生物多样性 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 286-294. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018005
宋瑞玲1,3, 姚锦仙1,2,*(), 吴恺悦1, 张晓川1,3, 吕植1,3, 朱争光4, 殷丽洁1,3
# 共同第一作者
Ruiling Song1,3, Jinxian Yao1,2,*(), Kaiyue Wu1, Xiaochuan Zhang1,3, Zhi Lü1,3, Zhengguang Zhu4, Lijie Yin1,3
Yao Jinxian
About author:
# Co-first authors
全球物种多样性的持续下降使得生物多样性保护面临巨大挑战, 海洋生物多样性的保护任务尤其艰巨。海洋保护区是保护生物多样性的有效方式之一, 如何对其成效进行评估是当前研究热点。然而, 目前针对海洋保护区的评估体系较少, 而且评估指标多侧重于管理成效。近年来随着全球生物多样性监测网络和数据库的建立, 以及多种新技术(如遥感、声呐系统、卫星追踪、基因组学等)在海洋生物多样性监测中的应用, 使得从生态系统到基因水平的多层次连续监测成为可能。基于此, 建议未来我国海洋保护区成效评估应在充分利用新技术方法的基础上, 加强长期科学监测, 建立并完善生物多样性监测数据库和信息共享机制, 发展跨学科的综合保护成效评估体系, 加强基于生物多样性监测的保护成效评估。
宋瑞玲, 姚锦仙, 吴恺悦, 张晓川, 吕植, 朱争光, 殷丽洁 (2018) 海洋保护区管理与保护成效评估的方法与进展. 生物多样性, 26, 286-294. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018005.
Ruiling Song,Jinxian Yao,Kaiyue Wu,Xiaochuan Zhang,Zhi Lü,Zhengguang Zhu,Lijie Yin (2018) Evaluation of the effectiveness of marine protected areas: Methodologies and progress. Biodiversity Science, 26, 286-294. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018005.
图1 自1980年以来中国海洋保护区的数量和面积持续增长(1980-2011年的数据来自曾江宁(2013), 2012-2017年的数据来自国家海洋局网站)
Fig. 1 The number and area of marine protected areas in China have been growing since 1980. Data from 1980 to 2011 refer to Zeng (2013). Data from 2012 to 2017 refer to the website of State Oceanic Administration
METT Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool | 海洋保护区打分卡 Marine Tracking Tool | 海洋保护区管理成效评估指南 How is your MPA doing | 中美洲海洋保护区管理成效快速评估手册 Manual for the Rapid Evaluation of Management Effectiveness in Marine Protected Areas of Mesoamerica | |
开发机构 Developer | WWF/世界银行 WWF/World Bank | WWF/世界银行 WWF/World Bank | IUCN/WWF/NOAA | 中美洲大堡礁系统 Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System |
评估人员 Objects | 保护区管理者、工作人员Managers and staff | 保护区管理者、工作人员、专家 Managers, staff and experts | 保护区管理者 、工作人员、专家、相关官员、社区居民 Managers, staff, experts, relevant officials, and local communities | |
人员专业要求 Professional requirements | 低 Low | 低 Low | 高 High | 高 High |
人力成本 Human cost | 低 Low | 低 Low | 高 High | 较低 Lower |
可重复性 Repeatability | 好 Good | 好 Good | 不好 Bad | 较好 Better |
主观影响 Effect of subjectivity | 较小 Smaller | 较大 Larger | 较小 Smaller | 较小 Smaller |
针对性 Marine-relevant | 无 None | 弱 Weak | 强 Strong | 强 Strong |
实践应用 Application | 至少用于86个国家的1,150个保护区 Applied in 1,150 protected areas across over 86 countries | 欧洲广泛应用 Widely applied in protected areas of Europe | 至少用于200多个保护区 Applied in over 200 protected areas | 中美洲大堡礁系统 Applied in Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System |
应用建议 Suggestion | 可多次重复评估并监测变化 Best for repeat evaluation and monitoring | 指标综合全面 Reference for integrated indicators | 适用于快速了解保护区管理和总体情况 Best for a snapshot in performance and general progress | |
指标数量 Number of indicators | 30 | 34 | 42 | 47 |
共有指标 Common indicators | 立法与执法、管理计划、研究工作、人员管理与培训、经费预算、设备及维护、教育和意识培训 Legislation and law enforcement, management planning, research projects, staff management and training, budget, equipment and maintenance, education and awareness | |||
保护区规章、目标、边界、资源普查信息和管理、当 地居民收入、访客设施和收费 Regulations, objectives, boundary, resource inventory, local income, visitor facilities | 当地利用海洋资源的活动和强度、依赖海洋资源的就业情况、服务基础设施、环境与生物指标 Practices and intensity of local use of marine resources, employment in activities related to marine resources, state of service infrastructure, biophysical indicators | |||
