生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 21235. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021235
张语克1,2,*(), 张琼悦2,3, 张跃2,4, 肖维阳2,4, 杜杰2,4, 谢超2, 赵上娟2, 余水英2,5, 翟宗玉2,5, 郭沂2,5, 杨为亚2, 王定瑶2,4, 格让久2,4, 杨金秀2,4, 李英2,4, 王燕2,4, 孙鸿鸥2,4, 郭西南2, 周亮1
*E-mail: zhyuke@gmail.com
Yuke Zhang1,2,*(), Qiongyue Zhang2,3, Yue Zhang2,4, Weiyang Xiao2,4, Jie Du2,4, Chao Xie2, Shangjuan Zhao2, Shuiying Yu2,5, Zongyu Zhai2,5, Yi Guo2,5, Weiya Yang2, Dingyao Wang2,4, Jinxiu Yang2,4, Ying Li2,4, Yan Wang2,4, Hongou Sun2,4, Xinan Guo2, Liang Zhou1
Yuke Zhang
About author:
*E-mail: zhyuke@gmail.com摘要:
环境解说是自然保护地实现自然保护与环境教育目标的重要手段。目前我国自然保护地对解说资源的时空分布研究不足, 且缺乏相应的实地调查方法, 限制了解说系统的发展, 难以满足公众对自然认知的需要, 达不到环境教育的目的。开展解说资源的调查与研究, 有助于更好地展示保护地的资源独特性和重要性。本文以九寨沟国家级自然保护区芦苇海解说步道为例, 总结了解说资源的6个选择标准, 并对区域的解说资源进行调查和监测, 以期为我国自然保护地体系的环境解说资源调查和解说系统构建提供方法借鉴。芦苇海解说步道共筛选得到195种解说资源, 包括植物与菌类100种、动物62种、生态系统类型5种、地质与水文7种、天象与气候2种、文化资源19种。空间上, 植物与菌类、动物和生态系统类解说资源主要分布于内侧步道, 而文化类解说资源在外侧栈道分布更多; 时间上, 夏秋季解说资源数量最多, 冬春季较少, 且动植物与菌类解说资源的数量具有明显的季节性。基于解说资源的属性、意义和分布特点, 采用主旨式解说(thematic interpretation)方法设计了8条解说主旨, 为解说内容的组织提供参考。
张语克, 张琼悦, 张跃, 肖维阳, 杜杰, 谢超, 赵上娟, 余水英, 翟宗玉, 郭沂, 杨为亚, 王定瑶, 格让久, 杨金秀, 李英, 王燕, 孙鸿鸥, 郭西南, 周亮 (2022) 自然保护地环境解说资源研究: 以九寨沟芦苇海解说步道为例. 生物多样性, 30, 21235. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021235.
Yuke Zhang, Qiongyue Zhang, Yue Zhang, Weiyang Xiao, Jie Du, Chao Xie, Shangjuan Zhao, Shuiying Yu, Zongyu Zhai, Yi Guo, Weiya Yang, Dingyao Wang, Jinxiu Yang, Ying Li, Yan Wang, Hongou Sun, Xinan Guo, Liang Zhou (2022) Environmental interpretation resources for protected areas: Using the Reed Lake interpretation trail in the Jiuzhaigou as a case study. Biodiversity Science, 30, 21235. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021235.
图1 九寨沟国家级自然保护区芦苇海解说步道。a-g代表不同步道段: a: 树正磨坊-火花海公交站; b: 火花海公交站-黑角桥; c: 黑角桥-白塔-荷叶寨公交站; d: 树正磨坊-岔路口; e: 火花海公交站-岔路口; f: 岔路口-黑角桥; g: 黑角桥-荷叶寨公交站东线。
Fig. 1 Reed Lake interpretation trail in the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve. a-g indicate different sections of the trail: a, Shuzheng Mill-Spark Lake bus station; b, Spark Lake Bus Station-Heijiao Bridge; c, Heijiao Bridge-White Stupa- Lotus Village bus station; d, Shuzheng Mill-Intersection; e, Spark Lake bus station-Intersection; f, Intersection-Heijiao Bridge; g, East line of Heijiao Bridge-Lotus Village bus station.
