生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (10): 22530. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022530
任淯1,2, 陶胜利2, 胡天宇3,4, 杨海涛1, 关宏灿1,2, 苏艳军3,4, 程凯1,2, 陈梦玺1, 万华伟5, 郭庆华1,2,*()
* E-mail: guo.qinghua@pku.edu.cn基金资助:
Yu Ren1,2, Shengli Tao2, Tianyu Hu3,4, Haitao Yang1, Hongcan Guan1,2, Yanjun Su3,4, Kai Cheng1,2, Mengxi Chen1, Huawei Wan5, Qinghua Guo1,2,*()
Qinghua Guo
生物多样性的稳定维持关乎人类生存发展与地球健康。生物多样性核心监测指标(Essential Biodiversity Variables, EBVs)旨在结合地面调查与遥感技术, 为大尺度、长时间序列的生物多样性监测提供新的解决方案。然而, 目前学界仍然缺乏一套国家尺度标准化EBVs遥感监测产品数据集, 以进行生物多样性评估。本研究旨在对中国生物多样性核心监测指标遥感产品进行体系构建与思考, 首先综述了目前EBVs的遥感研究概况, 并根据EBVs研究文献的数量进行调研分析; 同时, 本文在已有遥感生物多样性产品优先标准的基础上, 添加了“可重复性”的新标准, 并据此构建了中国EBVs遥感产品体系与监测数据集的指标清单, 最终对中国EBVs遥感研究存在的问题进行思考与讨论。本研究可为中国的生物多样性遥感监测提供科学依据, 有望为中国生物多样性政策的制定提供支撑。
任淯, 陶胜利, 胡天宇, 杨海涛, 关宏灿, 苏艳军, 程凯, 陈梦玺, 万华伟, 郭庆华 (2022) 中国生物多样性核心监测指标遥感产品体系构建与思考. 生物多样性, 30, 22530. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022530.
Yu Ren, Shengli Tao, Tianyu Hu, Haitao Yang, Hongcan Guan, Yanjun Su, Kai Cheng, Mengxi Chen, Huawei Wan, Qinghua Guo (2022) The outlook and system construction for monitoring Essential Biodiversity Variables based on remote sensing: The case of China. Biodiversity Science, 30, 22530. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022530.
图1 EBVs子类与《生物多样性公约》爱知目标及可持续发展目标的关系
Fig. 1 The relationship of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) names to Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
图2 基于文献汇总的生物多样性核心监测指标(EBVs)遥感研究发展情况
Fig. 2 The overview of the publications on Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) field and remote sensing research within EBVs
图3 中国生物多样性核心监测指标(EBVs)子类遥感研究文章数量占比情况
Fig. 3 The proportion of the publications from China in the field of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) names
序号 Number | 优先原则 Prioritization criteria | 描述 Description |
1 | 关联性 Relevance | 遥感生物多样性产品的使用目的与方法决定了关联性的强弱。主要关注以下方面与遥感生物多样性产品的相关性: (1)管理问题; (2)为CBD目标提供信息; (3)为SDGs提供信息; (4)为生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台(IPBES)的风险评估过程提供数据。It is known who wants the remote sensing biodiversity product, what they will do with it and how it will be used. The remote sensing biodiversity product is relevant: (1) for management questions; (2) to inform the CBD targets; (3) to inform the SDGs; and (4) to provide data for the IPBES risk assessment processes. |
2 | 可行性 Feasibility | 可行性这一标准考虑了遥感数据的可用性、获取数据的便利性、遥感在时空尺度的完整性以及数据整合与分析的便利性和经济性。This criterion considers the availability of remote sensing data, the ease of access to such data, the completeness of remote sensing in space and time and the ease and affordability of data integration and analysis. |
3 | 准确性(遥感状态) Accuracy (remote sensing status) | 准确性是指衡量某一遥感生物多样性产品观测准确性的标准, 该标准考虑了遥感数据以及获取精准遥感生物多样性产品技术的有效性。A measure of the current activity for the accurate observation of a given remote sensing biodiversity product. This criterion considers the effectiveness of remote sensing data and techniques to achieve an accurate and precise value of the remote sensing-enabled biodiversity product. |
