生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (12): 22269. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022269
所属专题: 土壤生物与土壤健康
刘萍1, 刘红文1,2, 张淼1,2, 高燕1,2, 张梦亭1,2, 梁爱珍1, 张士秀1,*()
*E-mail: zhangshixiu@iga.ac.cn
Ping Liu1, Hongwen Liu1,2, Miao Zhang1,2, Yan Gao1,2, Mengting Zhang1,2, Aizhen Liang1, Shixiu Zhang1,*()
*E-mail: zhangshixiu@iga.ac.cn
东北黑土区是保障我国粮食安全的重要土壤资源, 了解该区域内农田土壤线虫的群落组成及其对环境驱动因子的响应机制, 对于研究黑土区农田土壤生态系统的生物多样性分布格局具有重要意义。2018年9月, 我们在42°50°‒49°08° N的典型黑土区采集了93个农田土壤样品, 利用形态学鉴定技术分析了土壤线虫群落的组成与结构。共鉴定出47个线虫属(相对丰度 > 1%), 其中食细菌线虫中的拟丽突属(Acrobeloides)是典型黑土区农田土壤中的优势属(相对丰度 > 5%)。土壤线虫总丰富度和总多度均随纬度增加而显著增加, 然而类似的变化趋势只出现在食细菌和杂食/捕食线虫中。土壤有机碳是影响土壤线虫丰富度和多度最为重要的环境因子, 其次是月平均温度。典型黑土区农田土壤线虫群落结构以47° N为分界线分为南部和北部两类, 主要归因于线虫群落中植物寄生和杂食/捕食线虫的相对多度在南、北特征属中存在差异。土壤pH值和容重分别是影响南部与北部黑土区线虫群落最重要的环境因子。本研究明确了典型黑土区农田土壤线虫群落的纬度分布格局及其与环境因素的关系, 可为揭示农业活动干扰下土壤生物对环境因子的响应机制提供基础数据和理论参考。
刘萍, 刘红文, 张淼, 高燕, 张梦亭, 梁爱珍, 张士秀 (2022) 典型黑土区农田土壤线虫群落的纬度分布格局及其驱动机制. 生物多样性, 30, 22269. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022269.
Ping Liu, Hongwen Liu, Miao Zhang, Yan Gao, Mengting Zhang, Aizhen Liang, Shixiu Zhang (2022) Latitude distribution and associated environmental factors of soil nematodes in a typical black soil region. Biodiversity Science, 30, 22269. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022269.
图2 典型黑土区农田土壤线虫丰富度(a-e)与多度(f-j)沿纬度分布。阴影部分为95%的置信区间。
Fig. 2 The relationship between latitude and the richness (a-e) and abundance (f-j) of soil nematodes community in farmland of the typical black soil region. The shaded areas are 95% confidence intervals.
丰富度 Richness | 环境因子 Environmental factors | %IncMSE | 显著性 Significance | 多度 Abundance | 环境因子 Environmental factors | %IncMSE | 显著性 Significance |
Total R | SOC | 8.76 | ** | Total A | SOC | 8.53 | ** |
pH | 8.23 | * | MMR | 6.21 | * | ||
MMT | 6.52 | * | MMT | 5.59 | * | ||
Ba R | SOC | 12.58 | ** | Ba A | SOC | 9.42 | ** |
pH | 11.98 | ** | MMR | 6.50 | * | ||
MMT | 8.73 | ** | MMT | 5.40 | |||
PP R | MMT | 6.83 | * | Fu A | CC | 8.38 | ** |
SOC | 3.48 | MMR | 6.29 | * | |||
SBD | 2.90 | MMT | 4.94 | ||||
OP R | MMT | 8.42 | ** | OP A | SOC | 9.53 | ** |
SOC | 7.68 | ** | SM | 5.71 | |||
DOC | 6.99 | * | pH | 4.80 |
表1 典型黑土区土壤线虫丰富度和多度的环境因素影响重要性排序表
Table 1 The importance ranking of environmental factors affecting soil nematode richness and abundance in the typical black soil region
丰富度 Richness | 环境因子 Environmental factors | %IncMSE | 显著性 Significance | 多度 Abundance | 环境因子 Environmental factors | %IncMSE | 显著性 Significance |
Total R | SOC | 8.76 | ** | Total A | SOC | 8.53 | ** |
pH | 8.23 | * | MMR | 6.21 | * | ||
MMT | 6.52 | * | MMT | 5.59 | * | ||
Ba R | SOC | 12.58 | ** | Ba A | SOC | 9.42 | ** |
pH | 11.98 | ** | MMR | 6.50 | * | ||
MMT | 8.73 | ** | MMT | 5.40 | |||
PP R | MMT | 6.83 | * | Fu A | CC | 8.38 | ** |
SOC | 3.48 | MMR | 6.29 | * | |||
SBD | 2.90 | MMT | 4.94 | ||||
OP R | MMT | 8.42 | ** | OP A | SOC | 9.53 | ** |
SOC | 7.68 | ** | SM | 5.71 | |||
DOC | 6.99 | * | pH | 4.80 |
图3 典型黑土区土壤线虫群落差异响应图。A: 典型黑土区农田土壤线虫群落聚类分析图; B: 典型黑土区南部与北部土壤线虫特征属差异(似然比检验, P < 0.05, FDR校正), 红色与蓝色虚线方框内分别为典型黑土区南部与北部线虫特征属名, 功能群后的数字代表线虫的c-p值。Ba: 食细菌线虫; Fu: 食真菌线虫; PP: 植物寄生线虫; OP: 杂食/捕食线虫; South: 南部特征属线虫群落; None: 无统计学差异线虫群落; North: 北部特征属线虫群落。CT1: 昌图一; CT2: 昌图二; LS1: 梨树一; LS2: 梨树二; GZL: 公主岭; CC1: 长春; DH: 德惠; YS: 榆树; SC: 双城; HEB: 哈尔滨; HL1: 呼兰; BY: 巴彦; SH: 绥化; SL: 绥棱; HL: 海伦; BQ: 拜泉; BA: 北安; KD: 克东; NH1: 讷河一; NH2: 讷河二; WDLC1: 五大连池一; WDLC2: 五大连池二; NJ: 嫩江。
