生物多样性 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 578-589. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017194
陶夏秋1, 崔绍朋2,3, 蒋志刚2,3, 初红军4,5, 李娜2,3, 杨道德1,*(), 李春旺2,3,*(
# 共同第一作者
Xiaqiu Tao1, Shaopeng Cui2,3, Zhigang Jiang2,3, Hongjun Chu4,5, Na Li2,3, Daode Yang1,*(), Chunwang Li2,3,*(
Yang Daode,Li Chunwang
About author:
# Co-first authors
中国阿勒泰地区是北半球中纬度地区的特殊区域, 与俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、蒙古接壤, 境内有平原、沙漠和山地三大地貌特征。2014-2016年, 我们先后3次对阿勒泰地区爬行动物资源开展了实地调查, 共采集到392号爬行动物标本。经鉴定隶属1目6科16种, 结合文献资料, 共计1目8科23种, 均为古北界物种, 其中中亚型17种, 古北型6种, 表现出中亚亚界与欧洲-西伯利亚亚界间的过渡性质。爬行动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数随海拔分布呈带有一个中峰的低海拔高原格局, 在第2海拔段(500-600 m)达到峰值; 均匀度指数总体呈现递增格局, 第15海拔段(1,800-1,900 m)达到最大值; 丰富度则呈现一种波动的递减格局, 峰值在第10海拔段(1,300-1,400 m)。3种环境因子对这种格局的独立解释力较低, 但综合作用的解释力较强, 其中海拔与年均温这两个因子的综合作用对物种多样性影响程度最大。
陶夏秋, 崔绍朋, 蒋志刚, 初红军, 李娜, 杨道德, 李春旺 (2018) 新疆阿勒泰地区爬行动物区系及多样性海拔分布格局. 生物多样性, 26, 578-589. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017194.
Xiaqiu Tao, Shaopeng Cui, Zhigang Jiang, Hongjun Chu, Na Li, Daode Yang, Chunwang Li (2018) Reptilian fauna and elevational patterns of the reptile species diversity in Altay Prefecture in Xinjiang, China. Biodiversity Science, 26, 578-589. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017194.
样区 Sample area | 海拔区间 Altitude range (m) | 经纬度 Longitude and latitude | 物种* Species* |
1 | 1,100-1,200 | 47.96° N, 88.09° E | 捷蜥蜴(2)、极北蝰(2) Lacerta agilis (2), Vipera berus (2) |
2 | 1,300-1,400 | 47.98° N, 88.21° E | 密点麻蜥(3) Eremias multiocellata (3) |
3 | 800-900 | 47.83° N, 88.14° E | 捷蜥蜴(5) Lacerta agilis (5) |
4 | 900-1,000 | 47.89° N, 88.08° E | 快步麻蜥(4) Eremias velox (4) |
5 | 1,100-1,200 | 46.19° N, 90.86° E | 奇台沙蜥(4)、旱地沙蜥(30)、变色沙蜥(2)、密点麻蜥(2) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (4), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (30), Phrynocephalus versicolor (2), Eremias multiocellata (2) |
6 | 1,200-1,300 | 46.18° N, 90.76° E | 新疆岩蜥(3)、旱地沙蜥(2) Laudakia stoliczkana (3), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (2) |
7 | 500-600 | 47.69° N, 86.82° E | 奇台沙蜥(8)、快步麻蜥(2)、密点麻蜥(4)、捷蜥蜴(2) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (8), Eremias velox (2), Eremias multiocellata (4), Lacerta agilis (2) |
8 | 400-500 | 47.84° N, 86.67° E | 奇台沙蜥(12) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (12) |
9 | 400-500 | 47.86° N, 86.14° E | 奇台沙蜥(6)、虫纹麻蜥(1) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (6), Eremias vermiculata (1) |
10 | 800-900 | 48.34° N, 86.21° E | 捷蜥蜴(8) Lacerta agilis (8) |
11 | 800-900 | 47.49° N, 86.19° E | 捷蜥蜴(6) Lacerta agilis (6) |
12 | 700-800 | 47.75° N, 87.79° E | 捷蜥蜴(4)、黄脊东方蛇(2) Lacerta agilis (4), Orientocoluber spinalis (2) |
