Biodiv Sci ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (4): 333-345. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017251
Special Issue: 物种形成与系统进化
• Reviews • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yao Zhao1, Jiakuan Chen1,2,*()
Chen Jiakuan
About author:
# Co-first authors
Yao Zhao, Jiakuan Chen. The origin of crops in the Yangtze River Basin and its relevance for biodiversity[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2018, 26(4): 333-345.
驯化时间 Time of domestication (year BP) | 参考资料 Reference | |
水稻 Rice | 12,000-7,000 | Fuller & Qin, 2010; Huang et al, 2012 |
荞麦 Buckwheat | 7,000-4,000 | Konishi et al, 2005 |
茶 Tea | 3,000-2,000 | Xia et al, 2017 |
苎麻 Ramie | 4,000-3,000 | Zhu et al, 2017 |
油茶 Oil-tea camellia | < 1,000 | Cui et al, 2016 |
油桐 Tung oil tree | < 1,500 | Zhang et al, 2015 |
莲 Lotus | 3,000-2,000 | Yang et al, 2013 |
菱 Water chestnut | 3,000-2,500 | Dong & Liu, 2008 |
柑橘 Orange | 4,000-3,000 | Dong & Liu, 2008 |
李 Plum | 3,000-2,000 | Dong & Liu, 2008 |
枇杷 Loquat | 2,000-1,500 | Wang et al, 2017 |
中国樱桃 Chinese cherry | 3,000-2,000 | Li et al, 2009 |
猕猴桃 Kiwifruit | < 100 | Huang & Liu, 2014 |
Table 1 The domestication time of typical crops originated in the Yangtze River Basin
驯化时间 Time of domestication (year BP) | 参考资料 Reference | |
水稻 Rice | 12,000-7,000 | Fuller & Qin, 2010; Huang et al, 2012 |
荞麦 Buckwheat | 7,000-4,000 | Konishi et al, 2005 |
茶 Tea | 3,000-2,000 | Xia et al, 2017 |
苎麻 Ramie | 4,000-3,000 | Zhu et al, 2017 |
油茶 Oil-tea camellia | < 1,000 | Cui et al, 2016 |
油桐 Tung oil tree | < 1,500 | Zhang et al, 2015 |
莲 Lotus | 3,000-2,000 | Yang et al, 2013 |
菱 Water chestnut | 3,000-2,500 | Dong & Liu, 2008 |
柑橘 Orange | 4,000-3,000 | Dong & Liu, 2008 |
李 Plum | 3,000-2,000 | Dong & Liu, 2008 |
枇杷 Loquat | 2,000-1,500 | Wang et al, 2017 |
中国樱桃 Chinese cherry | 3,000-2,000 | Li et al, 2009 |
猕猴桃 Kiwifruit | < 100 | Huang & Liu, 2014 |
流域 Basin | 区域 Region | 古文化 遗迹 Archaeological site | 年代 Age (year BP) | 植物遗存 Plant remains | 动物遗存 Animal remains | 生产方式 Mode of production | |
长江中 上游 Middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River | 三峡地区、洞庭湖以及江汉平原 Three Gorges region, Dongting Lake and Jianghan Plain | 玉蟾岩 Yuchanyan | 10,000 | 稻谷、朴树籽 Rice and nettle tree seed | 大量哺乳动物, 鸟类, 水生动物 Mammals, birds, and aquatic animals | 采集与渔猎, 水稻种植 Gathering, fishing and hunting; rice cultivation | |
彭头山 Pengtoushan | 9,100-8,200 | 稻谷、莲子、菱角、薏苡 Rice, lotus seed, water chestnut and Job’s tears | 水牛 Buffalo | 采集与渔猎, 水稻种植, 家畜饲养 Gathering, fishing and hunting; rice cultivation; livestock breeding | |||
皂市 Zaoshi | 8,000-7,000 | 稻谷 Rice | 水牛, 猪, 鹿 Buffalo, boar and deer | 原始农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎 Primitive farming; livestock breeding; gathering, fishing and hunting | |||
