Biodiv Sci ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 480-488. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2010.480
Special Issue: 生物多样性信息学专题(I)
• Special Topics on Biodiversity Informatics • Previous Articles Next Articles
Zheping Xu*(), Jinzhong Cui, Haining Qin, Keping Ma
Zheping Xu
Zheping Xu, Jinzhong Cui, Haining Qin, Keping Ma. On the architecture of biodiversity e-Science infrastructure in China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2010, 18(5): 480-488.
类型 Type | 网站名称 Website | 主要负责单位 Custodian | 网站主要内容 Main content of the website |
I. 陆地数据 Terrestrial Data | |||
物种名录 Catalogue | 物种2000中国节点 Species 2000 China Node | 中科院生物多样性委员会 Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) | 2009年版本包括植物34,665种, 动物9,520种 34,665 plant species and 9,520 animal species in 2009 released CD |
中国高等植物名录 Catalogue of Life: Higher Plants in China | 中国科学院植物研究所 Institute of Botany, CAS | 12万余条植物名录 120 thousand plant species names | |
中国动物信息网 Animal Information Network of China | 中国科学院动物研究所 Institute of Zoology, CAS | 约34,300条物种和5,291条标本记录 about 34,300 animal species names and 5,291 animal specimens | |
基础科学生物数据中心 Biological Data Center for Basic Science | 中国科学院微生物研究所 Institute of Microbiology, CAS | 包括植物(34,000余种)、动物(30,502种)、微生物(9,169种)编目数据库等 Include 34,000 plant species, 30,502 animal species and 9,169 microbiology species in China | |
标本 Specimen | 中国数字植物标本馆(CVH) Chinese Virtual Herbarium | 中国科学院植物研究所 Institute of Botany, CAS | 15家植物标本馆的331万份标本, 其中167万份带照片, 180万份含空间信息 15 herbaria, 3.31 million plant specimens (1.67 million specimen photos and 1.8 million records containing geospatial data) |
自然保护区标本平台 Specimen from Nature Reserve | 中国林业科学研究院 The Chinese Academy of Forestry | 自然保护区标本55.56万号(动物标本21.1万, 植物标本34.46万) 555.6 thousand specimens from nature reserve(211 thousand animal specimens and 344.6 thousand plant specimens) | |
国家岩矿化石标本资源网 National Mineral & Fossil Resource | 中国地质大学(北京) China University of Geosciences, Beijing | 6万件岩矿化石标本信息 60 thousand mineral and fossil specimens | |
国家动物数字博物馆 National Digital Animal Museum | 中国科学院动物研究所 Institute of Zoology, CAS | 150万号生物标本信息, 1万张活体生物图片, 1,200张生物精细解剖图片 1.5 million animal specimen, 10 thousand living photos and 1,200 anatomy pictures | |
教学标本资源共享平台 Educational Specimen Resource Center | 四川大学 Sichuan University | 30多家高校, 共计252.万份动植物标本, 计2.1万张动植物彩色照片 More than 30 universities, 2.52 million plant and animal specimens, 21 thousand living photos | |
极地标本资源共享平台 Resource-sharing Platform of Polar Samples | 中国极地研究中心 The Polar Research Institute of China | 来自南北极的6,895个标本描述中英文信息和6,953张标本图片 6,895 specimen with English and Chinese description and 6,953 photos | |
GBIF上采自中国的标本 Specimen data collected from China now available on GBIF | GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) | 动物标本21.73万, 植物标本19.1万和微生物标本6,000份 217.3 thousand animal specimens, 191 thousand plant specimens and 6,000 microorganism specimens | |
国家农作物种质资源平台 National Crop Germplasm Resources Infrastructure in China | 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所 Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 实现了2,204个属、13,426个种, 共53.5万份种质资源的网络信息化共享 Information available for 535 thousands accessions of crop germplasm, belonging to 13,426 species and 2,204 genera | |
文献 Literature | BHL 中国节点 Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) China Node | 中国科学院生物多样性委员会 Biodiversity Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences | 800多本经典分类书籍, 20多万页, 共计100万物种名称—页码记录, 包括植物分类文献, 少量动物和微生物文献 800 books, 200 thousand pages, about 1 million name-page records, mainly plant literature, several animal and microorganism literature |