4 | 成熟度(遥感状态) Maturity (remote sensing status) | 成熟度这项标准指的是目前遥感生物多样性产品是否成熟且其程度如何, 即有能力生产遥感生物多样性产品的组织/机构是否可以向资助机构提出产品生产建议, 以及该项任务完成的难度如何。Maturity refers to the maturity and status of the current remote sensing biodiversity products. Institutions/organizations with hopes to generate remote sensing biodiversity products can be identified and/or proposed to a funding body. |
5 | 可重复性(新添加) Repeatability (new addition) | 可重复性主要描述某一遥感生物多样性产品在未来预期能够按照一定时间分辨率获取的能力, 即评判能否按照预期规律性获取遥感生物多样性产品及该需求的难度。Repeatability mainly describes the ability of a certain remotely sensed biodiversity product to be expected to be accessible at a certain temporal resolution in the future, i.e., it judges whether the remotely sensed biodiversity product can be accessed with the expected regularity and the difficulty of that demand. |
表1 遥感生物多样性产品的优先排序标准更新(修改自Skidmore等(2021))
Table 1 Updated remote sensing biodiversity product prioritization criteria (revised from Skidmore et al (2021))
序号 Number | 优先原则 Prioritization criteria | 描述 Description |
1 | 关联性 Relevance | 遥感生物多样性产品的使用目的与方法决定了关联性的强弱。主要关注以下方面与遥感生物多样性产品的相关性: (1)管理问题; (2)为CBD目标提供信息; (3)为SDGs提供信息; (4)为生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台(IPBES)的风险评估过程提供数据。It is known who wants the remote sensing biodiversity product, what they will do with it and how it will be used. The remote sensing biodiversity product is relevant: (1) for management questions; (2) to inform the CBD targets; (3) to inform the SDGs; and (4) to provide data for the IPBES risk assessment processes. |
2 | 可行性 Feasibility | 可行性这一标准考虑了遥感数据的可用性、获取数据的便利性、遥感在时空尺度的完整性以及数据整合与分析的便利性和经济性。This criterion considers the availability of remote sensing data, the ease of access to such data, the completeness of remote sensing in space and time and the ease and affordability of data integration and analysis. |
3 | 准确性(遥感状态) Accuracy (remote sensing status) | 准确性是指衡量某一遥感生物多样性产品观测准确性的标准, 该标准考虑了遥感数据以及获取精准遥感生物多样性产品技术的有效性。A measure of the current activity for the accurate observation of a given remote sensing biodiversity product. This criterion considers the effectiveness of remote sensing data and techniques to achieve an accurate and precise value of the remote sensing-enabled biodiversity product. |
4 | 成熟度(遥感状态) Maturity (remote sensing status) | 成熟度这项标准指的是目前遥感生物多样性产品是否成熟且其程度如何, 即有能力生产遥感生物多样性产品的组织/机构是否可以向资助机构提出产品生产建议, 以及该项任务完成的难度如何。Maturity refers to the maturity and status of the current remote sensing biodiversity products. Institutions/organizations with hopes to generate remote sensing biodiversity products can be identified and/or proposed to a funding body. |
