生物多样性 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (12): 1350-1357. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018257
刘冬梅1, 薛达元2,*(), 蔡蕾3, 李俊生1,*(), 肖能文1
# 共同第一作者
Dongmei Liu1, Dayuan Xue2,*(), Lei Cai3, Junsheng Li1,*(), Nengwen Xiao1
Xue Dayuan,Li Junsheng
About author:
# 同等贡献作者 Contributed equally to this work
基于调查获得的数据开展生物多样性相关传统知识评估, 明确面临的主要压力和保护空缺, 可为相关管理部门决策提供科学依据。指标是开展评估的主要工具, 但是目前尚未有关于生物多样性相关传统知识评估指标体系的文献报道。我们基于压力-状态-响应(pressure-state-response, PSR)模型, 充分考虑生物多样性相关传统知识的基本特征、主要威胁因子、保护和传承措施, 初步构建了区域和国家尺度的生物多样性相关传统知识评估指标体系。然后通过专家咨询, 确定了30项指标, 其中压力指标7项、状态指标14项、响应指标9项。这些指标不仅可以用于生物多样性相关传统知识的综合评估, 还可以对其基本状况、受威胁状况、保护与传承状况、相关遗传资源进行单独评价。此外, 基于评估参数计算的数据需求, 我们借鉴国内外民族植物学和生物多样性相关传统知识调查的主要研究成果, 建立了“全国生物多样性相关传统知识调查技术方法体系”, 并通过试点调查进行修改完善。 “全国生物多样性相关传统知识调查”以关键人物访谈、问卷调查和参与观察为主, 并辅以生物学和生态学调查; 采用滚雪球抽样法对目标群体进行抽样, 确定访谈对象。
刘冬梅, 薛达元, 蔡蕾, 李俊生, 肖能文 (2018) 中国生物多样性相关传统知识调查与评估指标体系构建. 生物多样性, 26, 1350-1357. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018257.
Dongmei Liu, Dayuan Xue, Lei Cai, Junsheng Li, Nengwen Xiao (2018) Establishing a national indicator system in China for the assessment of traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity. Biodiversity Science, 26, 1350-1357. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018257.
指标类别 Indicator categories | 评估指标 Assessment indicators | 评估参数 Assessment parameters |
压力 Pressure | 经济效益影响 Impact of economic benefits | 因经济效益差而遭淘汰的传统知识数量 Number of the TK (traditional knowledge) entries eliminated due to poor economic benefits |
外来文化影 Influence of foreign cultures | 受外来文化严重影响的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries influenced seriously by foreign cultures | |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 因外来种入侵和环境污染等破坏相关遗传资源的生境, 导致其生境丧失的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries lost along with deteriorated habitats, which relevant genetic resources depend on. The root causes for habitat deteriorating include alien invasive species, environmental pollution, etc. | |
过度开发利用影响 Eeffect of overexploitation | 已遭受过度开发利用影响的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries affected by overexploitation | |
土地利用变化 Land use change | 受土地利用变化影响的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries affected by land use change | |
自然灾害影响 Impact of natural disasters | 已遭受自然灾害影响的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries impacted by natural disasters | |
传承有效性 Validity of inheritance | 尚无传承措施的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries without inheritance measures | |
状态 State | 丰富度 Diversity | 传统知识总数量 Number of total TK entries |
历史悠久性 History | 具有100年以上历史的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries which could date back to more than 100 years | |
分布特征 Distribution patterns | 仅在1-2个乡镇分布的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries distributed only in 1-2 townships | |
经济价值 Economic value | 具有高、中等级经济价值的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries with high or medium economic value | |
社会文化价值 Socio-cultural value | 具有高、中等级社会文化价值传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries with high or medium socio-cultural value | |
特有性 Endemism | 区域特有的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries endemic to the region | |
开发利用现状 Exploitation status | 已具备规模商业化开发的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries involved in large-scale commercialized development | |
传承情况 Inheritance situation | 已认定传承人的传统知识的数量 Number of the TK entries that have been identified as inheritors | |
民族拥有情况 Ownership by ethnic minorities | 少数民族创造并持有的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries created and owned by ethnic minorities | |
社区拥有情况 Ownership by local communities | 已明确地方社区拥有的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries with clear ownership by local communities | |
濒危程度 Degree of extinction risk | 相关遗传资源受到严重威胁呈濒危状态的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries which associated genetic resources are threatened and endangered | |
丧失情况 Extinct TK | 近30年已丧失的传统知识数量 Number of the extinct TK entries in past 30 years | |
