Biodiv Sci ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 22521. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022521
• Original Papers: Animal Diversity • Previous Articles Next Articles
Shusen Fu1,2, Puqing Song2, Yuan Li1,2, Yuanyuan Li2, Ran Zhang2, Hushun Zhang1, Rui Wang2, Longshan Lin1,2,*()
*E-mail: Shusen Fu, Puqing Song, Yuan Li, Yuanyuan Li, Ran Zhang, Hushun Zhang, Rui Wang, Longshan Lin. Trophic levels and trophic niches of fish from the Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2023, 31(4): 22521.
科 Family | 种类 Species | 样品数 Number of samples | 营养级X (最小值-最大值) Trophic level X (Min-Max) | Fishbase营养级 Trophic level of Fishbase |
鳕科 Gadidae | 白令海北鳕 Boreogadus saida | 80 | 3.76 (3.56-3.97) | 2.9-4.2 |
北极鳕 Arctogadus glacialis | 17 | 4.31 (4.08-4.58) | 3.2 | |
黄线狭鳕 Gadus chalcogrammus | 29 | 3.11 (2.91-3.31) | 3.0-4.5 | |
细身宽突鳕 Eleginus gracilis | 3 | 3.45 (2.71-4.20) | 3.0-4.1 | |
鲽科 Pleuronectidae | 糙黄盖鲽 Limanda aspera | 2 | 3.96 (2.00-4.02) | 3.1-3.7 |
黄腹鲽 Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus | 2 | 3.67 (2.00-3.76) | 3.1-3.9 | |
太平洋拟庸鲽 Hippoglossoides elassodon | 60 | 3.57 (3.37-3.79) | 3.4-3.8 | |
杜父鱼科 Cottidae | 粗糙钩杜父鱼 Artediellus scaber | 2 | 3.98 (2.01-4.03) | 3.4 |
大西洋钩杜父鱼 Artediellus atlanticus | 23 | 4.59 (4.37-4.86) | 3.6 | |
短角床杜父鱼 Myoxocephalus scorpius | 9 | 3.40 (3.07-3.78) | 2.1-4.4 | |
横带杂鳞杜父鱼 Hemilepidotus papilio | 3 | 3.05 (2.01-4.64) | 3.3 | |
锯棘冰杜父鱼 Icelus spiniger | 3 | 3.16 (2.00-4.28) | 3.6 | |
尼氏鮄杜父鱼 Triglops nybelini | 4 | 3.84 (3.17-4.57) | 3.3 | |
强棘杜父鱼 Enophrys diceraus | 2 | 4.06 (2.01-4.09) | 3.8 | |
三叉裸棘杜父鱼 Gymnocanthus tricuspis | 62 | 3.43 (3.25-3.62) | 3.2-3.3 | |
匙形冰杜父鱼 Icelus spatula | 10 | 3.68 (3.42-3.93) | 3.9 | |
绵鳚科 Zoarcidae | 阿氏狼绵鳚 Lycodes adolfi | 8 | 4.26 (3.73-4.86) | 3.3 |
半花裸鳚 Gymnelus hemifasciatus | 4 | 3.33 (2.09-4.58) | 3.1 | |
半裸狼绵鳚 Lycodes seminudus | 6 | 4.53 (4.14-4.97) | 3.2-4.0 | |
北极狼绵鳚 Lycodes polaris | 2 | 4.29 (2.00-4.35) | 3.4 | |
苍色狼绵鳚 Lycodes pallidus | 10 | 4.44 (4.18-4.71) | 3.3-4.1 | |
短鳍狼绵鳚 Lycodes brevipes | 12 | 3.44 (3.19-3.68) | 3.5-4.2 | |
砂栖狼绵鳚 Lycodes palearis | 6 | 3.71 (3.34-4.09) | 3.5 | |
网纹狼绵鳚 Lycodes reticulatus | 3 | 4.62 (4.07-5.17) | 3.5 | |
线鳚科 Stichaeidae | 斑鳍北鳚 Lumpenus fabricii | 9 | 3.40 (3.09-3.72) | 3.3 |
中间弧线鳚 Anisarchus medius | 19 | 3.85 (3.63-4.11) | 3.2 | |
八角鱼科 Agonidae | 北极胶八角鱼 Aspidophoroides olrikii | 3 | 3.01 (2.01-3.85) | 2.1-3.9 |
