthe sp. | 未知 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | T |
大序隔距兰 | Cleisostoma paniculatum | 热带地区 Tropics | 15丛 More than 15 clusters | E |
大叶隔距兰 | C. racemiferum | 热带地区 Tropics | 2丛 More than 2 clusters | E |
卵叶贝母兰 | Coelogyne ovalis | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
疣鞘贝母兰 | C. schultesii | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
台湾吻兰 | Collabium formosanum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | T |
建兰 | Cymbdium ensifolium | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
多花兰 | C. floribundum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
春兰 | C. goeringii | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | T |
兔耳兰 | C. lancifolium | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | T |
西藏虎头兰 | C. tracyanum | 广布 Widespread | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
杓兰属一种 | Cypripedium sp. | 未知 Unknown | 2个居群约定50株 About 50 individuals in two populations | T |
束花石斛 | Denbrobium chrysanthum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
金耳石斛 | D. hookerianum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
细茎石斛 | D. moniliforme | 广布 Widespread | 3丛 3 clusters | E |
石斛 | D. nobile | 广布 Widespread | 3丛 3 clusters | E |
宽叶厚唇兰 | Epigeneium amplum | 广布 Widespread | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
卵叶火烧兰 | Epipactis royleana | 喜马拉雅地区 Pan-Himalayas | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | T |
足茎毛兰 | Eria coronaira | 广布 Widespread | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
三脊毛兰 | E. cristata | 主要分布 Distribution centre | 大于100丛 More than 100 clusters | E |
毛兰一种 (新种或新记录种) | Eria sp. | 怒江和独龙江河谷 Valleys of Dulong and Nujiang rivers | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | |
密花毛兰 | E. spicata | 广布 Widespread | 大于2丛 More than 2 clusters | E |
滇金石斛 | Flickingeria albopurpurea | 主要分布在怒江河谷 Mainly in Nujiang Valley | 大于50丛 More than 50 clusters | E |
盆距兰 | Gastrochilus calceolaris | 广布热带地区 Widespread in tropics | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
斑叶兰 | Goodyera schlechtendaliana | 广布 Widespread | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
斑叶兰一种 | Goodyera sp. | 未知 Unknown | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
扇唇舌喙兰 | Hemipilia flabellata | 广布 Widespread | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
镰翅羊耳蒜 | Liparis bootanensis | 广布 Widespread | 大于20丛 More than 20 individuals | E |
丛生羊耳蒜 | L. cespitosa | 广布 Widespread | 大于10株 More than 10 individuals | E |
心叶羊耳蒜 | L. cordifolia | 广布 Widespread | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
见血清 | L. nervosa | 广布 Widespread | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
羊耳蒜一种 | Liparis sp. | 未知 Unknown | 5株 5 individuals | E |
洛氏羊耳蒜 | L. rockii | 怒江和独龙江峡谷特有 Endemic to valleys of Nujiang and Dulong rivers | 20 丛 More than 20 clusters | T |
叉子股一种 | Luisia sp. | 未知 Unknown | 4丛 4 clusters | |
鸢尾兰一种 | Oberonia sp. | 未知 Unknown | 2丛 2 clusters | E |
羽唇兰 | Ornitochilus difformis | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 6丛 6 clusters | E |
狭叶耳唇兰 | Otochilus fuscus | 西南亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
黄花鹤顶兰 | Phaius flavus | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical region | 3丛 3 clusters | T |
鹤顶兰 | P. tancarvilleae | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 3丛 3 clusters | E |
节茎石仙桃 | Pholidota articulata | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
岩生石仙桃 | P. rupestris | 西南亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest subtropical region | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
圆叶匙唇兰 | Schoenorchis gemmata | 热带地区 Tropics | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
绶草 | Spiranthes sinensis | 广布 Widespread | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
带叶兰 | Taeniophyllum glandulosum | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
滇南带唇兰 | Tainia minor | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical region | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
矮柱兰 | Thelasis khasiana | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | E |
疣花三角兰 | Trias verrovusa | 怒江峡谷特有 Endemic to the valley of Nujiang River | 2丛 2 clusters | E |
短穗竹茎兰 | Tropidia curculigoides | Tropics | 1株 1 individual | E |
白花拟万代兰 | Vandopsis undulata | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 约10株 About 10 individuals | E |
黄花线柱兰 | Zeuxine flava | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 约100株 About 100 individuals | T |
白肋线柱兰 | Z. goodyeroides | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 约20株 About 20 individuals | T |
Appendix II Orchids in lowland of Nujiang Valley (E for epiphytic, T for terrestrial)
物种 Species | 分布 Distribution | 数量 (丛或株) Number of clusters or individuals | 习性 Habit | |
大苞石豆兰 | Bulbophyllum cylindraceum | 西南广布 Widespread in SW China | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
圆叶石豆兰 | B. drymoglossum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
葡茎石豆兰 | B. emarginatum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
长足石豆兰 | B. pectinatum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
伏生石豆兰 | B. reptans | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