流失情况 Be lost abroad | 已流失国外的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries that have been lost abroad | |
保护传承空缺 Gaps in protection and inheritance measures | 无任何保护和传承措施的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries without any protection and inheritance measures | |
响应 Response | 国际法保护 Protected by international laws and agreements | 受CITES、《生物多样性公约》、《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》、《波恩公约》等国际法保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, Bonn Convention, etc. |
国家法规保护 Protected by domestic laws and regulations | 受野生动物保护法、野生植物保护条例、非物质文化遗产法、自然保护区条例、畜牧法、种子法、中医药法等国家法规保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by Law of Wild Animal Protection, Wild Plants Protection Regulation, Intangible Cultural Heritage Law, Nature Reserve Regulation, Animal Industry Law, Seed Law, Traditional Chinese Medicine Law, etc. | |
标类别 Indicator categories | 评估指标 Assessment indicators | 评估参数 Assessment parameters |
响应 Response | 知识产权保护 Protected by intellectual property rights | 具有知识产权(专利、地理标志、商标、著作权等)保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by intellectual property legislation of patents, geographical indications, trademarks, copyrights, etc. |
政策措施 Policy measures | 具有国家和地方政策保护(资金投入机制、激励政策、惠益分享等)的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by national and local policies, including investment mechanism, incentive policy, benefit sharing, etc. | |
文化保护 Cultural protection | 受传统文化(如习惯法、节庆等)、宗教方式(如祭祀、神山、神林等)保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by traditional culture (customary law, rituals, etc.) and religious beliefs (sacrifice, sacred mountain, sacred forest, etc.) | |
工程措施 Engineering measures | 受自然保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、自然遗产地、农业文化遗产地、森林公园、湿地公园、自然保护点等就地保护措施和动物园、植物园、种质资源圃、人工繁育基地、水族馆等迁地保护措施保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by in situ conservation (nature reserves, national parks, scenic spots, natural heritage sites, agricultural and cultural heritage sites, forest parks, wetland parks, natural protection zones, etc.) and ex situ conservation (zoos, botanical gardens, germplasm resource gardens, artificial breeding bases, aquariums, etc.) | |
社区保护 Local community protection | 受传统知识所在地方社区群体自发保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries voluntarily protected by local communities | |
家族保护 Protected by clanship protection | 受家族保护(祖传秘方等)的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by clans, such as the ancestral secret recipe | |
社会组织 Social organization | 受民间非政府组织和私营企业等社会团体保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by social groups such as non-governmental organizations and private enterprises |
表1 生物多样性相关传统知识评估指标体系及评估参数
Table 1 Indicator system and parameters for assessment of traditional knowledge (TK)) associated with biodiversity in China
指标类别 Indicator categories | 评估指标 Assessment indicators | 评估参数 Assessment parameters |
压力 Pressure | 经济效益影响 Impact of economic benefits | 因经济效益差而遭淘汰的传统知识数量 Number of the TK (traditional knowledge) entries eliminated due to poor economic benefits |
外来文化影 Influence of foreign cultures | 受外来文化严重影响的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries influenced seriously by foreign cultures | |
生境丧失 Habitat loss | 因外来种入侵和环境污染等破坏相关遗传资源的生境, 导致其生境丧失的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries lost along with deteriorated habitats, which relevant genetic resources depend on. The root causes for habitat deteriorating include alien invasive species, environmental pollution, etc. | |
过度开发利用影响 Eeffect of overexploitation | 已遭受过度开发利用影响的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries affected by overexploitation | |
土地利用变化 Land use change | 受土地利用变化影响的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries affected by land use change | |
自然灾害影响 Impact of natural disasters | 已遭受自然灾害影响的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries impacted by natural disasters | |
传承有效性 Validity of inheritance | 尚无传承措施的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries without inheritance measures | |
状态 State | 丰富度 Diversity | 传统知识总数量 Number of total TK entries |
