生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (11): 22326. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022326
E-mail: wenyali@bjfu.edu.cn基金资助:
Chuyun Cui, Yilei Hou, Tianyi Wang, Yali Wen()
Yali Wen
生物多样性丧失带来的社会经济和金融风险, 以及金融机构在生物多样性保护融资方面发挥的重要作用已经在全球范围内形成广泛共识。本文聚焦各国近年来在金融支持生物多样性领域的实践探索, 重点从国家和区域层面金融产品的创新实践总结了各国的先进实践经验, 并提出全球金融机构参与生物多样性保护的未来发展趋势。由于目前中国金融支持生物多样性保护普遍存在国家层面相关规范和指导不足、金融机构生物多样性风险防控意识缺乏、相关金融产品不足、生物多样性风险评估方法不成熟、信息披露机制不完善等问题与短板, 本文提出我国金融机构参与生物多样性保护的多元化支持路径和建议: 全面推进生物多样性保护纳入绿色金融标准体系, 制定相关政策引导金融机构创新生物多样性友好型金融产品, 加快开发生物多样性影响的评估工具, 完善企业和金融机构生物多样性信息披露制度。
崔楚云, 侯一蕾, 王天一, 温亚利 (2022) 金融支持生物多样性保护: 全球实践及政策启示. 生物多样性, 30, 22326. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022326.
Chuyun Cui, Yilei Hou, Tianyi Wang, Yali Wen (2022) Biodiversity conservation supported by finance: Global practice and policy enlightenment. Biodiversity Science, 30, 22326. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022326.
信贷机构 Credit institutions | 内容 Content |
美国银行 Bank of America | 宣布截止到2030年将筹集3,000亿美元的资金, 通过贷款、投融资等方式支持低碳业务。It is announced that by |
日本瑞穗银行 Mizuho Bank | 独立开发了评价体系——“瑞穗环保等级”来评价客户的环境绩效, 根据评价结果设定贷款及发行条件。It independently developed an evaluation system—“Mizuho environmental protection grade” to evaluate the environmental performance of customers, and set the loan and issuance conditions according to the evaluation results. |
日本三井住友信托银行 The Sumitomo Trust & Banking Company Limited | 推出环境等级贷款将自然资本影响评估融入到环境等级评估流程之中(全球第一个将自然资本评估融入贷款标准中的信贷产品)。It launched the environmental grade loan to integrate the natural capital impact assessment into the environmental grade assessment process (the first credit product in the world to integrate the natural capital assessment into the loan standard). |
澳大利亚MECU银行 MECU Bank of Australia | 推出“Go Green汽车贷款”产品, 要求贷款者以种树方式来吸收汽车排放的尾气。It launched the “Go Green Auto Loan” product, requiring lenders to plant trees to absorb auto emissions. |
英国巴克莱银行 Barclays Bank | 推出英国第一张绿色信用卡“呼吸卡”, 旨在推动减排和遏制气候变化。It launched the UK’s first green credit card “Breathing Card” to promote emission reduction and curb climate change. |
荷兰合作银行 Rabobank | 推出地球影响力贷款, 根据奶牛养殖生物多样性监测得分提供利息折扣。It launched the earth impact loan which provided interest discount according to the score of cow breeding biodiversity monitoring. |
法国巴黎银行 BNP Paribas | 将生物多样性保护和气候目标联系起来, 支持芬兰生物产业公司芬欧汇川重大转型项目签署7.5亿欧元的循环信贷额度(RCF)。It linked biodiversity conservation and climate objectives, and supported the Finnish Bio Industry Company UPM to sign a revolving credit line (RCF) of 750 million euros for the major transformation project. |
企业南极澳大利亚分公司 Australia Branch of Enterprise Antarctica | 推出的将生物多样性项目贷款额度与碳信用额度相结合的EcoAustralia?创新信贷产品。It launched innovative credit products EcoAustralia? which combined the loan line of biodiversity projects with the carbon credit line. |
表1 国外绿色信贷间接支持生物多样性保护创新案例
Table 1 Cases of foreign green credit indirectly supporting biodiversity conservation innovation
信贷机构 Credit institutions | 内容 Content |