中国生命科学文献 Chinese Biological Abstracts | 中国科学院上海生命科学研 究院 Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS | 800余种源期刊1985年以来的约20万条生物类文献数据 800+ journals, 200 thousand records for biological science from 1985 | |
类型 Type | 网站名称 Website | 主要负责单位 Custodian | 网站主要内容 Main content of the website |
图像 Images | 中国自然标本馆 Chinese Field Herbarium | 中国科学院植物研究所 Institute of Botany, CAS | 110万张野外植物照片, 其中有40万张得到鉴定 1.1 million plant photos (400 thousand identified) |
中国植物图像库 Photo Bank for China Plant | 中国科学院植物研究所 Institute of Botany, CAS | 45万张植物彩色照片, 涉及309科, 3,235属, 15,350种 450 thousand photos in 15,350 species, 3,235 genera and 309 families | |
社区 Community | EOL 中国节点 Encyclopedia of Life, China Node | 中国科学院生物多样性委员会 Biodiversity Committee, CAS | 分植物、动物和微生物三个学科 China Node for Encyclopedia of Life project, aiming at integrating the resource in plant, animal and microorganism |
生物秀 Biology Show | 上海易秀生物科技有限公司 Shanghai Yixiu Biotechnology Limited Company | 20余万社区用户, 已经形成论坛、知识、人才等频道的生物类门户雏形 200 thousand registered users, a large community on biology consisting of forum and knowledge columns | |
普兰塔(生物多样性论坛) Biodiversity Forum in China | 中科院植物研究所 Institute of Botany, CAS | 1.3万名用户, 主要讨论以植物学为主的生物多样性专业社区 13 thousand registered users, mainly focusing on biodiversity research in plant | |
野外台站 Field Observatory | 中国生态系统研究网络 Chinese Ecosystem Research Network(CERN) | 中国科学院地理与资源科学研究所 Institute of Geography and Natural Resource Science, CAS | 由36个长期定位研究站、5个学科分中心和1个综合研究中心所组成 Data from 36 long-term research stations, 5 disciplinary centers and 1 synthesis center |
II. 海洋数据 Marine Data | |||
中国海洋信息网 China Oceanic Information Network | 国家海洋信息中心 The National Marine Data and Information Service | 水文数据、海洋生物数据、Near-Goos气象数据、海洋环境监测站数据 Hydrological data, marine biology data, Near-Goos climate data and monitoring station data | |
南海海洋科学数据服务平台 South China Sea Scientific Data Service Platform | 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 South China Sea Science Database | 南海海洋化学、海洋生物、海洋地质、地球物理、海洋文献资料库等相关数据 Database on marine chemistry, marine biology, marine geology, geophysics and literature for South China Sea | |
III. 综合数据 Aggregate Data | |||
中国科技资源共享网 National Scientific & Technique Infrastructure | 国家科技基础条件平台中心 Computer Network Information Center, CAS | 标本324万, 动物种质资源9.36万份, 微生物种质资源8.1万份, 植物种质资源8.1万份 3.24 million specimen. Germplasm: animal (93.6 thousand), microorganism (81 thousand) and plant (81 thousand) | |
中国科普博览 Science & Museums of China | 中科院计算机网络信息中心 Computer Network Information Center, CAS | 国家大型科普网站, 含生物类相关科普知识 National popular science website, including popular biological knowledge |
Table 1 Main websites about biodiversity information in China (Until 10 August, 2010)
类型 Type | 网站名称 Website | 主要负责单位 Custodian | 网站主要内容 Main content of the website |
I. 陆地数据 Terrestrial Data | |||
物种名录 Catalogue | 物种2000中国节点 Species 2000 China Node | 中科院生物多样性委员会 Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) | 2009年版本包括植物34,665种, 动物9,520种 34,665 plant species and 9,520 animal species in 2009 released CD |
中国高等植物名录 Catalogue of Life: Higher Plants in China | 中国科学院植物研究所 Institute of Botany, CAS | 12万余条植物名录 120 thousand plant species names | |
中国动物信息网 Animal Information Network of China | 中国科学院动物研究所 Institute of Zoology, CAS | 约34,300条物种和5,291条标本记录 about 34,300 animal species names and 5,291 animal specimens | |