13 | 400-500 | 47.42° N, 87.57° E | 旱地沙蜥(6)、敏麻蜥(2) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (6), Eremias arguta (2) |
14 | 600-700 | 46.55° N, 88.27° E | 旱地沙蜥(2)、快步麻蜥(6) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (2), Eremias velox (6) |
15 | 900-1,000 | 46.70° N, 90.83° E | 奇台沙蜥(15)、旱地沙蜥(3) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (15), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (3) |
16 | 1,200-1,300 | 45.22° N, 89.54° E | 旱地沙蜥(2)、红沙蟒(1) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (2), Eryx miliaris (1) |
17 | 1,300-1,400 | 45.19° N, 89.17° E | 旱地沙蜥(6)、虫纹麻蜥(1)、快步麻蜥(2)、奇台沙蜥(3) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (6), Eremias vermiculata (1), Eremias velox (2), Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (3) |
18 | 900-1,000 | 45.05° N, 89.28° E | 旱地沙蜥(20) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (20) |
19 | 900-1,000 | 45.28° N, 88.82° E | 奇台沙蜥(21) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (21) |
20 | 900-1,000 | 47.15° N, 89.35° E | 旱地沙蜥(25) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (25) |
21 | 900-1,000 | 46.63° N, 89.99° E | 奇台沙蜥(2)、旱地沙蜥(4) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (2), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (4) |
22 | 1,700-1,800 | 49.03° N, 87.43° E | 极北蝰(9)、捷蜥蜴(2) Vipera berus (9), Lacerta agilis (2) |
23 | 1,500-1,600 | 48.99° N, 87.31° E | 极北蝰(4)、捷蜥蜴(2)、胎蜥(1) Vipera berus (4), Lacerta agilis (2), Zootoca vivipara (1) |
24 | 1,300-1,400 | 48.65° N, 86.72° E | 敏麻蜥(1)、极北蝰(1)、隐耳漠虎(3) Eremias arguta (1), Vipera berus (1), Alsophylax pipiens (3) |
25 | 500-600 | 47.56° N, 87.05° E | 敏麻蜥(1)、旱地沙蜥(2) Eremias arguta (1), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (2) |
26 | 700-800 | 48.17° N, 87.14° E | 白条锦蛇(1)、旱地沙蜥(3) Elaphe dione (1), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (3) |
表1 阿勒泰地区26个样区爬行动物调查结果
Table 1 Result of reptile survey of 26 sample areas in Altay Prefecture
样区 Sample area | 海拔区间 Altitude range (m) | 经纬度 Longitude and latitude | 物种* Species* |
1 | 1,100-1,200 | 47.96° N, 88.09° E | 捷蜥蜴(2)、极北蝰(2) Lacerta agilis (2), Vipera berus (2) |
2 | 1,300-1,400 | 47.98° N, 88.21° E | 密点麻蜥(3) Eremias multiocellata (3) |
3 | 800-900 | 47.83° N, 88.14° E | 捷蜥蜴(5) Lacerta agilis (5) |
4 | 900-1,000 | 47.89° N, 88.08° E | 快步麻蜥(4) Eremias velox (4) |
5 | 1,100-1,200 | 46.19° N, 90.86° E | 奇台沙蜥(4)、旱地沙蜥(30)、变色沙蜥(2)、密点麻蜥(2) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (4), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (30), Phrynocephalus versicolor (2), Eremias multiocellata (2) |
6 | 1,200-1,300 | 46.18° N, 90.76° E | 新疆岩蜥(3)、旱地沙蜥(2) Laudakia stoliczkana (3), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (2) |
