Biodiv Sci ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (12): 1599-1606. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021342
• Special Feature: National Key Protected Wild Plants • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yong Yang
Yong Yang. An updated red list assessment of gymnosperms from China (Version 2021)[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2021, 29(12): 1599-1606.
科 Family | 2021版 Version 2021 | 2013版 Version 2013 | ||||||||
评估种数 Assessed species | 受威胁物种 Threatened species (%) | 无危 Least Concern (%) | 近危 Near Threatened (5%) | 数据缺乏 Data Deficient (%) | 评估种数 Assessed species | 受威胁物种 Threatened species (%) | 无危 Least Concern (%) | 近危 Near Threatened (5%) | 数据缺乏 Data Deficient (%) | |
苏铁科 Cycadaceae | 23 | 22 (95.7%) | 0 | 0 | 1 | 22 | 22 (100%) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
银杏科 Ginkgoaceae | 1 | 1 (100%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 (100%) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
麻黄科 Ephedraceae | 18 | 2 (11.1%) | 11 (61.1%) | 3 (16.7%) | 2 (11.1%) | 15 | 2 (13.3%) | 11 (73.8%) | 2 (13.3%) | 0 |
买麻藤科 Gnetaceae | 7 | 0 | 6 (85.7%) | 0 | 1 (14.3%) | 9 | 1 (11.1%) | 7 (77.8%) | 0 | 1 (11.1%) |
松科 Pinaceae | 124 | 55 (44.4%) | 52 (41.9%) | 6 (4.8%) | 11 (8.9%) | 121 | 52 (43%) | 52 (43.0%) | 6 (5.0%) | 11 (9.1%) |
罗汉松科 Podocarpaceae | 19 | 13 (68.4%) | 1 (5.3%) | 1 (5.3%) | 4 (21.1%) | 13 | 11 (84.6%) | 2 (15.4%) | 0 | 0 |
柏科 Cupressaceae | 55 | 24 (43.6%) | 19 (34.5%) | 4 (7.3%) | 8 (14.5%) | 45 | 20 (44.4%) | 17 (37.8%) | 3 (6.7%) | 5 (11.1%) |
红豆杉科 Taxaceae | 27 | 22 (81.5%) | 4 (14.8%) | 1 (3.7%) | 0 | 23 | 18 (78.3%) | 4 (17.4%) | 1 (4.3%) | 0 |
合计 Total | 274 | 139 (50.7%) | 93 (33.9%) | 15 (5.5%) | 27 (9.9%) | 249 | 127 (51.0%) | 93 (37.3%) | 12 (4.8%) | 17 (6.8%) |
Table 1 A comparison of red list assessment of Chinese gymnosperms between version 2021 and 2013
科 Family | 2021版 Version 2021 | 2013版 Version 2013 | ||||||||
评估种数 Assessed species | 受威胁物种 Threatened species (%) | 无危 Least Concern (%) | 近危 Near Threatened (5%) | 数据缺乏 Data Deficient (%) | 评估种数 Assessed species | 受威胁物种 Threatened species (%) | 无危 Least Concern (%) | 近危 Near Threatened (5%) | 数据缺乏 Data Deficient (%) | |
苏铁科 Cycadaceae | 23 | 22 (95.7%) | 0 | 0 | 1 | 22 | 22 (100%) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
银杏科 Ginkgoaceae | 1 | 1 (100%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 (100%) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
麻黄科 Ephedraceae | 18 | 2 (11.1%) | 11 (61.1%) | 3 (16.7%) | 2 (11.1%) | 15 | 2 (13.3%) | 11 (73.8%) | 2 (13.3%) | 0 |
买麻藤科 Gnetaceae | 7 | 0 | 6 (85.7%) | 0 | 1 (14.3%) | 9 | 1 (11.1%) | 7 (77.8%) | 0 | 1 (11.1%) |
松科 Pinaceae | 124 | 55 (44.4%) | 52 (41.9%) | 6 (4.8%) | 11 (8.9%) | 121 | 52 (43%) | 52 (43.0%) | 6 (5.0%) | 11 (9.1%) |
罗汉松科 Podocarpaceae | 19 | 13 (68.4%) | 1 (5.3%) | 1 (5.3%) | 4 (21.1%) | 13 | 11 (84.6%) | 2 (15.4%) | 0 | 0 |
柏科 Cupressaceae | 55 | 24 (43.6%) | 19 (34.5%) | 4 (7.3%) | 8 (14.5%) | 45 | 20 (44.4%) | 17 (37.8%) | 3 (6.7%) | 5 (11.1%) |
红豆杉科 Taxaceae | 27 | 22 (81.5%) | 4 (14.8%) | 1 (3.7%) | 0 | 23 | 18 (78.3%) | 4 (17.4%) | 1 (4.3%) | 0 |
合计 Total | 274 | 139 (50.7%) | 93 (33.9%) | 15 (5.5%) | 27 (9.9%) | 249 | 127 (51.0%) | 93 (37.3%) | 12 (4.8%) | 17 (6.8%) |
物种 Species | 收录情况 Assessment | 变化原因 Reason for change |
阿萨姆穗花杉 Amentotaxus assamica | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
河口穗花杉 Amentotaxus hekouensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
岩生翠柏 Calocedrus rupestris | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
雪松 Cedrus deodara | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 2013版遗漏 Missed in 2013 |
杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 2013版遗漏Missed in 2013 |
不丹柏木 Cupressus cashmeriana | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
岷江柏木 Cupressus chengiana | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 岷江居群独立为一种 New taxonomic delimitation including only the Min River population |
大渡河柏木 Cupressus fallax | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 大渡河居群独立为一种 New taxonomic delimitation including only the Dadu River population |
甘肃柏木 Cupressus gansuensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 白龙江居群独立为一种 New taxonomic delimitation including only the Bailong River population |
巨柏 Cupressus gigantea | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
剑阁柏木 Cupressus jiangeensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
陈氏苏铁 Cycas chenii | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
泮水苏铁 Cycas panshuiensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
三亚苏铁 Cycas shanyagensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
鸡毛松 Dacrycarpus imbricatus | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 Taxonomic change |
