生物多样性 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 453-462. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.10293
所属专题: 昆虫多样性与生态功能
赵紫华1,2, 王颖1, 贺达汉1,2,*(), 张蓉3, 朱猛蒙3, 董风林4
* E-mail: hedahan@163.com基金资助:
Zihua Zhao1,2, Ying Wang1, Dahan He1,2,*(), Rong Zhang3, Mengmeng Zhu3, Fenglin Dong4
Dahan He
生境破碎化包括生境丧失与破碎化两个相对独立的过程, 为探讨这两个过程各自对生物多样性的影响, 本文利用苜蓿草地实验模型系统(EMS)构建了36个小区研究不同生境丧失与破碎化对昆虫群落及不同类群的影响, 包括18个破碎化小区与18个连续小区, 破碎化小区全部采用1 m×1 m (H=1)破碎, 连续小区苜蓿连片(H=0), 生境丧失采用90%、80%、70%、50%、20%以及0%共6个梯度, 每个小区重复3次, 以0%生境丧失的小区为对照, 采用拍板法、巴氏罐诱集法与扫网法对苜蓿草地昆虫群落进行调查, 对38种昆虫划分为4个类群并进行分析。生境丧失与破碎化后, 两种处理的小区物种丧失及多样性变化没有明显的阈值效应, 但在同等生境丧失程度下的破碎化小区物种数高于连续小区, 生境丧失率为80%与90%的小区中个体数显著低于对照, 而且破碎化小区个体数低于连续小区, 昆虫多样性指数在不同处理的小区间差异不显著; 80%与90%生境丧失的小区内昆虫群落难以恢复, 物种数、个体数与多样性指数均显著低于对照, 破碎化小区昆虫群落恢复更为困难, 表现出明显的阈值效应; 苜蓿草地生境丧失与破碎化后低营养级类群(植食性昆虫)较高营养级类群(捕食性昆虫与寄生性昆虫)易于恢复, 生境丧失与破碎化两个变量对昆虫群落及不同的类群的分布都有显著性影响。这些研究结果为利用农业景观设计来加强害虫生物防治具有重要的意义。
赵紫华, 王颖, 贺达汉, 张蓉, 朱猛蒙, 董风林 (2011) 苜蓿草地生境丧失与破碎化对昆虫物种丧失与群落重建的影响. 生物多样性, 19, 453-462. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.10293.
Zihua Zhao, Ying Wang, Dahan He, Rong Zhang, Mengmeng Zhu, Fenglin Dong (2011) Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on species loss and colonization of insect communities in experimental alfalfa landscapes. Biodiversity Science, 19, 453-462. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.10293.
物种 Species | 90%丢失 90% loss | 80%丢失 80% loss | 70%丢失 70% loss | 50%丢失 50% loss | 20%丢失 20% loss | 对照Control | ||||||||||
破碎H=1 Fragmented | 连续 H=0 Clumped | 破碎H=1 Fragmented | 连续 H=0 Clumped | 破碎H=1 Fragmented | 连续 H=0 Clumped | 破碎H=1 Fragmented | 连续 H=0 Clumped | 破碎H=1 Fragmented | 连续 H=0 Clumped | |||||||
苜蓿斑蚜 Therioaphis trifolii | 处理Treatment | 12.8±6.9* | 14.5±8.3* | 11.7±3.7** | 16.9±9.7** | 18±5.9** | 10.2±5.1** | 15.3±5.4** | 13.3±3.2** | 11.2±6.5** | 10.1±5.2** | 8.6±3.1 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 4.5±4.2** | 6.5±7.5** | 4.2±4.4** | 9.4±5.05** | 6.3±8.1** | 10.4±7.2** | 6.5±4.1** | 12.5±8.8** | 6.3±5.8 | 6.5±2.7 | 12.8±5.5 | |||||
苜蓿蓟马一种 Thysanoptera sp. | 处理Treatment | 21.2±5.3** | 17.0±3.1** | 24.2±5.6**/ | 22.0±6.1** | 27.1±3.7** | 21.1±3.8** | 29.7±4.1** | 22.8±5.8** | 29.9±3.6** | 20.4±5.5** | 30.8±3.1 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 25.4±7.3** | 29.5±5.8** | 39.1±5.2 | 40.5±7.6 | 31.3±7.9** | 33.6±8.4** | 34.7±7.5** | 38.8±11.2** | 37.2±8.2 | 37.07±6.5 | 29.5±5.8 | |||||
大青叶蝉 Cicadella viridis | 处理Treatment | -* | 1.5±2.1* | - | 4.0±4.2 | - | 1.0±1.4 | 4.5±0.7 | 3.0±2.8 | 4.0±4.2* | 2.0±1.41 | 2.0±3.4 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 10.5±14.9** | 4.0±1.41** | 3.0±1.41* | 0.5±0.71* | -* | 2.0±2.83* | 2.5±3.5* | 1.0±1.4* | 46.5±60.1* | 12.5±17.6** | 25.0±6.7 | |||||
苜蓿夜蛾 Heliothis dipsacea | 处理Treatment | 6.0±3.4** | 12.0±5.6** | 9.5±2.1* | 12.0±1.4* | 15.5±0.7 | 11.0±1.4 | 16.5±2.12** | 8.5±2.1** | 10.5±6.3** | 18.5±7.78** | 19.0±12.2 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 11.5±11.4 | 8.5±6.3 | 4.5±6.3* | 0.5±0.7* | 11.0±14.1 | 4.0±1.4 | 12.0±15.5* | 9.0±12.7* | 3±1.41** | 18.0±9.9** | 24.0±5.6 | |||||
豌豆蚜 Aphis craccivora | 处理Treatment | 13.0±2.8** | 35±14.1** | 17.0±8.4** | 30±12.5** | 21.5±0.7** | 43.0±1.4** | 22.5±7.7** | 37.5±6.3** | 16±14.14** | 30.5±13.4** | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 66.0±33.9** | 56±33.9** | 32.5±23.3** | 45.5±2.1** | 33.5±33.1** | 51.5±12.0** | 66.5±26.1** | 71.5±38.8** | 122.0±94.4** | 103.0±19.8** | 1.0±1.4 | |||||
苜蓿盲蝽 Adelphocoris lineolatus | 处理Treatment | 50.5±28.9** | 73.5±84.1** | 119.0±7.1** | 74±38.1** | 146.0±84.8** | 105.0±87.7** | 201.5±53.0** | 100.0±86.2** | 109.0±91.0** | 80±7.07** | 30.0±12.9 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 27.0±8.5** | 13.0±5.6** | 33.5±31.8** | 63.5±21.9** | 26.5±2.1* | 21.0±16.9* | 48.0±22.6 | 44.5±57.2 | 19.5±6.3 | 20.5±0.7 | 72.0±9.8 | |||||