城背溪 Chengbeixi | 8,000-7,000 | 稻谷、果核 Rice and fruit seeds | 水牛, 猪, 鹿 Buffalo, boar and deer | 原始农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎 Primitive farming; livestock breeding; gathering, fishing and hunting | |||
大溪 Daxi | 6,300-5,300 | 稻谷 Rice | 牛, 猪, 狗以及大量水生动物 Cattle, boar, dog and aquatic animals | 水稻种植, 采集与渔猎 Rice cultivation; gathering, hunting and fishing | |||
屈家岭 Qujialing | 5,000-4,000 | 稻谷、粟、 猕猴桃 Rice, millet and kiwifruit | 饲养的猪、 狗、羊 Domesticated pig, dog and goat | 稻作农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎, 纺织业发达 Rice farming; livestock breeding; fishing and hunting; textiles are developed | |||
流域 Basin | 区域 Region | 古文化 遗迹 Archaeological site | 年代 Age (year BP) | 植物遗存 Plant remains | 动物遗存 Animal remains | 生产方式 Mode of production | |
鄱阳湖区域 The areas around the Poyang Lake | 仙人洞 Xianrendong | 12,000 | 稻谷 Rice | 哺乳动物、鱼、螺、蚌 Mammals, fishes, snails and mussels | 采集与渔猎 Gathering, fishing and hunting | ||
山背 Shanbei | 5,000-4,500 | 稻谷、粟 Rice and millet | 水稻种植 Rice cultivation | ||||
筑卫城 Zhuweicheng | 5,000-4,500 | 稻谷、粟 Rice and millet | 水稻种植 Rice cultivation | ||||
长江下游 Lower reaches of the Yangtze River | 杭州湾以及太湖区域 The areas around the Hangzhou Bay and Taihu Lake | 河姆渡 Hemudu | 7,000-5,000 | 稻谷、橡子、菱角、芡实、慈姑、桃、南酸枣、葫芦、柿、紫苏 Rice, acorn, water chestnut, gorgon fruit, arrowhead, peach, axillary choerospondias fruit, gourd, persimmon and perilla | 狗、猪、鹿、象、犀牛、四不象、猴和鱼类 Dog, boar, deer, elephant, rhino, Milu-deer, monkey and fishes | 稻作农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎, 出现纺织业 Rice farming; livestock breeding; gathering, fishing and hunting; textiles occurred | |
马家浜 Majiabang | 7,000-5,000 | 稻谷、橡子、菱角、桃、葫芦 Rice, acorn, water chestnut, peach and gourd | 水牛、鹿、野猪、狐狸、麝、龟、蚌、螺蛳与各种鱼类 Buffalo, deer, boar, fox, musk, turtle, mussel, snail and fishes | 稻作农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎, 纺织业发达 Rice farming; livestock breeding; gathering, fishing and hunting; textiles were developed | |||
良渚 Liangzhu | 4,000 | 稻谷、小豆、苎麻、甜瓜子、南酸枣、桃、葫芦、菱角 Rice, legume, ramie, melon, axillary choerospondias fruit, peach, gourd and water chestnut | 水牛、鹿、野猪、蚌、螺蛳与各种鱼类 Buffalo, deer, boar, mussel, snail and fishes | 稻作农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎, 纺织业发达, 出现丝织品 Rice farming, livestock breeding; gathering, fishing and hunting; textiles were developed; silks occurred |
Table 2 A summary of archaeological remains statistics and production mode speculation for major archaeological sites in Yangtze River Basin (According to You, 2009; Da, 2010; Pan, 2011)
流域 Basin | 区域 Region | 古文化 遗迹 Archaeological site | 年代 Age (year BP) | 植物遗存 Plant remains | 动物遗存 Animal remains | 生产方式 Mode of production | |