美国银行 Bank of America | 宣布截止到2030年将筹集3,000亿美元的资金, 通过贷款、投融资等方式支持低碳业务。It is announced that by |
日本瑞穗银行 Mizuho Bank | 独立开发了评价体系——“瑞穗环保等级”来评价客户的环境绩效, 根据评价结果设定贷款及发行条件。It independently developed an evaluation system—“Mizuho environmental protection grade” to evaluate the environmental performance of customers, and set the loan and issuance conditions according to the evaluation results. |
日本三井住友信托银行 The Sumitomo Trust & Banking Company Limited | 推出环境等级贷款将自然资本影响评估融入到环境等级评估流程之中(全球第一个将自然资本评估融入贷款标准中的信贷产品)。It launched the environmental grade loan to integrate the natural capital impact assessment into the environmental grade assessment process (the first credit product in the world to integrate the natural capital assessment into the loan standard). |
澳大利亚MECU银行 MECU Bank of Australia | 推出“Go Green汽车贷款”产品, 要求贷款者以种树方式来吸收汽车排放的尾气。It launched the “Go Green Auto Loan” product, requiring lenders to plant trees to absorb auto emissions. |
英国巴克莱银行 Barclays Bank | 推出英国第一张绿色信用卡“呼吸卡”, 旨在推动减排和遏制气候变化。It launched the UK’s first green credit card “Breathing Card” to promote emission reduction and curb climate change. |
荷兰合作银行 Rabobank | 推出地球影响力贷款, 根据奶牛养殖生物多样性监测得分提供利息折扣。It launched the earth impact loan which provided interest discount according to the score of cow breeding biodiversity monitoring. |
法国巴黎银行 BNP Paribas | 将生物多样性保护和气候目标联系起来, 支持芬兰生物产业公司芬欧汇川重大转型项目签署7.5亿欧元的循环信贷额度(RCF)。It linked biodiversity conservation and climate objectives, and supported the Finnish Bio Industry Company UPM to sign a revolving credit line (RCF) of 750 million euros for the major transformation project. |
企业南极澳大利亚分公司 Australia Branch of Enterprise Antarctica | 推出的将生物多样性项目贷款额度与碳信用额度相结合的EcoAustralia?创新信贷产品。It launched innovative credit products EcoAustralia? which combined the loan line of biodiversity projects with the carbon credit line. |
债券名称 Bond name | 发行时间 Issuance date | 发行人 Issuer | 发行金额/期限/票面利率 Issue amount/ term/coupon rate | 发行目的 Objective of the release | 来源 Source |
法国绿色债券(法国第一笔) French green bond (the first one in France) | 2012.3 | 法国法兰西岛大区 France Ile-de-France | 发行规模3.5亿欧元(约4.24亿美元) Issue size: 350 million euros (about 424 million US dollars) | 部分资金用于生物多样性友好型项目 Some of the funds are used for biodiversity friendly projects | 王姗和毛倩, |
巴西绿色债券 Brazil green bond | 2016.7 | 巴西政府 Brazilian Government | 发行规模5亿美元, 期限10年期, 票面利率5.75%。 Issue size: US $500 million, term: 10 years, coupon rate: 5.75%. | 用于可持续森林和水资源管理、减少温室气体排放、自然保护区开发和原始森林恢复等项目 For sustainable forest and water resources management, greenhouse gas emission reduction, nature reserve development and virgin forest restoration | Joe, |
塞舌尔政府主权蓝色债券(全球首支“贴标”蓝色债券) Seychelles government sovereign blue bond (the world’s first “labeled” blue bond) | 2018.10 | 塞舌尔政府 Government of Seychelles | 发行规模1,500万美元, 期限10年, 利率6.5%。 Issue size: US $15 million, term: 10 years, coupon rate: 6.5%. | 用于扩建该国海洋保护区与发展蓝色经济 It is used to expand China’s marine protected areas and develop the blue economy | 中央财经大学绿色金融国际研究院, |