苜蓿象甲 Hypera postica | 处理Treatment | 0.5±0.7 | - | - | - | 0.5±0.71 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | - | 1.5±0.7* | -* | 141.0±10.7 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 0.5±0.7 | 1.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7** | 3.0±2.1** | 0.5±0.7 | 1.5±2.1 | 1.0±1.4 | 4.0±2.4 | 37.0±4.6 | |||||
黑翅雏蝗 Chorthippus aethalinus | 处理Treatment | 27.5±14.8** | -** | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5.0±3.52 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 10.0±8.4* | 17±2.8* | 6±8.4 | 7.5±4.9 | 12.0±14.1** | 17.5±4.9** | 3.5±0.7 | 15.5±14.8 | 9.5±0.7** | 19.5±9.2** | 6.0±6.5 | |||||
狭翅雏蝗 C. dubius | 处理Treatment | 27.5±14.8** | 45.0±24.0** | 29.5±12.1** | 52.5±12.1** | 22.5±3.5** | 56.0±15.5** | 29.0±2.8** | 51.5±3.5** | 18.0±6.8** | 34.5±4.9** | 21.0±7.2 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 7.5±3.5** | 22.0±9.9** | 2.5±3.5** | 11.0±1.4** | 13.0±16.9** | 18.0±5.6** | 7.0±5.4** | 22.5±19.0** | 13.0±2.8** | 24.0±2.8** | 26.0±6.7 | |||||
白纹雏蝗 C. albonemus | 处理Treatment | 1.5±2.1 | 1.0±1.4 | 6.5±9.2** | 1.5±0.7** | 5.0±3.4 | 1.5±0.7 | 5.0±5.6** | 2.5±0.7** | 3.0±2.8* | -* | 38.0±12.3 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | 3.0±1.9 | 1.0±1.4 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.71 | 1±1.4 | 12.0±6.5 | |||||
宽翅曲背蝗 Pararcyptera meridionalis | 处理Treatment | 9.5±10.6* | 5.0±2.3* | 18.0±18.4 | 5.0±4.2 | 8.5±6.36* | 7.5±4.9* | 6.0±4.2* | 10.5±2.1* | 3.5±0.7 | 2.0±1.4 | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | 1.5±0.7* | -* | 1.0±1.1 | - | - | |||||
大垫尖翅蝗 Epacromius coerulipes | 处理Treatment | 27.0±8.5** | 37.0±31.1** | 45.5±30.4* | 29.5±7.8* | 61.5±47.3** | 25.0±15.6** | 81.0±49.5** | 28.5±9.2** | 75.0±89.1** | 24.5±13.4** | 5.0±6.3 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 4.5±0.7** | 17.0±16.9** | 3.5±3.5 | 1.5±0.7 | 8.5±2.1 | 2.5±3.5 | 13.5±10.6** | 5.5±7.8** | 10.5±14.8** | 1.5±2.1** | 4.0±3.9 | |||||
高加索黑蚁 Formica transkaucasica | 处理Treatment | - | - | 1.0±1.4 | - | -** | 9.5±7.8** | - | - | - | - | 28.0±7.9 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 1.0±1.4 | 1.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 1.0±1.2 | -* | 1.5±0.7* | - | 0.5±0.7 | 1.0±1.4 | 3.0±2.83 | 3.0±3.2 | |||||
异色瓢虫 Harmonia axyridis | 处理Treatment | - | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 1.0±1.4 | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 1.5±2.1 | 0.5±0.7 | -** | 4.0±5.4** | - | - | 2.0±1.4 | 1.0±1.4 | 1.5±2.1 | 3.0±1.4 | - | |||||
龟纹瓢虫 Propylea japonica | 处理Treatment | -** | 12.0±2.8** | 4.5±0.7** | 10.5±2.1** | 3.5±0.7** | 9.5±7.8** | 5.5±0.7* | 13.0±2.8* | 2.5±3.5** | 5.0±2.8** | 0.7±0.5 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | 1.5±2.1 | 1.0±1.4 | 5.0±7.2 | 4.0±2.8 | 1.0±1.4** | 5.0±4.2** | 1.5±2.1 | 2.5±2.1 | 1.1±0.8 | |||||
多异瓢虫 Hippodamia variegata | 处理Treatment | - | - | 0.5±0.7** | 2.5±3.5** | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 1.0±1.4 | - | - | 1.0±1.4 | 2.0±1.1 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | - | 2.0±1.4 | |||||
七星瓢虫 Coccinella septempunctata | 处理Treatment | 10.0±9.9 | 14.0±2.8 | 12.5±0.7* | 17.0±5.6* | 13.5±2.1** | 19.0±1.4** | 22.5±10.6 | 24.5±4.9 | 16.0±18.4 | 16.0±11.3 | 1.4±1.2 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 8.5±3.5* | 5.0±7.1* | 8.5±2.1* | 8.5±3.5* | 2.5±2.1** | 6.0±1.4** | 7.5±0.7 | 9.0±1.4 | 6.0±2.8* | 6.5±0.7* | 1.0±1.4 | |||||
小姬猎蝽 Nabis mimoferus | 处理Treatment | 11.5±4.9** | 27.0±11.3** | 7.5±0.7** | 24.5±12.1** | 12.0±5.6** | 41.5±21.9** | 5.5±6.4** | 42.0±14.1** | 2.5±0.7** | 8.0±2.8** | 21.0±10.8 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 19.0±5.6** | 17.5±4.9** | 19.0±15.6** | 28.0±2.8** | 18.0±8.5** | 38.0±26.9** | 29.5±4.9* | 31.5±9.2* | 29.5±12.0 | 24.5±13.4 | 6.0±2.4 | |||||
黑点食蚜盲蝽 Deraeocoris punctulatus | 处理Treatment | 1.5±0.7 | 1.5±2.1 | 1.5±2.1 | 7.5±7.8 | 3.0±2.8* | 5.0±2.8* | 5.0±4.2* | 6.5±4.9* | -* | 1.5±2.1* | 38.0±12.3 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 2.0±1.4 | 1.5±0.7 | 1.0±1.4 | - | 2.5±0.7 | 3.5±3.5 | 2.0±1.4 | 1.0±1.3 | -** | 4.5±6.5** | 16.0±9.8 | |||||
