生物多样性 ›› 2006, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 98-106.  DOI: 10.1360/biodiv.050161

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张林艳1, 2*,叶万辉1,黄忠良1   

  1. 1 (中国科学院华南植物园, 广州 510650)
    2 (南京大学国际地球系统科学研究所, 南京 210093)
  • 收稿日期:2005-07-25 修回日期:2006-02-28 出版日期:2006-03-20 发布日期:2006-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 张林艳

Assessment of function area design in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve using landscape ecology principles

Linyan Zhang1, 2*, Wanhui Ye1, Zhongliang Huang1   

  1. 1 South China Botanical Garden, Guangzhou 510650
    2 Internatinal Institute for Earth System Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093
  • Received:2005-07-25 Revised:2006-02-28 Online:2006-03-20 Published:2006-03-20
  • Contact: Linyan Zhang1

摘要: 景观生态学的发展为自然保护区的规划和管理注入了新的活力。鼎湖山自然保护区是我国第一个自然保护区, 其建立之初景观生态学还不够完善, 原功能区(核心区、缓冲区、过渡区)边界划分不尽合理, 如核心区与过渡区直接相连、缓冲区干扰甚重等。2001年鼎湖山自然保护区管理局对保护区功能区规划进行了局部调整。本文在探讨保护区15年间(1985–2000)各功能区植被景观变化的基础上, 应用景观生态学方法对原功能区规划及管理进行了评估, 并通过景观相似性系数度量了新旧区划方案中各功能区植被分布的相似性, 对新功能区规划实施的可行性进行了初步评价。研究结果表明, 原功能区划下各功能区的植被景观皆按顺向演替方向发展, 十几年来植被的形状变得更不规则。各功能区由于原有植被状况和人为干扰程度的不同, 植被景观变化亦呈现明显差异, 其中核心区和过渡区的植被景观趋于集中和连续; 缓冲区因为受到旅游活动的严重干扰, 植被景观相对破碎。2001年调整后的功能区规划保证了核心区植被景观的完整性, 与原功能区规划相比, 各功能区植被景观相似性系数为: 核心区>过渡区>缓冲区。建议将增设的缓冲区作为保护区实现和开展真正意义上的生态旅游示范区, 新开辟的科普旅游路线还可对游客量进行一定分流, 缓解原有缓冲区游客过多的现状。

AbstractPrinciples of landscape ecology are playing significant roles in the design and management of nature reserves. Three function zones (core zone, buffer zone, and transitional zone) in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, the first nature reserve of China, were designed in 1988 and then readjusted in 2001 to make the di-vision more reasonable. Based on vegetation map data of 1985 and 2000, we assessed the two designs using landscape ecology principles. And the changes in vegetation composition and landscape patterns between the two designs were compared. The results showed that, during the past 15 years, vegetations in the three func-tion zones were in the process of ordinal succession, meanwhile the vegetation patches became more irregu-lar. In each function zone, vegetation landscape had changed in different ways because of the different origi-nal vegetation types and human disturbance intensity: the core zone and transitional zone had become more continuous, whereas the buffer zone more fragmented resulted from excessive tourism. After readjustment of the design, the integrity of landscape vegetation in the core zone is maintained. Compared the two designs, the similarity index of vegetation landscape ranked as core zone > transition zone > buffer zone. We sug-gest setting the newly established buffer zone as an example of eco-tourism in order to protect the previous buffer zone against an excessive influx of tourists.