标准 Criteria | 内容 Content |
独特性 Uniqueness | 自然、文化、科学、娱乐和启发灵感等方面的独特性。该资源相对周围的景观在色、形、味、年龄、稀有程度或其他方面的特征有较强烈的差异, 容易引起受众的特别兴趣。例如某一植物在花、叶、茎、根、生态功能等方面有显著而有趣的特点, 或独特的种间关系、行为适应等。 It is unique in nature, culture, science, entertainment and inspiration. Compared with the surrounding landscape, the resource has strong differences in color, shape, taste, age, rarity or other aspects, which is easy to arouse audiences’ interest. For example, a plant has significant and interesting characteristics in flowers, leaves, stems, roots, ecological functions, or unique interspecific relationships, behavioral adaptation, etc. |
代表性 Representativeness | 具有该地方代表性。如森林群落中的优势种; 植物种的分布范围越窄, 地方代表性越强。 It is representative of local area. For example, the dominant species in a forest community; the narrower the distribution range of a plant species, the more its local representativeness. |
重要性 Importance | 具有重要功能。如旗舰种、关键种、关键的地质过程、文化图腾等。 It has important functions, including the flagship species, key species, key geological process, cultural totem and so on. |
价值性 Value | 能够服务于解说主题, 建立受众与资源意义的连接。例如, 用来解说生物多样性的大中型野生动物(体重 > 1 kg)的活动痕迹(如脚印、粪便、食迹等)或红外相机监测数据; 用来解说环境问题的人为干扰、生态灾难等。 It can serve the interpretation theme and establish connections between audiences and the meaning of resources. For example, the traces (e.g., footprints, feces, food traces, etc.) or camera trapping data of large- and medium-sized animals (weight > 1 kg) used to explain biodiversity; human disturbances and ecological disasters that used to explain environmental problems. |
相关性 Relevance | 与人们日常生产生活有较高的密切程度, 易引发受众的兴趣, 通过解说也能使人较为直观地了解它们。 It is closely related to peopleʼs daily life and production, and it is easy to arouse audiences’ interest, therefore, people can have intuitive understanding through interpretation. |
方便性 Convenience | 位于对公众开放且可以安全到达的地方; 在区内有一定的数量分布, 且至少在一个季节内有较高的遇见率, 容易观赏到。如步道两旁的常见树种。 It has a certain number of distributions in areas open to the public and safely accessible; and has a high rate of encounters in at least one season, so it is easy to be found, e.g., the common tree species on both sides of the trail. |
表1 九寨沟国家级自然保护区芦苇海解说步道解说资源选择标准(参考Larsen, 2003; Yan, 2005; Chen et al, 2020)
Table 1 Selection criteria for interpretation resources of Reed Lake interpretation trail in the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve (cited from Larsen, 2003; Yan, 2005; Chen et al, 2020)
标准 Criteria | 内容 Content |
独特性 Uniqueness | 自然、文化、科学、娱乐和启发灵感等方面的独特性。该资源相对周围的景观在色、形、味、年龄、稀有程度或其他方面的特征有较强烈的差异, 容易引起受众的特别兴趣。例如某一植物在花、叶、茎、根、生态功能等方面有显著而有趣的特点, 或独特的种间关系、行为适应等。 It is unique in nature, culture, science, entertainment and inspiration. Compared with the surrounding landscape, the resource has strong differences in color, shape, taste, age, rarity or other aspects, which is easy to arouse audiences’ interest. For example, a plant has significant and interesting characteristics in flowers, leaves, stems, roots, ecological functions, or unique interspecific relationships, behavioral adaptation, etc. |
代表性 Representativeness | 具有该地方代表性。如森林群落中的优势种; 植物种的分布范围越窄, 地方代表性越强。 It is representative of local area. For example, the dominant species in a forest community; the narrower the distribution range of a plant species, the more its local representativeness. |
