Biodiv Sci ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11): 24383.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024383

• Conservation and Governance • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Necessity and response of the special legislation on access and benefit sharing of biological genetic resources

Shaoqi Jia1*,Jubao Zhang2   

  1. 1 School of Law, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Changsha, 410205

    2 Sichuan Provincial High People's Court, Chengdu, 610036

  • Received:2024-08-27 Revised:2024-10-26 Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-12-07
  • Contact: Shaoqi Jia


Background & Aims: Access and benefit sharing (ABS) of biological genetic resources, which is related to national security, is a hot and focused issue in relevant international negotiations, and has become a key area and priority action in China's biodiversity protection legislation. In order to practice the overall national security concept, overcome the dilemma of decentralized legislation system, optimize local legislation and implement international treaties, it is necessary for China to restart special legislation.

Methods: This paper comprehensively uses legal research methods such as value analysis, logical analysis, historical analysis, and comparative analysis.

Results: Only by formulating a special administrative regulation can we meet the demands of specialized legislation and adapt to the future compilation of the ecological environment code and legislation on biodiversity protection.

Conclusion: The overall design of ABS special administrative regulations on biological genetic resources should closely follow the actual development: First, respond to the localization under the globalization of law, face up to the independent development of China’s law in the context of legal transplantation, and take seriously the international influence of China’s domestic legislation. Second, respond to the development of cutting-edge science and technology, adopt a “limited” protection path for the new issue of digital sequence information of genetic resources (DSI), and give priority to protecting the final control of domestic DSI; In response to the changes and challenges brought about by the application of new technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain, the legislative needs of updating traditional regulatory paradigms, prohibiting the procurement of foreign goods and services, and enhancing the disclosure of information on intellectual property genetic resources should be taken seriously. Third, respond to the development of relevant academic theories such as people sharing and inclusive growth, and consolidate the legal basis of benefit sharing.

Key words: biological genetic resources, access and benefit-sharing, biodiversity, Special legislation