生物多样性 ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (7): 796-812. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019197
Jiaxin Kong1,2, Zhaochen Zhang1,2,*(), Jian Zhang1,2
Zhaochen Zhang
物种分类与识别是生物多样性监测的基础, 明确物种的类别及其分布是解决几乎所有生态学问题的前提。为深入了解基于多源遥感数据的植物物种分类与识别相关研究的发展现状和存在的问题, 本文对2000年以来该领域的研究进行了总结分析, 发现: 当前大多数研究集中在欧洲和北美地区的温带或北方森林以及南非的热带稀树草原; 使用最多的遥感数据是机载高光谱数据, 而激光雷达作为补充数据, 通过单木分割及提供单木的三维垂直结构信息, 显著提高了分类精度; 支持向量机和随机森林作为应用最广的非参数分类算法, 平均分类精度达80%; 随着计算机技术及机器学习领域的不断成熟, 人工神经网络在物种识别领域得以迅速发展。基于此, 本文对目前基于遥感数据的植物物种分类与识别中在分类对象复杂性、多源遥感数据整合、植物物候与纹理特征整合和分类算法技术等方面面临的挑战进行了总结, 并建议通过整合多时相监测数据、高光谱和激光雷达数据、短波红外等特定波谱信息、采用深度学习等方法来提高分类精度。
孔嘉鑫, 张昭臣, 张健 (2019) 基于多源遥感数据的植物物种分类与识别: 研究进展与展望. 生物多样性, 27, 796-812. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019197.
Jiaxin Kong, Zhaochen Zhang, Jian Zhang (2019) Classification and identification of plant species based on multi-source remote sensing data: Research progress and prospect. Biodiversity Science, 27, 796-812. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019197.
图1 2000-2018年间遥感领域3个主流期刊(International Journal of Remote Sensing、Remote Sensing of Environment和Remote Sensing)上使用多源遥感数据进行植物物种分类与识别的论文统计
Fig. 1 The papers on plant species classification and identification using different types of remote sensing data published between 2000 and 2018 in three top journals in remote sensing, including International Journal of Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment, and Remote Sensing.
研究对象 Research subjects | 相关案例数量 Number of case studies | 案例 Selected case studies |
热带/亚热带森林 Tropical/subtropical forests | 10 | |
热带稀树草原 Savanna | 8 | |
温带森林 Temperate forests | 56 | |
北方森林/针叶林 Boreal forest or Coniferous forest | 19 | |
红树林 Mangrove | 7 | |
草地 Grassland | 4 | |
城市树种 Urban tree species | 11 | |
入侵植物 Invasive plants | 5 |
表1 基于遥感数据进行植物物种识别的120项研究案例统计
Table 1 Statistics of 120 selected study cases of plant species identification based on remote sensing data
研究对象 Research subjects | 相关案例数量 Number of case studies | 案例 Selected case studies |
热带/亚热带森林 Tropical/subtropical forests | 10 | |
热带稀树草原 Savanna | 8 | |
温带森林 Temperate forests | 56 | |
北方森林/针叶林 Boreal forest or Coniferous forest | 19 | |
红树林 Mangrove | 7 | |
草地 Grassland | 4 | |
城市树种 Urban tree species | 11 | |
入侵植物 Invasive plants | 5 |
分类算法 Species classification algorithms | 优缺点 Advantages and disadvantages | 案例列举 Case studies | ||||
输入数据是否需要分布假设 Does the input data need specific distribution assumption? | 是否需要训练数据 Is the training data needed? | 对各种分类问题的适用性 Applicability to different kinds of species classifications | 算法复杂性和计算成本 Algorithmic complexity and computational cost | 可操作性 Is it easy to use for ecologists? | ||
支持向量机 Support Vector Machine (SVM) | 否 No | 较少 Less | 较高 High | 较高 High | 容易 Easy | |
随机森林 Random Forest (RF) | 否 No | 较少 Less | 较高 High | 较低 Low | 容易 Easy | |
最大似然分类 Maximum Likelihood Classifiers (MLC) | 是 Yes | 较多 More | 较高 High | 较高 High | 容易 Easy | |
