生物多样性 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (8): 850-861. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018053
# 共同第一作者
Xuehua Liu1,*(), Pengfeng Wu2, Xiangbo He3, Xiangyu Zhao1
Liu Xuehua
About author:
# Co-first authors
由于濒危物种数量稀少以及大多数野生动物对人类活动敏感, 增加了传统调查的难度。众所周知,红外相机在野生动物调查研究中具有天然优势; 然而随着红外相机技术的广泛推广应用及数据采集量的不断加大, 科研人员也面临了一系列关于红外相机监测及后续数据处理中出现的问题。本文详细阐述了红外相机数据管理和利用方面存在的3个关键问题: 数据管理缺乏规范化、数据网络缺乏一体化、数据获取缺乏标准化。同时以秦岭、卧龙等地的一些研究为主体, 列举分析了红外相机照片后续数据挖掘中8个方面的内容, 即兽类的个体识别、物种时间活动格局、物种空间活动格局、偶见物种信息利用、物种行为活动、繁殖信息、疾病情况、人为干扰。这些信息的有效利用可为野生动物及生物多样性的保护、管理提供一定科学支撑。
刘雪华, 武鹏峰, 何祥博, 赵翔宇 (2018) 红外相机技术在物种监测中的应用及数据挖掘. 生物多样性, 26, 850-861. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018053.
Xuehua Liu, Pengfeng Wu, Xiangbo He, Xiangyu Zhao (2018) Application and data mining of infra-red camera in the monitoring of species. Biodiversity Science, 26, 850-861. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018053.
图1 偶见物种的红外相机照片(清华大学刘雪华提供)。(a)金钱豹(2015-10-23秋季秦岭梁落叶松林); (b)金钱豹(2015-07-17夏季光头山天然林); (c)金猫(2016-05-26长青云杉林山脊); (d)大灵猫(2010-05-20观音山落叶松林); (e)黄腹鼬(2016-07-02佛坪保护区光头山)
Fig. 1 The rare species captured by infrared cameras. Photos are provided by Xuehua Liu from Tsinghua University. (a) Panthera pardus (Larch forest in Qinling Mountain in autumn, 2015-10-23); (b) Panthera pardus (Natural forest in Guangtoushan Mountain in summer, 2015-07-17); (c) Catopuma temminckii (Ridge of spruce forest in Changqing Nature Reserve, 2016-05-26); (d) Viverra zibetha (Larch forest in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve, 2010-05-20); (e) Mustela kathiah (Guangtoushan Mountain in Foping Nature Reserve, 2016-07-02)
图2 红外相机捕捉到的野生动物行为(a-c和e-f由清华大学刘雪华提供, d由观音山保护区和清华大学共同提供)。(a)大熊猫做气味标记(2011-04-05观音山西沟); (b)大熊猫晒太阳(2015-04-02佛坪光头山); (c)野猪小崽吃奶(2015-06-26长青落叶松林); (d)野猪拖拉羚牛尸体(2014-03-01观音山保护区); (e)羚牛取食竹子(2011-04-22观音山保护区); (f)羚牛交配行为(2014-08-07佛坪光头山)
Fig. 2 Activities of wild animals captured by infrared cameras. Pictures a, b, c, e and f are provided by Xuehua Liu from Tsinghua University, and picture d from Guanyingshan Nature Reserve and Tsinghua University. (a) Scent marking by pandas (Xigou Valley in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve, 2011-04-05); (b) Panda basking (Guangtoushan Mountain in Foping County, 2015-04-02); (c) Cub of wild boar sucking (Larch forest in Changqing Nature Reserve, 2015-06-26); (d) Wild boar with dragging corpse of takin (Guanyinshan Nature Reserve, 2014-03-01); (e) Takin eating bamboo (Guanyinshan Nature Reserve, 2011-04-22); (f) Takins mating (Guangtoushan Mountain in Foping County, 2014-08-07)
图3 红外相机获取的野生动物种群繁殖信息(清华大学刘雪华提供)。(a)羚牛亚成体和幼体(2011-07-14佛坪观音山); (b)羚牛群(2014-04-29佛坪观音山); (c)野猪小种群(2015-10-29佛坪保护区东沟); (d)金丝猴群(2014-12-03佛坪观音山寸沟); (e)黑熊家庭(2013-10-01佛坪东沟); (f)黑熊母子(2014-09-18佛坪西河跃湾沟)
Fig. 3 Propagation information of wild animals captured by infrared cameras. Photos are provided by Xuehua Liu from Tsinghua University. (a) Sub-adult and cub of takin (Guanyinshan Nature Reserve in Foping County, 2011-07-14); (b) Takin population (Guanyinshan Nature Reserve in Foping County, 2014-04-29); (c) Wild boar population (Donggou Valley in Foping Nature Reserve, 2015-10-29); (d) Golden monkey population (Cungou Valley in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve in Foping County, 2014-12-03); (e) Family of black bear (Donggou Valley in Foping County, 2013-10-01); (f) Mother and cub of black bear (Yuewangou Valley in Foping County, 2014-09-18)
图4 红外相机照片拍到的野生动物疾病(清华大学刘雪华提供照片)。(a)腿部长肿瘤的羚牛(2013-11-02佛坪光头山); (b)因皮癣脱毛的斑羚(2013-05-15佛坪观音山)
Fig. 4 Disease captured by camera in wild animals. Photos are provided by Xuehua Liu from Tsinghua University. (a) Takin with a tumor in the leg (Guangtoushan Mountain in Foping County, 2013-11-02); (b) Hair loss of goral caused from psoriasis (Guanyinshan Nature Reserve in Foping County, 2013-05-15)
图5 人为活动对野生动物的干扰(清华大学刘雪华提供照片)。(a)道路和采药影响(2014-08-29佛坪观音山); (b)道路和旅游影响(2016-01-24佛坪观音山); (c)样绳对小野猪的影响(2015-10-29佛坪东沟); (d)样绳对羚牛的影响(2014-10-26佛坪东沟)
Fig. 5 The influence of human activities on wild animals. Photos are provided by Xuehua Liu from Tsinghua University. (a) Effects of roads and Chinese medicine collecting (Guanyinshan Nature Reserve in Foping County, 2014-08-29); (b) Effects of roads and travel (Guanyinshan Nature Reserve in Foping County, 2016-01-24); (c) Effect on little wild boar by sampling rope (Donggou Valley in Foping County, 2015-10-29); (d) Effect on takin by sampling rope (Donggou Valley in Foping County, 2014-10-26)
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[45] | Wang CP, Liu XH, Wu PF, Cai Q, Shao XM, Zhu Y, Songer M (2015) Research on behavior and abundance of wild boar (Sus scrofa) via infra-red camera in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve in Qinling Mountains,China. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 35, 147-156. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
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[肖治术, 李欣海, 王学志, 周岐海, 权锐昌, 申小莉, 李晟 (2014a) 探讨我国森林野生动物红外相机监测规范. 生物多样性, 22, 704-711.] | |
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[章书声, 郑方东, 李佳琦, 包其敏, 赖家厚, 程宏毅 (2017) 基于红外相机技术对乌岩岭国家级自然保护区地面鸟兽的初步调查. 生物多样性, 25, 427-429.] | |
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[张源笙, 蒋万杰, 蒋健, 王丹, 吴记贵, 刘芳茗, 鲍伟东 (2017) 北京松山国家级自然保护区林下鸟类和兽类多样性动态监测. 野生动物学报, 38, 367-375.] |
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