生物多样性 ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (7): 778-786.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019132

所属专题: 昆虫多样性与生态功能

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


焦萌1,#, 李晶1,*,#(), 赵慧峰1, 武春生2, 张爱兵1,*()   

  1. 1 首都师范大学生命科学学院, 北京 100048
    2 中国科学院动物研究所动物进化与系统学重点实验室, 北京 100101
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-16 接受日期:2019-06-11 出版日期:2019-07-20 发布日期:2019-08-21
  • 通讯作者: 李晶,张爱兵
  • 作者简介:第一联系人:

    # 共同第一作者 Co-first authors

  • 基金资助:

Species diversity and global distribution of Limacodidae (Lepidoptera) using online databases

Meng Jiao1,#, Jing Li1,*,#(), Huifeng Zhao1, Chunsheng Wu2, Aibing Zhang1,*()   

  1. 1 College of Life Sciences, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048
    2 Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101
  • Received:2019-04-16 Accepted:2019-06-11 Online:2019-07-20 Published:2019-08-21
  • Contact: Jing Li, Aibing Zhang


鳞翅目刺蛾科昆虫在全球范围内广泛分布, 是重要经济林、行道林的主要害虫。本研究通过对在线数据库中刺蛾科昆虫分布数据进行整理分析, 阐明其在全球范围内的物种多样性及分布格局, 并初步探讨造成其物种分布不均的原因, 从而为物种多样性保护及害虫防治提供科学依据。通过检索生物条形码数据库(Barcode of Life Data System V4, BOLD V4)和全球生物多样性信息数据库(Global Biodiversity Information Facility, GBIF)中记录的标本信息, 并结合部分地区鳞翅目昆虫名录及野外采集样本数据, 对刺蛾科昆虫的分布信息进行汇总分析并绘制分布图。统计得到具有明确地理坐标的刺蛾科昆虫分布信息61,947条, 共187属637种。结果表明, 在世界动物地理区系尺度上, 东洋区刺蛾科昆虫物种多样性最高, 共72属, 古北区31属, 澳新区及新热带区均为27属, 非洲热带区22属, 新北区19属。在国家尺度上, 中国存在刺蛾科昆虫123种, 越南116种, 其次为哥斯达黎加(75种)和澳大利亚(69种)。中低纬度地区具有较高的刺蛾科昆虫物种多样性和丰富度, 这有可能与该地区的气候历史条件及丰富的寄主植物资源有关。

关键词: 刺蛾科, 物种多样性, 动物地理区系, 全球分布


Limacodidae (Lepidoptera) is a globally distributed insect and is classified as a pest destroying economic and roadway trees. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the species diversity and global distribution of Limacodidae and to explore the reasons for uneven distribution patterns, which could provide a scientific basis for biodiversity conservation and pest control. Detailed information was downloaded and analyzed from the Barcode of Life Data System V4 (BOLD V4) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), as well as other local databases of Lepidoptera and related research. A total of 61,947 global distributional records of Limacodidae with explicit coordinates were gathered, including 187 genera and 637 species. At the biogeographic realm scale, 72 genera were recorded in Indomalayan realm, 31 in the Palearctic realm, 27 in the Australasian realm, 27 in the Neotropical realm, 22 in the Afrotropical realm, and 19 in the Nearctic realm. At the national scale, China has the highest species richness (123 species), followed by Vietnam (116 species), Costa Rica (75 species), and then Australia (69 species). The higher species diversity and richness of the Limacodidae in mid-low latitudinal regions may be related to stable climatic history and a vast number of host plants in these regions.

Key words: Limacodidae, species diversity, zoogeographic realms, global distribution