诚氏麻黄 Ephedra chengiae | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
劲直麻黄 Ephedra chengiae var. spinosa | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新变种 New variety |
蓝麻黄 Ephedra glauca | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 2013版遗漏 Missed in 2013 |
中华买麻藤 Gnetum chinense | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
松潘圆柏 Juniperus erectopatens | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
昆仑圆柏 Juniperus jarkendensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 New classification |
玉山刺柏 Juniperus morrisonicola | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 Taxonomic change |
沙柏 Juniperus sabina var. arenaria | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 Taxonomic change |
台湾油杉 Keteleeria formosana | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
长苞铁杉 Nothotsuga longibracteata | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类归属变化 Change of taxonomic ascription |
大果云杉 Picea asperata var. ponderosa | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 Nomenclatural change |
乔松 Pinus wallichiana | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 2013版遗漏Missed in 2013 |
柱冠罗汉松 Podocarpus chingianus | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
簇花罗汉松 Podocarpus fasciculus | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
虎克罗汉松 Podocarpus hookeri | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
小叶罗汉松 Podocarpus pilgeri | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
鲁菲罗汉松 Podocarpus rumphiii | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
亚热带罗汉松 Podocarpus subtropicalis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
灰岩红豆杉 Taxus calcicola | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
红豆杉 Taxus chinensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
密叶红豆杉 Taxus contorta | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 学名变化 Nomenclatural change |
佛洛林红豆杉 Taxus florinii | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 New classification |
南方红豆杉 Taxus mairei | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
喜马拉雅红豆杉 Taxus wallichiana | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
金柏 Xanthocyparis vietnamensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
岷江柏木原变种 Cupressus chengiana var. chengiana | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名, 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
剑阁柏木 Cupressus chengiana var. jiangeensis | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Cupressus jiangeensis |
巨柏 Cupressus torulosa var. gigantea | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Cupressus gigantea |
葫芦苏铁 Cycas changjiangensis | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Cycas taiwaniana |
仙湖苏铁 Cycas fairylakea | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Cycas szechuanensis |
鸡毛松 Dacrycarpus imbricatus var. patulus | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Dacrycarpus imbricatus var. imbricatus |
巨子买麻藤 Gnetum giganteum | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Gnetum pendulum |
细柄买麻藤 Gnetum gracilipes | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Gnetum pendulum |
海南买麻藤 Gnetum hainanense | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Gnetum luofuense |
台湾油杉 Keteleeria davidiana var. formosana | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Keteleeria formosana |
密叶红豆杉 Taxus fauna | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Taxus contorta |
红豆杉 Taxus wallichiana var. chinensis | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Taxus chinensis |
南方红豆杉 Taxus wallichiana var. mairei | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Taxus mairei |
喜马拉雅红豆杉 Taxus wallichiana var. wallichiana | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Taxus wallichiana |
长苞铁杉 Tsuga longibracteata | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Nothotsuga longibracteata |
Table 2 An annotated comparison of species differences between versions 2021 and 2013 of gymnosperm red lists of China
物种 Species | 收录情况 Assessment | 变化原因 Reason for change |
阿萨姆穗花杉 Amentotaxus assamica | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
河口穗花杉 Amentotaxus hekouensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
岩生翠柏 Calocedrus rupestris | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
雪松 Cedrus deodara | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 2013版遗漏 Missed in 2013 |
杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 2013版遗漏Missed in 2013 |
不丹柏木 Cupressus cashmeriana | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
岷江柏木 Cupressus chengiana | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 岷江居群独立为一种 New taxonomic delimitation including only the Min River population |