5 | 可重复性(新添加) Repeatability (new addition) | 可重复性主要描述某一遥感生物多样性产品在未来预期能够按照一定时间分辨率获取的能力, 即评判能否按照预期规律性获取遥感生物多样性产品及该需求的难度。Repeatability mainly describes the ability of a certain remotely sensed biodiversity product to be expected to be accessible at a certain temporal resolution in the future, i.e., it judges whether the remotely sensed biodiversity product can be accessed with the expected regularity and the difficulty of that demand. |
遥感产品 Remote sensing product | 数据名称 Data name | 卫星平台 Satellite platform | 获取时间 Acquire time | 时间分辨率 Time resolution | 空间分辨率/比例尺 Spatial resolution /Scale | 可重 复性 Repeata- bility | 下载链接 Download link | ||||||||
生态系统功能 Ecosystem functioning | |||||||||||||||
叶面积指数 LAI | MCD15A3H v006 | MODIS | 2000-present | 4 d | 500 m | 1 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mcd15a3hv006/ | ||||||||
CGLS-LAI300 | Sentinel-3/ PROBA-V | 2014-present | 10 d | 300 m | https://land.copernicus.eu/global/products/lai | ||||||||||
GLASS-LAI | AVHRR | 1981-2018 | 8 d | 0.05° | 1 | http://www.glass.umd.edu/ | |||||||||
光合有效辐射分量 FAPAR | MCD15A3H v061 | MODIS | 2002-present | 8 d | 500 m | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mcd15a2hv061/ | |||||||||
CGLS-FAPAR300 | Sentinel-3/ PROBA-V | 2014-present | 10 d | 300 m | https://land.copernicus.eu/global/products/fapar | ||||||||||
GLASS-FAPAR | AVHRR | 1981-2018 | 8 d | 0.05° | http://www.glass.umd.edu/ | ||||||||||
蒸散 ET | MOD16A2 v006 | MODIS | 2001-present | 8 d | 500 m | 1 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod16a2v006/ | ||||||||
GLASS-ET | MODIS | 2000-2018 | 8 d | 1 km, 0.05° | 1 | http://www.glass.umd.edu/Download.html | |||||||||
净初级生产力 NPP | MOD17A3Hv006 | MODIS | 2001-present | Yearly | 500 m | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod17a3hv006/ | |||||||||
总初级生产力 GPP | MOD17A2HGF v061 | MODIS | 2000-present | 8 d | 1 km | 1 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod17a2hgfv061/ | ||||||||
NIRv-GPP | AVHRR | 1982-2018 | Monthly | 0.05° | https://doi.org/10.12199/nesdc.ecodb.2016YFA0600200.02.002 | ||||||||||
GLASS-GPP | MODIS | 2000-2020 2000-2020 | 8 d | 500 m, 0.05° | http://www.glass.umd.edu/ | ||||||||||
叶绿素荧光 SIF | OCO2_L2_Lite_SIF 10r | OCO-2 | 2014-2022 | 16 d | 2.25 km | 1 | https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets?keywords=OCO2%20SIF&page=1 | ||||||||
OCO2_L2_Lite_SIF 11r | OCO-2 | 2019-2022 | 16 d | 2.25 km | https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets?keywords=OCO2%20SIF&page=1 | ||||||||||
OCO3_L2_Lite_SIF 10r | ISS OCO-3 | 2019-2022 | 16 d | 2.25 km | https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets?keywords=OCO2%20SIF&page=1 | ||||||||||
Tansat-SIF | TanSat | 2017-2019 | Daily | 2 km | http://www.geodata.cn/data/datadetails.html?dataguid=3695497&docId=10126 | ||||||||||
叶绿素含量 Chlorophyll content | Chlleaf | ENVISAT- MERIS | 2011 | 7 d | 300 m | 2 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.111479 | ||||||||