中华草蛉 Chrysopa Sinica | 处理Treatment | 5.0±0.7* | -* | 1.5±2.1* | -* | 2.0±1.4* | 1.5±2.1* | 2.0±1.4* | -* | 4.0±5.6** | 1.0±1.4** | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||
梯斑黑食蚜蝇 Melanostoma scalare | 处理Treatment | 34.0±22.6** | 42.0±26.8** | 41.0±14.1 | 41.0±4.2 | 43.0±12.7 | 40.0±7.1 | 72.5±13.4** | 43.5±7.8** | 51.0±29.7** | 59.5±10.6** | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 12.0±9.9** | 13.5±3.5** | 11.5±13.4* | 11.0±2.8* | 13.5±3.5 | 7.5±3.5 | 21.5±20.5** | 8.0±7.1** | 29.5±13.4** | 18.0±5.6** | - | |||||
星豹蛛 Pardosa astrigera | 处理Treatment | 1.0±1.4 | 1.5±0.7 | - | - | 1.0±1.4 | 2.0±1.4 | 1.0±0.6* | 2.5±3.5* | -* | 2.5±0.7* | 66.0±12.5 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | -* | 0.5±0.7* | 3.0±4.2* | -* | 1.0±1.4 | 1.5±0.7 | 2.0±3.2 | |||||
三突花蛛 Misumenops tricuspidatus | 处理Treatment | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1.0±1.4 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | -** | 6.5±9.2** | - | 4.0±1.4 | -** | 5.5±0.7** | -** | 9.5±2.1** | - | |||||
黑腹豹蛛 Lycosa coelestris | 处理Treatment | 4.0±1.4 | 4.0±2.8 | 3.5±2.1 | 2.5±2.1 | 2.5±0.7** | 5.0±1.4** | 3.5±3.5 | 3.0±4.2 | 5.0±4.2** | 2.5±3.5** | 6.1±3.4 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 5.0±7.1 | 5.0±5.6 | 2.0±1.4* | 6.0±2.4* | 2.0±1.4** | 6.5±0.7** | 6.5±0.7 | 6.0±5.7 | 6±8.5** | 9.5±2.1** | 3.9±2.6 | |||||
夜蛾瘦姬蜂 Ophion luteus | 处理Treatment | 1.5±0.7 | - | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | - | 1.0±1.4* | -* | - | - | 18.0±5.8 | ||||||
舞毒蛾黑瘤姬蜂 Coccygomimus disparis | 处理Treatment | 2.5±2.1* | 3±2.82* | 2.0±1.4** | 7.0±1.4** | 4±2.8* | 5.5±4.9* | 8.0±9.9 | 7.0±1.4 | 3.5±2.1 | 1.5±2.1 | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | - | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | - | |||||
姬蜂一种 Coccygomimus sp. | 处理Treatment | 8.6±7.6 | 9.8±5.8 | 6.8±4.5 | 7.9±4.5 | 10.9±8.3* | 11.3±8.9* | 8.9±6.3* | 6.9±5.1* | 8.3±6.3 | 9.2±8.0 | 4.0±3.5 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 9.3±6.0 | 7.7±4.9** | 6.9±4.5** | 4.6±3.4 | 12.6±9.9 | 13.6±9.7 | 7.8±6.9** | 6.9±5.1** | 9.9±7.8 | 9.2±7.1 | - | |||||
蚜茧蜂一种 Aphidius sp. | 处理Treatment | 6.6±4.4** | 8.5±5.9** | 6.3±4.2 | 5.3±4.9 | 9.3±7.7 | 9.3±6.8 | 7.3±4.2 | 5.3±4.5 | 7.9±6.1 | 7.9±5.6 | 9.0±5.6 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 7.5±5.9* | 5.3±4.3* | 5.6±3.1** | 3.6±2.4** | 8.6±4.9 | 8.6±6.3 | 5.8±4.4** | 4.6±3.3** | 7.6±5.2 | 6.2±5.1 | 8.1±6.2 | |||||
长背瘿蜂一种 Alloxysta sp. | 处理Treatment | - | - | - | - | 1.0±1.4* | -* | - | - | - | - | 6.35±4.82 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 27.0±5.6** | 42.0±7.6** | 47.0±2.3** | 34.0±5.8** | 39.0±2.7** | 51.0±9.8** | 44.0±8.8 | 47.0±11.4 | 38.0±12.3** | 59.0±7.6** | 5.26±4.5 | |||||
大牙土天牛 Dorysthenes paradoxus | 处理Treatment | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3.0±3.1 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | 55.0±12.6** | -** | 25.0±7.9** | 3.0±4.6** | 10.0±3.1** | 2.0±2.1** | 3.0±1.5* | -* | 28.0±2.3 | |||||
白星花金龟 Potosia brevitarsis | 处理Treatment | 14.0±6.7* | 7.0±2.5* | 10.0±2.8* | 6.0±7.8* | 6.0±3.5 | 7.0±3.7 | 1.0±1.4 | 2.0±4.4 | 1.0±1.4 | 4.0±5.4 | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 2.0±2.5* | 7.0±4.5* | 5.0±3.8** | 1.0±1.4** | 3.0±1.4 | 1.0±1.4 | 4.0±2.8* | 1.0±1.4* | 2.0±2.4 | 3.0±2.6 | 5.0±3.4 | |||||
克氏侧琵甲 Prosodes kreitneri | 处理Treatment | 2.0±1.4 | - | 1.0±2.1** | 5.0±1.4** | 1.0±1.4** | 5.0±2.5** | 5.0±2.3* | 2.0±1.4* | 1.0±1.4 | - | 3.0±3.6 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 3.0±4.57** | 9.0±6.7** | 7.0±5.4** | 3.0±2.1** | 6.0±3.1 | 5.0±2.3 | 7.0±4.5 | 6.0±5.5 | 9.0±6.5 | 8.0±6.5 | 1.0±1.4 | |||||
