生物多样性 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 44-52. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017314
所属专题: 生物入侵
# 共同第一作者
Hong Chen1, Xiaoqing Xian2, Rongzhou Qiu3, Meixiang Chi3, Jian Zhao1,*()
Zhao Jian
About author:
# Co-first authors
前期规划对外来入侵植物野外调查工作的顺利开展至关重要。本文将基于GIS的野外调查规划方法和入侵植物调查技术规范相结合, 利用地图资源丰富、分析功能强大的LocaSpace Viewer和奥维互动地图, 形成有针对性的野外调查规划方案。具体操作流程包括: (1)借助LocaSpace Viewer软件集成的高分辨率遥感数据和地理标注数据选取调查区域; (2)根据调查规范, 通过该软件的空间分析和地理要素编辑功能, 规划调查地理网格、调查点、样地、标准地和样方, 运用KML空间数据格式存储和分享调查规划信息; (3)在外业实施中使用移动版奥维互动地图软件的数据管理和导航功能实现调查规划信息的导入、定位和导航。通过在福建、广西和云南三省开展技术方法的实地应用与对比实验发现, 运用该方案的外业实施能够达到日平均调查6个样点, 采集调查数据80多条, 直线调查距离180 km, 调查点导航精度大于15 m。对比实验表明基于规划调查比未规划调查在时间利用效率上提高1倍, 工作效率得到显著提升。该方案为外来入侵植物的发生和危害等基础性调查工作提供了高效的技术支撑, 为生物多样性野外调查规划提供了参考方案。
陈宏, 冼晓青, 邱荣洲, 池美香, 赵健 (2018) 基于GIS的外来入侵植物调查规划与外业实施. 生物多样性, 26, 44-52. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017314.
Hong Chen, Xiaoqing Xian, Rongzhou Qiu, Meixiang Chi, Jian Zhao (2018) Planning and conducting field surveys of invasive alien species based on GIS. Biodiversity Science, 26, 44-52. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017314.
LocaSpace Viewer | Google Earth | |
在线地图资源 Online map resources | Google卫星影像、Google历史卫星影像、Google地形、天地图中国地图、天地图分省地图、天地图卫星影像、Bing地图、Bing卫星影像、气象图、中国地质图、中国植被覆盖图、中国水系图。Google satellite images, Google historical satellite images, Google terrain data, MAPWORLD map of China, MAPWORLD provincial map, MAPWORLD satellite images, Bing map, Bing satellite images, Meteorological map, Geological map of China, Vegetation coverage map of China, River map of China. | 卫星影像、历史卫星影像、地形。Google satellite images, Google historical satellite images, Google terrain data. |
地图标注 Map annotation data | 集成天地图标注, 覆盖全国的各级行政中心、居民点、兴趣点、各级公路、水系、铁路等要素。Integrating MAPWORLD annotation data, and important elements covering all levels of the country’s administrative centers, settlements, points of interest, all levels of roads, waterways and railways. | 提供省份及人口聚集地、省界、主要道路的标注, 但不完整。针对指定区域的标注需要导入KML地标文件。Providing incomplete annotation data of different provinces, population centers, provincial boundaries and the main roads. Placemark files in KML (Keyhole markup language) format for specific area is required to be imported into Google Earth. |
支持数据类型 Supported data types | KML数据、影像数据、地形数据、CAD数据、矢量数据、GPS数据。KML data, Image data, Terrain data, AutoCAD drawing database, Vector data, GPS data. | KML数据、影像数据、GPS数据。KML data, Image data, GPS data. |
分析功能 Analysis functions | 缓冲区分析、通视分析、可视域分析、填挖分析、剖面分析、距离测量、面积测量、三角测量。Buffer analysis, Visibility analysis, Visible range analysis, Fill analysis, Profile analysis, Distance measurement, Area measurement, Triangulation. | 距离测量、面积测量。Distance measurement, Area measurement. |
编辑功能 Editing functions | 添加地标、绘制线、绘制面、绘制矩形、要素编辑工具。Add placemark, Draw line, Draw surface, Draw rectangle, Feature editing tools. | 添加地标、添加多边形、添加路径。Add placemark, Add polygon, Add path. |
特色功能 Special features | 影像下载、地形下载、提取高程、数据转换、三维特效。Download satellite image and terrain data, Extract elevation, Data conversion, Three-dimensional effects. |
表1 LocaSpace Viewer与Google Earth数据资源与功能对比
Table 1 Comparison of LocaSpace Viewer with Google Earth in data resources and functions
LocaSpace Viewer | Google Earth | |
在线地图资源 Online map resources | Google卫星影像、Google历史卫星影像、Google地形、天地图中国地图、天地图分省地图、天地图卫星影像、Bing地图、Bing卫星影像、气象图、中国地质图、中国植被覆盖图、中国水系图。Google satellite images, Google historical satellite images, Google terrain data, MAPWORLD map of China, MAPWORLD provincial map, MAPWORLD satellite images, Bing map, Bing satellite images, Meteorological map, Geological map of China, Vegetation coverage map of China, River map of China. | 卫星影像、历史卫星影像、地形。Google satellite images, Google historical satellite images, Google terrain data. |