物候 Phenology | MCD12Q2 v006 | MODIS | 2001-2019 | Yearly | 500 m | 1.5 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mcd12q2v006/ | ||||||||
叶片性状 Leaf traits | 叶片磷含量 LPC 比叶面积 LA 叶片干物质含量 LDMC | Global trait maps | 2015 | - | - | 1 km, 3 km | 2.5 | https://www.try-db.org/TryWeb/Data.php#59 | |||||||
生物量 Biomass | China forest Aboveground Biomass (AGB) map | ICESat/ GLAS, MODIS | 2004 | - | 1 km | 2 | http://www.3decology.org/dataset-software/ | ||||||||
Global Aboveground Biomass (AGB) Map (version: V02) | MODIS/ GLAS | 2005 | - | 1 km | http://www.glass.umd.edu/ | ||||||||||
遥感产品 Remote sensing product | 数据名称 Data name | 卫星平台 Satellite platform | 获取时间 Acquire time | 时间分辨率 Time resolution | 空间分辨率/比例尺 Spatial resolution /Scale | 可重 复性 Repeata- bility | 下载链接 Download link | ||||||||
生态系统结构 Ecosystem structure | |||||||||||||||
植被连续覆盖/全球森林覆盖变化 VCF/GFCC | Global 2010 Tree Cover (30 m) | Landsat | 2010 | - | 30 m | 2 | https://glad.umd.edu/dataset/global-2010-tree-cover-30-m | ||||||||
土地覆盖 LC | MCD12Q1 v006 | MODIS | 2001-2020 | Yearly | 500 m | 1.5 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mcd12q1v006/ | ||||||||
GlobeLand30 | Landsat | 2000, 2010, 2020 | - | 30 m | http://www.globallandcover.com/ | ||||||||||
FROM_GLC30 | Landsat | 2010, 2015, 2017 | - | 30 m | http://data.ess.tsinghua.edu.cn/ | ||||||||||
GLC_FCS30 | Landsat | 1985-2020 | Every 5 years | 30 m | https://data.casearth.cn/thematic/glc_fcs30?lang=zh_CN | ||||||||||
火烧迹地 BA | MCD64A1 v006 | MODIS | 2000-present | Monthly | 500 m | 1.5 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mcd64a1v006/ | ||||||||
Burnt Area 300m | Sentinel-3/OLCI, SLSTR, PROBA-V | 2014-2020 | 10 d/monthly | 300 m | https://land.copernicus.eu/global/products/ba | ||||||||||
植被覆盖度 FCover | FCover | Sentinel-3/OLCI, PROBA-V | 2014-present | 10 d | 300m | 1.5 | https://land.copernicus.eu/global/products/fcover | ||||||||
Fractional Vegetation Coverage (FCover) (version: V40) | MODIS | 2000-2018 | 8 d | 500 m | http://www.glass.umd.edu/ | ||||||||||
冰面范围 IE | MODIS/Terra Sea Ice Extent 5-Min L2 Swath 1km, Version 6 | MODIS | 2000-present | 5 mins | 1 km | 1 | https://nsidc.org/data/mod29/versions/6#anchor-1 | ||||||||
SMOS L3 Sea Ice Thickness | SMOS | 2010-present | Daily | 12.5 km | https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/catalog/smos-l3-sea-ice-thickness | ||||||||||
栖息地异质性 Habitat heterogeneity | Global Habitat Heterogeneity | MODIS | 2005 | - | 1 km, 5 km, 25 km | 2 | http://www.earthenv.org/texture | ||||||||
森林冠层高度 Forest canopy height | Forest tree height map of China | GEDI, ICESAT2 | 2019 | - | 30 m | 2.5 | http://www.3decology.org/dataset-software/ | ||||||||
植被类型 Vegetation type | An updated Vegetation Map of China (1:1000,000) | Landsat | 2018 | - | 1:1,000,000 | 2.5 | http://www.3decology.org/dataset-software/ |
表2 能够免费获取的覆盖中国的生物多样性核心监测指标(EBVs)遥感产品指标集