重要性 Importance | 具有重要功能。如旗舰种、关键种、关键的地质过程、文化图腾等。 It has important functions, including the flagship species, key species, key geological process, cultural totem and so on. |
价值性 Value | 能够服务于解说主题, 建立受众与资源意义的连接。例如, 用来解说生物多样性的大中型野生动物(体重 > 1 kg)的活动痕迹(如脚印、粪便、食迹等)或红外相机监测数据; 用来解说环境问题的人为干扰、生态灾难等。 It can serve the interpretation theme and establish connections between audiences and the meaning of resources. For example, the traces (e.g., footprints, feces, food traces, etc.) or camera trapping data of large- and medium-sized animals (weight > 1 kg) used to explain biodiversity; human disturbances and ecological disasters that used to explain environmental problems. |
相关性 Relevance | 与人们日常生产生活有较高的密切程度, 易引发受众的兴趣, 通过解说也能使人较为直观地了解它们。 It is closely related to peopleʼs daily life and production, and it is easy to arouse audiences’ interest, therefore, people can have intuitive understanding through interpretation. |
方便性 Convenience | 位于对公众开放且可以安全到达的地方; 在区内有一定的数量分布, 且至少在一个季节内有较高的遇见率, 容易观赏到。如步道两旁的常见树种。 It has a certain number of distributions in areas open to the public and safely accessible; and has a high rate of encounters in at least one season, so it is easy to be found, e.g., the common tree species on both sides of the trail. |
图3 九寨沟国家级自然保护区芦苇海解说步道的解说资源。a-d: 天象与气候, 分别为春夏秋冬的芦苇海景观; e: 生态系统组合, 可见湖泊、退耕地、阔叶林及针叶林; f: 地质与水文, 钙华堤埂的缺口提供了对水流的视觉和听觉体验; g: 文化, 荷叶寨春节民俗活动; h-k: 动物, 分别为雪后枝头的黄颈拟蜡嘴雀(Mycerobas affinis)、多眼灰蝶(Polyommatus eros)在吸食香青(Anaphalis sinica)花蜜、红外影像中的欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)及步道积雪上的兽类足迹; l-u: 植物与菌类, 分别为“树在水中生”的秘诀——气生根、彩林植物青榨槭(Acer davidii)的秋叶、可用于游戏的华椴(Tilia chinensis)翅果, 具有杠杆状雄蕊结构与传粉者形成密切关系的鼠尾草(Salvia spp.)、高山植物蓝白龙胆(Gentiana leucomelaena)、彩林植物盐肤木(Rhus spp.)、当地居民曾利用的大火草(Anemone tomentosa)、提供嗅觉体验的高山木姜子(Litsea chunii)、槭树科的翅果和具有独特味觉体验的沙棘(Hippophe rhamnoides)。
Fig. 3 Interpretation resources of Reed Lake interpretation trail in the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve. a-d, Astronomical phenomena and climate, indicate aspects of Reed Lake in spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively. e, Ecosystem composition, including lakes, abandoned land, broad-leaved forests and coniferous forests. f, Geology and hydrology, the gap of travertine dyke provides visual and auditory experiences of water flow. g, Culture, Spring Festival folk activities in Lotus Village. h-k, Animals, they are collared grosbeak (Mycerobas affinis) on the branches after snow, multi-eyed grey butterfly (Polyommatus eros) sucking the nectar of Anaphalis sinica, an infrared image of Eurasian otter (Lutra Lutra) and animal footprints on the snow on the trail. l-u, Plants and fungi, they are aerial rooting-the secret of “trees grow in water”; autumn leaves of Acer davidii, one of color-forest plants; samara of Tilia chinensis, which can be used for games; Salvia spp., which has lever-like stamen structure and forms a close relationship with pollinators; Gentiana leucomelaena, an alpine plant; Rhus spp., one of color-forest plants; Anemone tomentosa, once used by local residents; Litsea chunii, providing olfactory experiences; samara of Aceraceae and Hippophe rhamnoides with unique taste experiences.