基础科学生物数据中心 Biological Data Center for Basic Science | 中国科学院微生物研究所 Institute of Microbiology, CAS | 包括植物(34,000余种)、动物(30,502种)、微生物(9,169种)编目数据库等 Include 34,000 plant species, 30,502 animal species and 9,169 microbiology species in China | |
标本 Specimen | 中国数字植物标本馆(CVH) Chinese Virtual Herbarium | 中国科学院植物研究所 Institute of Botany, CAS | 15家植物标本馆的331万份标本, 其中167万份带照片, 180万份含空间信息 15 herbaria, 3.31 million plant specimens (1.67 million specimen photos and 1.8 million records containing geospatial data) |
自然保护区标本平台 Specimen from Nature Reserve | 中国林业科学研究院 The Chinese Academy of Forestry | 自然保护区标本55.56万号(动物标本21.1万, 植物标本34.46万) 555.6 thousand specimens from nature reserve(211 thousand animal specimens and 344.6 thousand plant specimens) | |
国家岩矿化石标本资源网 National Mineral & Fossil Resource | 中国地质大学(北京) China University of Geosciences, Beijing | 6万件岩矿化石标本信息 60 thousand mineral and fossil specimens | |
国家动物数字博物馆 National Digital Animal Museum | 中国科学院动物研究所 Institute of Zoology, CAS | 150万号生物标本信息, 1万张活体生物图片, 1,200张生物精细解剖图片 1.5 million animal specimen, 10 thousand living photos and 1,200 anatomy pictures | |
教学标本资源共享平台 Educational Specimen Resource Center | 四川大学 Sichuan University | 30多家高校, 共计252.万份动植物标本, 计2.1万张动植物彩色照片 More than 30 universities, 2.52 million plant and animal specimens, 21 thousand living photos | |
极地标本资源共享平台 Resource-sharing Platform of Polar Samples | 中国极地研究中心 The Polar Research Institute of China | 来自南北极的6,895个标本描述中英文信息和6,953张标本图片 6,895 specimen with English and Chinese description and 6,953 photos | |
GBIF上采自中国的标本 Specimen data collected from China now available on GBIF | GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) | 动物标本21.73万, 植物标本19.1万和微生物标本6,000份 217.3 thousand animal specimens, 191 thousand plant specimens and 6,000 microorganism specimens | |
国家农作物种质资源平台 National Crop Germplasm Resources Infrastructure in China | 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所 Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 实现了2,204个属、13,426个种, 共53.5万份种质资源的网络信息化共享 Information available for 535 thousands accessions of crop germplasm, belonging to 13,426 species and 2,204 genera | |
文献 Literature | BHL 中国节点 Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) China Node | 中国科学院生物多样性委员会 Biodiversity Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences | 800多本经典分类书籍, 20多万页, 共计100万物种名称—页码记录, 包括植物分类文献, 少量动物和微生物文献 800 books, 200 thousand pages, about 1 million name-page records, mainly plant literature, several animal and microorganism literature |
中国生命科学文献 Chinese Biological Abstracts | 中国科学院上海生命科学研 究院 Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS | 800余种源期刊1985年以来的约20万条生物类文献数据 800+ journals, 200 thousand records for biological science from 1985 | |
类型 Type | 网站名称 Website | 主要负责单位 Custodian | 网站主要内容 Main content of the website |
图像 Images | 中国自然标本馆 Chinese Field Herbarium | 中国科学院植物研究所 Institute of Botany, CAS | 110万张野外植物照片, 其中有40万张得到鉴定 1.1 million plant photos (400 thousand identified) |
中国植物图像库 Photo Bank for China Plant | 中国科学院植物研究所 Institute of Botany, CAS | 45万张植物彩色照片, 涉及309科, 3,235属, 15,350种 450 thousand photos in 15,350 species, 3,235 genera and 309 families | |
社区 Community | EOL 中国节点 Encyclopedia of Life, China Node | 中国科学院生物多样性委员会 Biodiversity Committee, CAS | 分植物、动物和微生物三个学科 China Node for Encyclopedia of Life project, aiming at integrating the resource in plant, animal and microorganism |
生物秀 Biology Show | 上海易秀生物科技有限公司 Shanghai Yixiu Biotechnology Limited Company | 20余万社区用户, 已经形成论坛、知识、人才等频道的生物类门户雏形 200 thousand registered users, a large community on biology consisting of forum and knowledge columns | |