Table 2 Open access remote sensing product indicators for Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) monitoring in China
遥感产品 Remote sensing product | 数据名称 Data name | 卫星平台 Satellite platform | 获取时间 Acquire time | 时间分辨率 Time resolution | 空间分辨率/比例尺 Spatial resolution /Scale | 可重 复性 Repeata- bility | 下载链接 Download link | ||||||||
生态系统功能 Ecosystem functioning | |||||||||||||||
叶面积指数 LAI | MCD15A3H v006 | MODIS | 2000-present | 4 d | 500 m | 1 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mcd15a3hv006/ | ||||||||
CGLS-LAI300 | Sentinel-3/ PROBA-V | 2014-present | 10 d | 300 m | https://land.copernicus.eu/global/products/lai | ||||||||||
GLASS-LAI | AVHRR | 1981-2018 | 8 d | 0.05° | 1 | http://www.glass.umd.edu/ | |||||||||
光合有效辐射分量 FAPAR | MCD15A3H v061 | MODIS | 2002-present | 8 d | 500 m | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mcd15a2hv061/ | |||||||||
CGLS-FAPAR300 | Sentinel-3/ PROBA-V | 2014-present | 10 d | 300 m | https://land.copernicus.eu/global/products/fapar | ||||||||||
GLASS-FAPAR | AVHRR | 1981-2018 | 8 d | 0.05° | http://www.glass.umd.edu/ | ||||||||||
蒸散 ET | MOD16A2 v006 | MODIS | 2001-present | 8 d | 500 m | 1 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod16a2v006/ | ||||||||
GLASS-ET | MODIS | 2000-2018 | 8 d | 1 km, 0.05° | 1 | http://www.glass.umd.edu/Download.html | |||||||||
净初级生产力 NPP | MOD17A3Hv006 | MODIS | 2001-present | Yearly | 500 m | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod17a3hv006/ | |||||||||
总初级生产力 GPP | MOD17A2HGF v061 | MODIS | 2000-present | 8 d | 1 km | 1 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod17a2hgfv061/ | ||||||||
NIRv-GPP | AVHRR | 1982-2018 | Monthly | 0.05° | https://doi.org/10.12199/nesdc.ecodb.2016YFA0600200.02.002 | ||||||||||
GLASS-GPP | MODIS | 2000-2020 2000-2020 | 8 d | 500 m, 0.05° | http://www.glass.umd.edu/ | ||||||||||
叶绿素荧光 SIF | OCO2_L2_Lite_SIF 10r | OCO-2 | 2014-2022 | 16 d | 2.25 km | 1 | https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets?keywords=OCO2%20SIF&page=1 | ||||||||
OCO2_L2_Lite_SIF 11r | OCO-2 | 2019-2022 | 16 d | 2.25 km | https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets?keywords=OCO2%20SIF&page=1 | ||||||||||
OCO3_L2_Lite_SIF 10r | ISS OCO-3 | 2019-2022 | 16 d | 2.25 km | https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets?keywords=OCO2%20SIF&page=1 | ||||||||||
Tansat-SIF | TanSat | 2017-2019 | Daily | 2 km | http://www.geodata.cn/data/datadetails.html?dataguid=3695497&docId=10126 | ||||||||||
叶绿素含量 Chlorophyll content | Chlleaf | ENVISAT- MERIS | 2011 | 7 d | 300 m | 2 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.111479 | ||||||||
物候 Phenology | MCD12Q2 v006 | MODIS | 2001-2019 | Yearly | 500 m | 1.5 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mcd12q2v006/ | ||||||||