图4 九寨沟国家级自然保护区芦苇海解说步道解说资源分布
Fig. 4 Distribution of interpretation resources in Reed Lake interpretation trail in the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve
图5 九寨沟国家级自然保护区芦苇海解说步道解说资源季节变化
Fig. 5 Seasonal dynamics of interpretation resources in Reed Lake interpretation trail in the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve
主旨 Themes | 解说资源 Interpretation resources | 解说要点 Key points of interpretation | 主要分布区 Main distribution | 季节性 Seasonality | |||||||||||||||||||
春Sp. | 夏Su. | 秋Au. | 冬Wi. | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. 保护区为我们体验和认识荒野之美提供了绝佳的机会。 The nature reserve provides us with an excellent opportunity to get close to nature. | 鼠尾草 Salvia spp. | 视觉(花), 触觉 Vision (flower) and touch | 灌草丛 Shrub grassland | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
高山木姜子 Litsea chunii | 视觉(花), 嗅觉 Vision (flower) and smell | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||||
华椴 Tilia chinensis | 视觉(叶形、翅果、彩林植物), 自然创作, 种子传播 Vision (leaf shape, samara, color-forest plants), natural handicrafts and seed transmission | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
沙棘 Hippophe rhamnoides | 味觉, 鸟类食物, 地方文化 Taste, bird food and local culture | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||||
盐肤木 Rhus spp. | 视觉(彩林植物), 味觉, 红叶的形成 Vision (color-forest plants), taste and red leaf formation | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
白顶溪鸲 Chaimarrornis leucocephalus | 观鸟, 听觉 Bird watching and hearing | 溪流边石头上 On the rocks by the stream | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
2. “适者生存”的背后, 是无穷的智慧和顽强的生命力。 “Survival of the fittest” needs infinite wisdom and tenacious vitality. | 针叶林 Coniferous forest | 植被类型与气候 Vegetation types and climate | 步道两侧山坡 Slopes on both sides of the trail | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
高山柳 Salix cupularis | 视觉(气生根, “水在林间流, 树在水中生”) Vision (aerial rooting, “water flows in the forest and trees grow in the water”) | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
桑寄生 Taxillus sutchuenensis | 寄生, 种子传播(借助鸟) Parasitism and seed transmission (with the help of birds) | 林冠层 Canopy | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
铁杉 Tsuga chinensis | 视觉(果、树抱石、二代木), 自然创作 Vision (fruit, rocks wrapped by tree roots and new plants sprout from a fallen tree) and natural handicrafts | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
四声杜鹃 Cuculus micropterus | 观鸟, 听觉, 物候 Bird watching, hearing and phenology | 林冠层 Canopy | + | + | |||||||||||||||||||
3. 大熊猫是原始森林的保护伞。 The giant panda is the umbrella of the primary forest. | 大熊猫 Ailuropoda melanoleuca | 旗舰种, 竹子开花与生态廊道 Flagship species, bamboo flowering and ecological corridor | 黑角山(步道以外) Heijiao Mountaion (outside the trail) | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
欧亚水獭 Lutra lutra | 水体顶级捕食者, 生态系统健康指示种, 行为, 近危, 地方文化 Top predator in waters, ecosystem health indicator, behaviors, near threatened and local culture | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
4. 自然保护区肩负着守护地球家园的使命。 Nature reserves shoulder the mission of protecting our planet. | 野猪 Sus scrofa | 痕迹识别, 监测数据, 行为 Trace identification, monitoring data and behaviors | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
红豆杉 Taxus chinensis | 视觉(假种皮), 植物大熊猫, 药用价值 Vision (aril), giant panda in vegetable kingdom and medicinal value | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
华西箭竹 Fargesia nitida | 大熊猫栖息地, 竹子开花与生态廊道 Giant panda habitat, bamboo flowering and ecological corridor | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
5. 多样化的地貌、极富特色的水体和钙华体, 带你走入童话世界。 Diversified landforms, distinctive water bodies and travertine present a fairy tale world for you. | 青榨槭 Acer davidii | 视觉(叶形、翅果、彩林植物), 自然创作, 种子传播 Vision (leaf shape, samara, color-forest plants), natural handicrafts and seed transmission | 步道全线 On the whole trail | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
湿地 Wetland | 湿地生态系统结构与功能 Structure and function of wetland ecosystem | 步道全线 On the whole trail | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
