Biodiv Sci ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 24150. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024150 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024150
• Original Papers • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xueyuan Li1,2, Zhixian Sun1,3(), Fengzhen Wang4, Rui Xi1,3, Yutian Fang1,2, Junyuan Hao1,3, Dong Sheng1, Shuya Sun1, Yahui Zhao1,2,*(
Supported by:
Xueyuan Li, Zhixian Sun, Fengzhen Wang, Rui Xi, Yutian Fang, Junyuan Hao, Dong Sheng, Shuya Sun, Yahui Zhao. Impacts of urban development on functional diversity in fish: A case study of Beijing, a megacity[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(8): 24150.
功能性状 Functional traits | 测量方法 Measuring methods |
标准体长 Standard length | 吻端至尾柄最后一枚尾椎骨的距离 The distance from the snout to the last vertebra of caudal peduncle |
体高 Body depth | 背鳍起点至体下端的垂直距离 The vertical distance from the origin of dorsal fin to the lower end of body |
体宽 Body width | 背鳍起点身体两侧的最大宽度 The maximum width on either side of the body at the origin of the dorsal fin |
头长 Head length | 吻端至鳃盖骨后缘的距离 The distance from the snout to the posterior margin of operculum |
下颌长 Lower jaw length | 口角处到下颌顶点的距离 The distance from the corner of mouth to the tip of lower jaw |
口裂宽 Mouth width | 左右口角间的距离 The distance between corners of mouth |
口高 Mouth height | 口裂上下中点垂直距离 The vertical distance from the midpoint of mouth cleft |
眼径 Eye diameter | 眼睛的横向直径 Horizontal diameter of eye |
眼间距 Interorbital width | 眼眶间的最短距离 The minimum distance between the edges of the orbits |
胸鳍长 Pectoral-fin length | 胸鳍基至胸鳍末端距离 The distance from the base to tip of pectoral fin |
臀鳍长 Anal-fin length | 臀鳍起点至臀鳍末端距离 The distance from the origin to tip of anal fin |
尾柄长 Caudal peduncle length | 臀鳍基末端至最后一枚尾椎骨的距离 The distance from the end of anal-fin base to the last vertebra |
尾柄高 Caudal peduncle depth | 尾柄最窄处的垂直高度 The vertical height at the narrowest point of caudal peduncle |
尾柄宽 Caudal peduncle width | 尾柄在直线面上的宽度 The width of caudal peduncle in linear profile |
Table 1 Functional traits and measuring methods of fish
功能性状 Functional traits | 测量方法 Measuring methods |
标准体长 Standard length | 吻端至尾柄最后一枚尾椎骨的距离 The distance from the snout to the last vertebra of caudal peduncle |
体高 Body depth | 背鳍起点至体下端的垂直距离 The vertical distance from the origin of dorsal fin to the lower end of body |
体宽 Body width | 背鳍起点身体两侧的最大宽度 The maximum width on either side of the body at the origin of the dorsal fin |
头长 Head length | 吻端至鳃盖骨后缘的距离 The distance from the snout to the posterior margin of operculum |
下颌长 Lower jaw length | 口角处到下颌顶点的距离 The distance from the corner of mouth to the tip of lower jaw |
口裂宽 Mouth width | 左右口角间的距离 The distance between corners of mouth |
口高 Mouth height | 口裂上下中点垂直距离 The vertical distance from the midpoint of mouth cleft |
眼径 Eye diameter | 眼睛的横向直径 Horizontal diameter of eye |
眼间距 Interorbital width | 眼眶间的最短距离 The minimum distance between the edges of the orbits |
胸鳍长 Pectoral-fin length | 胸鳍基至胸鳍末端距离 The distance from the base to tip of pectoral fin |
臀鳍长 Anal-fin length | 臀鳍起点至臀鳍末端距离 The distance from the origin to tip of anal fin |