大渡河柏木 Cupressus fallax | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 大渡河居群独立为一种 New taxonomic delimitation including only the Dadu River population |
甘肃柏木 Cupressus gansuensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 白龙江居群独立为一种 New taxonomic delimitation including only the Bailong River population |
巨柏 Cupressus gigantea | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
剑阁柏木 Cupressus jiangeensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
陈氏苏铁 Cycas chenii | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
泮水苏铁 Cycas panshuiensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
三亚苏铁 Cycas shanyagensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
鸡毛松 Dacrycarpus imbricatus | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 Taxonomic change |
诚氏麻黄 Ephedra chengiae | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
劲直麻黄 Ephedra chengiae var. spinosa | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新变种 New variety |
蓝麻黄 Ephedra glauca | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 2013版遗漏 Missed in 2013 |
中华买麻藤 Gnetum chinense | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
松潘圆柏 Juniperus erectopatens | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
昆仑圆柏 Juniperus jarkendensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 New classification |
玉山刺柏 Juniperus morrisonicola | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 Taxonomic change |
沙柏 Juniperus sabina var. arenaria | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 Taxonomic change |
台湾油杉 Keteleeria formosana | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
长苞铁杉 Nothotsuga longibracteata | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类归属变化 Change of taxonomic ascription |
大果云杉 Picea asperata var. ponderosa | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 Nomenclatural change |
乔松 Pinus wallichiana | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 2013版遗漏Missed in 2013 |
柱冠罗汉松 Podocarpus chingianus | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
簇花罗汉松 Podocarpus fasciculus | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
虎克罗汉松 Podocarpus hookeri | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
小叶罗汉松 Podocarpus pilgeri | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
鲁菲罗汉松 Podocarpus rumphiii | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
亚热带罗汉松 Podocarpus subtropicalis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
灰岩红豆杉 Taxus calcicola | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 新种 New species |
红豆杉 Taxus chinensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
密叶红豆杉 Taxus contorta | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 学名变化 Nomenclatural change |
佛洛林红豆杉 Taxus florinii | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类变化 New classification |
南方红豆杉 Taxus mairei | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
喜马拉雅红豆杉 Taxus wallichiana | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
金柏 Xanthocyparis vietnamensis | 2021年新增 New in 2021 | 中国新记录 New record in China |
岷江柏木原变种 Cupressus chengiana var. chengiana | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名, 分类等级变化 Change of taxonomic rank |
剑阁柏木 Cupressus chengiana var. jiangeensis | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Cupressus jiangeensis |
巨柏 Cupressus torulosa var. gigantea | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Cupressus gigantea |
葫芦苏铁 Cycas changjiangensis | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Cycas taiwaniana |
仙湖苏铁 Cycas fairylakea | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Cycas szechuanensis |
鸡毛松 Dacrycarpus imbricatus var. patulus | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Dacrycarpus imbricatus var. imbricatus |
巨子买麻藤 Gnetum giganteum | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Gnetum pendulum |
细柄买麻藤 Gnetum gracilipes | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Gnetum pendulum |
海南买麻藤 Gnetum hainanense | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Gnetum luofuense |
台湾油杉 Keteleeria davidiana var. formosana | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Keteleeria formosana |
密叶红豆杉 Taxus fauna | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Taxus contorta |
红豆杉 Taxus wallichiana var. chinensis | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Taxus chinensis |
南方红豆杉 Taxus wallichiana var. mairei | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Taxus mairei |
喜马拉雅红豆杉 Taxus wallichiana var. wallichiana | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Taxus wallichiana |
长苞铁杉 Tsuga longibracteata | 2013年收录 Included in 2013 | 异名 Synonym of Nothotsuga longibracteata |
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