生物多样性 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (12): 1338-1342.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2018166

• 生物编目: 红外相机观测专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


周磊1, 万雅琼2, 洪欣1, 张恒1, 钱立富1, 王陈成1, 孔政1, 赵凯3, 李佳琦2,*(), 张保卫1,*()   

  1. 1 安徽大学生命科学学院, 合肥 230601
    2 生态环境部南京环境科学研究所, 南京 210042
    3 安庆师范大学资源与环境学院, 安徽安庆 246011
  • 收稿日期:2018-06-13 接受日期:2018-09-21 出版日期:2018-12-20 发布日期:2019-02-12
  • 通讯作者: 李佳琦,张保卫
  • 作者简介:# 共同第一作者
  • 基金资助:

Camera-trapping surveys of the large and medium-sized mammal and understory bird diversity in Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve, Anhui Province

Lei Zhou1, Yaqiong Wan2, Xin Hong1, Heng Zhang1, Lifu Qian1, Chencheng Wang1, Zheng Kong1, Kai Zhao3, Jiaqi Li2,*(), Baowei Zhang1,*()   

  1. 1 School of Life Science, Anhui University, Hefei 230601
    2 Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China, Nanjing 210042;
    3 College of Resources and Environment Sciences, Anqing Normal University, Anqing, Anhui 246011
  • Received:2018-06-13 Accepted:2018-09-21 Online:2018-12-20 Published:2019-02-12
  • Contact: Li Jiaqi,Zhang Baowei
  • About author:# 同等贡献作者 Contributed equally to this work


鹞落坪国家级自然保护区位于大别山脉南麓的核心地带。2014-2017年, 作者采用红外相机技术对鹞落坪国家级自然保护区的大中型兽类及林下鸟类进行调查。研究共布设了72个相机位点, 累计完成16,658个相机工作日, 获得独立有效照片2,142张, 共记录野生兽类9种、鸟类15种, 隶属8目15科。包括国家一级重点保护野生动物1种, 即安徽麝(Moschus anhuiensis), 国家二级重点保护野生动物2种, 分别是勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)和白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticus reevesii)。相对多度排名前五的兽类分别为小麂(Muntiacus reevesi)、野猪(Sus scrofa)、赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)、猪獾(Arctonyx collaris)和岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)。相对多度排名前五的鸟类为白冠长尾雉、勺鸡、松鸦(Garrulus glandarius)、灰背鸫(Turdus hortulorum)、红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythroryncha)。此外红外相机还拍摄到大量人类活动照片, 表明当地人类活动较为严重, 应加强管理。本研究初步了解了保护区内大中型兽类和林下鸟类群落信息及人类活动的干扰情况, 为保护区未来的保护和管理工作提供了数据基础。

关键词: 鹞落坪国家级自然保护区, 红外相机技术, 兽类, 鸟类, 生物多样性


Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve is located on the southern slope of the Dabie Mountains. To describe the diversity of large and medium-sized mammal and understory bird diversity in Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve, from 2014 to 2017 a baseline survey was conducted using a camera-trapping approach. Over 16,658 camera trapping days at 72 camera locations, 2,142 usable images were obtained. Nine mammal species and 15 bird species were identified, belonging to 8 orders and 15 families. One species, Moschus anhuiensis, is listed as national first-class protected wild animal, whereas two species, Pucrasia macrolopha and Syrmaticus reevesii, were listed as national second-class protected wild animals. The top five mammals in relative abundance were Muntiacus reevesi, Sus scrofa, Callosciurus erythraeus, Arctonyx collaris and Sciurotamias davidianus, and the top five birds in relative abundance were S. reevesii, P. macrolopha, Garrulus glandarius, Turdus hortulorum and Urocissa erythrorhyncha. We also found evidence of intensive human activities in the reserve, which may have potential impacts on wildlife. This study provides basic information on the species composition of terrestrial mammals and understory birds in Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve; it will form the foundation of future monitoring research and will provide data information to wildlife management and protection efforts.

Key words: Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve, camera-trapping, mammal, bird, biodiversity