Biodiv Sci ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 750-757. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2013.08138
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Yanbo Yu1, Qunliang Wang4, Shelagh Kell2, Nigel Maxted2, Brian V. Ford-Lloyd2, Wei Wei3,*(), Dingming Kang1,*(
), Keping Ma3
Wei Wei,Kang Dingming
Yanbo Yu,Qunliang Wang,Shelagh Kell,Nigel Maxted,Brian V. Ford-Lloyd,Wei Wei,Dingming Kang,Keping Ma. Crop wild relatives and their conservation strategies in China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2013, 21(6): 750-757.
Fig. 1 Crops of which China produced an average of >1MT in five years between 2005 and 2009 that have CWR native to China which may be important for crop improvement (FAO, 2010)
且 目录 Category | 物种数量 Number of species |
植物物种总数 Total number of plant species | 35,342 |
栽培植物野生近缘种 Crop wild relatives | 24,538 |
粮食栽培植物野生近缘种 Wild relatives of food crops | 1,229 |
高经济价值栽培植物的野生近缘种 Wild relatives of crops of high economic importance | 629 |
某省特有的粮食栽培植物野生近缘种 Wild relatives of food crops endemic to only one province | 485 |
Table 1 The statistical summary of crop wild relatives (CWR) in China
且 目录 Category | 物种数量 Number of species |
植物物种总数 Total number of plant species | 35,342 |
栽培植物野生近缘种 Crop wild relatives | 24,538 |
粮食栽培植物野生近缘种 Wild relatives of food crops | 1,229 |
高经济价值栽培植物的野生近缘种 Wild relatives of crops of high economic importance | 629 |
某省特有的粮食栽培植物野生近缘种 Wild relatives of food crops endemic to only one province | 485 |
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