— | 利益相关者的参与、与管理者的沟通、满意度, 环境教育、守法情况 Participation, communication with managers, satisfaction of stakeholders, environment education, law compliance | |||
特有指标 Specific indicators | 保护区的设计、土地和水的使用、所在社区的投入、商业旅游 Protected area design, land and water use, local investment, and commercial tourism | 保护区是否在更大的海岸管理体系中、产品与服务、社区福利 Integration of MPA in a larger coastal management plan, products and services, and community welfare | 对海洋资源的价值观、居民健康、市场、科学知识传播、社区组织水平、历史遗迹 Values of marine resources, local health, market, spread of scientific knowledge, level of community organization, and historical sites | 识别威胁、标牌、志愿者项目 Threat recognition, signs/labels, and volunteer program |
表1 主要海洋保护区管理成效评估体系比较
Table 1 Comparison of main methodologies for assessing management effectiveness of marine protected area
METT Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool | 海洋保护区打分卡 Marine Tracking Tool | 海洋保护区管理成效评估指南 How is your MPA doing | 中美洲海洋保护区管理成效快速评估手册 Manual for the Rapid Evaluation of Management Effectiveness in Marine Protected Areas of Mesoamerica | |
开发机构 Developer | WWF/世界银行 WWF/World Bank | WWF/世界银行 WWF/World Bank | IUCN/WWF/NOAA | 中美洲大堡礁系统 Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System |
评估人员 Objects | 保护区管理者、工作人员Managers and staff | 保护区管理者、工作人员、专家 Managers, staff and experts | 保护区管理者 、工作人员、专家、相关官员、社区居民 Managers, staff, experts, relevant officials, and local communities | |
人员专业要求 Professional requirements | 低 Low | 低 Low | 高 High | 高 High |
人力成本 Human cost | 低 Low | 低 Low | 高 High | 较低 Lower |
可重复性 Repeatability | 好 Good | 好 Good | 不好 Bad | 较好 Better |
主观影响 Effect of subjectivity | 较小 Smaller | 较大 Larger | 较小 Smaller | 较小 Smaller |
针对性 Marine-relevant | 无 None | 弱 Weak | 强 Strong | 强 Strong |
实践应用 Application | 至少用于86个国家的1,150个保护区 Applied in 1,150 protected areas across over 86 countries | 欧洲广泛应用 Widely applied in protected areas of Europe | 至少用于200多个保护区 Applied in over 200 protected areas | 中美洲大堡礁系统 Applied in Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System |
应用建议 Suggestion | 可多次重复评估并监测变化 Best for repeat evaluation and monitoring | 指标综合全面 Reference for integrated indicators | 适用于快速了解保护区管理和总体情况 Best for a snapshot in performance and general progress | |
指标数量 Number of indicators | 30 | 34 | 42 | 47 |
共有指标 Common indicators | 立法与执法、管理计划、研究工作、人员管理与培训、经费预算、设备及维护、教育和意识培训 Legislation and law enforcement, management planning, research projects, staff management and training, budget, equipment and maintenance, education and awareness | |||
保护区规章、目标、边界、资源普查信息和管理、当 地居民收入、访客设施和收费 Regulations, objectives, boundary, resource inventory, local income, visitor facilities | 当地利用海洋资源的活动和强度、依赖海洋资源的就业情况、服务基础设施、环境与生物指标 Practices and intensity of local use of marine resources, employment in activities related to marine resources, state of service infrastructure, biophysical indicators | |||
— | 利益相关者的参与、与管理者的沟通、满意度, 环境教育、守法情况 Participation, communication with managers, satisfaction of stakeholders, environment education, law compliance | |||
特有指标 Specific indicators | 保护区的设计、土地和水的使用、所在社区的投入、商业旅游 Protected area design, land and water use, local investment, and commercial tourism | 保护区是否在更大的海岸管理体系中、产品与服务、社区福利 Integration of MPA in a larger coastal management plan, products and services, and community welfare | 对海洋资源的价值观、居民健康、市场、科学知识传播、社区组织水平、历史遗迹 Values of marine resources, local health, market, spread of scientific knowledge, level of community organization, and historical sites | 识别威胁、标牌、志愿者项目 Threat recognition, signs/labels, and volunteer program |
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