皱纹琵甲 Blaps rugosa | 处理Treatment | 12.0±10.85 | 18.0±5.6 | 21.0±7.8** | 12.0±8.6** | 23.0±3.8 | 19.0±3.5 | 14.0±6.8 | 4.0±3.4 | 13.0±4.6 | 14.0±10.9 | 1.0±1.4 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 66.0±23.4** | 86.0±10.9** | 73.0±4.5** | 63.0±10.1** | 47.0±7.3** | 71.0±11.5** | 38.0±4.5** | 48.0±9.9** | 105.0±24.5** | 114.0±24.5** | 5.0±4.3 | |||||
直角通缘步甲 Pterostichus gebleri | 处理Treatment | 3.0±3.1 | - | 3.0±1.2 | 5.0±4.6 | 3.0±2.4** | -** | 4.0±3.5 | 1.0±0.7 | 1.0±1.4 | - | 10.0±7.9 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 8.0±5.4 | 3.0±4.7 | 10.0±5.5** | 2.0±0.7** | 9.0±4.5 | 2.0±1.4 | 11.0±9.9** | 2.0±2.2** | 5.0±5.4* | 2.0±3.5* | 56.0±8.7 | |||||
短翅伪葬步甲Pseudotaphoxnus mongolicus | 处理Treatment | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 6.0±2.5* | 2.0±1.9* | 6.0±4.8 | 6.0±5.7 | -** | 7.0±4.1** | 11.0±6.2* | 7.0±3.2* | -** | 5.0±3.6** | 4.0±5.3 | |||||
叶甲一种 Chrysomeloidae sp. | 处理Treatment | - | - | 11.0±8.7** | -** | 2.0±2.1* | -* | - | - | - | - | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | 1.0±1.41 | - | - | - | 2.0±3.45* | -* | -** | 4.0±6.75** | 1.0±1.4 | |||||
大黑葬甲 Necrophorus concolor | 处理Treatment | 19.0±10.2** | 9.0±3.1** | -** | 14.0±9.4** | 5.0±3.5** | 16.0±7.8** | 1.0±1.4** | 13.0±9.8** | 17.0±10.1 | 17.0±9.7 | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 10.0±5.4 | 9.0±4.4 | 1.0±1.4 | 11.0±4.5 | 3.0±2.5 | 12.0±3.4 | 2.0±2.3* | 6.0±5.1* | 18.0±5.5* | 11.0±3.1* | - | |||||
星斑虎甲 Cicindela kaleea | 处理Treatment | 19.0±10.2 | 9.0±3.1 | - | 14.0±9.4 | 5.0±3.5 | 16.0±7.8 | 1.0±1.4 | 13.0±9.8 | 17.0±10.1 | 17.0±9.7 | 4.0±2.1 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 10.0±5.4 | 9.0±4.4 | 1.0±1.4 | 11.0±4.5 | 3.0±2.5 | 12.0±3.4 | 2.0±2.3 | 6.0±5.1 | 18.0±5.5 | 11.0±3.1 | 7.0±5.4 | |||||
物种数 Species | 处理Treatment | 27 | 25 | 30 | 26 | 30 | 28 | 29 | 26 | 26 | 25 | 27 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 26 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 25 | 31 | 33 | 31 | 31 | 33 | 29 |
附录I 苜蓿草地不同景观处理小区昆虫群落变化与恢复种的物种组成及个体数 (平均值 ± 标准差)
Appendix I Composition of insect species and individuals in the experimental alfalfa plots of habitat loss and fragmentation (Mean ± SD)
物种 Species | 90%丢失 90% loss | 80%丢失 80% loss | 70%丢失 70% loss | 50%丢失 50% loss | 20%丢失 20% loss | 对照Control | ||||||||||
破碎H=1 Fragmented | 连续 H=0 Clumped | 破碎H=1 Fragmented | 连续 H=0 Clumped | 破碎H=1 Fragmented | 连续 H=0 Clumped | 破碎H=1 Fragmented | 连续 H=0 Clumped | 破碎H=1 Fragmented | 连续 H=0 Clumped | |||||||
苜蓿斑蚜 Therioaphis trifolii | 处理Treatment | 12.8±6.9* | 14.5±8.3* | 11.7±3.7** | 16.9±9.7** | 18±5.9** | 10.2±5.1** | 15.3±5.4** | 13.3±3.2** | 11.2±6.5** | 10.1±5.2** | 8.6±3.1 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 4.5±4.2** | 6.5±7.5** | 4.2±4.4** | 9.4±5.05** | 6.3±8.1** | 10.4±7.2** | 6.5±4.1** | 12.5±8.8** | 6.3±5.8 | 6.5±2.7 | 12.8±5.5 | |||||
苜蓿蓟马一种 Thysanoptera sp. | 处理Treatment | 21.2±5.3** | 17.0±3.1** | 24.2±5.6**/ | 22.0±6.1** | 27.1±3.7** | 21.1±3.8** | 29.7±4.1** | 22.8±5.8** | 29.9±3.6** | 20.4±5.5** | 30.8±3.1 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 25.4±7.3** | 29.5±5.8** | 39.1±5.2 | 40.5±7.6 | 31.3±7.9** | 33.6±8.4** | 34.7±7.5** | 38.8±11.2** | 37.2±8.2 | 37.07±6.5 | 29.5±5.8 | |||||
大青叶蝉 Cicadella viridis | 处理Treatment | -* | 1.5±2.1* | - | 4.0±4.2 | - | 1.0±1.4 | 4.5±0.7 | 3.0±2.8 | 4.0±4.2* | 2.0±1.41 | 2.0±3.4 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 10.5±14.9** | 4.0±1.41** | 3.0±1.41* | 0.5±0.71* | -* | 2.0±2.83* | 2.5±3.5* | 1.0±1.4* | 46.5±60.1* | 12.5±17.6** | 25.0±6.7 | |||||
苜蓿夜蛾 Heliothis dipsacea | 处理Treatment | 6.0±3.4** | 12.0±5.6** | 9.5±2.1* | 12.0±1.4* | 15.5±0.7 | 11.0±1.4 | 16.5±2.12** | 8.5±2.1** | 10.5±6.3** | 18.5±7.78** | 19.0±12.2 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 11.5±11.4 | 8.5±6.3 | 4.5±6.3* | 0.5±0.7* | 11.0±14.1 | 4.0±1.4 | 12.0±15.5* | 9.0±12.7* | 3±1.41** | 18.0±9.9** | 24.0±5.6 | |||||