叶片性状 Leaf traits | 叶片磷含量 LPC 比叶面积 LA 叶片干物质含量 LDMC | Global trait maps | 2015 | - | - | 1 km, 3 km | 2.5 | https://www.try-db.org/TryWeb/Data.php#59 | |||||||
生物量 Biomass | China forest Aboveground Biomass (AGB) map | ICESat/ GLAS, MODIS | 2004 | - | 1 km | 2 | http://www.3decology.org/dataset-software/ | ||||||||
Global Aboveground Biomass (AGB) Map (version: V02) | MODIS/ GLAS | 2005 | - | 1 km | http://www.glass.umd.edu/ | ||||||||||
遥感产品 Remote sensing product | 数据名称 Data name | 卫星平台 Satellite platform | 获取时间 Acquire time | 时间分辨率 Time resolution | 空间分辨率/比例尺 Spatial resolution /Scale | 可重 复性 Repeata- bility | 下载链接 Download link | ||||||||
生态系统结构 Ecosystem structure | |||||||||||||||
植被连续覆盖/全球森林覆盖变化 VCF/GFCC | Global 2010 Tree Cover (30 m) | Landsat | 2010 | - | 30 m | 2 | https://glad.umd.edu/dataset/global-2010-tree-cover-30-m | ||||||||
土地覆盖 LC | MCD12Q1 v006 | MODIS | 2001-2020 | Yearly | 500 m | 1.5 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mcd12q1v006/ | ||||||||
GlobeLand30 | Landsat | 2000, 2010, 2020 | - | 30 m | http://www.globallandcover.com/ | ||||||||||
FROM_GLC30 | Landsat | 2010, 2015, 2017 | - | 30 m | http://data.ess.tsinghua.edu.cn/ | ||||||||||
GLC_FCS30 | Landsat | 1985-2020 | Every 5 years | 30 m | https://data.casearth.cn/thematic/glc_fcs30?lang=zh_CN | ||||||||||
火烧迹地 BA | MCD64A1 v006 | MODIS | 2000-present | Monthly | 500 m | 1.5 | https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mcd64a1v006/ | ||||||||
Burnt Area 300m | Sentinel-3/OLCI, SLSTR, PROBA-V | 2014-2020 | 10 d/monthly | 300 m | https://land.copernicus.eu/global/products/ba | ||||||||||
植被覆盖度 FCover | FCover | Sentinel-3/OLCI, PROBA-V | 2014-present | 10 d | 300m | 1.5 | https://land.copernicus.eu/global/products/fcover | ||||||||
Fractional Vegetation Coverage (FCover) (version: V40) | MODIS | 2000-2018 | 8 d | 500 m | http://www.glass.umd.edu/ | ||||||||||
冰面范围 IE | MODIS/Terra Sea Ice Extent 5-Min L2 Swath 1km, Version 6 | MODIS | 2000-present | 5 mins | 1 km | 1 | https://nsidc.org/data/mod29/versions/6#anchor-1 | ||||||||
SMOS L3 Sea Ice Thickness | SMOS | 2010-present | Daily | 12.5 km | https://earth.esa.int/eogateway/catalog/smos-l3-sea-ice-thickness | ||||||||||
栖息地异质性 Habitat heterogeneity | Global Habitat Heterogeneity | MODIS | 2005 | - | 1 km, 5 km, 25 km | 2 | http://www.earthenv.org/texture | ||||||||
森林冠层高度 Forest canopy height | Forest tree height map of China | GEDI, ICESAT2 | 2019 | - | 30 m | 2.5 | http://www.3decology.org/dataset-software/ | ||||||||
植被类型 Vegetation type | An updated Vegetation Map of China (1:1000,000) | Landsat | 2018 | - | 1:1,000,000 | 2.5 | http://www.3decology.org/dataset-software/ |
卫星名称 Satellite name | 发射日期 Launch time | 轨道高度 Orbit height (km) | 重访周期 Revisit capacity | 幅宽 Swath width (km) | 传感器类型 Sensor type | 波段 Number of bands | 空间分辨率 Spatial resolution (m) |
高分系列 GF series | |||||||
高分一号 GF-1 | 2013/4/26 | 645 | 4 d | 60 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 2/8 |
