Biodiv Sci ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 507-516. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020224
Special Issue: 昆虫多样性与生态功能
• Reviews • Previous Articles Next Articles
Hui Zhang, Qian Liu, Xiaolei Huang()
Xiaolei Huang
About author:
* E-mail: Zhang, Qian Liu, Xiaolei Huang. Mechanisms regulating caste and behavior differentiation in social insects[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2021, 29(4): 507-516.
影响因素 Influencing factors | 昆虫类群 Insect groups | 劳动分工类型 Labour division | 参考文献 References | |
外界环境 External environment | 营养 Nutrition | 西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera | 蜂后-工蜂 Queen-worker | Kamakura, |
表皮碳氢化合物 Cuticular hydrocarbons | 红胡须蚁 Pogonomyrmex barbatus | 觅食-侦查 Foraging-patrolling | Greene & Gordon, | |
信息素 Pheromone | 黄胸散白蚁 Reticulitermes speratus | 生殖蚁-工蚁 Neotenics-worker | Matsuura et al, | |
王后年龄 Queen age | 罗纹须蚁 Pogonomyrmex rugosus | 蚁后-工蚁 Queen-worker | Schwander et al, | |
海拔和季节 Elevation and season | 蜜蜂总科 Apoidea | 独居-合作筑巢 Solitary-cooperative | Kocher et al, | |
气候 Climate | 马蜂属 Polistes | 合作繁殖 Cooperative breeding | Sheehan et al, | |
温度 Temperature | 台湾乳白蚁 Coptotermes formosanus | 工蚁-兵蚁 Worker-soldier | Tarver et al, | |
生理调控 Physiological regulation | 保幼激素 Juvenile hormone | 八刺顶切叶蚁 Acromyrmex octospinosus | 巢内活动-觅食 Nest work-foraging | Norman & Hughes, |
蜕皮激素 Ecdysone | 内华达古白蚁 Zootermopsis nevadensis | 兵蚁-工蚁 Soldier-worker | Masuoka et al, | |
类胰岛素 Insulin-like peptides | 毕氏卵角蚁 Ooceraea biroi | 工蚁-生殖蚁 Worker-reproductives | Chandra et al, | |
生物胺 Biogenic amine | 西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera | 攻击防御 Defensive aggression | Nouvian et al, | |
分子调控 Molecular regulation | 遗传决定 Genetic determination | 棘顶切叶蚁 Acromyrmex echinatior | 大工蚁-小工蚁 Major-minor worker | Hughes et al, |
新基因 Novel gene | 西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera | 工蜂特性 Worker traits | Johnson & Tsutsui, | |
表观遗传修饰 Epigenetic modification | 西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera | 蜂后-工蜂 Queen-worker | He et al, | |
基因差异表达 Gene differential expression | 北美散白蚁 Reticulitermes flavipes | 兵蚁-工蚁(生殖蚁) Soldier-worker (reproductives) | Wu et al, |
Table 1 Influencing factors underlying caste and behavior differentiation in social insects
影响因素 Influencing factors | 昆虫类群 Insect groups | 劳动分工类型 Labour division | 参考文献 References | |
外界环境 External environment | 营养 Nutrition | 西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera | 蜂后-工蜂 Queen-worker | Kamakura, |
表皮碳氢化合物 Cuticular hydrocarbons | 红胡须蚁 Pogonomyrmex barbatus | 觅食-侦查 Foraging-patrolling | Greene & Gordon, | |
信息素 Pheromone | 黄胸散白蚁 Reticulitermes speratus | 生殖蚁-工蚁 Neotenics-worker | Matsuura et al, | |
王后年龄 Queen age | 罗纹须蚁 Pogonomyrmex rugosus | 蚁后-工蚁 Queen-worker | Schwander et al, | |
海拔和季节 Elevation and season | 蜜蜂总科 Apoidea | 独居-合作筑巢 Solitary-cooperative | Kocher et al, | |
气候 Climate | 马蜂属 Polistes | 合作繁殖 Cooperative breeding | Sheehan et al, | |
温度 Temperature | 台湾乳白蚁 Coptotermes formosanus | 工蚁-兵蚁 Worker-soldier | Tarver et al, | |
生理调控 Physiological regulation | 保幼激素 Juvenile hormone | 八刺顶切叶蚁 Acromyrmex octospinosus | 巢内活动-觅食 Nest work-foraging | Norman & Hughes, |
蜕皮激素 Ecdysone | 内华达古白蚁 Zootermopsis nevadensis | 兵蚁-工蚁 Soldier-worker | Masuoka et al, | |
类胰岛素 Insulin-like peptides | 毕氏卵角蚁 Ooceraea biroi | 工蚁-生殖蚁 Worker-reproductives | Chandra et al, | |
生物胺 Biogenic amine | 西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera | 攻击防御 Defensive aggression | Nouvian et al, | |
分子调控 Molecular regulation | 遗传决定 Genetic determination | 棘顶切叶蚁 Acromyrmex echinatior | 大工蚁-小工蚁 Major-minor worker | Hughes et al, |
新基因 Novel gene | 西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera | 工蜂特性 Worker traits | Johnson & Tsutsui, | |
表观遗传修饰 Epigenetic modification | 西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera | 蜂后-工蜂 Queen-worker | He et al, | |
基因差异表达 Gene differential expression | 北美散白蚁 Reticulitermes flavipes | 兵蚁-工蚁(生殖蚁) Soldier-worker (reproductives) | Wu et al, |
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