北欧波罗的海蓝色债券 Nordic Baltic Sea blue bond | 2019.1 | 北欧投资银行 Nordic Investment Bank | 发行规模20亿瑞典克朗(约合2.07亿美元), 期限5年, 票面利率0.375%。Issue size: SEK 2 billion (about US $207 million), term: 5 years, coupon rate: 0.375%. | 用于支持水资源保护、海洋生态系统及相关生物多样性(湿地、湖泊、海岸线和公海)保护和修复等的项目 It is used to support projects such as water resources protection, marine ecosystem and related biodiversity (wetland, lake, coastline and high seas) protection and restoration. | 司徒韵莹等, |
亚洲开发银行蓝色债券 Asian Development Bank blue bond | 2021.9 | 亚洲开发银行 Asian Development Bank | 发行规模1.51亿美元, 10年期或15年期。Issue size: US $151 million, 10-year or 15 year term. | 用于资助以恢复生态系统、管理自然资源、发展可持续渔业和水产养殖、减少沿海污染等方式促进海洋健康的项目。It is used to finance projects to promote marine health by restoring ecosystems, managing natural resources, developing sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, and reducing coastal pollution. | 司徒韵莹等, |
瑞典哥德堡市常规(非绿色)债券 Regular (non green) bonds of Gothenburg, Sweden | 2021.4.29 | 瑞典哥德堡市政府 Gothenburg Municipal Government, Sweden | 发行规模12亿瑞典克朗, 期限为4年。Issue size: SEK 1.2 billion with a term of 4 years. | 用于保护生物多样性和应对气候变化 To protect biodiversity and cope with climate change | The Biodiversity Finance Initiative, |
哥伦比亚绿色主权债券(拉丁美洲第一支以当地货币发行的国家) Colombia green sovereign bond (the first country in Latin America to issue in local currency) | 2021.9.29 | 哥伦比亚政府 Colombian Government | 发行规模为7,500亿哥伦比亚比索(1.96亿美元)。Issue size: 750 billion Colombian pesos (196 million US dollars). | 将收益的16%用于生物多样性保护 Allocate 16% of proceeds to biodiversity conservation | Keiron, |
瑞典绿色债券 Swedish green bond | 2022.2.9 | 瑞典北欧斯安银行 Sweden North European Bank (SEB Bank) | 发行规模10亿欧元(113亿美元), 票面利率为0.75%。Issue size: 1 billion euros (US $11.3 billion), coupon rate: 0.75%. | 用于支持生物多样性、向循环经济转型和减缓气候变化 To support biodiversity, transition to a circular economy and climate change mitigation | 中央财经大学绿色金融国际研究院, |
表2 债券支持生物多样性保护典型国际案例
Table 2 Typical international cases of bonds supporting biodiversity conservation
债券名称 Bond name | 发行时间 Issuance date | 发行人 Issuer | 发行金额/期限/票面利率 Issue amount/ term/coupon rate | 发行目的 Objective of the release | 来源 Source |
法国绿色债券(法国第一笔) French green bond (the first one in France) | 2012.3 | 法国法兰西岛大区 France Ile-de-France | 发行规模3.5亿欧元(约4.24亿美元) Issue size: 350 million euros (about 424 million US dollars) | 部分资金用于生物多样性友好型项目 Some of the funds are used for biodiversity friendly projects | 王姗和毛倩, |
巴西绿色债券 Brazil green bond | 2016.7 | 巴西政府 Brazilian Government | 发行规模5亿美元, 期限10年期, 票面利率5.75%。 Issue size: US $500 million, term: 10 years, coupon rate: 5.75%. | 用于可持续森林和水资源管理、减少温室气体排放、自然保护区开发和原始森林恢复等项目 For sustainable forest and water resources management, greenhouse gas emission reduction, nature reserve development and virgin forest restoration | Joe, |
塞舌尔政府主权蓝色债券(全球首支“贴标”蓝色债券) Seychelles government sovereign blue bond (the world’s first “labeled” blue bond) | 2018.10 | 塞舌尔政府 Government of Seychelles | 发行规模1,500万美元, 期限10年, 利率6.5%。 Issue size: US $15 million, term: 10 years, coupon rate: 6.5%. | 用于扩建该国海洋保护区与发展蓝色经济 It is used to expand China’s marine protected areas and develop the blue economy | 中央财经大学绿色金融国际研究院, |
