Biodiv Sci ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 149-158. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018261
• Original Papers • Previous Articles Next Articles
Chen Zuoyi1,2,Xu Xiaojing1,Zhu Suying1,Zhai Mengyi1,Li Yang1,*()
Li Yang
Chen Zuoyi, Xu Xiaojing, Zhu Suying, Zhai Mengyi, Li Yang. Species diversity and geographical distribution of the Chaetoceros lorenzianus complex along the coast of China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2019, 27(2): 149-158.
Fig. 1 Sampling sites and geographical distribution of the Chaetoceros lorenzianus complex along the coast of China. 〇, Sampling sites; A, Bohai Sea; B, Shandong coast; C, Zhejiang coast; D, Taiwan Strait; E, Guangdong coast; F, Hainan coast.
Fig. 2 Morphology of Chaetoceros decipiens under light microscopy (LM) (A, E), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (B-D, F, G) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (H-J). A-B, Broad girdle views showing fusing sibling setae base present (B, arrowheads) and not (A, arrowheads); C, Internal view of intercalary valve; D, Terminal valve with rimoportula (arrowhead) and U-shaped terminal setae; E-G, Structure of setae; H, Terminal valve with rimoportula (arrow); I, Mantle; J, Girdle bands. Scale bars, 20 μm (A), 10 μm (B, D, E), 6 μm (C), 5 μm (H), 2 μm (F, G, J), 1 μm (I).
Fig. 3 Morphology of Chaetoceros elegans under light microscopy (LM) (A-B), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (C-D, I-J) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (E-H). A, Chain in broad girdle view; B, Resting spores within the mother cells of a chain; C, Sibling intercalary valves showing overlapping silica ear-like structures (arrowhead); D, Released resting spore. E, Terminal valve with external process of rimoportula (arrowhead) and fringe (arrow); F, Parallel rows of poroids on the mantle; G, Central annulus (arrow) on terminal valve; H, Girdle bands; I and J, Seta structure. Scale bars, 20 μm (A, B), 6 μm (D), 4 μm (C), 2 μm (E, F, G, H, I, J).
Fig. 4 Morphology of Chaetoceros laevisporus under light microscopy (LM) (A-B), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (C-E, I-J) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (F-H). A, Chain in broad girdle view; B, Resting spores within the mother cells of a chain; C, Sibling intercalary valves showing overlapping silica wings (broad arrow), silica ridges (arrowhead) and furrow above the basal ring of mantle (arrow); D, A released resting spore; E, Terminal valve with central processes (arrowhead) and silica rib (arrows); F, Mantle; G, Intercalary valve with central annulus (arrow); H, Girdle bands; I and J, Setae structure. Scale bars, 50 μm (A), 20 μm (B), 4 μm (C, E), 2 μm (D, F, G, H, I, J).
Fig. 5 Morphology of Chaetoceros mannaii under light microscopy (LM) (A, I), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (B-E, J) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (F-H). A, Chain in broad girdle view; B, Sibling intercalary valves showing aperture; C, Terminal valve view with external process of rimoportula (arrowhead); D, Intercalary cells with overlapping silica wings (broad arrow), silica ridges (arrowhead) and furrow above the basal ring of mantle (arrow); E, F, Internal view of an intercalary valves, showing central annulus (F, arrow); G, Mantle; H, Girdle bands; I and J: Setae structure. Scale bars, 50 μm (A), 10 μm (B, D, I), 5 μm (F), 4 μm (C, E, J), 2 μm (G, H).
Fig. 6 Morphology of Chaetoceros pauciramosus under light microscopy (LM) (A-B), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (C-D, I-J) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (E-H). A, Chain in broad girdle view; B, Resting spores within the mother cells of a chain; C, Sibling intercalary valves showing overlapping silica ear-like structures (arrows) and furrow above the basal ring of mantle (arrowhead); D, Released resting spore; E, Terminal valve with short external tubes of rimoportulae (arrowhead) and silica rib (arrows); F, Mantle; G, Intercalary valve, showing central annulus (arrow); H, Girdle bands; I and J, Seta structure. Scale bars, 20 μm (A), 10 μm (D), 4 μm (C, D, E), 2 μm (F), 1 μm (G, H, I, J).
Fig. 7 Molecular phylogenetic tree inferred from LSU rDNA, with Chaetoceros diadema as outgroup. Supporting values on each nodule are from Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood analysis.
