Biodiv Sci ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 22064.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022064

Special Issue: 生物入侵

• Special Feature: Provincial Plant Species Cataloging Part 1 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A dataset on inventory and geographical distributions of vascular plants in Beijing, China

Cui Xiao1, Bing Liu2, Chaoran Wu3, Jinshuang Ma3, Jianfei Ye2,5, Xiaofei Xia4, Qinwen Lin5,*()   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093
    2. State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093
    3. National Botanical Garden, Beijing 100093
    4. Beijing Nature Museum, Beijing 100050
    5. Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences/National Botanical Garden, Beijing 100093
  • Received:2022-02-08 Accepted:2022-04-22 Online:2022-06-20 Published:2022-05-05
  • Contact: Qinwen Lin


An inventory of vascular plants in a region is of great significance for regional plant diversity conservation and sustainable utilization of plant resources. Beijing is the capital of China, where the inventory work has been carried out early since the 1960s, but it has not been systematically updated in the past three decades. Currently, the existing data is outdated, scattered and unsystematic, and the inventory progress has even fell behind the neighbouring areas of Beijing. Based on the inventory of vascular plants from the Flora of Beijing (1992 Revised Edition) and combined with the field survey from many years, we have composed a dataset on new inventory and geographical distributions of vascular plants in Beijing (including two sheets for native plants and introduced plants, the latter is incomplete currently), by supplementing with new taxa, new records and new distributions from comprehensive literatures, revising the scientific names (based on the new revision of classification), updating the classification systems (using those based on molecular data), and also adding some related information such as taxon rank, distribution status, growth status, outdoor/indoor, distribution areas, knowledge degree and conservation status. Up to December 31, 2021, the dataset has a total of 2,883 data items, with 1,680 items for native plants and 1,203 for introduced plants. There are 134 families, 611 genera, 1,597 taxa (1,440 species 3 natural hybrids 46 subspecies 97 varieties and 11 forms) of native wild vascular plants in Beijing, and totally 3 families, 26 genera, 173 species 4 subspecies 28 varieties and 11 forms should be supplemented to the last version of Flora of Beijing. The Beijing native wild plants included in the ‘List of National Key Protected Wild Plants (2021)’ have only been counted for 16 species (only 1 at the first class, others all at the second class). There are also 90 species 3 subspecies and 4 varieties included in the ‘List of Beijing Key Protected Wild Plants (2008)’. On introduced plants, so far 137 families, 581 genera and 1,184 taxa (992 species and other infraspecific taxa) are counted, including many cultivated plants (854 species 19 hybrids 15 subspecies 29 varieties 2 forms 87 cultivars 38 cultivar groups). There are still escape plants (132 species 1 subspecies), naturalized plants (77 species 2 varieties), and invasive plants (27 species) in Beijing. The dataset shows that the diversity of native wild vascular plants in Beijing is generally not very abundant, mainly dominated by widely distributed common species, and lacking endemic species, narrow-range species, or rare and endangered species; meanwhile, there are a large number of introduced plants in Beijing. Even many have long been recorded in the versions of Flora of Beijing but they are also an important part of the diversity of vascular plants in Beijing, although they also bring some confusion and uncertainty to the analysis of it due to the incomplete data.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title A dataset on inventory and geographical distributions of vascular plants in Beijing, China
Authors Cui Xiao, Bing Liu, Chaoran Wu, Jinshuang Ma, Jianfei Ye, Xiaofei Xia, Qinwen Lin
Corresponding author Qinwen Lin (
Time range 1992-2021
Geographical scope Beijing
File size 416 kb
Data volume Number of records in 1 file: 2,883
Data format *.xlsx
Data link
Database/Dataset composition The dataset consists of 1 data file containing 2 sheets with 2,883 items (rows) and 23 fields (columns) as following: sequence number, main categories of vascular plants, sequence number of family, Chinese family, family, Chinese genus, genus, Chinese name, scientific name, author, reference for taxonomic treatment, rank, distribution status, growth status, outdoor/indoor, distribution areas, knownledge degree, rank in the List of National Key Protected Wild Plants 2021, rank in the List of Beijing Key Protected Wild Plants 2008, data sources, type of data sources, scientific name in data sources, change with scientific name in data sources.

Key words: Beijing, vascular plants, inventory, introduced plants, plant diversity