判别式分析 Discriminant Analysis (DA) | 是 Yes | 较多 More | 较高 High | 较低 Low | 容易 Easy | |
k-最近邻分类 k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) | 否 No | 否 No | 较高 High | 较高 High | 容易 Easy | |
人工神经网络 Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) | 否 No | 较多 More | 较高 High | 较高 High | 较难 Difficult | |
光谱角制图 Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) | 否 No | 否 No | 较低 Low | 较高 High | 容易 Easy | |
广义线性模型 Generalized Linear Model (GLM) | 是 Yes | 否 No | 较低 Low | 较高 High | 较难 Difficult | |
分类和回归树 Classification and regression tree (CART) | 否 No | 较少 Less | 较高 High | 较低 Low | 容易 Easy | |
贝叶斯分类算法 Bayesian Classifiers | 否 No | 否 No | 较高 High | 较低 Low | 容易 Easy |
表2 常用物种分类算法的优缺点及案例
Table 2 Advantages and disadvantages of commonly used species classification algorithms and case studies
分类算法 Species classification algorithms | 优缺点 Advantages and disadvantages | 案例列举 Case studies | ||||
输入数据是否需要分布假设 Does the input data need specific distribution assumption? | 是否需要训练数据 Is the training data needed? | 对各种分类问题的适用性 Applicability to different kinds of species classifications | 算法复杂性和计算成本 Algorithmic complexity and computational cost | 可操作性 Is it easy to use for ecologists? | ||
支持向量机 Support Vector Machine (SVM) | 否 No | 较少 Less | 较高 High | 较高 High | 容易 Easy | |
随机森林 Random Forest (RF) | 否 No | 较少 Less | 较高 High | 较低 Low | 容易 Easy | |
最大似然分类 Maximum Likelihood Classifiers (MLC) | 是 Yes | 较多 More | 较高 High | 较高 High | 容易 Easy | |
判别式分析 Discriminant Analysis (DA) | 是 Yes | 较多 More | 较高 High | 较低 Low | 容易 Easy | |
k-最近邻分类 k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) | 否 No | 否 No | 较高 High | 较高 High | 容易 Easy | |
人工神经网络 Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) | 否 No | 较多 More | 较高 High | 较高 High | 较难 Difficult | |
光谱角制图 Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) | 否 No | 否 No | 较低 Low | 较高 High | 容易 Easy | |
广义线性模型 Generalized Linear Model (GLM) | 是 Yes | 否 No | 较低 Low | 较高 High | 较难 Difficult | |
分类和回归树 Classification and regression tree (CART) | 否 No | 较少 Less | 较高 High | 较低 Low | 容易 Easy | |
贝叶斯分类算法 Bayesian Classifiers | 否 No | 否 No | 较高 High | 较低 Low | 容易 Easy |
图2 常用物种分类算法的应用。(a)不同算法分类的物种数; (b)不同算法分类的总体精度。SVM: 支持向量机; RF: 随机森林; MLC: 最大似然分类; DA: 判别式分析; KNN: k-最近邻分类; ANN: 人工神经网络; GLM: 广义线性模型; SAM: 光谱角制图; CART: 分类和回归树; Bayes: 贝叶斯算法; MCS: 多分类系统。括号中N代表每种算法对应的研究案例数。
Fig. 2 Application of commonly used species classification algorithms. (a) The number of species classified by different algorithms; (b) Overall accuracy of different algorithms. SVM, Support Vector Machine; RF, Random Forest; MLC, Maximum Likelihood Classifiers; DA, Discriminant Analysis; KNN, k-Nearest Neighbor; ANN, Artificial Neural Networks; GLM, Generalized Linear Model; SAM, Spectral Angle Mapper; CART, Classification and regression tree; Bayes, Bayesian Classifiers; MCS, Multiple Classifier Systems. “N” in the brackets represents the number of study cases corresponding to each algorithm.
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