生物多样性 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (5): 497-504. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.08068
Guo Li, Xiaopu Wu, Zunlan Luo, Junsheng Li*()
Junsheng Li
生物多样性指标体系的建设过程长期而复杂, 需要结合科学研究、监测以及决策制定, 并基于合理的结构进行指标设计。构建适宜的生物多样性评价指标体系、监测评估生物多样性状况及变化趋势, 已被纳入我国国家生物多样性战略及其行动计划。本文结合国内外经验, 从指标的逻辑框架、空间尺度、时间尺度、指标类型、评价方法等5个方面探讨了指标体系构建中需要注意的问题。并依据我国2011-2030年国家生物多样性保护战略与行动计划, 提出了我国生物多样性评价的8个重要参考方面, 分别是: 生物多样性的现状与变化趋势; 生态系统的产品与服务功能; 生物多样性面临的威胁; 可持续利用; 遗传资源的获取与惠益共享; 政策法律体系与生态规划; 财政资源状况; 公众意识。最后基于适用性、代表性、敏感性、综合性原则, 甄选出26个评价指标。这些指标可以从压力、现状、影响及响应等方面对遗传多样性、物种多样性以及生态系统多样性分别进行评价, 并评估国家生物多样性战略行动目标的实施进展。
李果, 吴晓莆, 罗遵兰, 李俊生 (2011) 构建我国生物多样性评价的指标体系. 生物多样性, 19, 497-504. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.08068.
Guo Li, Xiaopu Wu, Zunlan Luo, Junsheng Li (2011) Establishing an indicator system for biodiversity assessment in China. Biodiversity Science, 19, 497-504. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.08068.
重点方面 Focal areas | 参考指标 Possible indicators |
生物多样性的现状与变化趋势 Status and trends of biodiversity | D1 具有重要经济社会价值的畜禽、养殖鱼类、栽培植物的遗传多样性 Genetic diversity of domesticated animals, fish species, and cultivated plants of major socioeconomic importance (S) D2 受威胁物种状况(红色名录指数) Status of threatened species (Red list index) (S) D3 重点保护物种的种群动态 Population dynamics of key protected species (S) D4 自然生态系统(森林、草原、湿地、荒漠)的面积 Area of natural ecosystems (forest, grassland, wetland, and desert) (S) D5 重要生态系统及栖息地的面积与生境质量 Area and habitat quality of important ecosystems (S) D6 生态系统的连续性与破碎化 Connectivity and fragmentation of ecosystems (S/P) D7 保护区的数量和面积 Number and coverage of protected areas (R) |
生态系统的产品与服务功能 Ecosystem goods and services | D8 碳储量与生态系统生产力 Carbon stock/ecosystem productivity (I) D9 淡水生态系统的水质 Freshwater quality (I/P) D10 海岸带、海洋水质 Sea water quality (I/P) D11 海洋营养指数 Marine trophic index (S/I) |
生物多样性面临的威胁 Threats to biodiversity | D12 转基因生物的扩散 Dispersal of genetically modified organisms (P) D13 外来入侵物种的发展趋势 Dispersal of invasive alien species (P) D14 主要污染物排放 Emissions of major pollutants (P) D15 气候变化的影响(干旱发生频率与规模, 海洋表层温度) Impact of climate change (severity, areal extent, and frequency of drought, sea surface temperature) (P) D16 城市面积扩张与道路建设 City expansion and road construction (P) |
可持续利用 Sustainable use | D17 生态足迹 Ecological footprint (P) D18 森林活立木总蓄积量和年净增量 Total standing stock volume and annual net stock increase of forests (I) D19 草地过牧情况 Grassland affected by overgrazing (P) D20 农业生态系统氮平衡 Nitrogen balance in agricultural ecosystem (P) |
遗传资源的获取与惠益共享 Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources | D21 基于遗传资源的新产品开发与专利申请 New product development and patent applications based on genetic resources (I) D22 国际贸易中的主要野生品种及出口量 Species traded in the international wildlife market and quantity of export (I/P) |
政策法律体系与生态规划 Policy and legal systems, ecological planning | D23 生态规划的编制与实施 Formulation and implementation of ecological planning (R) D24 环境影响评价工作的开展及其有效性 Implementation of environmental impact assessment and its effectiveness and efficiency (R) |
财政资源状况 Financial resources | D25 生物多样性保护相关资金的投入 Funding to biodiversity (R) |
公众意识 Public awareness | D26 公众意识与参与 Public awareness and participation (R) |
表1 中国生物多样性评价重点方面与参考指标
Table 1 The focal areas for biodiversity assessment in China and possible indicators
重点方面 Focal areas | 参考指标 Possible indicators |
生物多样性的现状与变化趋势 Status and trends of biodiversity | D1 具有重要经济社会价值的畜禽、养殖鱼类、栽培植物的遗传多样性 Genetic diversity of domesticated animals, fish species, and cultivated plants of major socioeconomic importance (S) D2 受威胁物种状况(红色名录指数) Status of threatened species (Red list index) (S) D3 重点保护物种的种群动态 Population dynamics of key protected species (S) D4 自然生态系统(森林、草原、湿地、荒漠)的面积 Area of natural ecosystems (forest, grassland, wetland, and desert) (S) D5 重要生态系统及栖息地的面积与生境质量 Area and habitat quality of important ecosystems (S) D6 生态系统的连续性与破碎化 Connectivity and fragmentation of ecosystems (S/P) D7 保护区的数量和面积 Number and coverage of protected areas (R) |
生态系统的产品与服务功能 Ecosystem goods and services | D8 碳储量与生态系统生产力 Carbon stock/ecosystem productivity (I) D9 淡水生态系统的水质 Freshwater quality (I/P) D10 海岸带、海洋水质 Sea water quality (I/P) D11 海洋营养指数 Marine trophic index (S/I) |
生物多样性面临的威胁 Threats to biodiversity | D12 转基因生物的扩散 Dispersal of genetically modified organisms (P) D13 外来入侵物种的发展趋势 Dispersal of invasive alien species (P) D14 主要污染物排放 Emissions of major pollutants (P) D15 气候变化的影响(干旱发生频率与规模, 海洋表层温度) Impact of climate change (severity, areal extent, and frequency of drought, sea surface temperature) (P) D16 城市面积扩张与道路建设 City expansion and road construction (P) |
可持续利用 Sustainable use | D17 生态足迹 Ecological footprint (P) D18 森林活立木总蓄积量和年净增量 Total standing stock volume and annual net stock increase of forests (I) D19 草地过牧情况 Grassland affected by overgrazing (P) D20 农业生态系统氮平衡 Nitrogen balance in agricultural ecosystem (P) |
遗传资源的获取与惠益共享 Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources | D21 基于遗传资源的新产品开发与专利申请 New product development and patent applications based on genetic resources (I) D22 国际贸易中的主要野生品种及出口量 Species traded in the international wildlife market and quantity of export (I/P) |
政策法律体系与生态规划 Policy and legal systems, ecological planning | D23 生态规划的编制与实施 Formulation and implementation of ecological planning (R) D24 环境影响评价工作的开展及其有效性 Implementation of environmental impact assessment and its effectiveness and efficiency (R) |
财政资源状况 Financial resources | D25 生物多样性保护相关资金的投入 Funding to biodiversity (R) |
公众意识 Public awareness | D26 公众意识与参与 Public awareness and participation (R) |
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