地图标注 Map annotation data | 集成天地图标注, 覆盖全国的各级行政中心、居民点、兴趣点、各级公路、水系、铁路等要素。Integrating MAPWORLD annotation data, and important elements covering all levels of the country’s administrative centers, settlements, points of interest, all levels of roads, waterways and railways. | 提供省份及人口聚集地、省界、主要道路的标注, 但不完整。针对指定区域的标注需要导入KML地标文件。Providing incomplete annotation data of different provinces, population centers, provincial boundaries and the main roads. Placemark files in KML (Keyhole markup language) format for specific area is required to be imported into Google Earth. |
支持数据类型 Supported data types | KML数据、影像数据、地形数据、CAD数据、矢量数据、GPS数据。KML data, Image data, Terrain data, AutoCAD drawing database, Vector data, GPS data. | KML数据、影像数据、GPS数据。KML data, Image data, GPS data. |
分析功能 Analysis functions | 缓冲区分析、通视分析、可视域分析、填挖分析、剖面分析、距离测量、面积测量、三角测量。Buffer analysis, Visibility analysis, Visible range analysis, Fill analysis, Profile analysis, Distance measurement, Area measurement, Triangulation. | 距离测量、面积测量。Distance measurement, Area measurement. |
编辑功能 Editing functions | 添加地标、绘制线、绘制面、绘制矩形、要素编辑工具。Add placemark, Draw line, Draw surface, Draw rectangle, Feature editing tools. | 添加地标、添加多边形、添加路径。Add placemark, Add polygon, Add path. |
特色功能 Special features | 影像下载、地形下载、提取高程、数据转换、三维特效。Download satellite image and terrain data, Extract elevation, Data conversion, Three-dimensional effects. |
奥维互动地图 Ovital map | OruxMaps | |
在线地图资源 Online map resources | 集成较多国内外地图资源, 包括: 百度地图、搜狗地图、Google地图、Google卫星图、Google卫星混合图、Google地形图、Bing卫星图、OpenCycle地形图。Integrate more map resources at home and abroad, including Baidu Map, Sogou Map, Google Map, Google satellite images, Google satellite images with labels, Google terrain data, Bing satellite images, OpenCycle terrain data. | 集成在线地图多为国外地图, 需要通过修改地图配置文件增加国内在线地图。Integrated with more foreign online maps; the users need to modify the map configuration file to increase the domestic online maps. |
支持操作系统 Supported operating system | Android, IOS (iPhone/ iPad), Windows, WindowsPhone | Android |
支持数据类型 Supported data types | KML, KMZ, GPX, PLT, DXF, DWG, TXT, CSV, SHP | KML, SHP, GPX |
软件界面 Software surface | 中文操作界面简洁 Simple Chinese interface | 界面功能按钮丰富, 部分英文菜单。Rich interface function with buttons partly in English. |
操作体验 Operating experience | 操作简单, 完全满足野外调查的数据浏览和导航需要。Simple operation; fully meet the needs of data browsing and navigation in field survey. | 提供丰富的户外地图浏览功能, 但需要一定的学习才能熟练操作。Have rich functionalities of outdoor map browsing, but the users are required to learn. |
特色功能 Special features | 数据网络存储 Provide network data storage |
表2 奥维互动地图与OruxMaps数据资源与功能对比
Table 2 Comparison of Ovital map with OruxMaps in data resources and functions
奥维互动地图 Ovital map | OruxMaps | |
在线地图资源 Online map resources | 集成较多国内外地图资源, 包括: 百度地图、搜狗地图、Google地图、Google卫星图、Google卫星混合图、Google地形图、Bing卫星图、OpenCycle地形图。Integrate more map resources at home and abroad, including Baidu Map, Sogou Map, Google Map, Google satellite images, Google satellite images with labels, Google terrain data, Bing satellite images, OpenCycle terrain data. | 集成在线地图多为国外地图, 需要通过修改地图配置文件增加国内在线地图。Integrated with more foreign online maps; the users need to modify the map configuration file to increase the domestic online maps. |
支持操作系统 Supported operating system | Android, IOS (iPhone/ iPad), Windows, WindowsPhone | Android |
支持数据类型 Supported data types | KML, KMZ, GPX, PLT, DXF, DWG, TXT, CSV, SHP | KML, SHP, GPX |