普兰塔(生物多样性论坛) Biodiversity Forum in China | 中科院植物研究所 Institute of Botany, CAS | 1.3万名用户, 主要讨论以植物学为主的生物多样性专业社区 13 thousand registered users, mainly focusing on biodiversity research in plant | |
野外台站 Field Observatory | 中国生态系统研究网络 Chinese Ecosystem Research Network(CERN) | 中国科学院地理与资源科学研究所 Institute of Geography and Natural Resource Science, CAS | 由36个长期定位研究站、5个学科分中心和1个综合研究中心所组成 Data from 36 long-term research stations, 5 disciplinary centers and 1 synthesis center |
II. 海洋数据 Marine Data | |||
中国海洋信息网 China Oceanic Information Network | 国家海洋信息中心 The National Marine Data and Information Service | 水文数据、海洋生物数据、Near-Goos气象数据、海洋环境监测站数据 Hydrological data, marine biology data, Near-Goos climate data and monitoring station data | |
南海海洋科学数据服务平台 South China Sea Scientific Data Service Platform | 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 South China Sea Science Database | 南海海洋化学、海洋生物、海洋地质、地球物理、海洋文献资料库等相关数据 Database on marine chemistry, marine biology, marine geology, geophysics and literature for South China Sea | |
III. 综合数据 Aggregate Data | |||
中国科技资源共享网 National Scientific & Technique Infrastructure | 国家科技基础条件平台中心 Computer Network Information Center, CAS | 标本324万, 动物种质资源9.36万份, 微生物种质资源8.1万份, 植物种质资源8.1万份 3.24 million specimen. Germplasm: animal (93.6 thousand), microorganism (81 thousand) and plant (81 thousand) | |
中国科普博览 Science & Museums of China | 中科院计算机网络信息中心 Computer Network Information Center, CAS | 国家大型科普网站, 含生物类相关科普知识 National popular science website, including popular biological knowledge |
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[2] | Yu Tian, Junsheng Li. Analysis of the connotation and implementation path for the 30 by 30 target in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework [J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(6): 24086-. |
[3] | Biyu Ma. Summary of amendments to India’s Biological Diversity Act and enlightenments for improving China’s legal system of biodiversity conservation [J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(5): 23412-. |
[4] | Yingli Cai, Hongge Zhu, Jiaxin Li. Biodiversity conservation in China: Policy evolution, main measures and development trends [J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(5): 23386-. |
[5] | Yanyu Ai, Haixia Hu, Ting Shen, Yuxuan Mo, Jinhua Qi, Liang Song. Vascular epiphyte diversity and the correlation analysis with host tree characteristics: A case in a mid-mountain moist evergreen broad-leaved forest, Ailao Mountains [J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(5): 24072-. |
[6] | Dekui Yan. Common elements, deficiencies, and optimization suggestions of biodiversity conservation policies in China [J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(5): 23293-. |
[7] | Fuwei Zhao, Yingshuo Li, Hui Chen. Reflections on biodiversity legislation in China’s new era [J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(5): 24027-. |
[8] | Jingzhou Liu, Yixin Qian, Yanxuedan Zhang, Feng Cui. Research progress and implications of flagship species paradigms based on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model [J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(4): 23439-. |
[9] | Lejie Wu, Zekang Liu, Xing Tian, Qun Zhang, Bo Li, Jihua Wu. Effects of genotypic diversity on vegetative growth and reproductive strategies of Scirpus mariqueter population [J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(4): 23478-. |
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