生物多样性 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 639-650. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2013.12134
Hongwei Wan, Qingmin Pan, Yongfei Bai*()
Bai Yongfei
建立生物多样性监测网络是生物多样性保护和研究的基础, 在一些发达国家相关的工作已经比较完善, 我国森林生物多样性监测的网络也已经初具规模(http://www.cfbiodiv.org/), 而国家尺度上的草地生物多样性监测网络尚未建设。我国草地面积广, 野生动植物资源丰富, 对环境因子变化响应敏感且受人类活动干扰的影响较为强烈。建立国家尺度上的草地生物多样性监测网络, 对于揭示我国草地生物多样性资源现状, 研究其变化规律与机制, 监督和指导保护实践至关重要。作者在借鉴国外监测指标体系的基础上, 结合我国的草地资源和利用现状, 从整合政策和科学两方面的需求, 并考虑监测指标遴选及其空间异质性和检出概率, 结合拟探讨的具体科学问题, 提出了我国草地生物多样性监测与研究网络的指标体系和具体监测方案。该方案以草地植物多样性研究为核心, 兼顾草地生态系统健康和功能, 包含3类27项82个具体指标, 并给出了监测样地选取与设置的方案, 以及每个指标的野外监测方法与数据获取途径。最后, 作者以2012年在内蒙古的一个调查样地为例, 简要阐述了野外工作流程和注意事项, 并展示了部分野外调查结果。
万宏伟, 潘庆民, 白永飞 (2013) 中国草地生物多样性监测网络的指标体系及实施方案. 生物多样性, 21, 639-650. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2013.12134.
Hongwei Wan,Qingmin Pan,Yongfei Bai (2013) China grassland biodiversity monitoring network: indicators and implementation plan. Biodiversity Science, 21, 639-650. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2013.12134.
序号 No. | 监测项 Parameters | 具体指标 Indicators | 获取途径 Sources | 空间尺度 Spatial scale/level |
1 | 植物群落的物种组成 Species composition of plant community | 植物物种名录 Plant species list | 野外观测(样方) Field observation (quadrats) | 样地和景观尺度 Plot (1 ha) and landscape (25 ha) |
2 | 植物物种多度 Abundance | 物种的地上生物量和个体密度 Aboveground biomass and species density | 景观尺度 Landscape | |
3 | 植物群落的盖度 Coverage | 冠层盖度 Canopy coverage | 景观尺度 Landscape | |
4 | 种-面积关系 Species-area relationship | 物种名录 Species list | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
5 | 物种的点格局分析 Point pattern analysis | 个体的空间位置 Position of individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
6 | 植物功能性状 Plant functional traits | 植株高度、茎叶比、比叶面积、单叶重、单叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶氮含量、叶磷含量 Height, leaf stem ratio, specific leaf area, leaf weight, leaf area, leaf dry matter content, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf phosphorus content | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 物种水平 Species |
生长型、生活史策略、光合途径、固氮能力、克隆生长特性、根系结构和子叶类型 Growth form, life history strategies, photosynthetic pathways, nitrogen fixation ability, clonal growth characteristics, root structure and cotyledon types | 文献检索 Literature | 物种水平 Species | ||
7 | 植物种库 Plant species pool | 物种名录 Species list | 野外观测(样带) Field observations (transects) | 景观尺度 Landscape |
8 | 植物多样性 Plant diversity | α、β、γ多样性, 物种丰富度、物种均匀度、物种多样性、功能多样性、谱系多样性 α, β, γ diversity, species richness, species evenness, species diversity, functional diversity, and phylogenetic diversity | 基于本 | 样地、景观、区域到国家尺度 Plot, landscape, regional to national |
9 | 哺乳动物多样性 Mammal diversity | 珍稀、濒危动物的有无 Presence or absence of rare and endangered species | 社会调研 Social investigation | 区域尺度 Regional |
10 | 微生物多样性 Microbial diversity | 分类操作单元 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
11 | 昆虫多样性 Insect diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
12 | 鸟类的多样性 Bird diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
13 | 蝴蝶的多样性 Butterfly diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
14 | 蝗灾的状况 Locust outbreak | 蝗虫个体的数量 Number of locust individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
15 | 鼠害的状况 Rodent damage | 鼠洞和土丘的密度 Density of rat holes and mounds | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
16 | 净初级生产力 Net primary production | 地上、地下净初级生产力 Aboveground and belowground net primary production | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
17 | 土壤碳、氮、磷储量 Soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus stocks | 土壤容重、土壤碳氮磷含量 Soil bulk density and soil C, N, P content | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
18 | 水土保持力 Soil and water conservation | 裸地面积、凋落物量及凋落物覆盖度、植被盖度 Bare soil proportion, litter mass and coverage, and vegetation coverage | 野外观测、取样和室内分析 Field observation, sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地和景观尺度 Plot and landscape scale |
