Biodiv Sci ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (12): 23363. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023363
• Special Feature: Sino BON Tenth Anniversary • Previous Articles Next Articles
Liang Song1,*(), Yi Wu1, Haixia Hu1,2, Wenyao Liu1, Akihiro Nakamura1, Yajun Chen1, Keping Ma3
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Liang Song, Yi Wu, Haixia Hu, Wenyao Liu, Akihiro Nakamura, Yajun Chen, Keping Ma. Research progress and prospects of forest canopy science based on canopy cranes[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2023, 31(12): 23363.
Fig. 1 Tower crane applied in the study of forest canopies. (A) Panorama view of the rainforest canopy at the crane site in Bubeng in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China; (B) The canopy crane can allow repeatable, safe, non-destructive visit in anywhere of the forest canopy; (C) The staff in the gondola were sampling in the dipterocarp forest canopy.
时间 Time | 林冠访问工具 Tools | 人物 People | 地点 Location | 基本特征 Characteristics | 参考文献 Reference |
1878 | 望远镜 Telescope | Alfred R. Wallace | 基于地面对林冠的初步认知 Preliminary understanding of forest canopy based on ground observation | Lowman, | |
1926 | 长梯 Spike ladder | W. C. Allee | 巴拿马巴罗科罗拉多岛 Panama Barro Colorado Island (BCI) | 实测林冠垂直梯度的小气候 Measuring vertical gradient microclimate of the forest canopy | Hingston, |
1929 | 抛绳枪 + 观察座椅 Line throwing gun and observation chair | R. W. G. Hingston | 英属圭亚那 British Guyana | 研究林冠昆虫、鸟类及哺乳类生物 Study on canopy insects, birds and mammals | Hingston, |
1958 | 林冠铁塔 High tower | 乌干达Mpanga森林保护区 Uganda Mpanga Forest Reserve | 研究热带雨林内温湿度垂直梯度和昆虫多样性 Study on temperature and humidity and insect diversity along the vertical gradient of tropical rainforests | Haddow et al, | |
1968 | 林冠走廊 Canopy walkway | Ilar Muul | 马来西亚 Malaysia | 研究热带雨林中动物传播疾病及其对军队的影响。截至2009年, 全球有51座林冠走廊 Study of animal-borne diseases in tropical rainforests and their impacts on the military. Until | Muul & Liat, Lowman, Ramlan et al, |
1978 | 单绳攀爬技术 Single rope technique | Donald R. Perry | 哥斯达黎加La Selva生态站 La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica | 研究散生巨树生态学 Study on the ecology of emergent and canopy trees | Perry, |
1981 | 林冠吊杆 Canopy boom | Peter Ashton | 马来西亚巴索森林保护区 Malaysia Pasoh Forest Reserve | 研究龙脑香植物传粉生物学 Study on pollination biology of dipterocarp plants | Lowman, |
1982 | 林冠喷雾设备 Canopy fogging apparatus | Terry Erwin | 巴拿马巴罗科罗拉多岛 Panama BCI | 研究热带森林的林冠昆虫多样性 Studying canopy insect diversity in tropical forests | Erwin, |
1986 | 飞艇(热气球) + 林冠筏等系列外挂设备 Airship (hot-air balloon), canopy raft and other external equipment | Francis Hallé, Gilles Ebersolt | 法属圭亚那(1986、1989、1996)、喀麦隆(1991)、加蓬(1999)、马达加斯加(2001)、巴拿马BCI ( | 外层林冠(林冠-大气交互面), 可一次性搭载74名科学家在林冠层开展工作 Studying outer canopies (canopy- atmospheric interface), which can carry 74 scientists to work in the canopy at a time | Opération Canopée; Mitchell et al, |
1990 | 林冠塔吊 Canopy crane | Alan Smith | 截至2023年, 全球共建成22座林冠塔吊(3座已停运), 其中7座位于热带森林 Until | 依托塔吊先后开展了IBISCA、FACE、TCBP等林冠研究计划 Canopy research programs such as IBISCA, FACE, and TCBP have been carried out successively using canopy cranes | 吴毅等, |
2001 | Biotopia研究中心(构想) Biotopia Research Center (conceptual idea) | Andrew Mitchell | 集成塔吊、走廊、林冠筏、铁塔、单绳等各种工具为一体 Canopy access techniques including crane, walkway, craft, tower, and single rope technique were combined | Stork & Best, | |
2014 | 林冠研究永久访问系统 Canopy Operation Permanent Access System (COPAS) | G. Gottsberger | 法属圭亚那Nouragues生态站Nouragues Ecology Station, French Guyana | 3座45 m高的铁塔, 通过缆绳连接, 构成边长为180 m的等边三角形, 覆盖森林面积1.4 ha Three 45 m high towers, connected by cables, form an equilateral triangle with a side length of 180 m, covering a forest area of 1.4 ha | Basset et al, |