狮子鱼科 Liparidae | 费氏狮子鱼 Liparis fabricii | 5 | 4.17 (3.56-4.75) | 3.3 |
玉筋鱼科 Ammodytidae | 六斑玉筋鱼 Ammodytes hexapterus | 3 | 2.42 (2.28-2.60) | 2.7-3.3 |
Table 1 The trophic levels for fishes from Bering Sea-Chukchi Sea
科 Family | 种类 Species | 样品数 Number of samples | 营养级X (最小值-最大值) Trophic level X (Min-Max) | Fishbase营养级 Trophic level of Fishbase |
鳕科 Gadidae | 白令海北鳕 Boreogadus saida | 80 | 3.76 (3.56-3.97) | 2.9-4.2 |
北极鳕 Arctogadus glacialis | 17 | 4.31 (4.08-4.58) | 3.2 | |
黄线狭鳕 Gadus chalcogrammus | 29 | 3.11 (2.91-3.31) | 3.0-4.5 | |
细身宽突鳕 Eleginus gracilis | 3 | 3.45 (2.71-4.20) | 3.0-4.1 | |
鲽科 Pleuronectidae | 糙黄盖鲽 Limanda aspera | 2 | 3.96 (2.00-4.02) | 3.1-3.7 |
黄腹鲽 Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus | 2 | 3.67 (2.00-3.76) | 3.1-3.9 | |
太平洋拟庸鲽 Hippoglossoides elassodon | 60 | 3.57 (3.37-3.79) | 3.4-3.8 | |
杜父鱼科 Cottidae | 粗糙钩杜父鱼 Artediellus scaber | 2 | 3.98 (2.01-4.03) | 3.4 |
大西洋钩杜父鱼 Artediellus atlanticus | 23 | 4.59 (4.37-4.86) | 3.6 | |
短角床杜父鱼 Myoxocephalus scorpius | 9 | 3.40 (3.07-3.78) | 2.1-4.4 | |
横带杂鳞杜父鱼 Hemilepidotus papilio | 3 | 3.05 (2.01-4.64) | 3.3 | |
锯棘冰杜父鱼 Icelus spiniger | 3 | 3.16 (2.00-4.28) | 3.6 | |
尼氏鮄杜父鱼 Triglops nybelini | 4 | 3.84 (3.17-4.57) | 3.3 | |
强棘杜父鱼 Enophrys diceraus | 2 | 4.06 (2.01-4.09) | 3.8 | |
三叉裸棘杜父鱼 Gymnocanthus tricuspis | 62 | 3.43 (3.25-3.62) | 3.2-3.3 | |
匙形冰杜父鱼 Icelus spatula | 10 | 3.68 (3.42-3.93) | 3.9 | |
绵鳚科 Zoarcidae | 阿氏狼绵鳚 Lycodes adolfi | 8 | 4.26 (3.73-4.86) | 3.3 |
半花裸鳚 Gymnelus hemifasciatus | 4 | 3.33 (2.09-4.58) | 3.1 | |
半裸狼绵鳚 Lycodes seminudus | 6 | 4.53 (4.14-4.97) | 3.2-4.0 | |
北极狼绵鳚 Lycodes polaris | 2 | 4.29 (2.00-4.35) | 3.4 | |
苍色狼绵鳚 Lycodes pallidus | 10 | 4.44 (4.18-4.71) | 3.3-4.1 | |
短鳍狼绵鳚 Lycodes brevipes | 12 | 3.44 (3.19-3.68) | 3.5-4.2 | |
砂栖狼绵鳚 Lycodes palearis | 6 | 3.71 (3.34-4.09) | 3.5 | |
网纹狼绵鳚 Lycodes reticulatus | 3 | 4.62 (4.07-5.17) | 3.5 | |
线鳚科 Stichaeidae | 斑鳍北鳚 Lumpenus fabricii | 9 | 3.40 (3.09-3.72) | 3.3 |
中间弧线鳚 Anisarchus medius | 19 | 3.85 (3.63-4.11) | 3.2 | |
八角鱼科 Agonidae | 北极胶八角鱼 Aspidophoroides olrikii | 3 | 3.01 (2.01-3.85) | 2.1-3.9 |
狮子鱼科 Liparidae | 费氏狮子鱼 Liparis fabricii | 5 | 4.17 (3.56-4.75) | 3.3 |
玉筋鱼科 Ammodytidae | 六斑玉筋鱼 Ammodytes hexapterus | 3 | 2.42 (2.28-2.60) | 2.7-3.3 |
种名 Species | 不规则 图形面 积(TA) | 标准椭 圆面积(SEA) | 校正后 的标准 椭圆面积(SEAc) |
白令海北鳕 Boreogadus saida | 23.95 | 5.44 | 5.51 |
黄线狭鳕 Gadus chalcogrammus | 5.86 | 1.73 | 1.80 |
北极鳕 Arctogadus glacialis | 2.41 | 0.84 | 0.90 |