19 | 地下水供给 Groundwater supply | 地下水水位及水质 Groundwater level and quality | 野外测量、取样和室内分析 Field observation, sampling and laboratory analysis | 景观到区域尺度Landscape to regional |
20 | 气象因子 Meteorological factors | 降水、气温、年潜在蒸散量、年实际蒸散量、年总太阳辐射、年光和有效辐射、积温 Precipitation, temperature, annual potential evapotranspiration, annual actual evapotranspiration, annual total solar radiation, annual effective radiation, and annual accumulated temperature | 气象站实测、模型插值Meteorological station measurement and model interpolation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
21 | 其他环境变化因子 Other environmental change factors | 大气CO2分压、氮沉降量、酸沉降量 CO2 partial pressure, acid and nitrogen deposition | 地面实测、模型计算和预测 Direct measurement and Interpolation | 景观到区域尺度Landscape toregional |
22 | 土壤理化性质 Soil physical and chemical properties | 土壤类型、质地、酸碱度、有机质含量、持水量 Soil type, texture, pH, organic matter content, water holding capacity | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
23 | 地形因素 Topography | 坡向、坡度、地表起伏度、地表粗糙度 Aspect, slope, surface waviness and roughness | 通过DEM数据计算获得 Derived from DEM data | 样地和景观尺度 Plot and landscape |
24 | 土地利用 Land use | 土地利用类型、土地利用强度、土地利用历史 Types, intensity and history of land use | 遥感、社调和文献检索 Remote sensing, social investigation and literature | 景观到区域尺度Landscape to regional |
家畜(牛马羊)粪便密度 Livestock (sheep, horse, cattle) manure density | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape | ||
25 | 社会经济因素Socio-economic factors | 人口数量、生活来源、人均收入 Population, source of income, per capita income | 社会调研和年鉴统计资料检索 Social investigation and annual books | 区域尺度 Regional |
26 | 景观因素 Landscape factors | 生境破碎化程度 Degree of habitat fragmentation | 遥感 Remote sensing | 区域尺度 Regional |
27 | 地史进化因素 Geohistory and evolutionary factors | 地质历史和进化历史 Geological and evolutionary history | 文献检索、谱系分析 Literature, phylogenetic analysis | 区域尺度 Regional |
表1 草地生物多样性监测指标体系、测度尺度和数据获取途径
Table 1 Indicators of China grassland biodiversity monitoring, their measurement scale and sources
序号 No. | 监测项 Parameters | 具体指标 Indicators | 获取途径 Sources | 空间尺度 Spatial scale/level |
1 | 植物群落的物种组成 Species composition of plant community | 植物物种名录 Plant species list | 野外观测(样方) Field observation (quadrats) | 样地和景观尺度 Plot (1 ha) and landscape (25 ha) |
2 | 植物物种多度 Abundance | 物种的地上生物量和个体密度 Aboveground biomass and species density | 景观尺度 Landscape | |
3 | 植物群落的盖度 Coverage | 冠层盖度 Canopy coverage | 景观尺度 Landscape | |
4 | 种-面积关系 Species-area relationship | 物种名录 Species list | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
5 | 物种的点格局分析 Point pattern analysis | 个体的空间位置 Position of individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
6 | 植物功能性状 Plant functional traits | 植株高度、茎叶比、比叶面积、单叶重、单叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶氮含量、叶磷含量 Height, leaf stem ratio, specific leaf area, leaf weight, leaf area, leaf dry matter content, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf phosphorus content | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 物种水平 Species |
生长型、生活史策略、光合途径、固氮能力、克隆生长特性、根系结构和子叶类型 Growth form, life history strategies, photosynthetic pathways, nitrogen fixation ability, clonal growth characteristics, root structure and cotyledon types | 文献检索 Literature | 物种水平 Species | ||
7 | 植物种库 Plant species pool | 物种名录 Species list | 野外观测(样带) Field observations (transects) | 景观尺度 Landscape |
8 | 植物多样性 Plant diversity | α、β、γ多样性, 物种丰富度、物种均匀度、物种多样性、功能多样性、谱系多样性 α, β, γ diversity, species richness, species evenness, species diversity, functional diversity, and phylogenetic diversity | 基于本 | 样地、景观、区域到国家尺度 Plot, landscape, regional to national |
9 | 哺乳动物多样性 Mammal diversity | 珍稀、濒危动物的有无 Presence or absence of rare and endangered species | 社会调研 Social investigation | 区域尺度 Regional |
10 | 微生物多样性 Microbial diversity | 分类操作单元 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
11 | 昆虫多样性 Insect diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
12 | 鸟类的多样性 Bird diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
13 | 蝴蝶的多样性 Butterfly diversity | 种数和个体数 Number of species and individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