豌豆蚜 Aphis craccivora | 处理Treatment | 13.0±2.8** | 35±14.1** | 17.0±8.4** | 30±12.5** | 21.5±0.7** | 43.0±1.4** | 22.5±7.7** | 37.5±6.3** | 16±14.14** | 30.5±13.4** | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 66.0±33.9** | 56±33.9** | 32.5±23.3** | 45.5±2.1** | 33.5±33.1** | 51.5±12.0** | 66.5±26.1** | 71.5±38.8** | 122.0±94.4** | 103.0±19.8** | 1.0±1.4 | |||||
苜蓿盲蝽 Adelphocoris lineolatus | 处理Treatment | 50.5±28.9** | 73.5±84.1** | 119.0±7.1** | 74±38.1** | 146.0±84.8** | 105.0±87.7** | 201.5±53.0** | 100.0±86.2** | 109.0±91.0** | 80±7.07** | 30.0±12.9 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 27.0±8.5** | 13.0±5.6** | 33.5±31.8** | 63.5±21.9** | 26.5±2.1* | 21.0±16.9* | 48.0±22.6 | 44.5±57.2 | 19.5±6.3 | 20.5±0.7 | 72.0±9.8 | |||||
苜蓿象甲 Hypera postica | 处理Treatment | 0.5±0.7 | - | - | - | 0.5±0.71 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | - | 1.5±0.7* | -* | 141.0±10.7 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 0.5±0.7 | 1.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7** | 3.0±2.1** | 0.5±0.7 | 1.5±2.1 | 1.0±1.4 | 4.0±2.4 | 37.0±4.6 | |||||
黑翅雏蝗 Chorthippus aethalinus | 处理Treatment | 27.5±14.8** | -** | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5.0±3.52 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 10.0±8.4* | 17±2.8* | 6±8.4 | 7.5±4.9 | 12.0±14.1** | 17.5±4.9** | 3.5±0.7 | 15.5±14.8 | 9.5±0.7** | 19.5±9.2** | 6.0±6.5 | |||||
狭翅雏蝗 C. dubius | 处理Treatment | 27.5±14.8** | 45.0±24.0** | 29.5±12.1** | 52.5±12.1** | 22.5±3.5** | 56.0±15.5** | 29.0±2.8** | 51.5±3.5** | 18.0±6.8** | 34.5±4.9** | 21.0±7.2 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 7.5±3.5** | 22.0±9.9** | 2.5±3.5** | 11.0±1.4** | 13.0±16.9** | 18.0±5.6** | 7.0±5.4** | 22.5±19.0** | 13.0±2.8** | 24.0±2.8** | 26.0±6.7 | |||||
白纹雏蝗 C. albonemus | 处理Treatment | 1.5±2.1 | 1.0±1.4 | 6.5±9.2** | 1.5±0.7** | 5.0±3.4 | 1.5±0.7 | 5.0±5.6** | 2.5±0.7** | 3.0±2.8* | -* | 38.0±12.3 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | 3.0±1.9 | 1.0±1.4 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.71 | 1±1.4 | 12.0±6.5 | |||||
宽翅曲背蝗 Pararcyptera meridionalis | 处理Treatment | 9.5±10.6* | 5.0±2.3* | 18.0±18.4 | 5.0±4.2 | 8.5±6.36* | 7.5±4.9* | 6.0±4.2* | 10.5±2.1* | 3.5±0.7 | 2.0±1.4 | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | 1.5±0.7* | -* | 1.0±1.1 | - | - | |||||
大垫尖翅蝗 Epacromius coerulipes | 处理Treatment | 27.0±8.5** | 37.0±31.1** | 45.5±30.4* | 29.5±7.8* | 61.5±47.3** | 25.0±15.6** | 81.0±49.5** | 28.5±9.2** | 75.0±89.1** | 24.5±13.4** | 5.0±6.3 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 4.5±0.7** | 17.0±16.9** | 3.5±3.5 | 1.5±0.7 | 8.5±2.1 | 2.5±3.5 | 13.5±10.6** | 5.5±7.8** | 10.5±14.8** | 1.5±2.1** | 4.0±3.9 | |||||
高加索黑蚁 Formica transkaucasica | 处理Treatment | - | - | 1.0±1.4 | - | -** | 9.5±7.8** | - | - | - | - | 28.0±7.9 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 1.0±1.4 | 1.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 1.0±1.2 | -* | 1.5±0.7* | - | 0.5±0.7 | 1.0±1.4 | 3.0±2.83 | 3.0±3.2 | |||||
异色瓢虫 Harmonia axyridis | 处理Treatment | - | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 1.0±1.4 | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 1.5±2.1 | 0.5±0.7 | -** | 4.0±5.4** | - | - | 2.0±1.4 | 1.0±1.4 | 1.5±2.1 | 3.0±1.4 | - | |||||
龟纹瓢虫 Propylea japonica | 处理Treatment | -** | 12.0±2.8** | 4.5±0.7** | 10.5±2.1** | 3.5±0.7** | 9.5±7.8** | 5.5±0.7* | 13.0±2.8* | 2.5±3.5** | 5.0±2.8** | 0.7±0.5 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | 1.5±2.1 | 1.0±1.4 | 5.0±7.2 | 4.0±2.8 | 1.0±1.4** | 5.0±4.2** | 1.5±2.1 | 2.5±2.1 | 1.1±0.8 | |||||
多异瓢虫 Hippodamia variegata | 处理Treatment | - | - | 0.5±0.7** | 2.5±3.5** | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | 1.0±1.4 | - | - | 1.0±1.4 | 2.0±1.1 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | - | 2.0±1.4 | |||||
七星瓢虫 Coccinella septempunctata | 处理Treatment | 10.0±9.9 | 14.0±2.8 | 12.5±0.7* | 17.0±5.6* | 13.5±2.1** | 19.0±1.4** | 22.5±10.6 | 24.5±4.9 | 16.0±18.4 | 16.0±11.3 | 1.4±1.2 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 8.5±3.5* | 5.0±7.1* | 8.5±2.1* | 8.5±3.5* | 2.5±2.1** | 6.0±1.4** | 7.5±0.7 | 9.0±1.4 | 6.0±2.8* | 6.5±0.7* | 1.0±1.4 | |||||