北欧波罗的海蓝色债券 Nordic Baltic Sea blue bond | 2019.1 | 北欧投资银行 Nordic Investment Bank | 发行规模20亿瑞典克朗(约合2.07亿美元), 期限5年, 票面利率0.375%。Issue size: SEK 2 billion (about US $207 million), term: 5 years, coupon rate: 0.375%. | 用于支持水资源保护、海洋生态系统及相关生物多样性(湿地、湖泊、海岸线和公海)保护和修复等的项目 It is used to support projects such as water resources protection, marine ecosystem and related biodiversity (wetland, lake, coastline and high seas) protection and restoration. | 司徒韵莹等, |
亚洲开发银行蓝色债券 Asian Development Bank blue bond | 2021.9 | 亚洲开发银行 Asian Development Bank | 发行规模1.51亿美元, 10年期或15年期。Issue size: US $151 million, 10-year or 15 year term. | 用于资助以恢复生态系统、管理自然资源、发展可持续渔业和水产养殖、减少沿海污染等方式促进海洋健康的项目。It is used to finance projects to promote marine health by restoring ecosystems, managing natural resources, developing sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, and reducing coastal pollution. | 司徒韵莹等, |
瑞典哥德堡市常规(非绿色)债券 Regular (non green) bonds of Gothenburg, Sweden | 2021.4.29 | 瑞典哥德堡市政府 Gothenburg Municipal Government, Sweden | 发行规模12亿瑞典克朗, 期限为4年。Issue size: SEK 1.2 billion with a term of 4 years. | 用于保护生物多样性和应对气候变化 To protect biodiversity and cope with climate change | The Biodiversity Finance Initiative, |
哥伦比亚绿色主权债券(拉丁美洲第一支以当地货币发行的国家) Colombia green sovereign bond (the first country in Latin America to issue in local currency) | 2021.9.29 | 哥伦比亚政府 Colombian Government | 发行规模为7,500亿哥伦比亚比索(1.96亿美元)。Issue size: 750 billion Colombian pesos (196 million US dollars). | 将收益的16%用于生物多样性保护 Allocate 16% of proceeds to biodiversity conservation | Keiron, |
瑞典绿色债券 Swedish green bond | 2022.2.9 | 瑞典北欧斯安银行 Sweden North European Bank (SEB Bank) | 发行规模10亿欧元(113亿美元), 票面利率为0.75%。Issue size: 1 billion euros (US $11.3 billion), coupon rate: 0.75%. | 用于支持生物多样性、向循环经济转型和减缓气候变化 To support biodiversity, transition to a circular economy and climate change mitigation | 中央财经大学绿色金融国际研究院, |
发行国家 Issuing country | 基金名称 Name of funds | 资金来源 Source of funds | 设立时间 Time of set-up | 目的 Purpose | 来源 Source |
澳大利亚新南威尔士州政府 The New South Wales government | 生物多样性保护信托基金 Biodiversity Conservation Trust Fund | 政府注资2.4亿美元, 此后每年持续供资7,000万美元。The government injected US | 2017.8.25 | 私有土地保护计划, 即支持土地所有者保护其土地上的生物多样性Private land protection program, i.e. supporting landowners to protect biodiversity on their land | NSW Department of Planning and Environment, |
日本 Japan | 生物多样性基金Biodiversity Fund (JBF) | 50亿日元(6,000万美元)。5 billion yen (US $60 million). | 2010.10 | 执行《2011?2020年生物多样性战略计划》及致力于实现爱知生物多样性目标Implement the 2011?2020 biodiversity strategic plan and strive to achieve Aichi biodiversity goals | Convention on Biological Diversity, |
乌干达 Uganda | 生物多样性信托基金Uganda Biodiversity Trust Fund (UBTF) | 美国国际开发署(USAID)提供资金250万美元。US $2.5 million from USAID | 2020?2024 | 侧重于国家层面生物多样性保护和自然资源管理的可持续性Focus on the sustainability of biodiversity conservation and natural resource management at the national level | Uganda Biodiversity Fund, |