软件界面 Software surface | 中文操作界面简洁 Simple Chinese interface | 界面功能按钮丰富, 部分英文菜单。Rich interface function with buttons partly in English. |
操作体验 Operating experience | 操作简单, 完全满足野外调查的数据浏览和导航需要。Simple operation; fully meet the needs of data browsing and navigation in field survey. | 提供丰富的户外地图浏览功能, 但需要一定的学习才能熟练操作。Have rich functionalities of outdoor map browsing, but the users are required to learn. |
特色功能 Special features | 数据网络存储 Provide network data storage |
省份 Province | 调查日期 Survey date (Month/day) | 规划普查样地数量 Number of planned survey sample plots | 调查范围 Survey area | 外来入侵植物普查数据统计Statistics of invasive alien plants survey | |||||
农田 Farmland | 湿地 Wetland | 港口 Port | 覆盖县域数量Number of covered counties | 覆盖地理网格数量Number of geographic grids | 调查直线距离 Direct distance of survey (km) | 调查数据量 Number of records | 调查涉及种类 Number of species | ||
福建 Fujian | 4/23-25, 5/6-8 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 29 | 1,100 | 590 | 40 |
广西 Guangxi | 3/26-27 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 7 | 7 | 330 | 82 | 28 |
云南 Yunnan | 4/12-13 | 6 | 2 | 0 | 7 | 7 | 426 | 132 | 28 |
表3 2017年3-5月福建、广西、云南三省入侵植物普查工作统计
Table 3 Statistics of invasive alien plants survey in Fujian, Guangxi and Yunnan provinces between March and May, 2017
省份 Province | 调查日期 Survey date (Month/day) | 规划普查样地数量 Number of planned survey sample plots | 调查范围 Survey area | 外来入侵植物普查数据统计Statistics of invasive alien plants survey | |||||
农田 Farmland | 湿地 Wetland | 港口 Port | 覆盖县域数量Number of covered counties | 覆盖地理网格数量Number of geographic grids | 调查直线距离 Direct distance of survey (km) | 调查数据量 Number of records | 调查涉及种类 Number of species | ||
福建 Fujian | 4/23-25, 5/6-8 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 29 | 1,100 | 590 | 40 |
广西 Guangxi | 3/26-27 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 7 | 7 | 330 | 82 | 28 |
云南 Yunnan | 4/12-13 | 6 | 2 | 0 | 7 | 7 | 426 | 132 | 28 |
图4 农田、湿地、港口3种典型生态系统外来入侵植物普查样地和数据采集点空间分布
Fig. 4 Spatial distribution of sample plot and data collection points of invasive alien plants survey in three typical ecosystems of farmland, wetland and port
无规划调查 Unplanned survey | 基于规划的调查 Planned survey | |
覆盖县域数 Number of covered counties | 5 | 7 |
覆盖调查地理网格数 Number of covered geographic grids | 6 | 7 |
调查样地数量 Number of sample plots | 9 | 13 |
调查区生境类型 Habitat types in the survey area | 河岸、农田 Riverside, farmland | 农田、港口、高速公路沿线、荒地、公园、园林绿化 Farmland, Ports, areas along the expressway, wasteland, parks, landscaping |
调查点间平均直线距离 Average direct distance between survey points (km) | 53.5 | 30.5 |
调查点间直线距离标准差 Standard deviation of direct distance between survey points (km) | 68.2 | 27.7 |
调查点间行程平均花费时间 Average cost of travel time between survey points (min) | 128 | 66 |
调查点间行程花费时间标准差 Standard deviation of travel time between survey points (min) | 127 | 36 |
表4 无规划调查与基于规划的调查指标数据比较
Table 4 Comparison of target data for unplanned survey and planned survey
无规划调查 Unplanned survey | 基于规划的调查 Planned survey | |
覆盖县域数 Number of covered counties | 5 | 7 |
覆盖调查地理网格数 Number of covered geographic grids | 6 | 7 |
调查样地数量 Number of sample plots | 9 | 13 |
调查区生境类型 Habitat types in the survey area | 河岸、农田 Riverside, farmland | 农田、港口、高速公路沿线、荒地、公园、园林绿化 Farmland, Ports, areas along the expressway, wasteland, parks, landscaping |
调查点间平均直线距离 Average direct distance between survey points (km) | 53.5 | 30.5 |
调查点间直线距离标准差 Standard deviation of direct distance between survey points (km) | 68.2 | 27.7 |
调查点间行程平均花费时间 Average cost of travel time between survey points (min) | 128 | 66 |
调查点间行程花费时间标准差 Standard deviation of travel time between survey points (min) | 127 | 36 |
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