小姬猎蝽 Nabis mimoferus | 处理Treatment | 11.5±4.9** | 27.0±11.3** | 7.5±0.7** | 24.5±12.1** | 12.0±5.6** | 41.5±21.9** | 5.5±6.4** | 42.0±14.1** | 2.5±0.7** | 8.0±2.8** | 21.0±10.8 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 19.0±5.6** | 17.5±4.9** | 19.0±15.6** | 28.0±2.8** | 18.0±8.5** | 38.0±26.9** | 29.5±4.9* | 31.5±9.2* | 29.5±12.0 | 24.5±13.4 | 6.0±2.4 | |||||
黑点食蚜盲蝽 Deraeocoris punctulatus | 处理Treatment | 1.5±0.7 | 1.5±2.1 | 1.5±2.1 | 7.5±7.8 | 3.0±2.8* | 5.0±2.8* | 5.0±4.2* | 6.5±4.9* | -* | 1.5±2.1* | 38.0±12.3 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 2.0±1.4 | 1.5±0.7 | 1.0±1.4 | - | 2.5±0.7 | 3.5±3.5 | 2.0±1.4 | 1.0±1.3 | -** | 4.5±6.5** | 16.0±9.8 | |||||
中华草蛉 Chrysopa Sinica | 处理Treatment | 5.0±0.7* | -* | 1.5±2.1* | -* | 2.0±1.4* | 1.5±2.1* | 2.0±1.4* | -* | 4.0±5.6** | 1.0±1.4** | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||
梯斑黑食蚜蝇 Melanostoma scalare | 处理Treatment | 34.0±22.6** | 42.0±26.8** | 41.0±14.1 | 41.0±4.2 | 43.0±12.7 | 40.0±7.1 | 72.5±13.4** | 43.5±7.8** | 51.0±29.7** | 59.5±10.6** | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 12.0±9.9** | 13.5±3.5** | 11.5±13.4* | 11.0±2.8* | 13.5±3.5 | 7.5±3.5 | 21.5±20.5** | 8.0±7.1** | 29.5±13.4** | 18.0±5.6** | - | |||||
星豹蛛 Pardosa astrigera | 处理Treatment | 1.0±1.4 | 1.5±0.7 | - | - | 1.0±1.4 | 2.0±1.4 | 1.0±0.6* | 2.5±3.5* | -* | 2.5±0.7* | 66.0±12.5 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | -* | 0.5±0.7* | 3.0±4.2* | -* | 1.0±1.4 | 1.5±0.7 | 2.0±3.2 | |||||
三突花蛛 Misumenops tricuspidatus | 处理Treatment | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1.0±1.4 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | -** | 6.5±9.2** | - | 4.0±1.4 | -** | 5.5±0.7** | -** | 9.5±2.1** | - | |||||
黑腹豹蛛 Lycosa coelestris | 处理Treatment | 4.0±1.4 | 4.0±2.8 | 3.5±2.1 | 2.5±2.1 | 2.5±0.7** | 5.0±1.4** | 3.5±3.5 | 3.0±4.2 | 5.0±4.2** | 2.5±3.5** | 6.1±3.4 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 5.0±7.1 | 5.0±5.6 | 2.0±1.4* | 6.0±2.4* | 2.0±1.4** | 6.5±0.7** | 6.5±0.7 | 6.0±5.7 | 6±8.5** | 9.5±2.1** | 3.9±2.6 | |||||
夜蛾瘦姬蜂 Ophion luteus | 处理Treatment | 1.5±0.7 | - | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | - | 1.0±1.4* | -* | - | - | 18.0±5.8 | ||||||
舞毒蛾黑瘤姬蜂 Coccygomimus disparis | 处理Treatment | 2.5±2.1* | 3±2.82* | 2.0±1.4** | 7.0±1.4** | 4±2.8* | 5.5±4.9* | 8.0±9.9 | 7.0±1.4 | 3.5±2.1 | 1.5±2.1 | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.5±0.7 | - | 0.5±0.7 | 0.5±0.7 | - | |||||
姬蜂一种 Coccygomimus sp. | 处理Treatment | 8.6±7.6 | 9.8±5.8 | 6.8±4.5 | 7.9±4.5 | 10.9±8.3* | 11.3±8.9* | 8.9±6.3* | 6.9±5.1* | 8.3±6.3 | 9.2±8.0 | 4.0±3.5 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 9.3±6.0 | 7.7±4.9** | 6.9±4.5** | 4.6±3.4 | 12.6±9.9 | 13.6±9.7 | 7.8±6.9** | 6.9±5.1** | 9.9±7.8 | 9.2±7.1 | - | |||||
蚜茧蜂一种 Aphidius sp. | 处理Treatment | 6.6±4.4** | 8.5±5.9** | 6.3±4.2 | 5.3±4.9 | 9.3±7.7 | 9.3±6.8 | 7.3±4.2 | 5.3±4.5 | 7.9±6.1 | 7.9±5.6 | 9.0±5.6 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 7.5±5.9* | 5.3±4.3* | 5.6±3.1** | 3.6±2.4** | 8.6±4.9 | 8.6±6.3 | 5.8±4.4** | 4.6±3.3** | 7.6±5.2 | 6.2±5.1 | 8.1±6.2 | |||||
长背瘿蜂一种 Alloxysta sp. | 处理Treatment | - | - | - | - | 1.0±1.4* | -* | - | - | - | - | 6.35±4.82 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 27.0±5.6** | 42.0±7.6** | 47.0±2.3** | 34.0±5.8** | 39.0±2.7** | 51.0±9.8** | 44.0±8.8 | 47.0±11.4 | 38.0±12.3** | 59.0±7.6** | 5.26±4.5 | |||||
大牙土天牛 Dorysthenes paradoxus | 处理Treatment | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3.0±3.1 | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | 55.0±12.6** | -** | 25.0±7.9** | 3.0±4.6** | 10.0±3.1** | 2.0±2.1** | 3.0±1.5* | -* | 28.0±2.3 | |||||
白星花金龟 Potosia brevitarsis | 处理Treatment | 14.0±6.7* | 7.0±2.5* | 10.0±2.8* | 6.0±7.8* | 6.0±3.5 | 7.0±3.7 | 1.0±1.4 | 2.0±4.4 | 1.0±1.4 | 4.0±5.4 | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 2.0±2.5* | 7.0±4.5* | 5.0±3.8** | 1.0±1.4** | 3.0±1.4 | 1.0±1.4 | 4.0±2.8* | 1.0±1.4* | 2.0±2.4 | 3.0±2.6 | 5.0±3.4 | |||||