法国巴黎银行 BNP Paribas | 生态系统恢复基金 Ecosystem restoration fund | 4,740亿欧元(5,760亿美元) EUR 474 billion (US $576 billion) | 2021.8.1 | 支持水生, 陆地和城市生态系统治理Support aquatic, terrestrial and urban ecosystem governance | Audrey, |
乌干达 Uganda | 生物多样性融资基金 Biodiversity financing fund | 亚足联提供初始资本为600万欧元。 The initial capital provided by Asian Football Confederation (AFC) is 6 million euros | 2018.6? 2018.12 | 支持乌干达私营部门的一些生物多样性友好型投资Support aquatic, terrestrial and urban ecosystem governance | Uganda Biodiversity Fund, |
英国 Britain | 生物多样性景观基金 Biodiversity landscape Fund (BLF) | 英国政府提供1亿英镑 The British government provided £ 100 million | 2022?2029 | 减缓、阻止或扭转全球重要区域生物多样性的丧失和减少温室气体排放、保护天然碳汇 Slow, stop or reverse the loss of biodiversity in important regions of the world, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect natural carbon sinks | JNCC, |
表3 部分国家支持生物多样性保护的绿色基金
Table 3 Green funds supporting biodiversity conservation in some countries
发行国家 Issuing country | 基金名称 Name of funds | 资金来源 Source of funds | 设立时间 Time of set-up | 目的 Purpose | 来源 Source |
澳大利亚新南威尔士州政府 The New South Wales government | 生物多样性保护信托基金 Biodiversity Conservation Trust Fund | 政府注资2.4亿美元, 此后每年持续供资7,000万美元。The government injected US | 2017.8.25 | 私有土地保护计划, 即支持土地所有者保护其土地上的生物多样性Private land protection program, i.e. supporting landowners to protect biodiversity on their land | NSW Department of Planning and Environment, |
日本 Japan | 生物多样性基金Biodiversity Fund (JBF) | 50亿日元(6,000万美元)。5 billion yen (US $60 million). | 2010.10 | 执行《2011?2020年生物多样性战略计划》及致力于实现爱知生物多样性目标Implement the 2011?2020 biodiversity strategic plan and strive to achieve Aichi biodiversity goals | Convention on Biological Diversity, |
乌干达 Uganda | 生物多样性信托基金Uganda Biodiversity Trust Fund (UBTF) | 美国国际开发署(USAID)提供资金250万美元。US $2.5 million from USAID | 2020?2024 | 侧重于国家层面生物多样性保护和自然资源管理的可持续性Focus on the sustainability of biodiversity conservation and natural resource management at the national level | Uganda Biodiversity Fund, |
法国巴黎银行 BNP Paribas | 生态系统恢复基金 Ecosystem restoration fund | 4,740亿欧元(5,760亿美元) EUR 474 billion (US $576 billion) | 2021.8.1 | 支持水生, 陆地和城市生态系统治理Support aquatic, terrestrial and urban ecosystem governance | Audrey, |
乌干达 Uganda | 生物多样性融资基金 Biodiversity financing fund | 亚足联提供初始资本为600万欧元。 The initial capital provided by Asian Football Confederation (AFC) is 6 million euros | 2018.6? 2018.12 | 支持乌干达私营部门的一些生物多样性友好型投资Support aquatic, terrestrial and urban ecosystem governance | Uganda Biodiversity Fund, |
英国 Britain | 生物多样性景观基金 Biodiversity landscape Fund (BLF) | 英国政府提供1亿英镑 The British government provided £ 100 million | 2022?2029 | 减缓、阻止或扭转全球重要区域生物多样性的丧失和减少温室气体排放、保护天然碳汇 Slow, stop or reverse the loss of biodiversity in important regions of the world, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect natural carbon sinks | JNCC, |
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