喀斯特地貌 Karst | 喀斯特地貌的形成, 世界遗产独特性 The formation of karst and the uniqueness of world heritage | 步道全线 On the whole trail | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
火花海 Spark Lake | 地震与九寨沟景观成因, 震后修复, 自然创造力与人为修饰 Earthquake and the genesis of Jiuzhaigou landscape, post-earthquake restoration, natural creativity and artificial modification | 火花海 Spark Lake | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
水流 Water flow | 水声, 水循环, 水的理化性质, 实验演示 Sound of water, water cycle, physical and chemical properties of water, and experimental demonstration | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
主旨 Themes | 解说资源 Interpretation resources | 解说要点 Key points of interpretation | 主要分布区 Main distribution | 季节性 Seasonality | |||||||||||||||||||
春Sp. | 夏Su. | 秋Au. | 冬Wi. | ||||||||||||||||||||
6. 九寨沟生动展示了自然在塑造和再塑造地球表面的角色作用。 Jiuzhaigou vividly demonstrates the role of nature in shaping and reshaping the earth’s surface. | 火花海 Spark Lake | 地震与九寨沟景观成因, 震后修复, 自然创造力与人为修饰 Earthquake and the genesis of Jiuzhaigou landscape, post-earthquake restoration, natural creativity and artificial modification | 火花海 Spark Lake | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
崩塌与滑坡 Collapse and landslide | 崩塌、滑坡与九寨沟景观成因, 植被保护 Collapse, landslide and genesis of Jiuzhaigou landscape, and vegetation protection | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
芦苇海 Reed Lake | 泥石流与芦苇海的形成, 群落演替与沼泽化作用 Debris flow and the formation of Reed Lake, community succession and swamping | 芦苇海 Reed Lake | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
芦苇 Phragmites australis | 鸟类栖息地, 湿地生态系统, 群落演替, 地方文化 Bird habitat, wetland ecosystem, community succession and local culture | 芦苇海 Reed Lake | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
青杄 Picea wilsonii | 视觉(果、树抱石) Vision (fruit and rocks wrapped by tree roots) | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
7. 九寨沟独特的民俗文化和宗教信仰, 蕴含着人与自然和谐相处的智 慧。 Jiuzhaigou’s unique folk culture and religious beliefs contain the wisdom of living in harmony with nature. | 山神 Mountain deity | 文化中的自然保护思想(敬畏自然, 对破坏环境、杀生的禁忌) The thought of conservation in culture (nature-awing, taboo against destroying the environment and killing animals) | 树正寨、荷叶寨、黑角桥草地 Shuzheng Village, Lotus Village and grassland near Heijiao Bridge | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
建筑与起居 Architecture and living | 气候影响生活方式, 木匠, 对光能的利用Climate affects lifestyle, carpenters and utilization of solar energy | 树正寨、荷叶寨 Shuzheng Village, Lotus Village | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
磨坊 Mill | 地方农业与文化关系, 利用自然力 The relationship between local agriculture and culture, and utilization of natural forces | 树正磨坊 Shuzheng Mill | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
牛蒡 Arctium lappa | 视觉(花), 嗅觉, 地方文化 Vision (flower), smell and local culture | 灌草丛 Shrub grassland | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
夏嫫锅庄 Xiamo national dance | 农耕文化与民族艺术的融合, 民族文化的生态知识 The integration of farming culture and national art, and the ecological knowledge in national culture | 树正寨、荷叶寨 Shuzheng Village and Lotus Village | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
8. 九寨沟的发展史是人类寻求与自然和谐的典型案例。 The development history of Jiuzhaigou is a typical case of human seeking harmony with nature. | 历史 History | 发现、开发、保护历史, 当前的管理与挑战 Discovery, development and protection history, and current management and challenges | 步道全线 On the whole trail | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
青稞 Highland barley | 地方农业与文化关系 Relationship between local agriculture and culture | 树正寨、荷叶寨 Shuzheng Village and Lotus Village | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
退耕地 Abandoned land | 半农半牧、“二牛抬杠”, 气候影响生产、生活方式, 生态工程 Semi-agriculture and semi-husbandry, double-ox-drawn plough, climate affects production and life style, and ecological engineering | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broad-leaved forest | 群落季相(彩林), 九寨沟采伐与保护历史 Community seasonality (color-forest), Jiuzhaigou cutting and protection history | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
泥石流拦坝 Debris flow dam | 泥石流与九寨沟景观成因, 植被保护 Debris flow and the genesis of Jiuzhaigou landscape, and vegetation protection | 树正寨、荷叶寨 Shuzheng Village and Lotus Village | + | + | + | + |
