Biodiv Sci ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 149-157. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017196
Special Issue: 青藏高原生物多样性与生态安全
• Orginal Article • Previous Articles Next Articles
Ruiling Song1, Hao Wang1,*(), Di Zhang1, Zhi Lü1,2, Ziyun Zhu1,2, Lu Zhang1, Yanlin Liu1,3, gongbao Caiwen2, Lan Wu1
Wang Hao
About author:
# Co-first authors
Ruiling Song, Hao Wang, Di Zhang, Zhi Lü, Ziyun Zhu, Lu Zhang, Yanlin Liu, gongbao Caiwen, Lan Wu. Conservation outcomes assessment of Sanjiangyuan alpine grassland with MODIS-EVI approach[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2018, 26(2): 149-157.
模型 Model | 拟合方程 Function | 决定系数R2 Coefficients of determination | Sig. | 平均误差系数 Mean error coefficients |
线性 Linear | Y = 376.571X - 17.075 | 0.606 | < 0.001 | 33.4% |
二次 Quadratic | Y = 163.385X2 + 280.199X - 6.634 | 0.609 | < 0.001 | 43.0% |
乘幂 Power | Y = 383.897X1.3 | 0.675 | < 0.001 | 24.3% |
指数 Exponential | Y = 11.977e5.653X | 0.611 | < 0.001 | 32.4% |
Table 1 The four regression models based on the measured aboveground biomass and the related enhanced vegetation index (EVI) (X = EVI; Y = aboveground biomass)
模型 Model | 拟合方程 Function | 决定系数R2 Coefficients of determination | Sig. | 平均误差系数 Mean error coefficients |
线性 Linear | Y = 376.571X - 17.075 | 0.606 | < 0.001 | 33.4% |
二次 Quadratic | Y = 163.385X2 + 280.199X - 6.634 | 0.609 | < 0.001 | 43.0% |
乘幂 Power | Y = 383.897X1.3 | 0.675 | < 0.001 | 24.3% |
指数 Exponential | Y = 11.977e5.653X | 0.611 | < 0.001 | 32.4% |
匹配前后 Before & after matching (BM & AM) | 统计值 Statistics | 海拔 Elevation (m) | 坡度 Slope (°) | 草地类型(高寒草甸/高寒草原) Grassland type (Alpine meadow/ Alpine steppe) | 人口密度(人/km2) Population density (per km2) |
匹配前 BM | 均值 Mean (内/外 Inside/Outside) | 4,567.200 /4,414.500 | 10.911/12.770 | 1.129/1.092 | 0.799/2.782 |
匹配后 AM | 均值 Mean (内/外 Inside/Outside) | 4,566.700 /4,572.500 | 10.914/11.085 | 1.129/1.120 | 0.799/1.752 |
匹配前 BM | 标准化均数差 Standardized mean difference | 49.409 | -19.899 | 11.040 | -9.659 |
匹配后 AM | 标准化均数差 Standardized mean difference | -1.894 | -1.833 | 2.453 | -4.639 |
Table 2 The differences of the 4 covariates inside and outside of Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve were smaller after matching
匹配前后 Before & after matching (BM & AM) | 统计值 Statistics | 海拔 Elevation (m) | 坡度 Slope (°) | 草地类型(高寒草甸/高寒草原) Grassland type (Alpine meadow/ Alpine steppe) | 人口密度(人/km2) Population density (per km2) |
匹配前 BM | 均值 Mean (内/外 Inside/Outside) | 4,567.200 /4,414.500 | 10.911/12.770 | 1.129/1.092 | 0.799/2.782 |
匹配后 AM | 均值 Mean (内/外 Inside/Outside) | 4,566.700 /4,572.500 | 10.914/11.085 | 1.129/1.120 | 0.799/1.752 |
匹配前 BM | 标准化均数差 Standardized mean difference | 49.409 | -19.899 | 11.040 | -9.659 |
匹配后 AM | 标准化均数差 Standardized mean difference | -1.894 | -1.833 | 2.453 | -4.639 |
序号 No. | 评估对象(处理组/对照组) Items(treatment /control) | ATT | t | P-value |
1 | 保护区内/外 Inside/outside of NR | -158.170 | -4.7394 | 0.000** |
2 | 保护区内/外(去除10 km 缓冲区) Inside/outside (without 10 km buffer) of NR | -126.700 | -3.030 | 0.002** |
3 | 保护区内/外5 km缓冲区 5 km buffer inside and outside the border of NR | -211.200 | -5.755 | 0.000** |