长江中 上游 Middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River | 三峡地区、洞庭湖以及江汉平原 Three Gorges region, Dongting Lake and Jianghan Plain | 玉蟾岩 Yuchanyan | 10,000 | 稻谷、朴树籽 Rice and nettle tree seed | 大量哺乳动物, 鸟类, 水生动物 Mammals, birds, and aquatic animals | 采集与渔猎, 水稻种植 Gathering, fishing and hunting; rice cultivation | |
彭头山 Pengtoushan | 9,100-8,200 | 稻谷、莲子、菱角、薏苡 Rice, lotus seed, water chestnut and Job’s tears | 水牛 Buffalo | 采集与渔猎, 水稻种植, 家畜饲养 Gathering, fishing and hunting; rice cultivation; livestock breeding | |||
皂市 Zaoshi | 8,000-7,000 | 稻谷 Rice | 水牛, 猪, 鹿 Buffalo, boar and deer | 原始农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎 Primitive farming; livestock breeding; gathering, fishing and hunting | |||
城背溪 Chengbeixi | 8,000-7,000 | 稻谷、果核 Rice and fruit seeds | 水牛, 猪, 鹿 Buffalo, boar and deer | 原始农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎 Primitive farming; livestock breeding; gathering, fishing and hunting | |||
大溪 Daxi | 6,300-5,300 | 稻谷 Rice | 牛, 猪, 狗以及大量水生动物 Cattle, boar, dog and aquatic animals | 水稻种植, 采集与渔猎 Rice cultivation; gathering, hunting and fishing | |||
屈家岭 Qujialing | 5,000-4,000 | 稻谷、粟、 猕猴桃 Rice, millet and kiwifruit | 饲养的猪、 狗、羊 Domesticated pig, dog and goat | 稻作农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎, 纺织业发达 Rice farming; livestock breeding; fishing and hunting; textiles are developed | |||
流域 Basin | 区域 Region | 古文化 遗迹 Archaeological site | 年代 Age (year BP) | 植物遗存 Plant remains | 动物遗存 Animal remains | 生产方式 Mode of production | |
鄱阳湖区域 The areas around the Poyang Lake | 仙人洞 Xianrendong | 12,000 | 稻谷 Rice | 哺乳动物、鱼、螺、蚌 Mammals, fishes, snails and mussels | 采集与渔猎 Gathering, fishing and hunting | ||
山背 Shanbei | 5,000-4,500 | 稻谷、粟 Rice and millet | 水稻种植 Rice cultivation | ||||
筑卫城 Zhuweicheng | 5,000-4,500 | 稻谷、粟 Rice and millet | 水稻种植 Rice cultivation | ||||
长江下游 Lower reaches of the Yangtze River | 杭州湾以及太湖区域 The areas around the Hangzhou Bay and Taihu Lake | 河姆渡 Hemudu | 7,000-5,000 | 稻谷、橡子、菱角、芡实、慈姑、桃、南酸枣、葫芦、柿、紫苏 Rice, acorn, water chestnut, gorgon fruit, arrowhead, peach, axillary choerospondias fruit, gourd, persimmon and perilla | 狗、猪、鹿、象、犀牛、四不象、猴和鱼类 Dog, boar, deer, elephant, rhino, Milu-deer, monkey and fishes | 稻作农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎, 出现纺织业 Rice farming; livestock breeding; gathering, fishing and hunting; textiles occurred | |
马家浜 Majiabang | 7,000-5,000 | 稻谷、橡子、菱角、桃、葫芦 Rice, acorn, water chestnut, peach and gourd | 水牛、鹿、野猪、狐狸、麝、龟、蚌、螺蛳与各种鱼类 Buffalo, deer, boar, fox, musk, turtle, mussel, snail and fishes | 稻作农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎, 纺织业发达 Rice farming; livestock breeding; gathering, fishing and hunting; textiles were developed | |||
良渚 Liangzhu | 4,000 | 稻谷、小豆、苎麻、甜瓜子、南酸枣、桃、葫芦、菱角 Rice, legume, ramie, melon, axillary choerospondias fruit, peach, gourd and water chestnut | 水牛、鹿、野猪、蚌、螺蛳与各种鱼类 Buffalo, deer, boar, mussel, snail and fishes | 稻作农业, 家畜饲养, 采集与渔猎, 纺织业发达, 出现丝织品 Rice farming, livestock breeding; gathering, fishing and hunting; textiles were developed; silks occurred |