表2 九寨沟国家级自然保护区芦苇海解说步道解说主旨及对应解说资源举例
Table 2 Interpretation themes and examples of corresponding resources for Reed Lake interpretation trail in the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve
主旨 Themes | 解说资源 Interpretation resources | 解说要点 Key points of interpretation | 主要分布区 Main distribution | 季节性 Seasonality | |||||||||||||||||||
春Sp. | 夏Su. | 秋Au. | 冬Wi. | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. 保护区为我们体验和认识荒野之美提供了绝佳的机会。 The nature reserve provides us with an excellent opportunity to get close to nature. | 鼠尾草 Salvia spp. | 视觉(花), 触觉 Vision (flower) and touch | 灌草丛 Shrub grassland | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
高山木姜子 Litsea chunii | 视觉(花), 嗅觉 Vision (flower) and smell | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||||
华椴 Tilia chinensis | 视觉(叶形、翅果、彩林植物), 自然创作, 种子传播 Vision (leaf shape, samara, color-forest plants), natural handicrafts and seed transmission | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
沙棘 Hippophe rhamnoides | 味觉, 鸟类食物, 地方文化 Taste, bird food and local culture | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||||
盐肤木 Rhus spp. | 视觉(彩林植物), 味觉, 红叶的形成 Vision (color-forest plants), taste and red leaf formation | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
白顶溪鸲 Chaimarrornis leucocephalus | 观鸟, 听觉 Bird watching and hearing | 溪流边石头上 On the rocks by the stream | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
2. “适者生存”的背后, 是无穷的智慧和顽强的生命力。 “Survival of the fittest” needs infinite wisdom and tenacious vitality. | 针叶林 Coniferous forest | 植被类型与气候 Vegetation types and climate | 步道两侧山坡 Slopes on both sides of the trail | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
高山柳 Salix cupularis | 视觉(气生根, “水在林间流, 树在水中生”) Vision (aerial rooting, “water flows in the forest and trees grow in the water”) | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
桑寄生 Taxillus sutchuenensis | 寄生, 种子传播(借助鸟) Parasitism and seed transmission (with the help of birds) | 林冠层 Canopy | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
铁杉 Tsuga chinensis | 视觉(果、树抱石、二代木), 自然创作 Vision (fruit, rocks wrapped by tree roots and new plants sprout from a fallen tree) and natural handicrafts | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
四声杜鹃 Cuculus micropterus | 观鸟, 听觉, 物候 Bird watching, hearing and phenology | 林冠层 Canopy | + | + | |||||||||||||||||||
3. 大熊猫是原始森林的保护伞。 The giant panda is the umbrella of the primary forest. | 大熊猫 Ailuropoda melanoleuca | 旗舰种, 竹子开花与生态廊道 Flagship species, bamboo flowering and ecological corridor | 黑角山(步道以外) Heijiao Mountaion (outside the trail) | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
欧亚水獭 Lutra lutra | 水体顶级捕食者, 生态系统健康指示种, 行为, 近危, 地方文化 Top predator in waters, ecosystem health indicator, behaviors, near threatened and local culture | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
4. 自然保护区肩负着守护地球家园的使命。 Nature reserves shoulder the mission of protecting our planet. | 野猪 Sus scrofa | 痕迹识别, 监测数据, 行为 Trace identification, monitoring data and behaviors | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
红豆杉 Taxus chinensis | 视觉(假种皮), 植物大熊猫, 药用价值 Vision (aril), giant panda in vegetable kingdom and medicinal value | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
华西箭竹 Fargesia nitida | 大熊猫栖息地, 竹子开花与生态廊道 Giant panda habitat, bamboo flowering and ecological corridor | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
5. 多样化的地貌、极富特色的水体和钙华体, 带你走入童话世界。 Diversified landforms, distinctive water bodies and travertine present a fairy tale world for you. | 青榨槭 Acer davidii | 视觉(叶形、翅果、彩林植物), 自然创作, 种子传播 Vision (leaf shape, samara, color-forest plants), natural handicrafts and seed transmission | 步道全线 On the whole trail | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
湿地 Wetland | 湿地生态系统结构与功能 Structure and function of wetland ecosystem | 步道全线 On the whole trail | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
喀斯特地貌 Karst | 喀斯特地貌的形成, 世界遗产独特性 The formation of karst and the uniqueness of world heritage | 步道全线 On the whole trail | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