尾柄长 Caudal peduncle length | 臀鳍基末端至最后一枚尾椎骨的距离 The distance from the end of anal-fin base to the last vertebra |
尾柄高 Caudal peduncle depth | 尾柄最窄处的垂直高度 The vertical height at the narrowest point of caudal peduncle |
尾柄宽 Caudal peduncle width | 尾柄在直线面上的宽度 The width of caudal peduncle in linear profile |
功能类型 Function type | 功能性状 Functional traits | 计算方法 Method | 生态学意义 Ecological meaning |
栖息 Habitat | 体型指标 Body shape | 体高/标准体长 Body depth/Standard length | 在水体中的栖息位置及游泳能力 Position and swimming ability in water |
运动 Sport | 胸鳍相对长度 Relative pectoral-fin length | 胸鳍长/标准体长 Pectoral-fin length/Standard length | 比值越大, 则转向越强, 灵活性越高 The higher the ratio, the stronger the turning ability and greater flexibility |
臀鳍相对长度 Relative anal-fin length | 臀鳍长/标准体长 Anal-fin length/Standard length | 比值越大, 则平衡力越强 The higher the ratio, the stronger the balance | |
尾柄相对面积 Relative area of caudal peduncle | (尾柄长 × 尾柄高)/(标准体长 × 体高) (Caudal peduncle length × Caudal peduncle depth)/(Standard length × Body depth) | 比值越高, 则游泳能力越强 The higher the ratio, the stronger the swimming ability | |
尾柄相对高度 Relative depth of caudal peduncle | 尾柄高/体高 Caudal peduncle depth/Body depth | 比值越高, 尾鳍摆动能力越强 The higher the ratio, the stronger the caudal fin oscillation ability | |
尾柄相对宽度 Relative width of caudal peduncle | 尾柄宽/体宽 Caudal peduncle width/Body width | 较高的值表示具有更好持续游泳能力 Higher values indicate better sustained swimming ability | |
摄食 Feeding | 口裂相对大小1 Relative mouth opening 1 | (口裂宽 × 口高)/(体宽 × 体高) (Mouth width × Mouth height)/(Body width × Body depth) | 最大捕食能力, 比值越高, 能力越强 Maximum feeding capacity, higher ratio indicates stronger ability |
口裂相对大小2 Relative mouth opening 2 | 口裂宽 × 口高/下颌长 Mouth width × Mouth height/Lower jaw length | 比值越高, 表示其摄食体型更大食物的能力越强 Higher ratio indicates ability to consume larger food items | |
口裂形状 Mouth opening shape | 口高/口裂宽 Mouth height/Mouth width | 食物形状 Shape of food | |
眼睛相对长度 Relative eye length | 眼径/头长 Eye diameter/Head length | 对食物的可视范围 Visual range of food | |
相对眼径 Relative eye diameter | 眼间距/眼径 Interorbital width/Eye diameter | 比值越高, 对食物的可视范围越大 The higher the ratio, the greater the visual range of food | |
口位 Mouth position | 端位、上位、下位 Termina, superior, inferior | 不同位置表示获得食物组成不一样 Different location means different food composition | |
繁殖 Breed | 鱼卵生态类型 Ecological types of fish eggs | 沉黏性、黏性、浮性、漂流性 Pelagic, adhesive, buoyant, drift | 不同产卵类型表示生长发育和繁衍方式不一样 Different spawning types indicate varied methods of growth, development, and reproduction |
Table 2 Calculation methods and ecological meaning of fish functional traits
功能类型 Function type | 功能性状 Functional traits | 计算方法 Method | 生态学意义 Ecological meaning |
栖息 Habitat | 体型指标 Body shape | 体高/标准体长 Body depth/Standard length | 在水体中的栖息位置及游泳能力 Position and swimming ability in water |
运动 Sport | 胸鳍相对长度 Relative pectoral-fin length | 胸鳍长/标准体长 Pectoral-fin length/Standard length | 比值越大, 则转向越强, 灵活性越高 The higher the ratio, the stronger the turning ability and greater flexibility |
臀鳍相对长度 Relative anal-fin length | 臀鳍长/标准体长 Anal-fin length/Standard length | 比值越大, 则平衡力越强 The higher the ratio, the stronger the balance | |