7 | 500-600 | 47.69° N, 86.82° E | 奇台沙蜥(8)、快步麻蜥(2)、密点麻蜥(4)、捷蜥蜴(2) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (8), Eremias velox (2), Eremias multiocellata (4), Lacerta agilis (2) |
8 | 400-500 | 47.84° N, 86.67° E | 奇台沙蜥(12) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (12) |
9 | 400-500 | 47.86° N, 86.14° E | 奇台沙蜥(6)、虫纹麻蜥(1) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (6), Eremias vermiculata (1) |
10 | 800-900 | 48.34° N, 86.21° E | 捷蜥蜴(8) Lacerta agilis (8) |
11 | 800-900 | 47.49° N, 86.19° E | 捷蜥蜴(6) Lacerta agilis (6) |
12 | 700-800 | 47.75° N, 87.79° E | 捷蜥蜴(4)、黄脊东方蛇(2) Lacerta agilis (4), Orientocoluber spinalis (2) |
13 | 400-500 | 47.42° N, 87.57° E | 旱地沙蜥(6)、敏麻蜥(2) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (6), Eremias arguta (2) |
14 | 600-700 | 46.55° N, 88.27° E | 旱地沙蜥(2)、快步麻蜥(6) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (2), Eremias velox (6) |
15 | 900-1,000 | 46.70° N, 90.83° E | 奇台沙蜥(15)、旱地沙蜥(3) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (15), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (3) |
16 | 1,200-1,300 | 45.22° N, 89.54° E | 旱地沙蜥(2)、红沙蟒(1) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (2), Eryx miliaris (1) |
17 | 1,300-1,400 | 45.19° N, 89.17° E | 旱地沙蜥(6)、虫纹麻蜥(1)、快步麻蜥(2)、奇台沙蜥(3) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (6), Eremias vermiculata (1), Eremias velox (2), Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (3) |
18 | 900-1,000 | 45.05° N, 89.28° E | 旱地沙蜥(20) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (20) |
19 | 900-1,000 | 45.28° N, 88.82° E | 奇台沙蜥(21) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (21) |
20 | 900-1,000 | 47.15° N, 89.35° E | 旱地沙蜥(25) Phrynocephalus helioscopus (25) |
21 | 900-1,000 | 46.63° N, 89.99° E | 奇台沙蜥(2)、旱地沙蜥(4) Phrynocephalus grumgrzimailoi (2), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (4) |
22 | 1,700-1,800 | 49.03° N, 87.43° E | 极北蝰(9)、捷蜥蜴(2) Vipera berus (9), Lacerta agilis (2) |
23 | 1,500-1,600 | 48.99° N, 87.31° E | 极北蝰(4)、捷蜥蜴(2)、胎蜥(1) Vipera berus (4), Lacerta agilis (2), Zootoca vivipara (1) |
24 | 1,300-1,400 | 48.65° N, 86.72° E | 敏麻蜥(1)、极北蝰(1)、隐耳漠虎(3) Eremias arguta (1), Vipera berus (1), Alsophylax pipiens (3) |
25 | 500-600 | 47.56° N, 87.05° E | 敏麻蜥(1)、旱地沙蜥(2) Eremias arguta (1), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (2) |
26 | 700-800 | 48.17° N, 87.14° E | 白条锦蛇(1)、旱地沙蜥(3) Elaphe dione (1), Phrynocephalus helioscopus (3) |
图2 爬行动物物种多样性随海拔梯度的变化。实点表示观测的物种多样性, 灰色实线为模型预测的物种多样性, 灰色虚线表示模型预测的95%置信区间。
Fig. 2 Change of reptile species diversity along the elevational gradient. Dot represents observed species diversity. Grey solid line represents the predicted diversity by model. Dashed grey lines represent 95% confident intervals of predicted diversity.