火花海 Spark Lake | 地震与九寨沟景观成因, 震后修复, 自然创造力与人为修饰 Earthquake and the genesis of Jiuzhaigou landscape, post-earthquake restoration, natural creativity and artificial modification | 火花海 Spark Lake | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
水流 Water flow | 水声, 水循环, 水的理化性质, 实验演示 Sound of water, water cycle, physical and chemical properties of water, and experimental demonstration | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
主旨 Themes | 解说资源 Interpretation resources | 解说要点 Key points of interpretation | 主要分布区 Main distribution | 季节性 Seasonality | |||||||||||||||||||
春Sp. | 夏Su. | 秋Au. | 冬Wi. | ||||||||||||||||||||
6. 九寨沟生动展示了自然在塑造和再塑造地球表面的角色作用。 Jiuzhaigou vividly demonstrates the role of nature in shaping and reshaping the earth’s surface. | 火花海 Spark Lake | 地震与九寨沟景观成因, 震后修复, 自然创造力与人为修饰 Earthquake and the genesis of Jiuzhaigou landscape, post-earthquake restoration, natural creativity and artificial modification | 火花海 Spark Lake | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
崩塌与滑坡 Collapse and landslide | 崩塌、滑坡与九寨沟景观成因, 植被保护 Collapse, landslide and genesis of Jiuzhaigou landscape, and vegetation protection | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
芦苇海 Reed Lake | 泥石流与芦苇海的形成, 群落演替与沼泽化作用 Debris flow and the formation of Reed Lake, community succession and swamping | 芦苇海 Reed Lake | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
芦苇 Phragmites australis | 鸟类栖息地, 湿地生态系统, 群落演替, 地方文化 Bird habitat, wetland ecosystem, community succession and local culture | 芦苇海 Reed Lake | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
青杄 Picea wilsonii | 视觉(果、树抱石) Vision (fruit and rocks wrapped by tree roots) | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
7. 九寨沟独特的民俗文化和宗教信仰, 蕴含着人与自然和谐相处的智 慧。 Jiuzhaigou’s unique folk culture and religious beliefs contain the wisdom of living in harmony with nature. | 山神 Mountain deity | 文化中的自然保护思想(敬畏自然, 对破坏环境、杀生的禁忌) The thought of conservation in culture (nature-awing, taboo against destroying the environment and killing animals) | 树正寨、荷叶寨、黑角桥草地 Shuzheng Village, Lotus Village and grassland near Heijiao Bridge | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
建筑与起居 Architecture and living | 气候影响生活方式, 木匠, 对光能的利用Climate affects lifestyle, carpenters and utilization of solar energy | 树正寨、荷叶寨 Shuzheng Village, Lotus Village | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
磨坊 Mill | 地方农业与文化关系, 利用自然力 The relationship between local agriculture and culture, and utilization of natural forces | 树正磨坊 Shuzheng Mill | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
牛蒡 Arctium lappa | 视觉(花), 嗅觉, 地方文化 Vision (flower), smell and local culture | 灌草丛 Shrub grassland | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
夏嫫锅庄 Xiamo national dance | 农耕文化与民族艺术的融合, 民族文化的生态知识 The integration of farming culture and national art, and the ecological knowledge in national culture | 树正寨、荷叶寨 Shuzheng Village and Lotus Village | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
8. 九寨沟的发展史是人类寻求与自然和谐的典型案例。 The development history of Jiuzhaigou is a typical case of human seeking harmony with nature. | 历史 History | 发现、开发、保护历史, 当前的管理与挑战 Discovery, development and protection history, and current management and challenges | 步道全线 On the whole trail | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||
青稞 Highland barley | 地方农业与文化关系 Relationship between local agriculture and culture | 树正寨、荷叶寨 Shuzheng Village and Lotus Village | + | + | + | + | |||||||||||||||||
退耕地 Abandoned land | 半农半牧、“二牛抬杠”, 气候影响生产、生活方式, 生态工程 Semi-agriculture and semi-husbandry, double-ox-drawn plough, climate affects production and life style, and ecological engineering | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
落叶阔叶林 Deciduous broad-leaved forest | 群落季相(彩林), 九寨沟采伐与保护历史 Community seasonality (color-forest), Jiuzhaigou cutting and protection history | + | + | + | + | ||||||||||||||||||
泥石流拦坝 Debris flow dam | 泥石流与九寨沟景观成因, 植被保护 Debris flow and the genesis of Jiuzhaigou landscape, and vegetation protection | 树正寨、荷叶寨 Shuzheng Village and Lotus Village | + | + | + | + |
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