Biodiv Sci ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (3): 408-418.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2014248

Special Issue: 传粉生物学 昆虫多样性与生态功能 生物入侵

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Conserving pollinator diversity and improving pollination services in agricultural landscapes

Piaopiao Dai1, Xuzhu Zhang1, Yunhui Liu1,2,*   

  1. 1 College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193
    2 Beijing Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Organic Farming, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193
  • Received:2014-11-28 Accepted:2015-05-06 Online:2015-06-08 Published:2015-06-12
  • Contact: Liu Yunhui


Pollinators provide the vital process of pollination to plants. Maintaining diverse pollinators in ecosystems is essential to global food security, human welfare, and to buffer the negative ecological impacts of climate change. Globally, pollinators are experiencing serious threats from land use change, chemical pesticide use, the introduction of alien invasive species and climate change, leading to a decline in pollinator diversity. This decline can cause decreases in the yield and quality of animal-pollinated crops. Here we propose following three approaches to conserve pollinator diversity and improve pollination services in agricultural landscapes: (1) wildlife-friendly farm practices, such as reduced application of pesticides or conversion to organic farming; (2) promotion of landscape diversity, including conserving and establishing suitable semi-natural habitats, maintaining residual natural habitats, improving crop diversity and optimizing resources or habitats; (3) the use of local pollinator species in industrial applications. Further research is needed examining biological characteristics of pollinator, demand and provision of pollination services, as well as the effects of management practices on pollinator diversity and pollination services.

Key words: biodiversity, ecological services, wild pollinators, landscape management