变量 Variables | 模型解释力 Explanatory power (R2, %) | AIC | P | 自由度 Effective degrees of freedom |
Shannon-Wiener多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | ||||
海拔 Altitude | 45.9 | 19.57 | 0.040* | 4.30 |
年均温 AMT | 17 | 24.10 | 0.036* | 1 |
年降水量 AP | 4.39 | 27.81 | 0.00013*** | 0.34 |
海拔 × 年降水量 Altitude × AP | 51.1 | 20.16 | PAltitude = 0.050*; PAP = 0.78 | υAltitude = 4.64; υAP = 1.28 |
年降水量 × 年均温 AP × AMT | 18.5 | 25.04 | PAMT = 0.056; PAP = 0.51 | υAMT = 1; υAP = 1 |
海拔 × 年均温 Altitude × AMT | 52.4 | 25.61 | PAMT = 0.23; PAltitude = 0.091 | υAMT = 1; υAltitude = 4.62 |
海拔 × 年降水量 × 年均温 Altitude × AP × AMT | 47.1 | 17.89 | PAMT = 0.00083***; PAltitude = 0.0043**; PAP = 0.097 | υAMT = 1; υAltitude = 1; υAP = 1.75 |
Simpson优势度指数 Simpson dominance index | ||||
海拔 Altitude | 43.6 | 13.38 | 0.054 | 4.12 |
年均温 AMT | 16.2 | 17.27 | 0.042* | 1 |
年降水量 AP | 4.49 | 20.66 | 0.30 | 1 |
海拔 × 年降水量 Altitude × AP | 49.1 | 13.93 | PAltitude = 0.061; PAP = 0.68 | υAltitude = 4.82; υAP = 1.00 |
年降水量 × 年均温 AP × AMT | 17.3 | 18.92 | PAMT = 0.072; PAP = 0.58 | υAMT = 1; υAP = 1 |
海拔 × 年均温 Altitude × AMT | 51 | 12.62 | PAMT = 0.24; PAltitude = 0.11 | υAMT = 4.65; υAltitude = 1 |
海拔 × 年降水量 × 年均温 Altitude × AP × AMT | 40.1 | 13.42 | PAMT = 0.0023**; PAltitude = 0.011*; PAP = 0.18 | υAMT = 1; υAltitude = 1; υAP = 1.45 |
丰富度 Richness | ||||
海拔 Altitude | 36.5 | 63.08 | 0.096 | 3.67 |
年均温 AMT | 17.7 | 64.49 | 0.033* | 1.01 |
年降水量 AP | 44.8 | 62.89 | 0.095 | 5.38 |
海拔 × 年降水量 Altitude × AP | 65.4 | 55.55 | PAltitude = 0.14; PAP = 0.022* | υAltitude = 2.06; υAP = 5.73 |
年降水量 × 年均温 AP × AMT | 37.3 | 63.77 | PAMT = 0.10; PAP = 0.33 | υAMT = 1.00; υAP = 3.17 |
海拔 × 年均温 Altitude × AMT | 35.1 | 63.50 | PAMT = 0.13; PAltitude = 0.29 | υAMT = 1.00; υAltitude = 2.60 |
海拔 × 年降水量 × 年均温 Altitude × AP × AMT | 69.6 | 51.72 | PAMT = 0.0053**; PAltitude = 0.0047**; PAP = 0.0097** | υAMT = 1.00; υAltitude = 1.00; υAP = 5.57 |
表2 阿勒泰地区爬行动物多样性指数与不同因子的广义相加模型
Table 2 Generalized additive models for the species diversity of reptiles in Altay Prefecture
变量 Variables | 模型解释力 Explanatory power (R2, %) | AIC | P | 自由度 Effective degrees of freedom |
Shannon-Wiener多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | ||||
海拔 Altitude | 45.9 | 19.57 | 0.040* | 4.30 |
年均温 AMT | 17 | 24.10 | 0.036* | 1 |
年降水量 AP | 4.39 | 27.81 | 0.00013*** | 0.34 |
海拔 × 年降水量 Altitude × AP | 51.1 | 20.16 | PAltitude = 0.050*; PAP = 0.78 | υAltitude = 4.64; υAP = 1.28 |
年降水量 × 年均温 AP × AMT | 18.5 | 25.04 | PAMT = 0.056; PAP = 0.51 | υAMT = 1; υAP = 1 |
海拔 × 年均温 Altitude × AMT | 52.4 | 25.61 | PAMT = 0.23; PAltitude = 0.091 | υAMT = 1; υAltitude = 4.62 |
海拔 × 年降水量 × 年均温 Altitude × AP × AMT | 47.1 | 17.89 | PAMT = 0.00083***; PAltitude = 0.0043**; PAP = 0.097 | υAMT = 1; υAltitude = 1; υAP = 1.75 |