费氏狮子鱼 Liparis fabricii | 3.28 | 3.10 | 4.13 |
三叉裸棘杜父鱼 Gymnocanthus tricuspis | 11.62 | 2.86 | 2.91 |
短角床杜父鱼 Myoxocephalus scorpius | 1.35 | 0.81 | 0.92 |
大西洋钩杜父鱼 Artediellus atlanticus | 2.44 | 0.81 | 0.85 |
匙形冰杜父鱼 Icelus spatula | 1.78 | 0.91 | 1.02 |
斑鳍北鳚 Lumpenus fabricii | 4.96 | 3.15 | 3.61 |
中间弧线鳚 Anisarchus medius | 3.91 | 1.64 | 1.73 |
太平洋拟庸鲽 Hippoglossoides elassodon | 12.34 | 3.30 | 3.36 |
短鳍狼绵鳚 Lycodes brevipes | 1.77 | 0.79 | 0.87 |
苍色狼绵鳚 Lycodes pallidus | 2.28 | 1.13 | 1.27 |
阿氏狼绵鳚 Lycodes adolfi | 6.46 | 4.05 | 4.72 |
砂栖狼绵鳚 Lycodes palearis | 1.46 | 1.02 | 1.29 |
半裸狼绵鳚 Lycodes seminudus | 5.02 | 4.03 | 5.04 |
Table 2 Trophic niche parameter values of fishes from Bering Sea-Chukchi Sea
种名 Species | 不规则 图形面 积(TA) | 标准椭 圆面积(SEA) | 校正后 的标准 椭圆面积(SEAc) |
白令海北鳕 Boreogadus saida | 23.95 | 5.44 | 5.51 |
黄线狭鳕 Gadus chalcogrammus | 5.86 | 1.73 | 1.80 |
北极鳕 Arctogadus glacialis | 2.41 | 0.84 | 0.90 |
费氏狮子鱼 Liparis fabricii | 3.28 | 3.10 | 4.13 |
三叉裸棘杜父鱼 Gymnocanthus tricuspis | 11.62 | 2.86 | 2.91 |
短角床杜父鱼 Myoxocephalus scorpius | 1.35 | 0.81 | 0.92 |
大西洋钩杜父鱼 Artediellus atlanticus | 2.44 | 0.81 | 0.85 |
匙形冰杜父鱼 Icelus spatula | 1.78 | 0.91 | 1.02 |
斑鳍北鳚 Lumpenus fabricii | 4.96 | 3.15 | 3.61 |
中间弧线鳚 Anisarchus medius | 3.91 | 1.64 | 1.73 |
太平洋拟庸鲽 Hippoglossoides elassodon | 12.34 | 3.30 | 3.36 |
短鳍狼绵鳚 Lycodes brevipes | 1.77 | 0.79 | 0.87 |
苍色狼绵鳚 Lycodes pallidus | 2.28 | 1.13 | 1.27 |
阿氏狼绵鳚 Lycodes adolfi | 6.46 | 4.05 | 4.72 |
砂栖狼绵鳚 Lycodes palearis | 1.46 | 1.02 | 1.29 |
半裸狼绵鳚 Lycodes seminudus | 5.02 | 4.03 | 5.04 |
物种 Species | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P |
A | 1.21 | 1.67 | 19.51 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
B | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
C | 21.35 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 12.01 | 9.49 | - | 5.31 | |||
E | 8.14 | - | 23.95 | 24.77 | 6.31 | 19.31 | 29.90 | - | - | 11.79 | - | ||||
F | - | - | 23.30 | 9.31 | 21.66 | - | - | - | 13.84 | - | |||||
G | - | - | - | - | - | 25.46 | - | - | 16.88 | ||||||
H | 7.96 | 7.41 | 3.58 | 8.73 | - | - | 23.38 | - | |||||||
I | 7.93 | 48.98 | 1.43 | - | - | 13.72 | - | ||||||||
J | 15.96 | - | - | 1.50 | 17.49 | - | |||||||||
K | - | - | 9.76 | 13.52 | - | ||||||||||
L | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
M | 24.59 | - | 20.68 | ||||||||||||
N | - | 25.74 | |||||||||||||
O | - |
