Biodiv Sci ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 24081. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024081 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024081
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Yanli Wang1,2, Ying Zhang3, Chunlin Qi1,2, Changda Zhang4, Youhai Shi5, Yanjun Du5, Qiong Ding1,2,*()
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Yanli Wang, Ying Zhang, Chunlin Qi, Changda Zhang, Youhai Shi, Yanjun Du, Qiong Ding. Identifying biodiversity hotspots and conservation gaps in Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park based on macrofungi and plants perspectives[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(7): 24081.
Fig. 1 Sampling points for macrofungi (red triangles) and threatened plants (green triangles) survey in Hainan Island (a), and the 1 km × 1 km grid for the field investigation of target species in the Diaoluoshan Sub-bureau areas (b)
Fig. 2 Contribution of environmental variables to macrofungi (a) and plants in Hainan Island (b) (show only the top ten environmental variables). Full names of the environment variables see Appendix 2.
Fig. 3 Diversity hotspots of macrofungi (a), plants (b), macrofungi-plants (c) (only Hainan Island with distribution of hotspots was intercepted), and the frequency distribution of hotspots by altitude (d). The red dashed line indicates the mean value line.
在海南岛内的面积 Area within Hainan Island (km2) | 在国家公园核心保护区的面积/比例 Area/proportion in NP core protected zone (km2/%) | 在国家公园一般控制区的面积/比例 Area/proportion in NP general control zone (km2/%) | |
真菌热点区域 Macrofungi hotspot area | 271.9 | 199.6/73.4 | 15.2/5.6 |
植物热点区域 Plant hotspot area | 889.0 | 695.7/78.3 | 97.6/10.9 |
真菌-植物热点区域 Macrofungi-plant hotspot area | 601.0 | 518.2/86.2 | 54.6/9.1 |
Table 1 Hot areas and their percentage occupation of target species in different zones of Hainan Island and Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park (NP)
在海南岛内的面积 Area within Hainan Island (km2) | 在国家公园核心保护区的面积/比例 Area/proportion in NP core protected zone (km2/%) | 在国家公园一般控制区的面积/比例 Area/proportion in NP general control zone (km2/%) | |
真菌热点区域 Macrofungi hotspot area | 271.9 | 199.6/73.4 | 15.2/5.6 |
植物热点区域 Plant hotspot area | 889.0 | 695.7/78.3 | 97.6/10.9 |
真菌-植物热点区域 Macrofungi-plant hotspot area | 601.0 | 518.2/86.2 | 54.6/9.1 |
植物独占区面积 Exclusive area of plant (km2) | 大型真菌独占区面积 Exclusive area of macrofungi (km2) | 重叠面积 Overlapping area (km2) | |
冷点区域 Coldspot area | 16,695.0 | 8,769.5 | 1,754.7 |
次冷点区域 Sub-coldspot area | 5,358.2 | 7,318.1 | 2,426.5 |
中等区域 Moderate area | 4,428.2 | 10,840.3 | 106.2 |
次热点区域 Sub-hotspot area | 2,134.4 | 2,305.0 | 107.8 |
热点区域 Hotspot area | 675.0 | 57.9 | 214.0 |
Table 2 Comparison of hotspot areas for macrofungi and plants in Hainan Island
植物独占区面积 Exclusive area of plant (km2) | 大型真菌独占区面积 Exclusive area of macrofungi (km2) | 重叠面积 Overlapping area (km2) | |
冷点区域 Coldspot area | 16,695.0 | 8,769.5 | 1,754.7 |
次冷点区域 Sub-coldspot area | 5,358.2 | 7,318.1 | 2,426.5 |
中等区域 Moderate area | 4,428.2 | 10,840.3 | 106.2 |
次热点区域 Sub-hotspot area | 2,134.4 | 2,305.0 | 107.8 |
热点区域 Hotspot area | 675.0 | 57.9 | 214.0 |
Fig. 4 The distribution of hotspot and conservation gaps of all target species (61 species) on Hainan Island (only Hainan Island with distribution of hotspots was intercepted)
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