Simpson优势度指数 Simpson dominance index | ||||
海拔 Altitude | 43.6 | 13.38 | 0.054 | 4.12 |
年均温 AMT | 16.2 | 17.27 | 0.042* | 1 |
年降水量 AP | 4.49 | 20.66 | 0.30 | 1 |
海拔 × 年降水量 Altitude × AP | 49.1 | 13.93 | PAltitude = 0.061; PAP = 0.68 | υAltitude = 4.82; υAP = 1.00 |
年降水量 × 年均温 AP × AMT | 17.3 | 18.92 | PAMT = 0.072; PAP = 0.58 | υAMT = 1; υAP = 1 |
海拔 × 年均温 Altitude × AMT | 51 | 12.62 | PAMT = 0.24; PAltitude = 0.11 | υAMT = 4.65; υAltitude = 1 |
海拔 × 年降水量 × 年均温 Altitude × AP × AMT | 40.1 | 13.42 | PAMT = 0.0023**; PAltitude = 0.011*; PAP = 0.18 | υAMT = 1; υAltitude = 1; υAP = 1.45 |
丰富度 Richness | ||||
海拔 Altitude | 36.5 | 63.08 | 0.096 | 3.67 |
年均温 AMT | 17.7 | 64.49 | 0.033* | 1.01 |
年降水量 AP | 44.8 | 62.89 | 0.095 | 5.38 |
海拔 × 年降水量 Altitude × AP | 65.4 | 55.55 | PAltitude = 0.14; PAP = 0.022* | υAltitude = 2.06; υAP = 5.73 |
年降水量 × 年均温 AP × AMT | 37.3 | 63.77 | PAMT = 0.10; PAP = 0.33 | υAMT = 1.00; υAP = 3.17 |
海拔 × 年均温 Altitude × AMT | 35.1 | 63.50 | PAMT = 0.13; PAltitude = 0.29 | υAMT = 1.00; υAltitude = 2.60 |
海拔 × 年降水量 × 年均温 Altitude × AP × AMT | 69.6 | 51.72 | PAMT = 0.0053**; PAltitude = 0.0047**; PAP = 0.0097** | υAMT = 1.00; υAltitude = 1.00; υAP = 5.57 |
图3 Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的最优模型环境因子光滑函数拟合结果。实点表示观测的多样性指数, 实线为模型预测的拟合曲线, 虚线表示模型预测的95%置信区间。纵坐标为环境因子的光滑函数, 表示其对Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的影响程度。
Fig. 3 Results of GAM analysis on Shannon-Wiener diversity index. Dot represents observed diversity index. Solid line represents the predicted fitting curves by model. Dashed lines represent 95% confident intervals of predicted diversity. Ordinate is smooth function for environmental variables, represents their impact on Shannon-Wiener diversity index.
图4 Simpson优势度指数的最优模型环境因子光滑函数拟合结果。实点表示观测的优势度指数, 实线为模型预测的拟合曲线, 虚线表示模型预测的95%置信区间。纵坐标为环境因子的光滑函数, 表示其对Simpson优势度指数的影响程度。
Fig. 4 Results of GAM analysis on Simpson dominance index. Dot represents observed dominance index. Solid line represents the predicted 95% fitting curves by model. Dashed lines represent confident intervals of predicted diversity. Ordinate is smooth function for environmental variables, represents their impact on Simpson dominance index.
图5 丰富度的最优模型环境因子光滑函数拟合结果。实点表示观测的丰富度, 实线为模型预测的拟合曲线, 虚线表示模型预测的95%置信区间。纵坐标为环境因子的光滑函数, 表示其对丰富度的影响程度。
Fig. 5 Results of GAM analysis on richness. Dot represents observed richness. Solid line represents the predicted fitting curves by model. Dashed lines represent 95% confident intervals of predicted diversity. Ordinate is smooth function for environmental variables, represents their impact on richness.
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