历史悠久性 History | 具有100年以上历史的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries which could date back to more than 100 years | |
分布特征 Distribution patterns | 仅在1-2个乡镇分布的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries distributed only in 1-2 townships | |
经济价值 Economic value | 具有高、中等级经济价值的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries with high or medium economic value | |
社会文化价值 Socio-cultural value | 具有高、中等级社会文化价值传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries with high or medium socio-cultural value | |
特有性 Endemism | 区域特有的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries endemic to the region | |
开发利用现状 Exploitation status | 已具备规模商业化开发的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries involved in large-scale commercialized development | |
传承情况 Inheritance situation | 已认定传承人的传统知识的数量 Number of the TK entries that have been identified as inheritors | |
民族拥有情况 Ownership by ethnic minorities | 少数民族创造并持有的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries created and owned by ethnic minorities | |
社区拥有情况 Ownership by local communities | 已明确地方社区拥有的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries with clear ownership by local communities | |
濒危程度 Degree of extinction risk | 相关遗传资源受到严重威胁呈濒危状态的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries which associated genetic resources are threatened and endangered | |
丧失情况 Extinct TK | 近30年已丧失的传统知识数量 Number of the extinct TK entries in past 30 years | |
流失情况 Be lost abroad | 已流失国外的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries that have been lost abroad | |
保护传承空缺 Gaps in protection and inheritance measures | 无任何保护和传承措施的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries without any protection and inheritance measures | |
响应 Response | 国际法保护 Protected by international laws and agreements | 受CITES、《生物多样性公约》、《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》、《波恩公约》等国际法保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, Bonn Convention, etc. |
国家法规保护 Protected by domestic laws and regulations | 受野生动物保护法、野生植物保护条例、非物质文化遗产法、自然保护区条例、畜牧法、种子法、中医药法等国家法规保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by Law of Wild Animal Protection, Wild Plants Protection Regulation, Intangible Cultural Heritage Law, Nature Reserve Regulation, Animal Industry Law, Seed Law, Traditional Chinese Medicine Law, etc. | |
标类别 Indicator categories | 评估指标 Assessment indicators | 评估参数 Assessment parameters |
响应 Response | 知识产权保护 Protected by intellectual property rights | 具有知识产权(专利、地理标志、商标、著作权等)保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by intellectual property legislation of patents, geographical indications, trademarks, copyrights, etc. |
政策措施 Policy measures | 具有国家和地方政策保护(资金投入机制、激励政策、惠益分享等)的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by national and local policies, including investment mechanism, incentive policy, benefit sharing, etc. | |
文化保护 Cultural protection | 受传统文化(如习惯法、节庆等)、宗教方式(如祭祀、神山、神林等)保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by traditional culture (customary law, rituals, etc.) and religious beliefs (sacrifice, sacred mountain, sacred forest, etc.) | |
工程措施 Engineering measures | 受自然保护区、国家公园、风景名胜区、自然遗产地、农业文化遗产地、森林公园、湿地公园、自然保护点等就地保护措施和动物园、植物园、种质资源圃、人工繁育基地、水族馆等迁地保护措施保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by in situ conservation (nature reserves, national parks, scenic spots, natural heritage sites, agricultural and cultural heritage sites, forest parks, wetland parks, natural protection zones, etc.) and ex situ conservation (zoos, botanical gardens, germplasm resource gardens, artificial breeding bases, aquariums, etc.) | |
社区保护 Local community protection | 受传统知识所在地方社区群体自发保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries voluntarily protected by local communities | |
家族保护 Protected by clanship protection | 受家族保护(祖传秘方等)的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by clans, such as the ancestral secret recipe | |
社会组织 Social organization | 受民间非政府组织和私营企业等社会团体保护的传统知识数量 Number of the TK entries protected by social groups such as non-governmental organizations and private enterprises |
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