平孢角毛藻 C. laevisporus | 密特拉角毛藻 C. mitra | 曼纳角毛藻 C. mannaii | 并基角毛藻 C. decipiens | 优美角毛藻 C. elegans | |
密特拉角毛藻 C. mitra | 0.081 (52) | ||||
曼纳角毛藻 C. mannaii | 0.105 (69) | 0.047 (33) | |||
并基角毛藻 C. decipiens | 0.089 (58) | 0.028 (20) | 0.057 (38) | ||
优美角毛藻 C. elegans | 0.083 (53) | 0.036 (25) | 0.067 (44) | 0.027 (17) | |
稀树角毛藻 C. pauciramosus | 0.092 (60) | 0.040 (26) | 0.059 (39) | 0.028 (18) | 0.028 (21) |
Table 1 Genetic distance among allied taxa within the Chaetoceros lorenzianus complex (data in the brackets are numbers of different base pairs)
平孢角毛藻 C. laevisporus | 密特拉角毛藻 C. mitra | 曼纳角毛藻 C. mannaii | 并基角毛藻 C. decipiens | 优美角毛藻 C. elegans | |
密特拉角毛藻 C. mitra | 0.081 (52) | ||||
曼纳角毛藻 C. mannaii | 0.105 (69) | 0.047 (33) | |||
并基角毛藻 C. decipiens | 0.089 (58) | 0.028 (20) | 0.057 (38) | ||
优美角毛藻 C. elegans | 0.083 (53) | 0.036 (25) | 0.067 (44) | 0.027 (17) | |
稀树角毛藻 C. pauciramosus | 0.092 (60) | 0.040 (26) | 0.059 (39) | 0.028 (18) | 0.028 (21) |
特征 Character | 并基角毛藻 C. decipiens | 优美角毛藻 C. elegans | 平孢角毛藻 C. laevisporus | 曼纳角毛藻 C. mannaii | 稀树角毛藻 C. pauciramosus | 密特拉角毛藻 C. mitra | 洛氏角毛藻 C. lorenzianus type material |
角毛孔纹形状 Seta poroid shape | 椭圆形 Oval | 水滴状 Drop-shaped | 椭圆形 Oval | 椭圆形 Oval | 细长形 Elongated | 圆形或椭圆形 Round or oval | 圆形 Oval |
角毛孔纹大小 Seta poroid size (μm) | 0.3-0.6 (0.4 ± 0.1) | 0.3-1.6 (0.7 ± 0.3) | 0.3-0.9 (0.6 ± 0.1) | 0.8-1.5 (1.1 ± 0.1) | 0.1-0.6 (0.3 ± 0.1) | 0.1-0.3 (0.2 ± 0.1) | Nd Nd |
角毛孔纹密度 Seta poroid number in 10 μm | 14-25 (20.2 ± 3.6) | 6-27 (18.7 ± 5.0) | 11-17 (14.1 ± 1.9) | 6-10 (7.9 ± 1.0) | 18-44 (31.7 ± 5.4) | 30-56 (39.8 ± 7.4) | 5-9 (7.2 ± 1.7) |
Brunel 型 Brunel group | I I | I I | I I | I I | I I | II II | I I |
角毛基部并行融合Fusion of seta bases | 有或无 Present/absent | 无 Absent | 无 Absent | 无 Absent | 短或无 Short/absent | 无 Absent | 有 Present |
休眠孢子 Resting spore | 未发现 Unknown | 有二叉分支 Two branching processes | 壳面平滑 Smooth | 未发现 Unknown | 有二叉分支 Two branching processes | 有二叉分支 Two branching processes | 有二叉分支? Two branching processes? |
窗孔形状 Aperture shape | 椭圆形 Oval | 圆形或四边形 Rounded or quadrangular | 椭圆形 Oval | 六边形 Hexagonal | 六边形或花生形 Hexagonal or peanut shaped | 六边形或花生形Hexagonal or peanut shaped | 圆形或六边形 Oval or hexagonal |
角毛基部 Basal part of setae | 无 Lacking | 有且明显 Distinct | 无 Lacking | 短 Short | 短 Short | 无 Lacking | 无 Lacking |
壳面及壳套孔纹 Poroids on valve face and mantle | 有 Yes | 有 Yes | 无 No | 无 No | 有 Yes | 无 No | nd nd |
Table 2 Morphological comparison among allied taxa within Chaetoceros lorenzianus complex
特征 Character | 并基角毛藻 C. decipiens | 优美角毛藻 C. elegans | 平孢角毛藻 C. laevisporus | 曼纳角毛藻 C. mannaii | 稀树角毛藻 C. pauciramosus | 密特拉角毛藻 C. mitra | 洛氏角毛藻 C. lorenzianus type material |
角毛孔纹形状 Seta poroid shape | 椭圆形 Oval | 水滴状 Drop-shaped | 椭圆形 Oval | 椭圆形 Oval | 细长形 Elongated | 圆形或椭圆形 Round or oval | 圆形 Oval |
角毛孔纹大小 Seta poroid size (μm) | 0.3-0.6 (0.4 ± 0.1) | 0.3-1.6 (0.7 ± 0.3) | 0.3-0.9 (0.6 ± 0.1) | 0.8-1.5 (1.1 ± 0.1) | 0.1-0.6 (0.3 ± 0.1) | 0.1-0.3 (0.2 ± 0.1) | Nd Nd |
角毛孔纹密度 Seta poroid number in 10 μm | 14-25 (20.2 ± 3.6) | 6-27 (18.7 ± 5.0) | 11-17 (14.1 ± 1.9) | 6-10 (7.9 ± 1.0) | 18-44 (31.7 ± 5.4) | 30-56 (39.8 ± 7.4) | 5-9 (7.2 ± 1.7) |
Brunel 型 Brunel group | I I | I I | I I | I I | I I | II II | I I |
角毛基部并行融合Fusion of seta bases | 有或无 Present/absent | 无 Absent | 无 Absent | 无 Absent | 短或无 Short/absent | 无 Absent | 有 Present |
休眠孢子 Resting spore | 未发现 Unknown | 有二叉分支 Two branching processes | 壳面平滑 Smooth | 未发现 Unknown | 有二叉分支 Two branching processes | 有二叉分支 Two branching processes | 有二叉分支? Two branching processes? |
窗孔形状 Aperture shape | 椭圆形 Oval | 圆形或四边形 Rounded or quadrangular | 椭圆形 Oval | 六边形 Hexagonal | 六边形或花生形 Hexagonal or peanut shaped | 六边形或花生形Hexagonal or peanut shaped | 圆形或六边形 Oval or hexagonal |
角毛基部 Basal part of setae | 无 Lacking | 有且明显 Distinct | 无 Lacking | 短 Short | 短 Short | 无 Lacking | 无 Lacking |
壳面及壳套孔纹 Poroids on valve face and mantle | 有 Yes | 有 Yes | 无 No | 无 No | 有 Yes | 无 No | nd nd |
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