生物多样性 ›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 389-398. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2008.08014
Jing Liu, Hong Miao*(), Zhiyun Ouyang, Weihua Xu, Hua Zheng
Hong Miao
目前全球各地开展了一系列评估保护区管理成效的研究工作。2005年, 国家林业局对全国634个自然保护区的管理人员发放了调查问卷, 回收有效问卷535份。本文针对其中的社区参与、社区共管和与社区的协调发展3个指标分析了国内的自然保护区社区管理效果, 并对社区管理效果的得分情况、区域特征、级别特征和影响管理效果的因素进行了分析。结果表明: 我国自然保护区的社区管理水平普遍较低, 3个指标中, 与社区的协调发展得分最高, 为1.85分, 社区参与和社区共管分别为1.15分和1.03分; 各个区域在社区管理效果方面没有显著差异(P>0.05), 华中地区的社区管理效果平均分最高, 为4.26分, 华南地区最低, 为3.73分; 国家级自然保护区的社区管理效果整体上比省级好, 二者存在显著差异(P<0.01)。通过Pearson相关分析得出, 监测与评价、人事管理、职工培训、管理计划和保护区巡护这5个指标与社区管理效果的相关程度较大。为了提高自然保护区社区管理效果, 我们建议着重从有效保护区内的自然资源、建立社区共管机制、建立生态补偿机制、国家和各省统筹拨付保护区经费以及完善职工管理制度几方面入手。
刘静, 苗鸿, 欧阳志云, 徐卫华, 郑华 (2008) 自然保护区社区管理效果分析. 生物多样性, 16, 389-398. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2008.08014.
Jing Liu, Hong Miao, Zhiyun Ouyang, Weihua Xu, Hua Zheng (2008) Analyzing the effectiveness of community management in Chinese nature reserves. Biodiversity Science, 16, 389-398. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2008.08014.
图1 本次调查所选取的自然保护区样本状况。(A)国家级、省级、市级等各级自然保护区占调查总数的百分比; (B)被调查自然保护区的区域分布。
Fig. 1 Selection characteristics of the investigated nature reserves. (A) Percentages of national, provincial and city-level nature reserves; (B) Regional distribution of the investigated nature reserves.
指标 Index | 评价标准 Evaluation criterion | 得分 Scores |
社区参与 Community participation | 保护区在制定管理决策过程中没有征求社区居民的意见 Managers don’t consult with the communities before making decisions | 0 |
保护区部分征求了社区居民的意见, 但社区居民没有直接参与决策 Managers consult the communities sometimes, but local people don’t participate the decision-making directly | 1 | |
社区居民能够参与保护区管理决策的制定 Local people can participate the decision-making | 2 | |
社区居民经常参与保护区管理决策的制定, 并能影响保护区的决策 Local people participate the decision-making frequently, and can have impacts on the decisions | 3 | |
社区共管 Community co-management | 没有开展社区共管活动 No co-management activities | 0 |
有共管委员会或相应的管理机构, 但活动很少 Co-management committees or relevant institutions exist, but with few activities | 1 | |
有共管委员会或相应的管理机构, 签订了共管协议, 不定期开展共管活动或召开协调会议 Co-management committees or relevant institutions exist, with signed co-management agreement, irregular activities and coordinating conferences | 2 | |
有共管委员会和相应的管理机构, 定期开展共管活动, 取得成效 Co-management committees and relevant institutions exist and get some achievements through regular activities | 3 | |
与社区的协调发展 Coordination with communities | 保护区的管理活动对当地社区发展有明显的负面影响 Management steps have obviously negative effects on local communities | 0 |
保护区的管理活动对当地社区发展没有不利影响, 也没有带来利益 Management steps have neither negative nor positive effects on local communities | 1 | |
保护区的管理活动对当地社区的发展有促进作用, 但是对区域经济的发展影响不大 Management steps have lots of positive effects on local communities, but few on regional economy development | 2 | |
保护区的管理活动对当地社区的发展有明显的促进作用, 促进了所在区域的发展 Management steps have lots of positive effects on both local communities and regional economy development | 3 |
表1 自然保护区社区管理效果(包括社区参与、社区共管和与社区的协调发展)评价标准
Table 1 Evaluation criterion of the effectiveness of community management, including community participation, community co-management, and coordination with communities
指标 Index | 评价标准 Evaluation criterion | 得分 Scores |
社区参与 Community participation | 保护区在制定管理决策过程中没有征求社区居民的意见 Managers don’t consult with the communities before making decisions | 0 |
保护区部分征求了社区居民的意见, 但社区居民没有直接参与决策 Managers consult the communities sometimes, but local people don’t participate the decision-making directly | 1 | |
社区居民能够参与保护区管理决策的制定 Local people can participate the decision-making | 2 | |
社区居民经常参与保护区管理决策的制定, 并能影响保护区的决策 Local people participate the decision-making frequently, and can have impacts on the decisions | 3 | |
社区共管 Community co-management | 没有开展社区共管活动 No co-management activities | 0 |
有共管委员会或相应的管理机构, 但活动很少 Co-management committees or relevant institutions exist, but with few activities | 1 | |
有共管委员会或相应的管理机构, 签订了共管协议, 不定期开展共管活动或召开协调会议 Co-management committees or relevant institutions exist, with signed co-management agreement, irregular activities and coordinating conferences | 2 | |
有共管委员会和相应的管理机构, 定期开展共管活动, 取得成效 Co-management committees and relevant institutions exist and get some achievements through regular activities | 3 | |
与社区的协调发展 Coordination with communities | 保护区的管理活动对当地社区发展有明显的负面影响 Management steps have obviously negative effects on local communities | 0 |
保护区的管理活动对当地社区发展没有不利影响, 也没有带来利益 Management steps have neither negative nor positive effects on local communities | 1 | |
保护区的管理活动对当地社区的发展有促进作用, 但是对区域经济的发展影响不大 Management steps have lots of positive effects on local communities, but few on regional economy development | 2 | |
