Biodiv Sci ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (8): 880-886. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019054
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Junning Li1,2,Tong Li1,2,Yulian Wei1,*()
Wei Yulian
Junning Li, Tong Li, Yulian Wei. Relationship between diversity of wood-decaying fungi and their host wood in the Fenglin National Nature Reserve[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2019, 27(8): 880-886.
倒木直径 Diameter of dead wood (cm) | 倒木腐烂程度 Decaying degree of dead wood | 寄主 Host | ||||||||||
0-2 | 2-5 | 5-10 | > 10 | 1级 Class 1 | 2级 Class 2 | 3级 Class 3 | 4级 Class 4 | 松属 Pinus | 槭属 Acer | 云杉属 Picea | 榛属 Corylus | |
多度 Abundance | 0.459* | 0.559** | 0.572** | 0.303 | 0.220 | 0.649** | 0.364 | 0.145 | 0.564** | 0.284 | 0.332 | 0.077 |
种类 Species | 0.526** | 0.564** | 0.527** | 0.363 | 0.013 | 0.606** | 0.490* | 0.251 | 0.566* | 0.273 | 0.381 | 0.053 |
Table 1 Correlation of wood-decaying fungal abundance and species with host wood characters
倒木直径 Diameter of dead wood (cm) | 倒木腐烂程度 Decaying degree of dead wood | 寄主 Host | ||||||||||
0-2 | 2-5 | 5-10 | > 10 | 1级 Class 1 | 2级 Class 2 | 3级 Class 3 | 4级 Class 4 | 松属 Pinus | 槭属 Acer | 云杉属 Picea | 榛属 Corylus | |
多度 Abundance | 0.459* | 0.559** | 0.572** | 0.303 | 0.220 | 0.649** | 0.364 | 0.145 | 0.564** | 0.284 | 0.332 | 0.077 |
种类 Species | 0.526** | 0.564** | 0.527** | 0.363 | 0.013 | 0.606** | 0.490* | 0.251 | 0.566* | 0.273 | 0.381 | 0.053 |
倒木直径 Diameter of dead wood (cm) | 倒木腐烂程度 Decaying degree of dead wood | |||||||
0-2 | 2-5 | 5-10 | > 10 | 1级 Class 1 | 2级 Class 2 | 3级 Class 3 | 4级 Class 4 | |
多度 Abundance | 0.438* | 0.401* | 0.548** | 0.226 | 0.061 | 0.627** | 0.142 | 0.208 |
种类 Species | 0.551** | 0.366 | 0.510** | 0.246 | 0.047 | 0.561** | 0.223 | 0.292 |
Table 2 Correlation of wood-decaying fungal abundance and species with pine wood characters
倒木直径 Diameter of dead wood (cm) | 倒木腐烂程度 Decaying degree of dead wood | |||||||
0-2 | 2-5 | 5-10 | > 10 | 1级 Class 1 | 2级 Class 2 | 3级 Class 3 | 4级 Class 4 | |
多度 Abundance | 0.438* | 0.401* | 0.548** | 0.226 | 0.061 | 0.627** | 0.142 | 0.208 |
种类 Species | 0.551** | 0.366 | 0.510** | 0.246 | 0.047 | 0.561** | 0.223 | 0.292 |
槭属 Acer | 榛属 Corylus | 云杉属 Picea | 松属 Pinus | |
真菌多度 Fungal abundance | 65 | 54 | 61 | 82 |
真菌种类数 Fungal species | 36 | 34 | 39 | 40 |
Shannon多样性指数 Shannon diversity index | 3.29 | 3.39 | 3.46 | 3.22 |
Table 3 Diversity of wood-decaying fungi on the dominant hosts in a permanent plot in Fenglin National Nature Reserve
槭属 Acer | 榛属 Corylus | 云杉属 Picea | 松属 Pinus | |
真菌多度 Fungal abundance | 65 | 54 | 61 | 82 |
真菌种类数 Fungal species | 36 | 34 | 39 | 40 |
Shannon多样性指数 Shannon diversity index | 3.29 | 3.39 | 3.46 | 3.22 |
槭属 Acer | 榛属 Corylus | 松属 Pinus | 云杉属 Picea | |
优势种 Dominant species | 三色拟迷孔菌 Daedaleopsis tricolor 红缘拟层孔菌 Fomtiopsis pinicola 缠结锈革菌 Hymenochaete intricata 云芝 Trametes versicolor 桦附毛孔菌 Trichaptum pargamenum 褐紫附毛孔菌 Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum | 三色拟迷孔菌 Daedaleopsis tricolor 云芝 Trametes versicolor 桦附毛孔菌 Trichaptum pargamenum | 白囊耙齿菌 Irpex lacteus 缠结锈革菌 Hymenochaete intricata 云芝 Trametes versicolor 冷杉附毛孔菌 Trichaptum abietinum 褐紫附毛孔菌 Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum | 白囊耙齿菌 Irpex lacteus 赭色齿耳菌 Steccherinum ochraceum 绒毛韧革菌 Stereum subtomentosum 云芝 Trametes versicolor 冷杉附毛孔菌 Trichaptum abietinum 褐紫附毛孔菌 Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum |
Table 4 Dominant species of wood-decaying fungi on different dominant hosts in a permanent plot in Fenglin National Nature Reserve
槭属 Acer | 榛属 Corylus | 松属 Pinus | 云杉属 Picea | |
优势种 Dominant species | 三色拟迷孔菌 Daedaleopsis tricolor 红缘拟层孔菌 Fomtiopsis pinicola 缠结锈革菌 Hymenochaete intricata 云芝 Trametes versicolor 桦附毛孔菌 Trichaptum pargamenum 褐紫附毛孔菌 Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum | 三色拟迷孔菌 Daedaleopsis tricolor 云芝 Trametes versicolor 桦附毛孔菌 Trichaptum pargamenum | 白囊耙齿菌 Irpex lacteus 缠结锈革菌 Hymenochaete intricata 云芝 Trametes versicolor 冷杉附毛孔菌 Trichaptum abietinum 褐紫附毛孔菌 Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum | 白囊耙齿菌 Irpex lacteus 赭色齿耳菌 Steccherinum ochraceum 绒毛韧革菌 Stereum subtomentosum 云芝 Trametes versicolor 冷杉附毛孔菌 Trichaptum abietinum 褐紫附毛孔菌 Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum |
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