克氏侧琵甲 Prosodes kreitneri | 处理Treatment | 2.0±1.4 | - | 1.0±2.1** | 5.0±1.4** | 1.0±1.4** | 5.0±2.5** | 5.0±2.3* | 2.0±1.4* | 1.0±1.4 | - | 3.0±3.6 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 3.0±4.57** | 9.0±6.7** | 7.0±5.4** | 3.0±2.1** | 6.0±3.1 | 5.0±2.3 | 7.0±4.5 | 6.0±5.5 | 9.0±6.5 | 8.0±6.5 | 1.0±1.4 | |||||
皱纹琵甲 Blaps rugosa | 处理Treatment | 12.0±10.85 | 18.0±5.6 | 21.0±7.8** | 12.0±8.6** | 23.0±3.8 | 19.0±3.5 | 14.0±6.8 | 4.0±3.4 | 13.0±4.6 | 14.0±10.9 | 1.0±1.4 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 66.0±23.4** | 86.0±10.9** | 73.0±4.5** | 63.0±10.1** | 47.0±7.3** | 71.0±11.5** | 38.0±4.5** | 48.0±9.9** | 105.0±24.5** | 114.0±24.5** | 5.0±4.3 | |||||
直角通缘步甲 Pterostichus gebleri | 处理Treatment | 3.0±3.1 | - | 3.0±1.2 | 5.0±4.6 | 3.0±2.4** | -** | 4.0±3.5 | 1.0±0.7 | 1.0±1.4 | - | 10.0±7.9 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 8.0±5.4 | 3.0±4.7 | 10.0±5.5** | 2.0±0.7** | 9.0±4.5 | 2.0±1.4 | 11.0±9.9** | 2.0±2.2** | 5.0±5.4* | 2.0±3.5* | 56.0±8.7 | |||||
短翅伪葬步甲Pseudotaphoxnus mongolicus | 处理Treatment | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 6.0±2.5* | 2.0±1.9* | 6.0±4.8 | 6.0±5.7 | -** | 7.0±4.1** | 11.0±6.2* | 7.0±3.2* | -** | 5.0±3.6** | 4.0±5.3 | |||||
叶甲一种 Chrysomeloidae sp. | 处理Treatment | - | - | 11.0±8.7** | -** | 2.0±2.1* | -* | - | - | - | - | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | - | - | 1.0±1.41 | - | - | - | 2.0±3.45* | -* | -** | 4.0±6.75** | 1.0±1.4 | |||||
大黑葬甲 Necrophorus concolor | 处理Treatment | 19.0±10.2** | 9.0±3.1** | -** | 14.0±9.4** | 5.0±3.5** | 16.0±7.8** | 1.0±1.4** | 13.0±9.8** | 17.0±10.1 | 17.0±9.7 | - | ||||
恢复Restoration | 10.0±5.4 | 9.0±4.4 | 1.0±1.4 | 11.0±4.5 | 3.0±2.5 | 12.0±3.4 | 2.0±2.3* | 6.0±5.1* | 18.0±5.5* | 11.0±3.1* | - | |||||
星斑虎甲 Cicindela kaleea | 处理Treatment | 19.0±10.2 | 9.0±3.1 | - | 14.0±9.4 | 5.0±3.5 | 16.0±7.8 | 1.0±1.4 | 13.0±9.8 | 17.0±10.1 | 17.0±9.7 | 4.0±2.1 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 10.0±5.4 | 9.0±4.4 | 1.0±1.4 | 11.0±4.5 | 3.0±2.5 | 12.0±3.4 | 2.0±2.3 | 6.0±5.1 | 18.0±5.5 | 11.0±3.1 | 7.0±5.4 | |||||
物种数 Species | 处理Treatment | 27 | 25 | 30 | 26 | 30 | 28 | 29 | 26 | 26 | 25 | 27 | ||||
恢复Restoration | 26 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 25 | 31 | 33 | 31 | 31 | 33 | 29 |
回归方程 Regression (Variables includes) | 模型相关系数R2 Model R2 | |
破碎化小区 Fragmented plots (处理 Treatment) | Y=-2.0045-2.1234X4 | 0.7679 |
连续小区 Clumped plots (处理 Treatment) | Y=-3.3982-3.0909X3 | 0.6783 |
破碎化小区 Fragmented plots (恢复 Restoration) | Y=-2.8213-0.6660X1-1.4537X2 | 0.8948 |
连续小区 Clumped plots (恢复 Restoration) | Y=3.1982-1.6338X2 | 0.7795 |
表2 昆虫类群多样性与生境丧失率的关系
Table 2 Relationship between insect groups diversity and habitat loss
回归方程 Regression (Variables includes) | 模型相关系数R2 Model R2 | |
破碎化小区 Fragmented plots (处理 Treatment) | Y=-2.0045-2.1234X4 | 0.7679 |
连续小区 Clumped plots (处理 Treatment) | Y=-3.3982-3.0909X3 | 0.6783 |
破碎化小区 Fragmented plots (恢复 Restoration) | Y=-2.8213-0.6660X1-1.4537X2 | 0.8948 |
连续小区 Clumped plots (恢复 Restoration) | Y=3.1982-1.6338X2 | 0.7795 |
变异来源 Source of variation | 自由度df | 均方 MS (处理/恢复, Treatment/ Restoration) | F(处理/恢复, Treatment/ Restoration) | P(处理/恢复, Treatment/ Restoration) |
所有物种 All species (模型model R2=0.9739) | ||||
生境破碎化 Habitat fragmentation | 1 | 0.1985/0.0065 | 209.63/5.71 | 0.0001/0.0268 |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 4 | 0.0663/0.0373 | 70.08/32.97 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
生境破碎化×生境丧失 Habitat fragmentation×loss | 4 | 0.0606/0.0146 | 63.97/12.90 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
误差 Error | 20 | 0.0009/0.0011 | ||
植食性昆虫 Phytophagous insects (模型model R2=0.9377) | ||||
