Biodiv Sci ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 22513. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022513
• Original Papers: Animal Diversity • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yimei Zhang1, Yanyi Wang1, Yan He2, Bing Zhou1, Miao Tian1, Canwei Xia1,*()
*Canwei Xia, E-mail:
Yimei Zhang, Yanyi Wang, Yan He, Bing Zhou, Miao Tian, Canwei Xia. Characteristics and applications of beta acoustic indices[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2023, 31(1): 22513.
声学指数 Acoustic index | 计算公式 Computing formula | 公式中符号的含义 Meaning of symbols in the formula | 参考文献 Reference |
交互信息指数 Mutual information index (MI) | H1, H2, | 2004 | |
相对频谱差异指数 Relative frequency dissimilarity index (RF) | xi, yi分别为两段声音各自频段的相对音强 xi, yi are the relative sound intensity in each frequency band of each sound | 2006 | |
时间差异指数 Temporal dissimilarity index (TD) | si, ti分别为两段声音各自时段的相对音强 si, ti are the relative sound intensity in each time period of each sound | 2008 | |
频谱差异指数 Spectral dissimilarity index (SD) | 同RF Same as in the formula of RF | 2008 | |
声音差异指数 Acoustic dissimilarity index (AD) | TD和SD的乘积 Product of TD and SD | 2008 | |
Kolmogorov-Smirnov距离指数 Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance index (KS) | Xi, Yi分别为两段声音每个频率的累积音强 Xi, Yi are the cumulative sound intensity in each frequency of each sound | 2013a | |
Kullback-Leibler距离指数 Kullback-Leibler distance index (KL) | 同RF Same as in the formula of RF | 2013a | |
累积频谱差异指数 Cumulative spectral dissimilarity index (CS) | 同KS Same as in the formula of KS | 2014 | |
相关差异指数 Correlation-based dissimilarity index (CB) | 同RF Same as in the formula of RF | 2014 | |
Itakura-Saito距离指数 Itakura-Saito distance index (IS) | 同RF Same as in the computing of RF | 2018 | |
对数频谱距离指数 Log-spectral distance index (LS) | 同RF Same as in the formula of RF | 2018 |
Table 1 Description of the commonly used beta acoustic indices
声学指数 Acoustic index | 计算公式 Computing formula | 公式中符号的含义 Meaning of symbols in the formula | 参考文献 Reference |
交互信息指数 Mutual information index (MI) | H1, H2, | 2004 | |
相对频谱差异指数 Relative frequency dissimilarity index (RF) | xi, yi分别为两段声音各自频段的相对音强 xi, yi are the relative sound intensity in each frequency band of each sound | 2006 | |
时间差异指数 Temporal dissimilarity index (TD) | si, ti分别为两段声音各自时段的相对音强 si, ti are the relative sound intensity in each time period of each sound | 2008 | |
频谱差异指数 Spectral dissimilarity index (SD) | 同RF Same as in the formula of RF | 2008 | |
声音差异指数 Acoustic dissimilarity index (AD) | TD和SD的乘积 Product of TD and SD | 2008 | |
Kolmogorov-Smirnov距离指数 Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance index (KS) | Xi, Yi分别为两段声音每个频率的累积音强 Xi, Yi are the cumulative sound intensity in each frequency of each sound | 2013a | |
Kullback-Leibler距离指数 Kullback-Leibler distance index (KL) | 同RF Same as in the formula of RF | 2013a | |
累积频谱差异指数 Cumulative spectral dissimilarity index (CS) | 同KS Same as in the formula of KS | 2014 | |
相关差异指数 Correlation-based dissimilarity index (CB) | 同RF Same as in the formula of RF | 2014 | |
Itakura-Saito距离指数 Itakura-Saito distance index (IS) | 同RF Same as in the computing of RF | 2018 | |
对数频谱距离指数 Log-spectral distance index (LS) | 同RF Same as in the formula of RF | 2018 |
声学指数Acoustic index* | 非负性 Non-negativity | 同一性 Self-identity | 对称性 Symmetry | 直递性 Triangle inequality | 有限性 Finiteness |
MI | 否 No | 否 No | 是 Yes | 否 No | 是 Yes |
RF | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes |
TD | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No |
SD | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No |
AD | 是 Yes | 否 No | 是 Yes | 否 No | 否 No |
KS | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes |
KL | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No | 否 No |
CS | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes |
CB | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No | 是 Yes |
IS | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No | 否 No |
LS | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No |
Table 2 Mathematical properties of beta acoustic indices
声学指数Acoustic index* | 非负性 Non-negativity | 同一性 Self-identity | 对称性 Symmetry | 直递性 Triangle inequality | 有限性 Finiteness |
MI | 否 No | 否 No | 是 Yes | 否 No | 是 Yes |
RF | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes |
TD | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No |
SD | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No |
AD | 是 Yes | 否 No | 是 Yes | 否 No | 否 No |
KS | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes |
KL | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No | 否 No |
CS | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes |
CB | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No | 是 Yes |
IS | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No | 否 No |
LS | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 是 Yes | 否 No |
声学指数 Acoustic index* | 生物学意义 Biological significance | 文献 Reference |
AD | 反映物种(鸟类、两栖类、昆虫)组成不同 Difference in species (birds, amphibians, insects) composition | 2008 |
AD | 反映生境差异(成熟森林、幼林、林地-农田交错带的比较) Difference in habitat comparison among mature forest, young forest, and forest-cropland ecotone | 2012 |
SD | 反映日节律 Daily rhythm | 2013a |
SD, KS, KL, CB | 反映鸟类物种数量不同 Difference in the number of bird species | 2013b |
CB, KL, SD, KS, CS | 反映鸟类物种数量不同 Difference in the number of bird species | 2014 |
SD | 反映日节律、生境差异(林下层和树冠层的比较) Daily rhythm, difference in habitat comparison between understory and canopy | 2014 |
AD | 反映生境差异(清除、再生、残留植被的比较) Difference in habitat comparison among cleared, regrowth and remnant vegetation conditions | 2018 |
SD, CS | 反映月相变化、生境差异(有无入侵生物啮齿类和狐狸) Lunar rhythm, difference in habitat have or not have invasive species rats and foxes | 2020 |
SD, CS | 反映日节律、生境差异(油棕种植园和周围森林的比较) Daily rhythm, difference in habitat comparison between oil palm plantation and surrounding forests | 2020 |
AD | 反映日节律和季节变化 Daily rhythm, seasonal variation | 2022 |
SD, TD, CS, AD, KS, CB, MI, LS, RF | 反映生境差异(混交林、落叶林的比较) Difference in habitat comparison between mixed-use corridor and deciduous forest | 2022 |
Table 3 The application of beta acoustic indices
声学指数 Acoustic index* | 生物学意义 Biological significance | 文献 Reference |
AD | 反映物种(鸟类、两栖类、昆虫)组成不同 Difference in species (birds, amphibians, insects) composition | 2008 |
AD | 反映生境差异(成熟森林、幼林、林地-农田交错带的比较) Difference in habitat comparison among mature forest, young forest, and forest-cropland ecotone | 2012 |
SD | 反映日节律 Daily rhythm | 2013a |
SD, KS, KL, CB | 反映鸟类物种数量不同 Difference in the number of bird species | 2013b |
CB, KL, SD, KS, CS | 反映鸟类物种数量不同 Difference in the number of bird species | 2014 |
SD | 反映日节律、生境差异(林下层和树冠层的比较) Daily rhythm, difference in habitat comparison between understory and canopy | 2014 |
AD | 反映生境差异(清除、再生、残留植被的比较) Difference in habitat comparison among cleared, regrowth and remnant vegetation conditions | 2018 |
SD, CS | 反映月相变化、生境差异(有无入侵生物啮齿类和狐狸) Lunar rhythm, difference in habitat have or not have invasive species rats and foxes | 2020 |
SD, CS | 反映日节律、生境差异(油棕种植园和周围森林的比较) Daily rhythm, difference in habitat comparison between oil palm plantation and surrounding forests | 2020 |
AD | 反映日节律和季节变化 Daily rhythm, seasonal variation | 2022 |
SD, TD, CS, AD, KS, CB, MI, LS, RF | 反映生境差异(混交林、落叶林的比较) Difference in habitat comparison between mixed-use corridor and deciduous forest | 2022 |
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