2 d | 800 | 宽视场多光谱 WFV-MS | 4 | 16 | |||
高分二号 GF-2 | 2014/8/19 | 631 | 5 d | 45 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 0.8/3.2 |
高分三号 GF-3 | 2016/8/10 | 755 | 2 d | 5-650 | 合成孔径雷达 SAR | 1 | 1-500 |
高分四号 GF-4 | 2015/12/29 | 36,000 | 20 s | 400 | 多光谱 MS | 5 | 50 |
400 | 中红外 MWIR | 1 | 400 | ||||
高分五号 GF-5 | 2018/5/9 | 705 | 5 d | 60 | 高光谱 HS | 330 | 30 |
60 | 多光谱 MS | 12 | 20/40 | ||||
高分六号 GF-6 | 2018/6/2 | 645 | 4 d | 90 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 2/8 |
2 d | 800 | 宽视场多光谱 WFV MS | 8 | 16 | |||
高分七号 GF-7 | 2019/11/3 | 505 | 5 d | 20 | 双线阵相机 DLC | 1 | 0.8/0.65 |
20 | 多光谱 MS | 4 | 3.2 | ||||
1.6 | 激光测高仪 LA | 1 | 0.1 | ||||
高分一号 02/03/04星 GF-1-02\03\04 | 2018/3/31 | 645 | 2 d | 66 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 2/8 |
资源系列 ZY series | |||||||
资源一号01/02星 ZY-1-01/02 | 1999/10/14 | 778 | 3 d | 113 | CCD相机 CCD | 5 | 20 |
3 d | 890 | 宽视场多光谱 WFV-MS | 2 | 258 | |||
26 d | 119.5 | 红外多光谱 MS-IR | 4 | 78/156 | |||
资源一号02B星 ZY-1-02B | 2007/12/19 | 778 | 3 d | 27 | 高分辨率相机 HD | 1 | 2.36 |
113 | CCD相机 CCD | 5 | 20 | ||||
890 | 宽视场多光谱 WFV-MS | 2 | 258 | ||||
资源一号02C星 ZY-1-02C | 2011/12/22 | 780 | 3 d | 54 | 高分辨率相机 HD | 1 | 2.36 |
60 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 4 | 5/10 | ||||
资源一号04星 ZY-1-04 | 2014/12/7 | 778 | 3 d | 60 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 4 | 5/10 |
26 d | 120 | 红外多光谱 MS-IR | 4 | 40/80 | |||
26 d | 120 | 多光谱 MS | 4 | 20 | |||
3 d | 866 | 宽视场多光谱 WFV MS | 4 | 73 | |||
资源一号02D星 ZY-1-02D | 2019/12/12 | 778 | 3 d | 115 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 9 | 2.5/10 |
60 | 高光谱相机 HS | 166 | 30 | ||||
资源三号01星 ZY-3-01 | 2012/1/9 | 506 | 5 d | 52 | 双线阵相机 DLC | 1 | 3.5 |
52 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 2.1/5.8 | ||||
资源三号02星 ZY-3-02 | 2016/5/3 | 505 | 3-5 d | 51 | 双线阵相机 DLC | 1 | 2.5 |
3 d | 51 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 4 | 2.1/5.8 | |||
资源三号03星 ZY-3-03 | 2020/7/25 | 505 | 3-5 d | 51 | 双线阵相机 DLC | 1 | 2.5 |
3 d | 51 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 4 | 2.1/5.8 | |||
5 d | 0.07 | 激光测高仪 LA | 1 | 1 | |||
环境一号 HS-1 | |||||||
环境一号 A星 HS-1A | 2008/9/6 | 649 | 4 d | 360 | CCD相机 CCD | 4 | 30 |
50 | 高光谱 HS | 115 | 100 | ||||
环境一号 B星 HS-1B | 2008/9/6 | 649 | 4 d | 360 | CCD相机 CCD | 4 | 30 |
720 | 红外多光谱 MS-IR | 4 | 150/300 | ||||
环境一号 C星 HS-1C | 2012/12/9 | 499 | 4 d | 40/100 | 合成孔径雷达 SAR | 1 | 5/25 |
实践九号 SJ-9 | |||||||
实践九号 A星 SJ-9A | 2012/10/14 | 645 | 4 d | 30 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 2.5/10 |
实践九号 B星 SJ-9B | 2012/10/14 | 645 | 8 d | 18 | 红外相机 IR | 1 | 73 |
表3 有潜力进行生物多样性核心监测指标(EBVs)遥感数据获取的国产卫星及其主要参数介绍
Table 3 The specification of China’s satellites that has the potential to acquire EBVs-related remote sensing products