2015 | 无人机和激光雷达 Drones and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) | Greg Asner, Roberta Martin | 美国亚利桑那州立大学 Arizona State University, USA | 结合激光雷达(LiDAR)与高保真成像光谱(HiFIS), 通过计算森林冠层含水量的损失来量化干旱程度 Combined with LiDAR and HiFIS, the degree of drought was quantified by calculating the loss of forest canopy water content | Asner et al, |
Table1 The chronological progress of the forest canopy access techniques
时间 Time | 林冠访问工具 Tools | 人物 People | 地点 Location | 基本特征 Characteristics | 参考文献 Reference |
1878 | 望远镜 Telescope | Alfred R. Wallace | 基于地面对林冠的初步认知 Preliminary understanding of forest canopy based on ground observation | Lowman, | |
1926 | 长梯 Spike ladder | W. C. Allee | 巴拿马巴罗科罗拉多岛 Panama Barro Colorado Island (BCI) | 实测林冠垂直梯度的小气候 Measuring vertical gradient microclimate of the forest canopy | Hingston, |
1929 | 抛绳枪 + 观察座椅 Line throwing gun and observation chair | R. W. G. Hingston | 英属圭亚那 British Guyana | 研究林冠昆虫、鸟类及哺乳类生物 Study on canopy insects, birds and mammals | Hingston, |
1958 | 林冠铁塔 High tower | 乌干达Mpanga森林保护区 Uganda Mpanga Forest Reserve | 研究热带雨林内温湿度垂直梯度和昆虫多样性 Study on temperature and humidity and insect diversity along the vertical gradient of tropical rainforests | Haddow et al, | |
1968 | 林冠走廊 Canopy walkway | Ilar Muul | 马来西亚 Malaysia | 研究热带雨林中动物传播疾病及其对军队的影响。截至2009年, 全球有51座林冠走廊 Study of animal-borne diseases in tropical rainforests and their impacts on the military. Until | Muul & Liat, Lowman, Ramlan et al, |
1978 | 单绳攀爬技术 Single rope technique | Donald R. Perry | 哥斯达黎加La Selva生态站 La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica | 研究散生巨树生态学 Study on the ecology of emergent and canopy trees | Perry, |
1981 | 林冠吊杆 Canopy boom | Peter Ashton | 马来西亚巴索森林保护区 Malaysia Pasoh Forest Reserve | 研究龙脑香植物传粉生物学 Study on pollination biology of dipterocarp plants | Lowman, |
1982 | 林冠喷雾设备 Canopy fogging apparatus | Terry Erwin | 巴拿马巴罗科罗拉多岛 Panama BCI | 研究热带森林的林冠昆虫多样性 Studying canopy insect diversity in tropical forests | Erwin, |
1986 | 飞艇(热气球) + 林冠筏等系列外挂设备 Airship (hot-air balloon), canopy raft and other external equipment | Francis Hallé, Gilles Ebersolt | 法属圭亚那(1986、1989、1996)、喀麦隆(1991)、加蓬(1999)、马达加斯加(2001)、巴拿马BCI ( | 外层林冠(林冠-大气交互面), 可一次性搭载74名科学家在林冠层开展工作 Studying outer canopies (canopy- atmospheric interface), which can carry 74 scientists to work in the canopy at a time | Opération Canopée; Mitchell et al, |
1990 | 林冠塔吊 Canopy crane | Alan Smith | 截至2023年, 全球共建成22座林冠塔吊(3座已停运), 其中7座位于热带森林 Until | 依托塔吊先后开展了IBISCA、FACE、TCBP等林冠研究计划 Canopy research programs such as IBISCA, FACE, and TCBP have been carried out successively using canopy cranes | 吴毅等, |
2001 | Biotopia研究中心(构想) Biotopia Research Center (conceptual idea) | Andrew Mitchell | 集成塔吊、走廊、林冠筏、铁塔、单绳等各种工具为一体 Canopy access techniques including crane, walkway, craft, tower, and single rope technique were combined | Stork & Best, | |
2014 | 林冠研究永久访问系统 Canopy Operation Permanent Access System (COPAS) | G. Gottsberger | 法属圭亚那Nouragues生态站Nouragues Ecology Station, French Guyana | 3座45 m高的铁塔, 通过缆绳连接, 构成边长为180 m的等边三角形, 覆盖森林面积1.4 ha Three 45 m high towers, connected by cables, form an equilateral triangle with a side length of 180 m, covering a forest area of 1.4 ha | Basset et al, |
2015 | 无人机和激光雷达 Drones and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) | Greg Asner, Roberta Martin | 美国亚利桑那州立大学 Arizona State University, USA | 结合激光雷达(LiDAR)与高保真成像光谱(HiFIS), 通过计算森林冠层含水量的损失来量化干旱程度 Combined with LiDAR and HiFIS, the degree of drought was quantified by calculating the loss of forest canopy water content | Asner et al, |
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