生境破碎化 Habitat fragmentation | 1 | 0.1141/0.0608 | 98.35/67.25 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 4 | 0.0220/0.1091 | 19.01/120.73 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
生境破碎化×生境丧失 Habitat fragmentation×loss | 4 | 0.0368/0.0442 | 31.68/48.88 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
误差 Error | 20 | 0.0012/0.0009 | ||
捕食性昆虫 Predators (模型model R2=0.9773) | ||||
生境破碎化 Habitat fragmentation | 1 | 0.0314/0.0018 | 30.06/ 1.98 | 0.0001/0.1746 |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 4 | 0.0421/0.0709 | 40.35/ 79.62 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
生境破碎化×生境丧失 Habitat fragmentation×loss | 4 | 0.1746/0.1368 | 167.36/153.73 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
误差 Error | 20 | 0.0010/0.0009 | ||
寄生性昆虫 Parasitoids (模型model R2=0.3117) | ||||
生境破碎化 Habitat fragmentation | 1 | 667.1254/0.4201 | 1.01/482.85 | 0.3262/0.0001 |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 4 | 663.4662/0.3038 | 1.01/349.25 | 0.4269/0.0001 |
生境破碎化×生境丧失 Habitat fragmentation×loss | 4 | 660.7799/0.1236 | 1.00/142.07 | 0.4289/0.0001 |
误差 Error | 20 | 658.4306/0.0009 | ||
地表甲虫及地下害虫 Ground-dwelling beetles (模型model R2=0.9727) | ||||
生境破碎化 Habitat fragmentation | 1 | 0.3121/0.0001 | 371.57/0.08 | 0.0001/0.7818 |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 4 | 0.0217/0.0752 | 25.83/ 111.18 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
生境破碎化×生境丧失 Habitat fragmentation×loss | 4 | 0.0499/0.0719 | 59.45/106.24 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
误差 Error | 20 | 0.0008/0.0007 |
表3 苜蓿草地斑块处理后不同昆虫类群变化的方差分析及变异来源
Table 3 Results of ANOVA testing the effects of habitat fragmentation (H=1, H=0) and habitat loss (90%, 80%, 70%, 50%, 20%, CK) on the lacunarity of species distribution
变异来源 Source of variation | 自由度df | 均方 MS (处理/恢复, Treatment/ Restoration) | F(处理/恢复, Treatment/ Restoration) | P(处理/恢复, Treatment/ Restoration) |
所有物种 All species (模型model R2=0.9739) | ||||
生境破碎化 Habitat fragmentation | 1 | 0.1985/0.0065 | 209.63/5.71 | 0.0001/0.0268 |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 4 | 0.0663/0.0373 | 70.08/32.97 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
生境破碎化×生境丧失 Habitat fragmentation×loss | 4 | 0.0606/0.0146 | 63.97/12.90 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
误差 Error | 20 | 0.0009/0.0011 | ||
植食性昆虫 Phytophagous insects (模型model R2=0.9377) | ||||
生境破碎化 Habitat fragmentation | 1 | 0.1141/0.0608 | 98.35/67.25 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 4 | 0.0220/0.1091 | 19.01/120.73 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
生境破碎化×生境丧失 Habitat fragmentation×loss | 4 | 0.0368/0.0442 | 31.68/48.88 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
误差 Error | 20 | 0.0012/0.0009 | ||
捕食性昆虫 Predators (模型model R2=0.9773) | ||||
生境破碎化 Habitat fragmentation | 1 | 0.0314/0.0018 | 30.06/ 1.98 | 0.0001/0.1746 |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 4 | 0.0421/0.0709 | 40.35/ 79.62 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
生境破碎化×生境丧失 Habitat fragmentation×loss | 4 | 0.1746/0.1368 | 167.36/153.73 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
误差 Error | 20 | 0.0010/0.0009 | ||
寄生性昆虫 Parasitoids (模型model R2=0.3117) | ||||
生境破碎化 Habitat fragmentation | 1 | 667.1254/0.4201 | 1.01/482.85 | 0.3262/0.0001 |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 4 | 663.4662/0.3038 | 1.01/349.25 | 0.4269/0.0001 |
生境破碎化×生境丧失 Habitat fragmentation×loss | 4 | 660.7799/0.1236 | 1.00/142.07 | 0.4289/0.0001 |
误差 Error | 20 | 658.4306/0.0009 | ||
地表甲虫及地下害虫 Ground-dwelling beetles (模型model R2=0.9727) | ||||
生境破碎化 Habitat fragmentation | 1 | 0.3121/0.0001 | 371.57/0.08 | 0.0001/0.7818 |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 4 | 0.0217/0.0752 | 25.83/ 111.18 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
生境破碎化×生境丧失 Habitat fragmentation×loss | 4 | 0.0499/0.0719 | 59.45/106.24 | 0.0001/0.0001 |
误差 Error | 20 | 0.0008/0.0007 |
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