谷类 Grains | 豆类 Legumes | 蔬菜作物 Vegetable crop | 经济作物 Economic crop | 果树作物 Fruit crop | |
中国黄河 流域 The Yellow River Basin, China | 粟 Setaria italica 黍 Panicum miliaceum | 大豆 Glycine max | 白菜 Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis 韭 Allium tuberosum | 杏 Armeniaca vulgaris 海棠 Malus prunifolia 山楂 Crataegua pinnatifida | |
中国长江 流域 The Yangtze River Basin, China | 稻 Oryza sativa 荞麦 Fagopyrum esculentum | 藠 Allium chinense 蕹菜 Ipomoea aquatica 慈姑 Sagittaria trifolia 茭白 Zizania latifolia | 苎麻 Boehmeria nivea 桑 Morus alba 茶 Camellia sinensis | 柑橘 Citrus reticulata 猕猴桃 Actinidia chinensis 李 Prunus salicina 梅 Armeniaca mume | |
两河流域 Mesopotamia | 大麦 Hordeum vulgare 小麦 Triticum aestivum 燕麦 Avena sativa | 扁豆 Lablab purpureus 豌豆 Pisum sativum 蚕豆 Vicia faba | 洋葱 Allium cepa 大蒜 Allium sativum | 芝麻 Sesamum indicum 亚麻 Linum usitatissimum 枣椰 Phoenix dactylifera 油橄榄 Olea europaea | 无花果 Ficus carica |
尼罗河流域 The Nile Valley | 大麦 Hordeum vulgare 小麦 Triticum aestivum | 蚕豆 Vicia faba | 芝麻 Sesamum indicum 亚麻 Linum usitatissimum | 无花果 Ficus carica | |
印度河流域 The India River Basin | 稻 Oryza sativa | 绿豆 Vigna radiata | 黄瓜 Cucumis sativus 丝瓜 Luffa cylindrical 茄子 Solanum melongena 菠菜 Spinacia oleracea | 木棉 Bombax malabaricum 胡椒 Piper nigrum | 甜瓜 Cucumis melo |
Table 3 The major crops of agricultural civilizations in different basins (Old World)
谷类 Grains | 豆类 Legumes | 蔬菜作物 Vegetable crop | 经济作物 Economic crop | 果树作物 Fruit crop | |
中国黄河 流域 The Yellow River Basin, China | 粟 Setaria italica 黍 Panicum miliaceum | 大豆 Glycine max | 白菜 Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis 韭 Allium tuberosum | 杏 Armeniaca vulgaris 海棠 Malus prunifolia 山楂 Crataegua pinnatifida | |
中国长江 流域 The Yangtze River Basin, China | 稻 Oryza sativa 荞麦 Fagopyrum esculentum | 藠 Allium chinense 蕹菜 Ipomoea aquatica 慈姑 Sagittaria trifolia 茭白 Zizania latifolia | 苎麻 Boehmeria nivea 桑 Morus alba 茶 Camellia sinensis | 柑橘 Citrus reticulata 猕猴桃 Actinidia chinensis 李 Prunus salicina 梅 Armeniaca mume | |
两河流域 Mesopotamia | 大麦 Hordeum vulgare 小麦 Triticum aestivum 燕麦 Avena sativa | 扁豆 Lablab purpureus 豌豆 Pisum sativum 蚕豆 Vicia faba | 洋葱 Allium cepa 大蒜 Allium sativum | 芝麻 Sesamum indicum 亚麻 Linum usitatissimum 枣椰 Phoenix dactylifera 油橄榄 Olea europaea | 无花果 Ficus carica |
尼罗河流域 The Nile Valley | 大麦 Hordeum vulgare 小麦 Triticum aestivum | 蚕豆 Vicia faba | 芝麻 Sesamum indicum 亚麻 Linum usitatissimum | 无花果 Ficus carica | |
印度河流域 The India River Basin | 稻 Oryza sativa | 绿豆 Vigna radiata | 黄瓜 Cucumis sativus 丝瓜 Luffa cylindrical 茄子 Solanum melongena 菠菜 Spinacia oleracea | 木棉 Bombax malabaricum 胡椒 Piper nigrum | 甜瓜 Cucumis melo |
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