生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 23093.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023093

所属专题: 生物入侵

• 省级植物名录专题II • 上一篇    


杜诚1, 汪远2, 闫小玲1, 严靖1, 李惠茹1, 张庆费1, 胡永红1,*()   

  1. 1.上海辰山植物园/华东野生濒危资源植物保育中心, 上海 201602
    2.杭州睿胜软件有限公司, 杭州 310059
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-30 接受日期:2023-04-14 出版日期:2023-06-20 发布日期:2023-05-19
  • 通讯作者: * E-mail: huyonghong@csnbgsh.cn
  • 基金资助:

Composition and historical changes of plant species diversity in Shanghai and the updated checklist of Shanghai vascular plants (2022)

Cheng Du1, Yuan Wang2, Xiaoling Yan1, Jing Yan1, Huiru Li1, Qingfei Zhang1, Yonghong Hu1,*()   

  1. 1. Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden/Eastern China Conservation Centre for Wild Endangered Plant Resources, Shanghai 201602
    2. Hangzhou Ruisheng Software Ltd., Hangzhou 310059
  • Received:2023-03-30 Accepted:2023-04-14 Online:2023-06-20 Published:2023-05-19
  • Contact: * E-mail: huyonghong@csnbgsh.cn


上海市人口密集、土地利用率极高, 其原生植物物种多样性水平不高, 受人为干扰严重, 栽培植物种类较多, 是国内唯一栽培植物种类超出原生植物种类的省级行政区。为了及时总结并展现上海市植物物种多样性与分布信息, 基于已公开发表的论著, 结合馆藏标本和野外调查数据, 本文更新了上海维管植物名录, 并根据植物的首次记录时间、历史分布等对数据进行了分析。结果表明, 上海市野生、逸生及栽培维管植物有4,126种(含种下等级和品种), 其中野生及逸生植物1,238种及种下分类群, 栽培植物2,888种(含种下等级和品种); 包含211科1,176属2,782种, 种下分类群有38亚种107变种5变型, 栽培植物品种1,194个。物种数比2013版上海维管植物名录增加了914种(含种下等级和品种), 主要是近年来新记录到的栽培植物和品种, 而野生植物只增加了34种, 原生植物仅增加了5种。因有92种原生植物在近年多次调查中没有被找到, 上海实有原生植物数量首次出现了下降, 说明对上海的原生植物特别是对多年未见的植物进行专题调查仍有必要。上海栽培植物多样性的大幅增加仅有40年历史, 1980年开始栽培植物原种数量开始增加, 2010年来品种多样性大幅增加, 新增的栽培植物绝大多数都是人工选育的品种, 这主要是与人的经济、喜好、管理等因素密切相关。本次更新的名录中科的范围界定与编排采用了以分子系统学结果为主要依据的新分类系统, 学名变动的部分均给出了说明和参考文献, 并以Excel格式发表, 便于公众获取并检索利用。本文建议应持续开展野外调查工作, 尤其是对近年多次调查没有发现的物种进行专题调查。此外由于新增的外来植物中一半以上是入侵物种, 加强对这些植物的调查和监测则显得非常必要。

关键词: 物种编目, 维管植物, 上海, 野生植物, 栽培植物


Aim: Shanghai has been acknowledged for its remarkable achievement in accommodating a dense population and effectively utilizing its land. However, the native plant species within the city have faced significant disruptions due to human interference, resulting in a decline in species diversity. Nevertheless, Shanghai boasts an area of immense botanical value, featuring a wide array of cultivated plants. In fact, it stands as the only region in China where the number of cultivated plants exceeds that of native plants. In order to safeguard the diversity of plants and promote the sustainable utilization of these invaluable botanical resources in Shanghai, especially in preparation for the forthcoming comprehensive regional biodiversity survey, we have taken on the task of updating the checklist of Shanghai vascular plants.

Methods: This paper utilized the plant specimens and image information collected during extensive field surveys conducted over the years. Furthermore, collections and literature data were incorporated to supplement the cataloging data of species. Especially, the time when species were first discovered or recorded in Shanghai was determined based on the original records found in literature and specimens. Additionally, the names and systems of the included species were revised based on the classification revision literature of specific taxa and the latest advancements in molecular systematics.

Results: The resulting checklist included a total of 4,126 species, infra-species taxa and cultivars of vascular plants. This included 1,238 wild and escaped plants and 2,888 cultivated plants from 211 families, 1,176 genera, and 2,782 species with 38 subspecies, 107 varieties, and 5 forms. Additionally, there were 1,194 cultivated varieties listed. The number of taxa included in the current version of the list has increased by 914 compared to the checklist of Shanghai vascular plants (2013 version), largely due to the inclusion of newly cultivated varieties. While only 34 new wild species were added, native plants saw an even smaller increase, with only 5 new species included. The survey revealed that 92 native plants were no longer present in the area, which suggested that the number of native plants in Shanghai has declined for the first time. This underscores the importance of conducting specialized surveys of native plants in Shanghai, particularly for those that have not been observed in several years. The history of the substantial increase in cultivated plant diversity in Shanghai was relatively short, spanning only 40 years. The number of original species of cultivated plants started to increase in 1980, and since 2010, there has been a significant surge in cultivated plants, with the majority being artificially selected varieties. This trend was largely influenced by factors such as socioeconomic status, human preferences, and cultivation management practices. The updated vascular plant checklist adopted new systems of delimitation and arrangement of plant families, which were primarily based on molecular phylogenetics. The reasons and references for scientific name changes were also provided. Additionally, an online dataset of the checklist was readily available to the public in Excel format, facilitating easy access, retrieval, and utilization of the data.

Conclusions: Based on our results, we recommend that field surveys continue, with a particular focus on species missing from the recent survey. Additionally, since more than half of the newly added alien plants are invasive species, it is crucial to strengthen the investigation and monitoring of these plants.

Key words: species inventory, vascular plants, Shanghai, wild plants, cultivated plants