尾柄相对面积 Relative area of caudal peduncle | (尾柄长 × 尾柄高)/(标准体长 × 体高) (Caudal peduncle length × Caudal peduncle depth)/(Standard length × Body depth) | 比值越高, 则游泳能力越强 The higher the ratio, the stronger the swimming ability | |
尾柄相对高度 Relative depth of caudal peduncle | 尾柄高/体高 Caudal peduncle depth/Body depth | 比值越高, 尾鳍摆动能力越强 The higher the ratio, the stronger the caudal fin oscillation ability | |
尾柄相对宽度 Relative width of caudal peduncle | 尾柄宽/体宽 Caudal peduncle width/Body width | 较高的值表示具有更好持续游泳能力 Higher values indicate better sustained swimming ability | |
摄食 Feeding | 口裂相对大小1 Relative mouth opening 1 | (口裂宽 × 口高)/(体宽 × 体高) (Mouth width × Mouth height)/(Body width × Body depth) | 最大捕食能力, 比值越高, 能力越强 Maximum feeding capacity, higher ratio indicates stronger ability |
口裂相对大小2 Relative mouth opening 2 | 口裂宽 × 口高/下颌长 Mouth width × Mouth height/Lower jaw length | 比值越高, 表示其摄食体型更大食物的能力越强 Higher ratio indicates ability to consume larger food items | |
口裂形状 Mouth opening shape | 口高/口裂宽 Mouth height/Mouth width | 食物形状 Shape of food | |
眼睛相对长度 Relative eye length | 眼径/头长 Eye diameter/Head length | 对食物的可视范围 Visual range of food | |
相对眼径 Relative eye diameter | 眼间距/眼径 Interorbital width/Eye diameter | 比值越高, 对食物的可视范围越大 The higher the ratio, the greater the visual range of food | |
口位 Mouth position | 端位、上位、下位 Termina, superior, inferior | 不同位置表示获得食物组成不一样 Different location means different food composition | |
繁殖 Breed | 鱼卵生态类型 Ecological types of fish eggs | 沉黏性、黏性、浮性、漂流性 Pelagic, adhesive, buoyant, drift | 不同产卵类型表示生长发育和繁衍方式不一样 Different spawning types indicate varied methods of growth, development, and reproduction |
亚科 Subfamily | 建成区物种数 Species numbers of built-up area | 生态涵养区物种数 Species numbers of ecological conservation area |
鲑亚科 Salmoninae | 0 | 1 |
马口鱼亚科 Opsariichthyinae | 2 | 2 |
雅罗鱼亚科 Leuciscinae | 1 | 3 |
鲌亚科 Culterinae | 4 | 5 |
鲴亚科 Xenocyprinae | 0 | 2 |
鱊亚科 Acheilognathinae | 7 | 6 |
鮈亚科 Gobioninae | 8 | 12 |
鲤亚科 Cyprininae | 2 | 2 |
条鳅亚科 Nemacheilinae | 0 | 3 |
花鳅亚科 Cobitinae | 1 | 3 |
青鳉亚科 Oryziinae | 1 | 1 |
刺鳅亚科 Mastacembelinae | 1 | 1 |
斗鱼亚科 Macropodinae | 1 | 1 |
Table 3 Comparison of species numbers of native fish subfamilies between built-up area and ecological conservation area in Beijing
亚科 Subfamily | 建成区物种数 Species numbers of built-up area | 生态涵养区物种数 Species numbers of ecological conservation area |
鲑亚科 Salmoninae | 0 | 1 |
马口鱼亚科 Opsariichthyinae | 2 | 2 |
雅罗鱼亚科 Leuciscinae | 1 | 3 |
鲌亚科 Culterinae | 4 | 5 |
鲴亚科 Xenocyprinae | 0 | 2 |
鱊亚科 Acheilognathinae | 7 | 6 |
鮈亚科 Gobioninae | 8 | 12 |
鲤亚科 Cyprininae | 2 | 2 |
条鳅亚科 Nemacheilinae | 0 | 3 |
花鳅亚科 Cobitinae | 1 | 3 |
青鳉亚科 Oryziinae | 1 | 1 |
刺鳅亚科 Mastacembelinae | 1 | 1 |
斗鱼亚科 Macropodinae | 1 | 1 |
Fig. 7 Ecological distribution of fishes in Beijing in four periods according to habitat water layer, migration type, ovulation type and food preference
Fig. 8 Ecological distribution of fish in built-up areas and ecological conservation areas of Beijing by habitat water layer, migration type, ovulation type and food preference
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