Table 3 The percentage of trophic niche overlap of fishes from Bering Sea-Chukchi Sea. A, Boreogadus saida; B, Gadus chalcogrammus; C, Arctogadus glacialis; D, Liparis fabricii; E, Gymnocanthus tricuspis; F, Myoxocephalus scorpius; G, Artediellus atlanticus; H, Icelus spatula; I, Lumpenus fabricii; J, Anisarchus medius; K, Hippoglossoides elassodon; L, Lycodes brevipes; M, Lycodes pallidus; N, Lycodes adolfi; O, Lycodes palearis; P, Lycodes seminudus.
物种 Species | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P |
A | 1.21 | 1.67 | 19.51 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
B | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
C | 21.35 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 12.01 | 9.49 | - | 5.31 | |||
E | 8.14 | - | 23.95 | 24.77 | 6.31 | 19.31 | 29.90 | - | - | 11.79 | - | ||||
F | - | - | 23.30 | 9.31 | 21.66 | - | - | - | 13.84 | - | |||||
G | - | - | - | - | - | 25.46 | - | - | 16.88 | ||||||
H | 7.96 | 7.41 | 3.58 | 8.73 | - | - | 23.38 | - | |||||||
I | 7.93 | 48.98 | 1.43 | - | - | 13.72 | - | ||||||||
J | 15.96 | - | - | 1.50 | 17.49 | - | |||||||||
K | - | - | 9.76 | 13.52 | - | ||||||||||
L | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
M | 24.59 | - | 20.68 | ||||||||||||
N | - | 25.74 | |||||||||||||
O | - |
Fig. 2 Trophic niche breadth and overlap of fishes from Bering Sea-Chukchi Sea. The convex polygon represents the trophic niche space occupied by species. The ellipse represents the core isotopic niche space of a species.
不规则图形面积 Total area of the convex hull (TA) | δ15N范围 δ15N range (NR) | δ13C范围 δ13C range (CR) | 质心的平均距离 Mean distance to centroid (CD) | 最短均值 Mean nearest neighbour distance (MNND) | 最短标准差 Standard deviation of nearest neighbour distance (SDNND) | |
本研究 This study | 13.08 | 5.06 | 4.25 | 2.04 | 0.61 | 0.53 |
纪炜炜等, | 12.05 | 3.59 | 4.83 | 1.51 | 0.41 | 0.22 |
Marsh et al, | 8.8 | 4.4 | 3.3 | 1.28 | 0.50 | 0.32 |
Table 4 Comparison of community-wide metrics based on stable isotopic ratios for fishes from Bering Sea-Chukchi Sea
不规则图形面积 Total area of the convex hull (TA) | δ15N范围 δ15N range (NR) | δ13C范围 δ13C range (CR) | 质心的平均距离 Mean distance to centroid (CD) | 最短均值 Mean nearest neighbour distance (MNND) | 最短标准差 Standard deviation of nearest neighbour distance (SDNND) | |
本研究 This study | 13.08 | 5.06 | 4.25 | 2.04 | 0.61 | 0.53 |
纪炜炜等, | 12.05 | 3.59 | 4.83 | 1.51 | 0.41 | 0.22 |
Marsh et al, | 8.8 | 4.4 | 3.3 | 1.28 | 0.50 | 0.32 |
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