保护区的管理活动对当地社区的发展有明显的促进作用, 促进了所在区域的发展 Management steps have lots of positive effects on both local communities and regional economy development | 3 |
图2 社区参与、社区共管和与社区的协调发展的各分值(0-3分)的得分比例
Fig. 2 Percentage of the scores (0-3) in community participation, community co-management, and coordination with communities, respectively
社区参与 Community participation | 社区共管Community co-management | 与社区的协调发展Coordination with communities | 社区管理效果Community management effectiveness | |
社区共管 Community co-management | .412** | 1 | .261** | .778** |
社区参与 Community participation | 1 | .412** | .270** | .718** |
与社区的协调发展 Coordination with communities | .270** | .261** | 1 | .710** |
监测与评价 Monitoring and evaluation | .337** | .433** | .287** | .481** |
人事管理 Personnel management | .266** | .392** | .351** | .464** |
职工培训 Staff training | .241** | .393** | .296** | .428** |
管理计划 Management plan | .277** | .358** | .283** | .419** |
保护区巡护 Patrolling | .280** | .350** | .287** | .418** |
宣传教育项目 Propaganda and education | .270** | .317** | .226** | .369** |
保护状况 Conservation status | .227** | .280** | .291** | .365** |
资源管理 Resource management | .209** | .280** | .298** | .361** |
设备使用和维护 Usage and maintenance of devices | .191** | .350** | .206** | .345** |
保护区边界 NR border | .306** | .266** | .197** | .343** |
保护区机构 NR institution | .176** | .303** | .241** | .333** |
基础设施 Infrastructure | .181** | .253** | .285** | .331** |
经费管理 Financial management | .130** | .286** | .273** | .322** |
保护对象的管理 Management of conservation objects | .221** | .232** | .253** | .320** |
资源监测 Resource monitoring | .239** | .326** | .139** | .319** |
员工数量 Staff quantity | .208** | .256** | .220** | .311** |
旅游管理 Tourism management | .167** | .218** | .281** | .306** |
保护区控制 NR controlling | .153** | .225** | .271** | .300** |
科研 Scientific research | .172** | .332** | .138** | .296** |
工资与福利 Wages and welfare | .184** | .259** | .196** | .293** |
总体规划 General plan | .219** | .248** | .168** | .287** |
事业经费 Undertaking expenditures | .122** | .305** | .157** | .272** |
资源调查 Resource investigation | .236** | .280** | .089(*) | .272** |
管理办法 Management steps | .178** | .256** | .137** | .261** |
公安机构建设 Construction of police agency | .059 | .198** | .071 | .155** |
土地/森林所有权 Land/forest rights | .057 | .112** | .126** | .138** |
保护区管理体制 NR management mechanism | .022 | .135** | .085(*) | .116** |
行政执法权 Administrative execution rights | .078 | .057 | .004 | .060 |
表2 社区管理效果影响因子相关系数表
Table 2 Correlation coefficients of the factors influencing community management effectiveness
社区参与 Community participation | 社区共管Community co-management | 与社区的协调发展Coordination with communities | 社区管理效果Community management effectiveness | |
社区共管 Community co-management | .412** | 1 | .261** | .778** |
社区参与 Community participation | 1 | .412** | .270** | .718** |
与社区的协调发展 Coordination with communities | .270** | .261** | 1 | .710** |
监测与评价 Monitoring and evaluation | .337** | .433** | .287** | .481** |
人事管理 Personnel management | .266** | .392** | .351** | .464** |
职工培训 Staff training | .241** | .393** | .296** | .428** |
管理计划 Management plan | .277** | .358** | .283** | .419** |
保护区巡护 Patrolling | .280** | .350** | .287** | .418** |
宣传教育项目 Propaganda and education | .270** | .317** | .226** | .369** |
保护状况 Conservation status | .227** | .280** | .291** | .365** |
资源管理 Resource management | .209** | .280** | .298** | .361** |
设备使用和维护 Usage and maintenance of devices | .191** | .350** | .206** | .345** |
保护区边界 NR border | .306** | .266** | .197** | .343** |
保护区机构 NR institution | .176** | .303** | .241** | .333** |
基础设施 Infrastructure | .181** | .253** | .285** | .331** |
经费管理 Financial management | .130** | .286** | .273** | .322** |
保护对象的管理 Management of conservation objects | .221** | .232** | .253** | .320** |
资源监测 Resource monitoring | .239** | .326** | .139** | .319** |
员工数量 Staff quantity | .208** | .256** | .220** | .311** |
旅游管理 Tourism management | .167** | .218** | .281** | .306** |
保护区控制 NR controlling | .153** | .225** | .271** | .300** |
科研 Scientific research | .172** | .332** | .138** | .296** |
工资与福利 Wages and welfare | .184** | .259** | .196** | .293** |
总体规划 General plan | .219** | .248** | .168** | .287** |
事业经费 Undertaking expenditures | .122** | .305** | .157** | .272** |
资源调查 Resource investigation | .236** | .280** | .089(*) | .272** |
管理办法 Management steps | .178** | .256** | .137** | .261** |
公安机构建设 Construction of police agency | .059 | .198** | .071 | .155** |
土地/森林所有权 Land/forest rights | .057 | .112** | .126** | .138** |
保护区管理体制 NR management mechanism | .022 | .135** | .085(*) | .116** |
行政执法权 Administrative execution rights | .078 | .057 | .004 | .060 |
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