14 | 蝗灾的状况 Locust outbreak | 蝗虫个体的数量 Number of locust individuals | 野外观测 Field observation | 样地尺度 Plot |
15 | 鼠害的状况 Rodent damage | 鼠洞和土丘的密度 Density of rat holes and mounds | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
16 | 净初级生产力 Net primary production | 地上、地下净初级生产力 Aboveground and belowground net primary production | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
17 | 土壤碳、氮、磷储量 Soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus stocks | 土壤容重、土壤碳氮磷含量 Soil bulk density and soil C, N, P content | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
18 | 水土保持力 Soil and water conservation | 裸地面积、凋落物量及凋落物覆盖度、植被盖度 Bare soil proportion, litter mass and coverage, and vegetation coverage | 野外观测、取样和室内分析 Field observation, sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地和景观尺度 Plot and landscape scale |
19 | 地下水供给 Groundwater supply | 地下水水位及水质 Groundwater level and quality | 野外测量、取样和室内分析 Field observation, sampling and laboratory analysis | 景观到区域尺度Landscape to regional |
20 | 气象因子 Meteorological factors | 降水、气温、年潜在蒸散量、年实际蒸散量、年总太阳辐射、年光和有效辐射、积温 Precipitation, temperature, annual potential evapotranspiration, annual actual evapotranspiration, annual total solar radiation, annual effective radiation, and annual accumulated temperature | 气象站实测、模型插值Meteorological station measurement and model interpolation | 景观尺度 Landscape |
21 | 其他环境变化因子 Other environmental change factors | 大气CO2分压、氮沉降量、酸沉降量 CO2 partial pressure, acid and nitrogen deposition | 地面实测、模型计算和预测 Direct measurement and Interpolation | 景观到区域尺度Landscape toregional |
22 | 土壤理化性质 Soil physical and chemical properties | 土壤类型、质地、酸碱度、有机质含量、持水量 Soil type, texture, pH, organic matter content, water holding capacity | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 样地尺度 Plot |
23 | 地形因素 Topography | 坡向、坡度、地表起伏度、地表粗糙度 Aspect, slope, surface waviness and roughness | 通过DEM数据计算获得 Derived from DEM data | 样地和景观尺度 Plot and landscape |
24 | 土地利用 Land use | 土地利用类型、土地利用强度、土地利用历史 Types, intensity and history of land use | 遥感、社调和文献检索 Remote sensing, social investigation and literature | 景观到区域尺度Landscape to regional |
家畜(牛马羊)粪便密度 Livestock (sheep, horse, cattle) manure density | 野外观测 Field observation | 景观尺度 Landscape | ||
25 | 社会经济因素Socio-economic factors | 人口数量、生活来源、人均收入 Population, source of income, per capita income | 社会调研和年鉴统计资料检索 Social investigation and annual books | 区域尺度 Regional |
26 | 景观因素 Landscape factors | 生境破碎化程度 Degree of habitat fragmentation | 遥感 Remote sensing | 区域尺度 Regional |
27 | 地史进化因素 Geohistory and evolutionary factors | 地质历史和进化历史 Geological and evolutionary history | 文献检索、谱系分析 Literature, phylogenetic analysis | 区域尺度 Regional |
图1 单个监测样地上样线、样方、种-面积关系及点格局调查点的空间布局示意图。
Fig. 1 Layout of the transects, quadrats, species-area relations and point pattern observation positions within each monitoring plot.
图3 2012年内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站(IMGERS)周边的一个监测样地内各植物物种的频度和排序
Fig. 3 Rank of the plant species according to frequency in a surveyed plot for monitoring grassland biodiversity around the Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Station (IMGERS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012
图4 2012年内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站(IMGERS)周边的一个监测样地植物物种基于调查取样面积对数转换值(a-c)和实际调查取样面积(d-f)的种-面积关系
Fig. 4 Species-area relationship of the plant species based on both logarithm transformed area (a-c) and actual investigation area (d-f) from a grassland biodiversity monitoring plot around the Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Station (IMGERS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012
图5 2012年内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站(IMGERS)周边的一个监测样地内蝴蝶(A)和鸟类(B)的种类、数量和排序
Fig. 5 Rank of the butterfly (A) and bird (B) species according to numbers in a grassland biodiversity monitoring plot around the Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Station (IMGERS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012
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