4 | 保护区核心区 Core areas of NR | -185.410 | -5.668 | 0.000** |
Table 3 Results of the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) and paired-samples t-test of aboveground biomass change rate inside and outside of Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve (NR)
序号 No. | 评估对象(处理组/对照组) Items(treatment /control) | ATT | t | P-value |
1 | 保护区内/外 Inside/outside of NR | -158.170 | -4.7394 | 0.000** |
2 | 保护区内/外(去除10 km 缓冲区) Inside/outside (without 10 km buffer) of NR | -126.700 | -3.030 | 0.002** |
3 | 保护区内/外5 km缓冲区 5 km buffer inside and outside the border of NR | -211.200 | -5.755 | 0.000** |
4 | 保护区核心区 Core areas of NR | -185.410 | -5.668 | 0.000** |
序号 No. | 保护分区 Sub-reserves | ATT | t | P-value |
1 | 格拉丹东 Kelha Dandong | -119.880 | -0.777 | 0.436 |
2 | 麦秀 Manshuk | -139.200 | -0.770 | 0.442 |
3 | 果宗木查 Gorzong Mecha | 295.070 | 8.240 | 0.000** |
4 | 当曲 Dangchu | -259.300 | -9.970 | 0.000** |
5 | 索加-曲麻河 Suogya-Chemar River | 94.364 | 3.438 | 0.001** |
6 | 多可河 Dokhuk River | -198.440 | -0.600 | 0.548 |
7 | 玛可河 Makhuk River | 587.030 | 3.740 | 0.000** |
8 | 年保玉则 Nyanpo Yetse | 540.270 | 5.380 | 0.000** |
9 | 约古宗列 Yeger Zongne | -309.160 | -7.644 | 0.000** |
10 | 扎陵湖-鄂陵湖 Gyaring Lake-Ngoring Lake | -777.280 | -19.414 | 0.000** |
11 | 星星海 Xingxing Lake | -1695.200 | -29.040 | 0.000** |
12 | 阿尼玛卿 Anye Maching | -584.970 | -8.290 | 0.000** |
13 | 中铁-军功 Zhongtie-Jungong | -612.480 | -7.840 | 0.000** |
14 | 通天河沿岸 Druchu Riverbank | 609.100 | 8.250 | 0.000** |
15 | 东仲 Dorzong | -568.930 | -4.140 | 0.000** |
16 | 江西 Skyoshi | -966.400 | -5.270 | 0.000** |
17 | 白扎 Drultsa | -285.800 | -4.670 | 0.000** |
18 | 昂赛 Namser | -755.750 | -5.510 | 0.000** |
Table 4 Results of the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) of aboveground biomass change rate inside and outside of 18 sub-reserves
序号 No. | 保护分区 Sub-reserves | ATT | t | P-value |
1 | 格拉丹东 Kelha Dandong | -119.880 | -0.777 | 0.436 |
2 | 麦秀 Manshuk | -139.200 | -0.770 | 0.442 |
3 | 果宗木查 Gorzong Mecha | 295.070 | 8.240 | 0.000** |
4 | 当曲 Dangchu | -259.300 | -9.970 | 0.000** |
5 | 索加-曲麻河 Suogya-Chemar River | 94.364 | 3.438 | 0.001** |
6 | 多可河 Dokhuk River | -198.440 | -0.600 | 0.548 |
7 | 玛可河 Makhuk River | 587.030 | 3.740 | 0.000** |
8 | 年保玉则 Nyanpo Yetse | 540.270 | 5.380 | 0.000** |
9 | 约古宗列 Yeger Zongne | -309.160 | -7.644 | 0.000** |
10 | 扎陵湖-鄂陵湖 Gyaring Lake-Ngoring Lake | -777.280 | -19.414 | 0.000** |
11 | 星星海 Xingxing Lake | -1695.200 | -29.040 | 0.000** |
12 | 阿尼玛卿 Anye Maching | -584.970 | -8.290 | 0.000** |
13 | 中铁-军功 Zhongtie-Jungong | -612.480 | -7.840 | 0.000** |
14 | 通天河沿岸 Druchu Riverbank | 609.100 | 8.250 | 0.000** |
15 | 东仲 Dorzong | -568.930 | -4.140 | 0.000** |
16 | 江西 Skyoshi | -966.400 | -5.270 | 0.000** |
17 | 白扎 Drultsa | -285.800 | -4.670 | 0.000** |
18 | 昂赛 Namser | -755.750 | -5.510 | 0.000** |
Fig. 4 The spatial pattern of the trend of average biomass of growing season during the first-stage projects period (2005-2012) in Sanjiangyuan and the protection effectiveness in each sub-reserve
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