卫星名称 Satellite name | 发射日期 Launch time | 轨道高度 Orbit height (km) | 重访周期 Revisit capacity | 幅宽 Swath width (km) | 传感器类型 Sensor type | 波段 Number of bands | 空间分辨率 Spatial resolution (m) |
高分系列 GF series | |||||||
高分一号 GF-1 | 2013/4/26 | 645 | 4 d | 60 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 2/8 |
2 d | 800 | 宽视场多光谱 WFV-MS | 4 | 16 | |||
高分二号 GF-2 | 2014/8/19 | 631 | 5 d | 45 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 0.8/3.2 |
高分三号 GF-3 | 2016/8/10 | 755 | 2 d | 5-650 | 合成孔径雷达 SAR | 1 | 1-500 |
高分四号 GF-4 | 2015/12/29 | 36,000 | 20 s | 400 | 多光谱 MS | 5 | 50 |
400 | 中红外 MWIR | 1 | 400 | ||||
高分五号 GF-5 | 2018/5/9 | 705 | 5 d | 60 | 高光谱 HS | 330 | 30 |
60 | 多光谱 MS | 12 | 20/40 | ||||
高分六号 GF-6 | 2018/6/2 | 645 | 4 d | 90 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 2/8 |
2 d | 800 | 宽视场多光谱 WFV MS | 8 | 16 | |||
高分七号 GF-7 | 2019/11/3 | 505 | 5 d | 20 | 双线阵相机 DLC | 1 | 0.8/0.65 |
20 | 多光谱 MS | 4 | 3.2 | ||||
1.6 | 激光测高仪 LA | 1 | 0.1 | ||||
高分一号 02/03/04星 GF-1-02\03\04 | 2018/3/31 | 645 | 2 d | 66 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 2/8 |
资源系列 ZY series | |||||||
资源一号01/02星 ZY-1-01/02 | 1999/10/14 | 778 | 3 d | 113 | CCD相机 CCD | 5 | 20 |
3 d | 890 | 宽视场多光谱 WFV-MS | 2 | 258 | |||
26 d | 119.5 | 红外多光谱 MS-IR | 4 | 78/156 | |||
资源一号02B星 ZY-1-02B | 2007/12/19 | 778 | 3 d | 27 | 高分辨率相机 HD | 1 | 2.36 |
113 | CCD相机 CCD | 5 | 20 | ||||
890 | 宽视场多光谱 WFV-MS | 2 | 258 | ||||
资源一号02C星 ZY-1-02C | 2011/12/22 | 780 | 3 d | 54 | 高分辨率相机 HD | 1 | 2.36 |
60 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 4 | 5/10 | ||||
资源一号04星 ZY-1-04 | 2014/12/7 | 778 | 3 d | 60 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 4 | 5/10 |
26 d | 120 | 红外多光谱 MS-IR | 4 | 40/80 | |||
26 d | 120 | 多光谱 MS | 4 | 20 | |||
3 d | 866 | 宽视场多光谱 WFV MS | 4 | 73 | |||
资源一号02D星 ZY-1-02D | 2019/12/12 | 778 | 3 d | 115 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 9 | 2.5/10 |
60 | 高光谱相机 HS | 166 | 30 | ||||
资源三号01星 ZY-3-01 | 2012/1/9 | 506 | 5 d | 52 | 双线阵相机 DLC | 1 | 3.5 |
52 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 2.1/5.8 | ||||
资源三号02星 ZY-3-02 | 2016/5/3 | 505 | 3-5 d | 51 | 双线阵相机 DLC | 1 | 2.5 |
3 d | 51 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 4 | 2.1/5.8 | |||
资源三号03星 ZY-3-03 | 2020/7/25 | 505 | 3-5 d | 51 | 双线阵相机 DLC | 1 | 2.5 |
3 d | 51 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 4 | 2.1/5.8 | |||
5 d | 0.07 | 激光测高仪 LA | 1 | 1 | |||
环境一号 HS-1 | |||||||
环境一号 A星 HS-1A | 2008/9/6 | 649 | 4 d | 360 | CCD相机 CCD | 4 | 30 |
50 | 高光谱 HS | 115 | 100 | ||||
环境一号 B星 HS-1B | 2008/9/6 | 649 | 4 d | 360 | CCD相机 CCD | 4 | 30 |
720 | 红外多光谱 MS-IR | 4 | 150/300 | ||||
环境一号 C星 HS-1C | 2012/12/9 | 499 | 4 d | 40/100 | 合成孔径雷达 SAR | 1 | 5/25 |
实践九号 SJ-9 | |||||||
实践九号 A星 SJ-9A | 2012/10/14 | 645 | 4 d | 30 | 全色/多光谱 PAN/MS | 5 | 2.5/10 |
实践九号 B星 SJ-9B | 2012/10/14 | 645 | 8 d | 18 | 红外相机 IR | 1 | 73 |
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