石豆兰一种 | Bulbophyllum sp. | 未知 Unknown | 2丛 2 clusters | E |
匙萼卷瓣兰 | B. spathulatum | 热带地区 Tropics | 1丛 1 cluster | E |
伞花卷瓣兰 | B. umbellatum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
蜂腰兰 | Bulleyia yunnanensis | 广布 Widespread | 大于30丛 More than 30 clusters | E |
剑叶虾脊兰 | Calanthe alismatifolia | 广布 Widespread | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | T |
虾脊兰一种 | Calanthe sp. | 未知 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | T |
大序隔距兰 | Cleisostoma paniculatum | 热带地区 Tropics | 15丛 More than 15 clusters | E |
大叶隔距兰 | C. racemiferum | 热带地区 Tropics | 2丛 More than 2 clusters | E |
卵叶贝母兰 | Coelogyne ovalis | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
疣鞘贝母兰 | C. schultesii | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
台湾吻兰 | Collabium formosanum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | T |
建兰 | Cymbdium ensifolium | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
多花兰 | C. floribundum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
春兰 | C. goeringii | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | T |
兔耳兰 | C. lancifolium | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | T |
西藏虎头兰 | C. tracyanum | 广布 Widespread | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
杓兰属一种 | Cypripedium sp. | 未知 Unknown | 2个居群约定50株 About 50 individuals in two populations | T |
束花石斛 | Denbrobium chrysanthum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
金耳石斛 | D. hookerianum | 广布 Widespread | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
细茎石斛 | D. moniliforme | 广布 Widespread | 3丛 3 clusters | E |
石斛 | D. nobile | 广布 Widespread | 3丛 3 clusters | E |
宽叶厚唇兰 | Epigeneium amplum | 广布 Widespread | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
卵叶火烧兰 | Epipactis royleana | 喜马拉雅地区 Pan-Himalayas | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | T |
足茎毛兰 | Eria coronaira | 广布 Widespread | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
三脊毛兰 | E. cristata | 主要分布 Distribution centre | 大于100丛 More than 100 clusters | E |
毛兰一种 (新种或新记录种) | Eria sp. | 怒江和独龙江河谷 Valleys of Dulong and Nujiang rivers | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | |
密花毛兰 | E. spicata | 广布 Widespread | 大于2丛 More than 2 clusters | E |
滇金石斛 | Flickingeria albopurpurea | 主要分布在怒江河谷 Mainly in Nujiang Valley | 大于50丛 More than 50 clusters | E |
盆距兰 | Gastrochilus calceolaris | 广布热带地区 Widespread in tropics | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
斑叶兰 | Goodyera schlechtendaliana | 广布 Widespread | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
斑叶兰一种 | Goodyera sp. | 未知 Unknown | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
扇唇舌喙兰 | Hemipilia flabellata | 广布 Widespread | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
镰翅羊耳蒜 | Liparis bootanensis | 广布 Widespread | 大于20丛 More than 20 individuals | E |
丛生羊耳蒜 | L. cespitosa | 广布 Widespread | 大于10株 More than 10 individuals | E |
心叶羊耳蒜 | L. cordifolia | 广布 Widespread | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
见血清 | L. nervosa | 广布 Widespread | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
羊耳蒜一种 | Liparis sp. | 未知 Unknown | 5株 5 individuals | E |
洛氏羊耳蒜 | L. rockii | 怒江和独龙江峡谷特有 Endemic to valleys of Nujiang and Dulong rivers | 20 丛 More than 20 clusters | T |
叉子股一种 | Luisia sp. | 未知 Unknown | 4丛 4 clusters | |
鸢尾兰一种 | Oberonia sp. | 未知 Unknown | 2丛 2 clusters | E |
羽唇兰 | Ornitochilus difformis | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 6丛 6 clusters | E |
狭叶耳唇兰 | Otochilus fuscus | 西南亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
黄花鹤顶兰 | Phaius flavus | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical region | 3丛 3 clusters | T |
鹤顶兰 | P. tancarvilleae | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 3丛 3 clusters | E |
节茎石仙桃 | Pholidota articulata | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
岩生石仙桃 | P. rupestris | 西南亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest subtropical region | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
圆叶匙唇兰 | Schoenorchis gemmata | 热带地区 Tropics | 大于10丛 More than 10 clusters | E |
绶草 | Spiranthes sinensis | 广布 Widespread | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
带叶兰 | Taeniophyllum glandulosum | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 大于20丛 More than 20 clusters | E |
滇南带唇兰 | Tainia minor | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical region | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | T |
矮柱兰 | Thelasis khasiana | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 大于20株 More than 20 individuals | E |
疣花三角兰 | Trias verrovusa | 怒江峡谷特有 Endemic to the valley of Nujiang River | 2丛 2 clusters | E |
短穗竹茎兰 | Tropidia curculigoides | Tropics | 1株 1 individual | E |
白花拟万代兰 | Vandopsis undulata | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 约10株 About 10 individuals | E |
黄花线柱兰 | Zeuxine flava | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 约100株 About 100 individuals | T |
白肋线柱兰 | Z. goodyeroides | 西南热带和亚热带地区 Widespread in southwest tropical and subtropical regions | 约20株 About 20 individuals | T |
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