Fig. 3 Differential response map of soil nematode community in the typical black soil region. A, Cluster analysis of soil nematode community in farmland of the typical black soil region; B, Characteristic genus of soil nematodes in northern and southern typical black soil regions (likelihood ratio test, P < 0.05, FDR corrected). The name of characteristic genus and their c-p values were listed in the adjacent red and blue dashed line boxes on the right. Ba, Bacterivores; Fu, Fungivores; PP, Plant parasites; OP, Omnivores/predators; South, Nematode community of southern characteristic genus; None, Nematode community with no statistical difference; North, Nematode community of northern characteristic genus. CT1, Changtu1; CT2, Changtu2; LS1, Lishu1; LS2, Lishu2; GZL, Gongzhuling; CC1, Changchun; DH, Dehui; YS, Yushu; SC, Shuangcheng; HEB, Harbin; HL1, Hulan; BY, Bayan; SH, Suihua; SL, Suileng; HL, Hailun; BQ, Baiquan; BA, Bei’an; KD, Kedong; NH1, Nehe1; NH2, Nehe2; WDLC1, Wudalianchi1; WDLC2, Wudalianchi2; NJ, Nenjiang.
图4 典型黑土区土壤线虫营养类群相对多度箱线图。A: 典型黑土区南部与北部线虫群落营养类群相对多度差异; B: 典型黑土区土壤线虫南部与北部特征属线虫群落营养类群相对多度差异。S13代表南部的13个样点, N10代表北部的10个样点。Ba: 食细菌线虫; Fu: 食真菌线虫; PP: 植物寄生线虫; OP: 杂食/捕食线虫。
Fig. 4 Box plot of the relative abundance of soil nematode trophic groups in the typical black soil region. A, Differences in the relative abundance of trophic groups of overall nematode community between southern and northern typical black soil regions; B, Differences in the relative abundance of trophic groups of soil nematode characteristic genera community between southern and northern typical black soil regions. S13 represents 13 samples in the south, and N10 represents 10 samples in the north. Ba, Bacterivores; Fu, Fungivores; PP, Plant parasites; OP, Omnivores/predators.
线虫群落结构 Nematode community structure | 环境因子 Environmental factors | %IncMSE | 显著性 Significance | 特征属线虫群落结构 Characteristic genus community structure | 环境因子 Environmental factors | %IncMSE | 显著性 Significance |
南部13个样点 13 samples in the south (S13) | pH | 11.73 | ** | S13 | CC | 15.36 | ** |
CC | 10.68 | ** | pH | 12.30 | ** | ||
DOC | 10.49 | ** | SOC | 11.11 | ** | ||
北部10个样点 10 samples in the north (N10) | SBD | 13.04 | ** | N10 | MMT | 14.20 | ** |
SOC | 12.65 | ** | SBD | 13.07 | ** | ||
pH | 9.42 | ** | MMR | 11.57 | ** |
表2 典型黑土区南部与北部线虫群落结构和特征属群落结构的环境因素影响重要性排序表
Table 2 The importance ranking of environmental factors affecting the nematode and characteristic genus community structure in southern and northern typical black soil regions
线虫群落结构 Nematode community structure | 环境因子 Environmental factors | %IncMSE | 显著性 Significance | 特征属线虫群落结构 Characteristic genus community structure | 环境因子 Environmental factors | %IncMSE | 显著性 Significance |
南部13个样点 13 samples in the south (S13) | pH | 11.73 | ** | S13 | CC | 15.36 | ** |
CC | 10.68 | ** | pH | 12.30 | ** | ||
DOC | 10.49 | ** | SOC | 11.11 | ** | ||
北部10个样点 10 samples in the north (N10) | SBD | 13.04 | ** | N10 | MMT | 14.20 | ** |
SOC | 12.65 | ** | SBD | 13.07 | ** | ||
pH | 9.42 | ** | MMR | 11.57 | ** |
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