Biodiv Sci ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 210-216. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017311
Special Issue: 青藏高原生物多样性与生态安全
• Orginal Article • Previous Articles
Xiang Zhao1, Ziyun Zhu1,2, Zhi Lu1,2,*, Lingyun Xiao1,2, Sonamtso Mei1, Hao Wang2
Lu Zhi
About author:
# Co-first authors
Xiang Zhao,Ziyun Zhu,Zhi Lu,Lingyun Xiao,Sonamtso Mei,Hao Wang. An observation to the new initiative of community conservation guard posts in the pilot Three-River-Source National Park[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2018, 26(2): 210-216.
乡镇 Township | 村 Villages | 总户数 Number of households | 总人口 Population | 留居户数 Households living in rangeland | 留居人口 Population living in rangeland | 搬迁率 Ratio of immigration to towns |
治多县索加乡 (长江源园区) Suojia Township | 君曲村 Junqu | 362 | 1,206 | 183 | 688 | 49% |
牙曲村 Yaqu | 579 | 1,902 | 440 | 1,433 | 24% | |
莫曲村 Moqu | 303 | 1,327 | 119 | 357 | 61% | |
当曲村 Dangqu | 306 | 1,422 | 276 | 750 | 10% | |
曲麻莱县曲麻河乡 (长江源园区) Qumar River | 勒池村 Lechi | 284 | 1,112 | 250 | 989 | 12% |
多秀村 Duoxiu | 374 | 1,160 | 307 | 911 | 18% | |
措池村 Cuochi | 461 | 1,588 | 227 | 782 | 51% | |
昂拉村 Angla | 381 | 1,301 | 326 | 1,147 | 14% | |
杂多县扎青乡 (澜沧江源园区) Zhaqing Township | 地青村 Diqing | 544 | 2,043 | 326 | 1,142 | 40% |
格赛村 Gesai | 416 | 1,653 | 146 | 711 | 65% | |
昂闹村 Angnao | 358 | 1,308 | 161 | 564 | 55% | |
达清村 Daqing | 408 | 1,447 | 59 | 205 | 86% | |
总计 Total | 4,776 | 17,469 | 2,820 | 9,679 | 40% |
Table 1 immigration from rangeland to towns in some village in the Three-River-Source National Park
乡镇 Township | 村 Villages | 总户数 Number of households | 总人口 Population | 留居户数 Households living in rangeland | 留居人口 Population living in rangeland | 搬迁率 Ratio of immigration to towns |
治多县索加乡 (长江源园区) Suojia Township | 君曲村 Junqu | 362 | 1,206 | 183 | 688 | 49% |
牙曲村 Yaqu | 579 | 1,902 | 440 | 1,433 | 24% | |
莫曲村 Moqu | 303 | 1,327 | 119 | 357 | 61% | |
当曲村 Dangqu | 306 | 1,422 | 276 | 750 | 10% | |
曲麻莱县曲麻河乡 (长江源园区) Qumar River | 勒池村 Lechi | 284 | 1,112 | 250 | 989 | 12% |
多秀村 Duoxiu | 374 | 1,160 | 307 | 911 | 18% | |
措池村 Cuochi | 461 | 1,588 | 227 | 782 | 51% | |
昂拉村 Angla | 381 | 1,301 | 326 | 1,147 | 14% | |
杂多县扎青乡 (澜沧江源园区) Zhaqing Township | 地青村 Diqing | 544 | 2,043 | 326 | 1,142 | 40% |
格赛村 Gesai | 416 | 1,653 | 146 | 711 | 65% | |
昂闹村 Angnao | 358 | 1,308 | 161 | 564 | 55% | |
达清村 Daqing | 408 | 1,447 | 59 | 205 | 86% | |
总计 Total | 4,776 | 17,469 | 2,820 | 9,679 | 40% |
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