生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 24150.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024150  cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024150

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇

城市发展对鱼类功能多样性的影响: 以超大城市北京为例

李雪原1,2, 孙智闲1,3(), 王凤震4, 席蕊1,3, 方雨田1,2, 郝浚源1,3, 盛冬1, 孙书雅1, 赵亚辉1,2,*()()   

  1. 1.中国科学院动物研究所动物进化与系统学重点实验室, 北京 100101
    2.中国科学院大学, 北京 101408
    3.上海海洋大学水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心, 上海 201306
    4.北京市怀柔区园林绿化局, 北京 101400
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-21 接受日期:2024-09-06 出版日期:2024-08-20 发布日期:2024-09-12
  • 通讯作者: *E-mail: zhaoyh@ioz.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Impacts of urban development on functional diversity in fish: A case study of Beijing, a megacity

Xueyuan Li1,2, Zhixian Sun1,3(), Fengzhen Wang4, Rui Xi1,3, Yutian Fang1,2, Junyuan Hao1,3, Dong Sheng1, Shuya Sun1, Yahui Zhao1,2,*()()   

  1. 1 Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
    2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408, China
    3 National Demonstration Center for Experimental Fisheries Science Education, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
    4 Huairou District Bureau of Landscape and Greening of Beijing, Beijing 101400, China
  • Received:2024-04-21 Accepted:2024-09-06 Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-09-12
  • Contact: *E-mail: zhaoyh@ioz.ac.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(32270464);Sino BON—Inland Water Fish Diversity Monitoring Network


城市发展对当地的水生生态系统会造成不利影响。北京作为全球超大城市之一, 其城市化进程比大多数城市更为迅速, 因此北京水生生态系统受到城市发展的影响更甚, 尤其表现在对水生环境变化敏感的鱼类群体上。功能多样性是生物多样性的重要部分, 亦是评估生态系统功能的重要指标之一, 能更好地反映出鱼类群落中物种间资源分配和互补的程度。本研究结合野外调查数据、历史标本以及相关历史资料, 选取了与栖息、摄食、运动和繁殖4个方面相关的功能指标, 计算并比较了北京市1920-1960年、1960-1984年、1984-2013年和2013-2024年四个不同时期, 以及北京市建成区与生态涵养区的鱼类功能丰富度指数(FRic)、功能均匀度指数(FEve)、功能离散度指数(FDiv)和功能分散度指数(FDis), 探讨了城市化过程对北京鱼类群落的影响。研究表明, 北京市1920-1960年、1960-1984年、1984-2013年、2013-2024年分别记录到81、66、48、55种土著鱼类。北京四个时期的鱼类功能丰富度指数呈现先下降后上升的趋势, 从28.889先下降到17.693, 后又下降到11.358, 最后又回升到19.888, 这与四个时期的物种多样性变化同步, 而功能均匀度指数、功能离散度指数以及功能分散度指数变化很小。北京市建成区与生态涵养区的功能丰富度指数与两地区的物种多样性也呈正相关关系, 建成区的鱼类功能丰富度指数(1.639)明显低于生态涵养区(14.156), 而两地区的功能均匀度指数、功能离散度指数和功能分散度指数变化较小。总体而言, 功能丰富度指数对于城市发展变化的响应更为明显。北京市鱼类功能丰富度指数在2013年以前不断下降, 2013年以后有所回升, 这与土著鱼类资源得到了一定程度恢复, 且与一些外来鱼类占据部分缺失的土著鱼类生态位有关。外来物种防控应是北京作为超大城市在未来发展过程中需要特别注意的环节。

关键词: 多样性保护, 城市化, 城市鱼类, 外来鱼类, 水生生态系统


Aims: Urban development influences local aquatic ecosystems. As one of the world’s megacities, urbanization process in Beijing are more rapid compared to other cities. Beijing’s local aquatic ecosystem is more affected by its urbanization projects, particularly the fish fauna, which is one of the most sensitive groups in the aquatic ecosystem. This study focuses on fish to better understand the impact of urbanization on Beijing’s aquatic ecosystem over the past decades. We apply functional diversity (FD), a crucial component of biodiversity, to assess ecosystem function, and to reflect the extent of resource allocation and complementarity among species within fish communities.

Methods: Using field survey data, historical specimens, and relevant literature, this study screened functional indicators that relate to fish habitat, feeding, movement, and reproduction. This enabled us to calculate and compare the functional richness index (FRic), functional evenness index (FEve), functional divergence index (FDiv), and functional dispersion index (FDis) of fish in Beijing across four periods (1920-1960, 1960-1984, 1984-2013, and 2013-2024). This study then compares these indices from developed/ developing areas in Beijing, and its ecological conservation area.

Results: We found that decreasing numbers of indigenous fish were recorded in Beijing as urban development was progressing, with 81, 66, 48 and 55 species detected in 1920-1960, 1960-1984, 1984-2013 and 2013-2024, respectively. The fish FRic in Beijing initially decreased and then increased over the four periods, from 28.889 to 17.693, then to 11.358, and finally to 19.888, which was synchronized with the change in species diversity. The FEve, FDiv, and FDis showed no significant changes. There was a positive correlation between the FRic and species diversity in both the built-up area and the ecological conservation area of Beijing. The FRic in the built-up area (1.639) was significantly lower than in the ecological conservation area (14.156), while the other three indices showed little variation between the two areas. Additionally, the introduction of non-native fish species had some impact on FRicbut had minimal impact on the other three indices.

Conclusions: Overall, FRic responds more clearly to the changes caused by urban development. Fish FRicin Beijing continuously declined before 2013 and slightly rebounded after 2013 due to the restoration of native fish resources, however it has yet to rebound to the level of the pre-urbanization 1960s. The functional diversity in built-up areas is significantly lower than in the ecological conservation area, clearly due to the impact of urban development. Moreover, non-native fish species can occupy the niches of native fish, making it challenging for native fish species to recover. Although the non-native fish can increase functional diversity to some extent, they introduced threats to the survival of native fish. Therefore, it is necessary to control the non-native fish species in Beijing.

Key words: biodiversity conservation, urbanization, urban fish, non-native fish, aquatic ecosystem